58 research outputs found

    Use of re-esterified palm oils, differing in their acylglycerol structure, in weaning-piglet diets

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    Re-esterified oils are new fat sources obtained from chemical esterification of acid oils with glycerol (both economically interesting by-products from oil refining and biodiesel industries, respectively). The different fatty acid (FA) positional distribution and acylglycerol composition of re-esterified oils may enhance the apparent absorption of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and, thus, their overall nutritive value. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential use of re-esterified palm oils, in comparison with their corresponding acid and native oils, and also with an unsaturated fat source in weaning-piglet diets. The parameters assessed were: FA apparent absorption, acylglycerol and free fatty acid (FFA) composition of feces, and growth performance. One-hundred and twenty weaning piglets (average weight of 8.50 ± 1.778 kg) were blocked by initial BW (six blocks) and randomly assigned to five dietary treatments, resulting in four piglets per pen and six replicates per treatment. Dietary treatments were a basal diet supplemented with 10% (as-fed basis) of native soybean oil (SN), native palm oil (PN), acid palm oil (PA), re-esterified palm oil low in mono- (MAG) and diacylglycerols (DAG) (PEL), or re-esterified palm oil high in MAG and DAG (PEH). Results from the digestibility balance showed that SN reached the greatest total FA apparent absorption, and statistically different from PN, PA and PEL ( P 0.05), but PEH achieved the greatest total FA apparent absorption. Animals fed PEL, despite the fact that PEL oil contained more sn-2 SFA, did not show an improved absorption of SFA ( P > 0.05). Animals fed PA and PN showed similar apparent absorption coefficients ( P > 0.05), despite the high FFA content of PA oil. The acylglycerol and FFA composition of feces was mainly composed of FFA. There were no significant differences in growth performance ( P > 0.05). Results of the present study suggest that, despite the different acylglycerol structure of re-esterified oils, there were no significant differences in digestibility or performance with respect to their corresponding PN and PA oils in weaning-piglet diets.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of re-esterified palm oils, differing in their acylglycerol structure, in fattening pig diets

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    Re-esterified oils are new fat sources obtained from the chemical esterification of acid oils with glycerol (both economically interesting by-products from oil refining and biodiesel industries, respectively). The different fatty acid (FA) positional distribution and acylglycerol composition of re-esterified oils may enhance the apparent absorption of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and, therefore, their overall nutritive value, which might lead to an increased deposition of SFA. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential use of re-esterified palm oils, in comparison with their corresponding acid and native oils in fattening pig diets, studying their effects on fatty acid apparent absorption, acylglycerol and free fatty acid (FFA) composition of feces, growth performance, carcass-fat depots and fatty acid composition of backfat. Seventy-two crossbred boars and gilts (average weight of 24.7 ± 2.55 kg) were blocked by initial BW (nine blocks of BW for each gender), housed in adjacent individual boxes, and fed one of the four dietary treatments, which were the result of a basal diet supplemented with 4% (as-fed basis) of native palm oil (PN), acid palm oil (PA), re-esterified palm oil low in mono- and diacylglycerols (PEL), or re-esterified palm oil high in mono- and diacylglycerols (PEH). Regarding results from the digestibility balance, PA and PN showed similar apparent absorption coefficients ( P > 0.05), despite the high, FFA content of the former. However, re-esterified palm oils (both PEL and PEH) showed a higher apparent absorption of total FA than did their corresponding native and acid oils ( P 0.05). We conclude that re-esterified oils are interesting fat sources to be considered in fattening pigs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The different molecular structure and glycerol-to-fatty acid ratio of palm oils affect their nutritive value in broiler chicken diets

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    The aim of this study is to assess how the fat molecular structure and its glycerol-to-fatty acid ratio (G : FA) affect the fatty acid (FA) apparent absorption of palm oils in broiler chickens. The experimental diets were the result of a basal diet supplemented with 6% of different palm oils. Native palm oil (N), rich in triacylglycerols, was the positive control (T1), and acid palm oil (A), rich in free FA, was the negative control (T2). In order to improve the nutritive value of A, two different nutritional strategies were performed. The first strategy was achieved by adding increasing amounts of free glycerol (G) (4% (T3), 8% (T4) and 16% (T5)) to A, and the second one by adding increasing amounts of mono- (MAG) and diacylglycerols (DAG), coming from re-esterified palm oil (E) (40% (T6), 70% (T7), and 100% (T8)) to A. As a result, eight dietary treatments were formulated with a G : FA ratio ranging from 0.04 to 0.67. These treatments were randomly assigned to 192 one-day-old female broiler chickens (Ross 308), distributed in 48 cages. The results showed how, by keeping the G : FA ratio constant (0.33 mol/mol), the diet with a high MAG and DAG content (T7) achieved higher saturated FA apparent absorption values than did the diet with a high triacylglycerol content (T1) and this, in turn, more than did the diet with a high free FA content (T4). The behavior of oils with high or low G : FA ratio was dependent on whether G was in a free state or esterified as part of acylglycerol molecules. Thus, increasing amounts of G to A did not enhance the total FA apparent absorption, but rather quite the opposite, even impairing the absorption of mono- and polyunsaturated FA. However, increasing amounts of E (rich in MAG and DAG) to A (rich in FFA) did enhance total FA apparent absorption, primarily due to the increased absorption of saturated FA. In conclusion, the greater the G : FA ratio of a palm oil, the greater the absorption of total FA, as long as G is esterified as part of acylglycerol molecules. Thus, the re-esterification process for obtaining E makes sense in order to give added value to A, achieving even greater digestibility values than does its corresponding N

    Use of combinations of re-esterified oils, differing in their degree of saturation, in broiler chicken diets

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    Re-esterified oils contain higher proportions of mono- and diacylglycerols, and also higher proportions of saturated fatty acids (SFA) at the sn-2 position of acylglycerol molecules than does a native oil with the same degree of saturation, which enhances the apparent absorption of SFA. Moreover, as happens with native oils, their nutritive value could be further improved by blending re-esterified oils of extreme degrees of saturation. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to assess the effect of increasing the dietary unsaturated-to-saturated fatty acid ratio (UFA:SFA) by adding re-esterified soybean oil in replacement of re-esterified palm oil, on fatty acid (FA) apparent absorption and its consequences on growth performance, carcass fat depots, and FA composition of abdominal adipose tissue. For this purpose, one hundred twenty 1-day-old female broiler chickens were randomly distributed in 30 cages. The 2 pure re-esterified oils, together with 3 re-esterified oil blends, were included in the basal diet at 6%. The increasing dietary UFA:SFA ratio resulted in an improved total FA apparent absorption (linear effect for the starter period, P = 0.001; quadratic effect for the growerfinisher period, P = 0.006) and, therefore, an improved feed conversion ratio (FCR) for the overall period (linear effect, P = 0.003). In the starter period, the improved fat absorption was due to the growing presence of linoleic acid and the enhanced absorption of SFA, mono- and polyunsaturated FA (associative effects among FA; P 0.05). The UFA:SFA ratio of the abdominal adipose tissue varied in the same direction, but to a lesser extent than that of the diet. Whilst the deposited-to-absorbed ratio of polyunsaturated FA remained relatively constant as the dietary UFA:SFA ratio increased, the deposited-to-absorbed ratio of SFA increased, and that of monounsaturated FA decreased. Taken together, the addition of re-esterified soybean oil in replacement of re-esterified palm oil improved fat absorption, but no synergism was observed between re-esterified oils.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of free fatty acid content and degree of fat saturation in laying hen diets on egg quality, yolk fatty acid profile, and cholesterol content

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of dietary free fatty acid (FFA) content and the degree of saturation on egg quality, yolk fatty acid (FA) profile, and yolk cholesterol content. For a 15-wk period, a total of 144 laying hens (19-wk-old) were randomly assigned to 8 treatments arranged in a 2 × 4 factorial design, with 2 sources of crude oil (soybean oil and palm oil) and 4 levels of FFA (10, 20, 30, and 45%). The dietary treatments were achieved by progressively substituting the original oils with equivalent amounts of their corresponding acid oils (soybean acid oil and palm fatty acid distillate, respectively). No differences in ADFI or egg mass were found. However, dietary FFA reduced egg production (linear, P 0.05). The saturation degree had a significant effect on all the analyzed yolk FA (P < 0.001) except for arachidonic acid (C20:4 n-6), whereas increasing the FFA content did not affect to a great extent. These results show that varying dietary FFA level did not affect egg quality and yolk composition as much as the dietary fat source did, supporting the use of acid oils and fatty acid distillates as fat ingredients for feed

    Olive pomace oil and acid oil as alternative fat sources in growing-finishing broiler chicken diets

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of olive pomace oil and olive pomace acid oil, which are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (FA) but differ in free FA content, on growth performance, digestibility and FA profile of abdominal fat and breast meat. A total of 3,048 one-day-old mixed-sex broiler chickens (Ross 308) were randomly distributed into 24 pens and 3 dietary treatments (8 replicates per treatment). Experimental diets were administered for growing (from 22 to 29 d) and finishing (from 30 to 39 d) periods, consisting of a basal diet supplemented with 6% (as-fed basis) palm oil (PO), olive pomace oil (O), or olive pomace acid oil (OA). Animals fed O achieved the lowest feed conversion ratio (P < 0.01), together with the highest AME value (P = 0.003), but no differences were observed between OA and PO. Regarding FA digestibility, O and OA showed higher values than PO for all FA in both apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and apparent total tract digestibility. Comparing the AID between O and OA, no differences were observed for total FA, monounsaturated FA, or polyunsaturated FA, but animals fed OA showed lower AID values for saturated FA than those fed O (P < 0.001). The FA profile of abdominal fat and breast meat reflected that of the diet, with higher monounsaturated FA and lower saturated FA in animals fed O and OA compared to those fed PO. In sum, the inclusion of both olive pomace oil and acid oil in growing-finishing broiler chicken diets led to great performance parameters and high FA digestibility values, together with an enrichment with monounsaturated FA in abdominal fat and breast meat compared to the use of palm oil. However, a better AID of saturated FA and feed conversion ratio is achieved with O compared to OA

    Effects of dietary free fatty-acid content and saturation degree on lipid-class composition and fatty-acid digestibility along the gastrointestinal tract in broiler starter chickens

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    The aim of the present study is to assess the effect of the dietary free fatty acid (FFA) content and dietary fat saturation degree on the fatty-acid (FA) digestibility and lipid-class content along the gastrointestinal tract and excreta in broiler chickens. The 8 experimental diets resulted from replacing crude soybean oil with soybean acid oil from chemical refining, or crude palm oil with palm FA distillate from physical refining. Thus, there were 4 soybean and 4 palm diets with 6% added fat varying in their FFA% (5, 15, 35, and 50%). Samples of digestive content (gizzard, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) and excreta were collected at 14 D for the determination of the FA digestibility and lipid-class content. The total FA digestibility coefficients reported for the chickens fed S diets in the jejunum, ileum, and excreta were higher than for those fed P diets (P ≤ 0.02). The general greater digestibility of the unsaturated diets was mainly explained by a higher contribution of the ileum to the absorption of saturated FA. The dietary FFA content mainly affected the FA absorption process. The diets with 50% FFA presented lower saturated FA digestibility coefficients in the jejunum and ileum (P ≤ 0.03), and higher content of FFA in the ileum and excreta (P ≤ 0.014), in comparison to the diets with 5% FFA. The 15% FFA diets were not different from the 5% FFA diets, regarding the saturated FA digestibility in the jejunum and excreta, and the FFA content in the ileum and excreta. It was concluded that unsaturated diets with moderate content of dietary FFA (up to 15%) could be used in broiler-chicken starter diets, as they led to similar FA absorption and performance results to the diets with the lowest dietary FFA content. From the present study, it has also been concluded that dietary saturated FA content has a greater impact on FA absorption than the dietary FFA content has

    Paradoxical augmented relapse in alcohol-dependent rats during deep-brain stimulation in the nucleus accumbens

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    Case reports indicate that deep-brain stimulation in the nucleus accumbens may be beneficial to alcohol-dependent patients. The lack of clinical trials and our limited knowledge of deep-brain stimulation call for translational experiments to validate these reports. To mimic the human situation, we used a chronic-continuous brain-stimulation paradigm targeting the nucleus accumbens and other brain sites in alcohol-dependent rats. To determine the network effects of deep-brain stimulation in alcohol-dependent rats, we combined electrical stimulation of the nucleus accumbens with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and studied neurotransmitter levels in nucleus accumbens-stimulated versus sham-stimulated rats. Surprisingly, we report here that electrical stimulation of the nucleus accumbens led to augmented relapse behavior in alcohol-dependent rats. Our associated fMRI data revealed some activated areas, including the medial prefrontal cortex and caudate putamen. However, when we applied stimulation to these areas, relapse behavior was not affected, confirming that the nucleus accumbens is critical for generating this paradoxical effect. Neurochemical analysis of the major activated brain sites of the network revealed that the effect of stimulation may depend on accumbal dopamine levels. This was supported by the finding that brain- stimulation-treated rats exhibited augmented alcohol-induced dopamine release compared with sham-stimulated animals. Our data suggest that deep-brain stimulation in the nucleus accumbens enhances alcohol-liking probably via augmented dopamine release and can thereby promote relapse

    Antimicrobial effects of black soldier fly and yellow mealworm fats and their impact on gut microbiota of growing rabbits

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    This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activities of two types of insect fats extracted from black soldier fly larvae (HI, Hermetia illucens L.) and yellow mealworm larvae (TM, Tenebrio molitor L.) and their effects as dietary replacement of soybean oil (S) on cecal fermentation pattern, and fecal and cecal microbiota in rabbits. A total of 120 weaned rabbits were randomly allotted to three dietary treatments (40 rabbits/group) —a control diet (C diet) containing 1.5% of S and two experimental diets (HI diet (HID) and TM diet (TMD)), where S was totally substituted by HI or TM fats during the whole trial that lasted 41 days. Regarding the in vitro antimicrobial activities, HI and TM fats did not show any effects on Salmonella growth. Yersinia enterocolitica showed significantly lower growth when challenged with HI fats than the controls. The insect fat supplementation in rabbit diets increased the contents of the cecal volatile fatty acids when compared to the control group. A metataxonomic approach was adopted to investigate the shift in the microbial composition as a function of the dietary insect fat supplementation. The microbiotadid not show a clear separation as a function of the inclusion, even if a specific microbial signature was observed. Indeed, HI and TM fat supplementation enriched the presence of Akkermansia that was found to be correlated with NH3-N concentration. An increase in Ruminococcus, which can improve the immune response of the host, was also observed. This study confirms the potential of HI and TM fats as antibacterial feed ingredients with a positive influence on the rabbit cecal microbiota, thus supporting the possibility of including HI and TM fats in rabbit diets
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