71 research outputs found

    Technological Advances in Cutaneous Wound Repair

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2019A pele atua como a primeira linha de proteção contra o ambiente externo e fornece funções essenciais. Quando a sua integridade é comprometida devido a complicações mecânicas, físicas ou relacionadas com o metabolismo, é geralmente observado um maior risco de danos adicionais. Além disso, vários fatores levam ao comprometimento do processo de cicatrização, o que pode levar a feridas crónicas e, consequentemente, causar sofrimento, aumentar a suscetibilidade a infeções e diminuir a qualidade de vida dos doentes. A presente tese de mestrado descreve brevemente a anatomia e fisiologia da pele, as mudanças estruturais e funcionais desta ao longo do tempo, a patogénese das feridas crónicas e as abordagens terapêuticas desenvolvidas para tratar infeções e estimular o processo de cicatrização. Assim, nesta tese de mestrado, focámo-nos em terapias mais tradicionais (como por exemplo, enxertos e pensos) e em abordagens inovadoras, das quais fazem parte os substitutos cutâneos e sistemas nanotecnológicos. Outros tipos de estratégias avançadas no tratamento de feridas incluem terapias com células estaminais e fatores de crescimento, terapia génica, terapia por pressão negativa, oxigenoterapia hiperbárica e outras. De forma geral, esta dissertação cobre os recentes avanços tecnológicos nas duas últimas décadas e discute possíveis perspetivas no tratamento de feridas.The skin acts as the first line of protection against environmental exposure and provides essential functions. When its integrity is compromised due to mechanical, physical or metabolism-related issues, a higher risk of further damage is commonly observed. Besides, several factors lead to impaired wound healing, which may lead to chronic wounds and consequently cause suffering, increase the susceptibility of infections, and decrease the quality of life of patients. The present master thesis briefly describes the anatomy and physiology of the skin, the structural and functional changes over time, chronic wound pathogenesis and therapeutic approaches designed to treat infections and stimulate the healing process. Hence, in this master thesis, we focused on both traditional therapies (e.g. grafts and wound dressings) and innovative approaches, including engineered skin substitutes and nano-based drug delivery systems. Other types of advanced wound care strategies include stem cells therapies, growth factors therapies, gene therapy vectors, negative pressure wound therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and others. This overview covers the latest advancements in the past two decades and discusses possible prospects in wound management.Farmácia Central da Bobadela, Hospital Beatriz Ângel

    Transformação microbiológica de guaienos: biotransformação do guaiol

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    Nos últimos anos, a biotransformação ou transformação microbiológica tem evidenciado o seu potencial nas mais variadas áreas e uma importante aplicação desta é na produção de novos compostos com diferentes actividades biológicas (principalmente a actividade antimicrobiológica). Para desenvolver este projecto de investigação foram utilizados dois fungos: o Rhizopus stolonifer e o Aspergillus niger. O produto natural a ser biotransformado foi um derivado de esqueleto guaiano, o guaiol, extraído da planta Bulnesia sarmientoi, que possui forte actividade biológica. O guaiol teve que ser purificado através de uma coluna cromatográfica realizada a partir da essência cristalizada da planta Bulnesia sarmientoi. Este produto foi purificado com cerca de 50 % de rendimento de purificação. Inicialmente para a biotransformação propôs-se utilizar um tempo de incubação de 13 dias, mas depois, e tendo em conta os resultados obtidos para o tempo proposto optou-se por testar também para 5 dias de incubação. Depois da biotransformação foi feita a extracção dos produtos com solventes orgânicos. Procedeu-se à evaporação do solvente e obteve-se uma mistura de compostos. A sua separação foi efectuada através de uma coluna cromatográfica (coluna de sílica gel) e os mesmos foram caracterizados por diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas. Foram realizados espectros de infravermelho (IV), espectros de ressonância magnética nuclear de protão e de carbono (1H-RMN e 13C-RMN) e realizou-se o seu espectro de massa por cromatografia de massa gasosa (GC-MS). Conseguiram obter-se dois produtos, um com cada fungo e para um tempo de incubação de 13 dias. Para um período de 5 dias a biotransformação não se mostrou ser efectiva para nenhum dos microrganismos. Para o fungo Rhizopus stolonifer obteve-se um composto com 6 mg, de fórmula química C15H24O2, o 9-hidroxi-5,11-epoxiguaien-1-eno, e para o Aspergillus niger obteve-se um composto com 12,5 mg, de fórmula química C15H26O2, o 11,15-dihidroxiguaien-1(5)-eno. Como tal, concluiu-se que a biotransformação com o Aspergillus niger durante 13 dias foi mais eficiente, sendo este fungo mais sensível ao substrato, mostrando-se mais selectivo.In recent years, biotransformation or microbial transformation has demonstrated its potential in various areas and an important application of this is to produce new compounds with different biological activities (mainly the antimicrobial activity). To develop this research project we used two fungi: Rhizopus stolonifer and Aspergillus niger. The natural product to be biotransformed was a derivative of guaiane, the guaiol, which is extracted from the plant Bulnesia sarmientoi which has strong biological activity. The guaiol had to be purified through a chromatography column, made from the crystallized essence of the plant Bulnesia sarmientoi. The guaiol was purified with 50% yield of purification. Initially for the biotransformation, it was proposed to use an incubation time of 13 days but then, taking into account the results obtained for the initial time, we decided to test also for 5 days of incubation. After the biotransformation, the products extraction was performed with organic solvents. After the solvent evaporation it was obtained a mixture of compounds. Their separation was carried out by a column chromatography (silica gel column) and they were characterized by different spectroscopic techniques. Spectra were infrared (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of proton and carbon ( 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR) and held their mass spectra by gas chromatography mass (GC-MS). It was obtained two products, one for each fungus and with an incubation time of 13 days. For five days the biotransformation was not shown to be effective for any microorganism. For the fungus Rhizopus stolonifer was obtained a compound with 6 mg, with C15H24O2 for chemical formula, the 9-hidroxi-5,11-epoxiguaien-1-ene, and for the Aspergillus niger was obtained a compound with 12.5 mg, with C15H26O2 for chemical formula, the 11,15- dihidroxiguaien-1(5)-ene. As such, it was concluded that the biotransformation with Aspergillus niger during 13 days was more efficient and more selective

    Contribuição do Neuromarketing para o estudo da Antroentomofagia

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    A população global está a aumentar (Wendin & Nyberg, 2021). E em 2050 prevêem-se 9 mil milhões de pessoas. Este facto permite anteceder desafios de segurança alimentar com riscos para a existência humana (Simion et al., 2019; Yazici & Ozer, 2021), o que motiva a procura de novas alternativas alimentares, como é o caso da alimentação à base de insetos. Este tipo de alimentação é uma alternativa nova no mundo ocidental, do qual Portugal faz parte. A comercialização de insetos em Portugal foi autorizada em junho de 2021. No entanto, a aceitação desta alternativa alimentar carece de investigação. Procurando responder à questão: “é possível mudar a perceção da população ocidental relativamente à alimentação à base de insetos?”, a investigação efetuada procurou identificar como se sentem as pessoas perante a confrontação e a experimentação de alimentos à base de insetos. A investigação recorreu a diferentes técnicas por terem sido consideradas como complementares. Os dados do inquérito por questionário, da experimentação de barra de insetos versus a barra de cereais (recorrendo à eletroencefalografia e eletrocardiografia), do preenchimento de Self Assessment Manikin, do inquérito por entrevista e da gravação de vídeo auxiliaram na compreensão do fenómeno. Concluiu-se que embora exista alguma surpresa (por falta de conhecimento desta nova alternativa alimentar) e alguma repugnância e medo relativamente aos insetos, esta opção tem potencial de entrada no mercado, pois o resultado da avaliação da experiência foi considerado positivo pelos participantes da amostra.The world population is increasing (Wendin & Nyberg, 2021) projected to reach 9 billion in 2050. This fact allows anticipating food security challenges with risks to human existence (Simion et al., 2019; Yazici & Ozer, 2021) that motivates the search for new food alternatives, as is the case of insect-based food. This type of food is a new alternative in the Western world, of which Portugal is part. Although the commercialization of insects in Portugal was ruled in June 2021 and this was a major achievement, the acceptance of this food alternative lacks research. On the other hand, the level of knowledge and available food alternatives is still scarce. Seeking to answer the question: "is it possible to change the perception of the occidental population towards insect-based food?", this research sought to identify how people feel when confronted with and trying out insect-based food. The research used different techniques as they were considered complementary. Data generated with a questionnaire, an experiment of the insect bar versus the cereal bar (using electroencephalography and electrocardiography), the Self-Assessment Manikin, the interview, and the video recording, helped understand the phenomenon. It was concluded that although there is some surprise (due to lack of knowledge of this new food alternative) and some repugnance and fear towards insects, this option has the potential to enter the market, since the result of the experience assessment was considered positive by the participants


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    Objetivo: presentar prevalencia y niveles de consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios del norte de Portugal.Método: estudio descriptivo-correlativo, cuantitativo, transversal, “bola de nieve”,desarrollado entre febrero y marzo de 2019, estudiantes matriculados en universidades del norte de Portugal y mayores de 18 años.Resultados: muestra con 570 individuos, de entre 18 y 63 años; El 70,7% de las mujeres, el 15,7% reportaron consumo excesivo y los estudiantes portugueses consumen menos. 81,4% están en el nivel de consumo I; 1,6% en el nivel II; 2,6% nivel III; 1.4% nivel IV. Los machos consumen más en las zonas II, III y IV y las hembras en la zona I.Conclusión: podemos concluir que la mayoría de los estudiantes universitarios consumen en los niveles recomendados por quién, pero hay un porcentaje considerable que su nivel de consumo puede conducir a un daño significativo a la salud de los estudiantes, como su rendimiento académico.Objective: To assess and present the prevalence levels of alcohol consumption in university students in the northern region of Portugal.Method: A descriptive-correlational, quantitative, cross-sectional, “snowball” study wasconducted between February and March 2019, including students older than 18 years and enrolled in universities in northern Portugal.Results: The sample was composed of 570 individuals, aged between 18 and 63; 70.7% were female, 15.7% reported heavy drinking, with Portuguese students consuming less. Of all individuals, 81.4% are at risk level I; 1.6% at level II; 2.6% at level III; 1.4% at level IV. Males consume more at zones II, III, and IV and females at zone I.Conclusion: Findings show that the majority of university students consume at levelsrecommended by the World Health Organization but a considerable amount of studentsdrinks at levels that can damage their health and their academic performance severely.Objetivo: apresentar prevalência e níveis de consumo de álcool em estudantes universitários da zona norte de Portugal.Método: estudo descritivo-correlacional, quantitativo, transversal, tipo “bola de neve”, desenvolvido entre fevereiro e março de 2019, com estudantes inscritos nas universidades do norte de Portugal e maiores de 18 anos.Resultados: amostra com 570 indivíduos, idade entre 18 e 63; 70,7% do sexo feminino, 15,7% reporta consumo excessivo, sendo os estudantes portugueses que consomem menos. 81,4% encontram-se no nível I de consumo; 1,6% no nível II; 2,6% nível III; 1,4% nível IV. O sexo masculino consome mais na zona II, III e IV e o sexo feminino na zona I.Conclusão: podemos concluir que a maioria dos estudantes universitários consome em níveis recomendados pela OMS mas existe uma percentagem considerável cujo nível de consumo pode levar a danos significativos à saúde dos estudantes, como ao seu desempenho acadêmico

    Nanocrystalline Anatase Tio2/reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Films As Photoanodes For Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Studies: The Role Of Reduced Graphene Oxide.

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    Nanocrystalline TiO2 and reduced graphene oxide (TiO2/RGO) composite films were prepared by combining a sol-gel method with hydrothermal treatment, employing titanium isopropoxide (Ti(O(i)Pr)4) and graphene oxide (GO) as starting materials. Although several reports in the literature have explored the benefits of RGO addition in titania films for photocatalysis and water splitting reactions, the role of RGO in the composite is always described as that of a material that is able to act as an electron acceptor and transport electrons more efficiently. However, in most of these reports, no clear evidence for this role is presented, and the main focus is deviated to the improved efficiency and not to the reasons for said efficiency. In this study, we employed several techniques to definitively present our understanding of the role of RGO in titania composite films. The TiO2/RGO composite films were characterized by X ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, microscopy and electrochemical techniques. In photoelectrochemical water splitting studies, the TiO2/RGO(0.1%) photoelectrodes showed the highest photocurrent density values (0.20 mA cm(-2) at 1.23 VRHE) compared to other electrodes, with an increase of 78% in relation to pristine TiO2 film (0.11 mA cm(-2) at 1.23 VRHE). The transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) results indicated increases in the lifetime and yield of both the photogenerated holes and electrons. Interestingly, the TiO2/RGO(0.1%) film exhibited the best charge generation upon excitation, corroborating the photoelectrochemical data. We proposed that in films with lower concentrations (<0.1 wt%), the RGO sheets are electron acceptors, and a decrease in the charge recombination processes is the immediate consequence. Thus, both holes and electrons live longer and contribute more effectively to the photocurrent density.182608-261

    The contribution of tourism to the Portuguese economy: comparison between 2019 and 2022 (pre-Covid-19 and post-Covid-19)

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    Tourism has developed in the last decade (2011/2020), allowing the growth of different destinations. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to understand the main characteristics of tourism supply and demand in Portugal and identify its importance and contribution to the Portuguese economy, through the comparison of data from 2019 with that from 2022 (pre-Covid-19 and post-Covid-19). In this article, we opted for a qualitative methodology, in a systematic review of the literature, and a quantitative methodology, in the analysis and interpretation of the various official statistics on Portuguese tourism. Regarding the results, the importance of the sector can be seen in the comparison of overnight stays from January to September of 2019 and 2022, where there was an increase in demand. Regarding revenues in the same period (January to September), it shows that in 2022 these were 14.4 billion euros, while those recorded in 2019 were 12.66 billion euros. In 2022 it was found that the United Kingdom is the country that stands out most in terms of international overnight stays in Portugal, and thus the one that contributed most to tourism revenue. We conclude that there was, in 2022 as compared to 2019, a significant growth in revenue that shows a positive relationship between the tourism sector and its impact on the Portuguese economy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of electrochemical genosensors for the detection of toxic dinoflagellate alexandrium spp.

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    Microalgae represent a photosynthetic microorganisms’ group that inhabit both salt and fresh waters. These microorganisms, namely several species of dinoflagellates (e.g. Alexandrium spp.)1 , are mostly harmless; however, some species produce toxins classified as unsafe to human health. The uncontrolled proliferation of such species results in a hazardous occurring event designated harmful algal blooms (HAB). The effects of these episodes can lead to severe ecological and socio-economic impacts (e.g. decrease of the local tourism, fishing and port activities, the contamination or death of the nearby wildlife, discoloration of the beach coasts). Therefore, the need for a rapid, selective and in real time detection device that can monitor the presence of these microalgae in aquaculture waters is critical to prevent human, ecological and economical losses. In this work, an analytical approach based on electrochemical genosensor techniques was developed to create a low cost platform able to detect the dinoflagellates: Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium ostenfledii. The design of this genosensor consisted of several steps including: i) Sensing phase: Creation of a mixed self assembled monolayer (SAM) composed by a linear DNA capture probe (DNA-CP) and mercaptohexanol (MCH) onto screen-printed gold electrodes (SPGE) surface; ii) Heterogenous hybridization of complementary DNA sequence (DNA target) by using a sandwich format assay with enzymatic labels and iii) Electrochemical detection by chronoamperometry using an enzymatic scheme to amplify the electrochemical signal (Figure 1). The best analytical conditions were used to study the relationship between electrochemical signal and DNA target concentration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio