1,907 research outputs found

    Tipos de retomada de objeto e estratégias de relativização no espanhol da Cidade do México: uma proposta de correlação

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016Neste trabalho investigamos as estratégias de relativização (ER) e os tipos de retomada de objeto direto (RO) produzidos por falantes do espanhol da Cidade do México. Segundo CerrónPalomino López (2010, 2011), Santana (1997) e Brucart (1999), o espanhol apresenta, além da ER canônica própria da variedade padrão da língua, a estratégia da omissão da preposição e o uso de um pronome resumptivo. As RO, por sua vez, podem ser realizadas através do um pronome clítico, por apagamento (Alamillo & Schwenter 2007; Simões, 2014) e, em restritos casos, por outros tipos de pronome ou por repetição do SN. A aproximação entre ERs e tipos de RO que propomos neste trabalho se daria através de uma relação de correspondência proposta em Kato (1981), segundo a qual seria possível prever que ER um falante usará a partir do tipo de RO que ele usa preferencialmente. Sendo assim, poderíamos identificar pares correlatos que parecem envolver as mesmas operações. Apesar de seu estudo partir do português do Brasil, Kato (1981) postula que a correlação entre ERs e tipos de RO pode constituir um fenômeno translinguístico, por isso, pretendemos investigar se o fenômeno da correlação ocorre também no espanhol. Os objetivos deste trabalho são fazer um levantamento da produtividade de cada ER e tipo de RO no espanhol da Cidade do México e observar se os dois fenômenos estão correlacionados. Nossa hipótese é de que cada ER produzida pelos falantes estará correlacionada a um tipo de RO utilizado por eles. A metodologia usada será a aplicação de um teste de produção induzida composto por sequências de imagensUNILA­-UNIOEST

    The role of the retrosplenial cortex in associative memory

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    Encoding of episodic memories involves associating different features of the environment and experiences. Understanding how sensory-sensory associations are encoded would shed light on the basis of how events are stored in the brain. The retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is known to reciprocally connect to the hippocampal formation and to sensory areas. Its connectivity suggests a role in both episodic and spatial memory processes. A role in the formation and storage of sensory associations might underlie these processes and is supported by RSC-lesion and -inactivation studies. In this thesis, I use optogenetics to inactivate the RSC while mice perform various memory paradigms to clarify the function of this structure in encoding associations to support memory. Thus, I develop a sensory associative memory task in mice which allows me to test sensory-sensory associations. Developing, for the first time, an appetitive sensory preconditioning (SPC) paradigm in mice, failed to provide robust results. So, I chose an aversive SPC paradigm as the best way to probe neutral sensory associations in mice. I show that while control mice successfully learned the preconditioned association in the task, precise closed-loop optogenetic disruption of the RSC when mice form associations between neutral stimuli reduces performance to chance levels. Moreover, I demonstrate that this disruption is independent of spatial confound. Using the same technique to silence RSC activity during short-term or long-term spatial learning did not affect the formation and retrieval of memory, in contrast to previous studies. Finally, in order to truly address the question of how sensory-sensory associations are formed, I present preliminary data of a calcium imaging study aimed at understanding the mechanisms by which these associations are formed in the RSC. In summary, I established a new sensory preconditioning task for mice allowing us to timely probe associative memory between neutral stimuli. Optogenetic silencing of RSC demonstrate the necessity of the RSC in this type of memory and combined with future functional imaging studies will help understand how the brain forms neutral associations

    Cutaneous manifestations associated with SARS CoV-2: an emerging topic in a pandemic era

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    A 70-year-old man was admitted to our COVID-19 ward with thoracalgia, productive mucus cough, fatigue and erythematous–violaceous macules on the inner side of feet and interdigital regions. The patient was started on oxygen and dexamethasone. On the day of discharge, he maintained the skin changes despite the resolution of COVID-19 symptoms. A 57-year-old woman initially presented with diffuse urticarial rash on the cervical and chest region. Oral cetirizine was started, and pruritus improved. Thirty days after the discharge, the patient maintained the rash, but without pruritus. A 49-year old man was admitted with thoracalgia, shortness of breath, dry cough and urticarial rash on the cervical and chest region. The patient was treated with cetirizine. The pruritus improved, and 5 days after discharge, the urticarial areas completely disappearedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Chemical and antioxidant properties of wild edible mushrooms from native Nothofagus spp. forest, Argentina

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    This study addresses issues regarding chemical and bioactive properties of nine wild edible mushrooms from native Nothofagus forest from Patagonia, Argentina. Macronutrients, sugars, fatty acids, tocopherols, organic acids, phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties were determined. Protein was found in high levels and varied between 3.35 g/100 g dw in Cyttaria hariotii and 22.29 g/100 g dw in Lepista nuda. All of them presented mannitol and trehalose as main sugars. Mannitol was significantly higher in Ramaria patagonica, although absent in Fistulina endoxantha, whereas trehalose predominated in Aleurodiscus vitellinus, Hydropus dusenii, Cortinarius magellanicus, C. hariotii, Grifola gargal and L. nuda, ranging from 1.15 to 10.26 g/100 g dw; it was absent in R. patagonica. The major fatty acid found was linoleic acid, followed by oleic acid and palmitic acid. All species presented oxalic and fumaric acids, while some also had malic, quinic and citric acids. Tocopherols composition was variable. Cortinarius magellanicus presented significantly higher contents of both α-tocopherol and β-tocopherol. R. patagonica presented the best results in all the antioxidant activity assays (EC50 values ≤ 1 mg/mL) and the highest content of phenolic compounds presenting gallic, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids. This study constitutes the first report on chemical composition and nutritional value of most of these edible mushroom species. Furthermore, it provides important information necessary to characterize and define the use of these species as gastronomic delicacies, functional foods and sources of bioactive compounds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Domingos Arouca: um percurso de militância nacionalista em Moçambique

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    Neste trabalho apresentamos uma releitura das disputas em torno da história e da memória em Moçambique a partir da análise do percurso de militância de Domingos Arouca. Enfatizando sua condição de nacionalista e preso político até o início dos anos 1970, este texto assenta na análise de documentos reunidos em arquivos moçambicanos e portugueses, em notícias publicadas em jornais e revistas e em entrevistas com outros nacionalistas. Este vasto espólio tornou possível uma leitura mais densa e complexa das memórias e dos processos políticos relacionados com um período menos conhecido da história de Moçambique: o fim do período colonial e a transição para a independência (1962-1975). Esta contribuição visa ampliar as possibilidades de construção de uma perspectiva mais sofisticada sobre os processos de reconstrução identitária no Moçambique contemporâneo.This paper offers a reinterpretation of disputes over history and memory in Mozambique from the analysis of Domingos Arouca's militant path. It emphasizes the political path of Arouca, a nationalist and political prisoner until the early 1970s. the study is based on archival research carried out both in Mozambique and Portugal, analysis of media, as well as on interviews carried out with other nationalists. It proposes a more dense and complex interpretation of the political history and social memories of a lesser known period of Mozambique history the end of colonialism and the transition to independence (1962-1975. This paper aims to be a contribution towards a more sophisticated perspective over the processes of identity reconstruction in contemporary Mozambique

    The portuguese banks are grounded : a view of evolution, performance and CSR on the big five portuguese banks

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    The financial crisis in Portugal has brought profound changes. The Portuguese standard of living and the banking health has decreased considerably, and with it, the confidence in the sector. It is fundamental for the proper functioning of the country's economy that there is complete restructuring not only within the banks but also in people’s trust of the sector. This dissertation aims to study how the Portuguese perceive the Portuguese banking sector and its Corporate Social Responsibility. The study is divided into two components, the analysis of general banking perceptions and the analysis of the perceptions of five different banking entities: BPI, Caixa Geral de Depósitos and Millennium BCP, Novo Banco and Santander. In order to make this possible, a questionnaire was carried out and analyzed based on quantitative and qualitative data. The results reveal a deep dissatisfaction with the banking sector, with its performance, evolution and lack of social responsibility initiatives. The adoption of CSR initiatives are fundamental to the perception of the banking evolution. Findings show that the more the population believes the banks are playing an active and environmental role, the more people recognize its initiatives as genuine and not for marketing purposes.A crise financeira em Portugal trouxe profundas alterações. O nível de vida dos portugueses e a saúde bancária diminuiu consideravelmente, e com ela, a confiança no sector. É fundamental para o bom funcionamento da economia do país que haja uma restruturação completa não só nos bancos, mas também, na confiança dos indivíduos para com eles. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar de que forma os Portugueses percecionam a banca Portuguesa e a sua Responsabilidade Social Corporativa. O estudo divide-se em duas componentes, a análise das perceções da banca em geral e a análise das perceções de cinco entidades bancárias diferentes: BPI, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Millennium BCP, Novo Banco e Santander. Para que tal seja possível prossegue-se à realização de um questionário e á sua análise com base em dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Os resultados revelam um profundo descontentamento com o sector bancário, com a sua performance, evolução e responsabilidade social. A adoção de iniciativas de CSR são fundamentais para a perceção da evolução da banca, uma vez que a perceção da evolução é mais favorável quanto mais a população acredita que esta tem um papel ativo e fundamental a nível social e ambiental e classifica a as suas iniciativas como genuínas e não com propósito de marketing

    Estudio de factibilidad para el proceso de limpieza de láminas metálicas por inmersión de la mecánica Don Bosco de Quito

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    El proyecto realizado para determinar la factibilidad de la implementación de un nuevo proceso de limpieza de láminas metálicas en la mecánica Don Bosco, mismo que se ha estructurado en seis capítulos, donde se analiza tanto los aspectos económicos como financieros de la propuesta. Luego del estudio integral a lo largo del trabajo se determina la viabilidad económica financiera para la puesta en marcha de la nueva unidad de limpieza de la mecánica Don Bosco de la ciudad de Quito. Por lo cual en el quinto capítulo queda demostrado el resultado positivo y en el siguiente capítulo se finaliza con las conclusiones y recomendaciones donde se describe los aspectos importantes y las sugerencias a tener presente.The current project has been conducted in order to determinate feasibility of implementing a new cleaning process for metal plates in Mecanica Don Bosco. The project has been developed in six chapters, where economic and financial aspects of the proposal have been analyzed. After the integral survey during the work, economic and financial feasibility was determined to set in work the proposal for the new cleaning unit at Mecanica Don Bosco located in Quito City. In the fifth chapter there is a demonstration on the positive result and the next chapter provides conclusions and recommendations, as well as relevant aspects and suggestions to be taken into account

    A rare cause of agranulocytosis

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    Clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic agent, is useful in the treatment of patients with psychotic symptoms. However, severe adverse effects, such as agranulocytosis, can restrict its indications. We present a case of a 42-year-old Caucasian woman with a 4-year history of persistent delusion disorder, who presented with fatigue and fever and was ultimately diagnosed with agranulocytosis due to clozapine. Clozapine-induced granulocytosis is an uncommon condition, but potentially fatal in consequences. Each patient with an episode of agranulocytosis should be assessed individually, with special attention to risk factors. Upon that, the decision about clozapine rechallenge or withdrawal should be madeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio