1,927 research outputs found

    A Instrumentalização de Metáforas no Campo do Management: Reflexões a Partir do Uso da Obra “A Arte da Guerra” na Área de Negócios

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    The debate about the use of metaphors in the organizational context in the last decades has not been exhausted, especially in discourse studies. Inserting itself in this discussion, the present essay problematizes the anachronistic dimension in the use of metaphors in the field of management. From a hermeneutic-critical perspective, we argue that the use of metaphors in managerial literature sometimes reflects a utilitarian and anachronistic distortion of the contexts originating in metaphorical symbolic forms. In this sense, the strategic use of language can inhibit the interpretive autonomy of individuals, that is, colonize their interpretive horizons by the persuasive induction of simplistic and utilitarian worldviews about organizational reality. We use the essay form as a method, and we rely theoretically on Alvesson’s critical approach, on the hermeneutics by Gadamer and Ricoeur, and on Habermas’ Critical Theory. We illustrate our argument by recurring use of the work “The Art of War” as a metaphor for managerial practice.O debate sobre o uso das metáforas no contexto organizacional nas últimas décadas ainda não se encontra esgotado, especialmente nos estudos sobre discurso. Inserindo-se nessa discussão, o presente ensaio problematiza a dimensão anacrônica no uso de metáforas no campo do management. A partir de uma visada hermenêutico-crítica, argumentamos que o uso de metáforas na literatura gerencialista por vezes reflete uma distorção utilitária e anacrônica dos contextos originários das formas simbólicas metaforizadas. Nesse sentido, o uso estratégico da linguagem pode inibir a autonomia interpretativa dos sujeitos, ou seja, colonizando seus horizontes interpretativos pela indução persuasiva de visões de mundo simplistas e utilitárias sobre a realidade organizacional. Utilizamos a forma ensaística como método e nos amparamos teoricamente na abordagem crítica de Alvesson, nas hermenêuticas de Gadamer e Ricoeur, e na Teoria Crítica de Habermas. Ilustramos nosso argumento através do uso recorrente da obra “A Arte da Guerra” como metáfora para prática gerencial

    Management of asymptomatic gene carriers of transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy

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    © 2016 The Authors Muscle & Nerve Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.Transthyretin familial amyloid polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP) is a rare, severe, and irreversible, adult-onset, hereditary disorder caused by autosomal-dominant mutations in the TTR gene that increase the intrinsic propensity of transthyretin protein to misfold and deposit systemically as insoluble amyloid fibrils in nerve tissues, the heart, and other organs. TTR-FAP is characterized by relentless, progressively debilitating polyneuropathy, and leads to death, on average, within 10 years of symptom onset without treatment. With increased availability of disease-modifying treatment options for a wider spectrum of patients with TTR-FAP, timely detection of the disease may offer substantial clinical benefits. This review discusses mutation-specific predictive genetic testing in first-degree relatives of index patients diagnosed with TTR-FAP and the structured clinical follow-up of asymptomatic gene carriers for prompt diagnosis and early therapeutic intervention before accumulation of substantial damage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Beco das Artes: Festas, imaginários e ambiências subversivas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

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    A partir das considerações de que a festa: a) é historicamente uma paisagem urbana; b) imputa à rua novos comportamentos e usos sociais; c) apresenta a transição de uma paisagem cotidiana para uma festiva, propondo certa ruptura; d) carrega em si um possível caráter transgressor mediado pela ambiência noturna, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as experiências festivas noturnas de rua a partir de práticas subversivas que se intensificaram nos últimos 5 anos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, especificamente no Beco das Artes. Para tanto, nos alicerçamos nas teorias e metodologias da percepção, dos sentidos e do imaginário social

    UPPERCARE: a community aware environment for post-surgical musculoskeletal recovery of elderly patients

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    Trabalho apresentado na Conferência Internacional realizada em Wellington, Nova Zelândia, de 26-28 de abril de 2017Disability from musculoskeletal diseases and comorbidities may lead to the worsening of social and economic well-being through a multitude of paths. Moreover since in European Union (EU) Member States it is projected that those aged 65 and over will become a much larger share (rising from 17% to 30% of the population), and those aged 80 and over (rising from 5% to 12%) will almost become as numerous as the young population in 2060, there is a great potential for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) solutions for addressing the present and future living arrangements in older people. The UPPERCARE system is meant to affect positively both the intergenerational and partners care since it contributes to decrease usability barriers and promote collaborative environments for informal and self-care. UPPERCARE is a new approach for integrated care supported by ICT systems and services, focusing on post-operative rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pathologies, having as a case study the knee post-operative scenarios of prosthetic care. This paper presents the UPPERCARE system, that provides an integrated care solution, supported ICT, for empowering self-care and adherence to rehabilitation plans through natural interfaces, gamification and cross-modal paths for community care collaboration. The system addresses current barriers from technological, clinical, social and organisational perspectives in a multidisciplinary environment. Special attention is given to the patients’ needs and behaviours entailing the participation of a wide care community, including clinical and non-clinical people, associations, institutions and authorities) through an user driven interaction within the system.This work was supported by Project ”NanoSTIMA: Macroto-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Multimodal Health Monitoring and Analytics/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000016” financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extract of Solidago chilensis Meyen inflorescences: cytotoxicity and inhibitory activity on nitric oxide synthesis in activated macrophage cell line J774A.1

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    Solidago chilensis Meyen (= Solidago microglossa) popularly known as “Brazilian arnica” is used to treat of inflammatory disorders. S. chilensis is constant in the Therapeutic Memento of the Rio de Janeiro city and belongs to the medicinal species of Brazilian National List of Medicinal Plants of Interest of the Unified National Health System (SUS). There are no studies in the literature showing the direct activity of this plant species on immune system cells. The present study evaluated the chemical composition as well as the cytotoxic and pharmacological activity of the ether-ethanol extract from S. chilensis inflorescences (SCIE) in murine macrophage cell line J774A.1. The results showed that higher concentrations (50 to 200 μg/mL) of SCIE had significant cytotoxicity on J774A.1 cells, however, lower concentrations (from 10 to 0.1 μg/mL) did not produce significant cytotoxic effects and exhibited an inhibitory effect on nitric oxide production in LPS-stimulated J774A.1 cell line. The chemical analysis by HPLC-UV-PDA indicated that the SCIE contains flavonoid derived from quercetin and kaempferol; and diterpenes, probably labdanes. These findings complement data in the literature regarding the activity of this plant species on an important cell from the immune system involved in the innate and acquired immune response, the macrophages

    Primary mediastinal liposarcoma - computed tomography and pathological findings: a case report

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    Liposarcomas are the most common soft tissue sarcoma of adults, and primary mediastinal liposarcomas are rare. We present a case of a 50-year-old man with primary mediastinal liposarcoma without any invasion into the surrounding structures, such as the esophagus, trachea, or left atrium of the heart. Following surgical removal of the liposarcoma, the patient has had no recurrence after one year. Surgical removal is the treatment of choice for a mediastinal liposarcoma; however, careful long-term follow-up is necessary because the recurrence rate is very high

    Perfil de atendimentos psicológicos em contextos de violência sexual infantojuvenil: revisão integrativa da literatura

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    This study is an integrative literature review aiming at showing characteristics of the psychological care for people in situations of sexual violence against children and adolescents. The search was made in the SciELO, PePSIC and Lilacs databases. We found 42 empirical studies or experience reports published between January/2006 and October/2017. The data were grouped into three thematic categories. For the category “population”, it was evidenced care for children and adolescents; for “context, modality, and place of care”, individual and group modalities, psychological clinic at university, Reference Center, and Reference Center Specialized in Social Assistance were observed; as for “instruments, techniques and theoretical approach”, scales, psychological tests, interviews, and psychological and clinical evaluations were used with theoretical, psychoanalytical, psychodramatic, and cognitive-behavioral approaches. The presented results can help future interventions of students and professionals of Psychology that research and work with sexual violence against children and adolescents.Keywords: sexual abuse, child abuse, violence in the family.O presente estudo é uma revisão integrativa de literatura que teve o objetivo de evidenciar características de atendimentos psicológicos a pessoas em situação de violência sexual infantojuvenil (VSI). A busca ocorreu nas bases de dados SciELO, PePSIC e Lilacs. Foram recuperados 42 estudos empíricos ou relatos de experiência publicados entre janeiro/2006 e outubro/2017. Os dados foram agrupados em três categorias temáticas: (1) população atendida; (2) contexto, modalidade e local de atendimento; (3) instrumentos, técnicas e enfoque teórico. Da “população atendida”, evidenciaram- se atendimentos a crianças e adolescentes. Os contextos clínico e psicossocial, as modalidades individual e grupal, os Serviços-Escola, os Centros de Referência e os Centros de Referência Especializados de Assistência Social estão entre os apresentados. Nos instrumentos, apareceram escalas, testes psicológicos e entrevistas; nas técnicas, a avaliação psicológica e clínica e a anamnese e, nos enfoques teóricos, o psicanalítico, o psicodramático e o cognitivo-comportamental. Os resultados apresentados podem auxiliar futuras intervenções de estudantes e profissionais de psicologia que pesquisam e trabalham com VSI.Palavras-chave: abuso sexual, abuso da criança, violência na família

    Sala de aula invertida, uma experiência em curso de inglês / Flipped classroom, an experience in an english course

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    O presente artigo apresenta uma experiência de utilização da metodologia ativa, Sala de Aula Invertida (Flipped Classroom), em duas turmas de um curso particular de Língua Inglesa na cidade de Natal, Brasil. A metodologia da pesquisa consistiu da adoção dos princípios e técnicas da Sala de Aula Invertida por um período de três meses, culminando com a aplicação de um questionário no qual dezoito alunos expressavam suas opiniões sobre tal metodologia da Sala de Aula Invertida. Os resultados podem ser considerados inesperados, pois os alunos não aprovaram a utilização da Sala de Aula Invertida, o que levou a uma sucinta reflexão acerca dos fatores que levaram a tais resultados


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    Individual differences of personality are thought to influence motor performance. In terms of cortical arousal levels, because extraverts are infra-activated and introverts are hyper-activated, environment stimuli might enhance the impact of the extraversion trait on task performance. This study investigated the effect of light and sound noise on the swimming performance of extraverted and introverted children. 19 extraverts (12 boys, 7 girls) and 22 introverts (12 boys, 10 girls), ages 8.2 ± 0.9 years, adapted to water and swimming at intermediate levels. Participants performed two trials of the task (swimming 15 meters as fast as possible in crawl style) under two environment conditions: bright light/loud noise (A) and dim light/slight noise (B). Movements were filmed to allow calculation of time to complete the task and the stroke cycle. There was a significant effect for the group factor, with extraverts swimming faster than introverts. No effect was detected for the environment factor or the interaction group/environment. Regarding stroke cycle, no differences were found for group, environment or interaction. Although extraversion has not affected mechanical aspects of crawl style, compared to introverts, extraverts swan faster, showing a more effective process of reacting and executing movements in time-constraints tasks.Diferenças individuais de personalidade podem influenciar o desempenho motor. Em termos de ativação cortical, porque extrovertidos são infra-ativados e introvertidos hiperativados, os estímulos ambientais podem aumentar o efeito do traço de extroversão ao desempenhar tarefas. O presente estudo investigou o efeito da luminosidade e do ruído sonoro no desempenho natatório de crianças extrovertidas (19; 12 meninos, 7 meninas) e introvertidos (22; 12 meninos, 10 meninas), com idade de 8.2 ± 0.9 anos, adaptadas à água e com nível intermediário de natação. As crianças executaram duas tentativas da tarefa (nadar 15 metros o mais depressa possível em estilo crawl) sob duas condições ambientais: luz forte/ruído alto (A) e luz fraca/ruído baixo (B). Os movimentos foram filmados para cálculo de tempo para completar a tarefa e de ciclo de braçada. Houve efeito significativo para o fator grupo, com extrovertidos nadando mais rapidamente que introvertidos. Não houve efeito para o fator ambiente ou interação grupo/ambiente. Quanto ao ciclo de braçada, não houve diferenças para qualquer fator ou interação. Embora a extroversão não tenha afetado aspectos mecânicos do nado crawl, comparados aos introvertidos, os extrovertidos nadaram mais rapidamente, o que demonstra um processo mais efetivo para reagir e executar movimentos com restrições de tempo