404 research outputs found

    On an adaptive stabilized mixed finite element method for the Oseen problem with mixed boundary conditions

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    [Abstract] We consider the Oseen problem with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on a part of the boundary and a Neumann type boundary condition on the remaining part. Suitable least squares terms that arise from the constitutive law, the momentum equation and the Dirichlet boundary condition are added to a dual-mixed formulation based on the pseudostress-velocity variables. We prove that the new augmented variational formulation and the corresponding Galerkin scheme are well-posed, and a Céa estimate holds for any finite element subspaces. We also provide the rate of convergence when each row of the pseudostress is approximated by Raviart–Thomas elements and the velocity is approximated by continuous piecewise polynomials. We develop an a posteriori error analysis based on a Helmholtz-type decomposition, and derive a posteriori error indicators that consist of two residual terms per element except on those elements with a side on the Dirichlet boundary, where they both have two additional terms. We prove that these a posteriori error indicators are reliable and locally efficient. Finally, we provide several numerical experiments that support the theoretical results.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile); 1160578Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; MTM2016-76497-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; PRX19/00475Xunta de Galicia; GRC ED431C 2018-03

    Algoritmo para el diagnóstico precoz de la deficiencia de vitamina B12 en ancianos

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    Background: The elderly population is particularly at risk for developing vitamin B12-deficiency. Serum cobalamin does not necessarily reflect a normal B12 status. The determination of methylmalonic acid is not available in all laboratories. Issues of sensitivity for holotranscobalamin and the low specificity of total homocysteine limit their utility. The aim of the present study is to establish a diagnostic algorithm by using a combination of these markers in place of a single measurement. Methods: We compared the diagnostic efficiency of these markers for detection of vitamin B12 deficiency in a population (n = 218) of institutionalized elderly (median age 80 years). Biochemical, haematological and morphological data were used to categorize people with or without vitamin B12 deficiency. Results: In receiver operating curves characteristics for detection on vitamin B12 deficiency using single measurements, serum folate has the greatest area under the curve (0.87) and homocysteine the lowest (0.67). The best specificity was observed for erythrocyte folate and methylmalonic acid (100% for both) but their sensitivity was very low (17% and 53%, respectively). The highest sensitivity was observed for homocysteine (81%) and serum folate (74%). When we combined these markers, starting with serum and erythrocyte folate, followed by holotranscobalamin and ending by methylmalonic acid measurements, the overall sensitivity and specificity of the algorithm were 100% and 90%, respectively. Conclusion: The proposed algorithm, which combines erythrocyte folate, serum folate, holotranscobalamin and methylmalonic acid, but eliminate B12 and tHcy measurements, is a useful alternative for vitamin B12 deficiency screening in an elderly institutionalized cohort.Introducción: Los mayores son una población que presenta un riesgo importante de desarrollar una deficiencia de vitamina B12, pero las concentraciones de cobalamina en suero no reflejan necesariamente un estado abnormal en el estado de B12 . Existen biomarcadores asociados a la vitamina B12: el ácido metilmalónico no está disponible en todos los laboratorios, la holotranscobalamina es poco sensible y la homocisteína presenta una baja especificidad. El objetivo del presente estudio es establecer un algoritmo de diagnóstico mediante el uso de una combinación de estos biomarcadores en lugar de la medición de uno sólo de ellos. Métodos: Se comparó la eficacia diagnóstica de estos marcadores para la detección de deficiencia de vitamina B12 en una población (n = 218) de ancianos institucionalizados (edad media 80 años). Los parámetros bioquímicos, hematológicos y morfológicos fueron utilizados para clasificar a los sujetos con o sin deficiencia de vitamina B12. Resultados: Se establecieron las curvas ROC (Receiver Operating Curves) para determinar la eficacia diagnóstica de cada parámetro, tomado individualmente. El folato sérico tenía la mayor área bajo la curva (0,87) y la homocisteína la más baja (0,67). Se observó que la mejor especificidad la presentaba el folato eritrocitario y el ácido metilmalónico (100% para ambos), pero sus sensibilidades eran muy bajas (17% y 53%, respectivamente). Y se observó que la sensibilidad más alta la presentaba la homocisteína (81%) y el folato sérico (74%), pero en contrapartida una especificidad baja. Cuando se combinaron estos marcadores, iniciando las determinaciones con el folato sérco y eritrocitario, seguido por holotranscobalamina y terminando por las mediciones de ácido metilmalónico, la sensibilidad y especificidad global del algoritmo fueron 100% y 90%, respectivamente. Conclusión: El algoritmo propuesto, que combina la determinación de folato sérico y eritrocitario, holotranscobalamina y ácido metilmalónico, sin necesidad de evaluar la vitamina B12 y la homocisteína, es una alternativa útil para la detección de un estado abnormal del estado de vitamina B12 en una población de ancianos institucionalizados

    Role of lysosomal enzymes released by alveolar macrophages in the pathogenesis of the acute phase of hypersensitivity pneumonitis

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    Hydrolytic enzymes are the major constituents of alveolar macrophages (AM) and have been shown to be involved in many aspects of the inflammatory pulmonary response. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of lysosomal enzymes in the acute phase of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HPs). An experimental study on AM lysosomal enzymes of an HP-guinea-pig model was performed. The results obtained both in vivo and in vitro suggest that intracellular enzymatic activity decrease is, at least partly, due to release of lysosomal enzymes into the medium. A positive but slight correlation was found between extracellular lysosomal activity and four parameters of lung lesion (lung index, bronchoalveolar fluid total (BALF) protein concentration, BALF LDH and BALF alkaline phosphatase activities). All the above findings suggest that the AM release of lysosomal enzymes during HP is a factor involved, although possibly not the only one, in the pulmonary lesions appearing in this disease

    The ISJ 3D brace, a providence brace evolution, as a surgery prevention method in idiopathic scoliosis

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: The high incidence of idiopathic scoliosis worldwide as well as the serious health problems it can cause in adulthood, make it necessary to seek effective treatments to prevent the progression of the disease to more aggressive treatments such as surgery and improve patients’ quality of life. The use of night braces, besides a less severe influence on the patient’s quality of life, is effective in stopping the progression of the curve in idiopathic scoliosis. Methods: A longitudinal study was performed with an experimental population of 108 participants who attended orthotic treatment at the University Hospital of Barcelona, with ages between 4 and 15 years old, with a main curvature greater than 25 degrees and a Risser between 0 and 3. The participants received treatment with Providence ISJ-3D night braces until their pubertal change (mean duration of 2.78 years for males and 1.97 years for females). Results: The implementation of night-time orthotic treatment in children with idiopathic scoliosis is effective in slowing the progression of the curve and in the prevention of more aggressive treatments such as surgery, maintaining the patient’s quality of life. Conclusions: The use of night braces is efficacious in the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis, although new studies including more sociodemographic data as well as curves from 20 degrees of progression are necessary

    Treatment of children obesity and diabetes through gamification

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    Childhood obesity is nowadays a global epidemic. This illness sometimes comes with another associated problem, like Diabetes type II. In this paper we present a case of study about the results of the application of a gamified educational program. A 3-year longitudinal and prospective study was conducted a patient with obesity and diabetes. Different assessments regarding the health state of the patient have been developed (family background, physical/medical, emotional state and physical activity). Using Positive outcomes have been obtained in their medical registers and also, in their health habits. Thus, the application of gamification strategies in the educational program has positive impact in the health

    Identification of non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolated from opossum (Didelphis virginiana) lymph nodes and characterisation of lesions

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of NTM in the lymph nodes of opossums (D. virginiana) and to characterise the microscopic changes in affected tissue. Retropharyngeal and tracheobronchial lymph nodes were collected postmortem from 18 opossums in the state of Colima, Mexico in 2013. The lymph nodes were also cultured for mycobacterial organisms and processed for histopathological examination. Bacteriological cultures yielded 5/18X100 (28%) isolates of NTM, which were subsequently identified as M. terrae, M. szulgai, M. gastri and M. asiaticum. Microscopic examination of the affected nodes revealed a necrotic granulomatous lymphadenitis (3/60%) composed of histiocytes, epithelioid cells and giant cells with intralesional alcoholresistant acid bacteria. An association between the sex of the opossum and the presence of NTM was observed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of NTM isolation in opossums with granulomatous lymphadenitis in Mexico

    Selective Lanthanide Distribution within a Comprehensive Series of Heterometallic [LnPr] Complexes

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    The preparation of heterometallic, lanthanide-only complexes is an extremely difficult synthetic challenge. By a ligandbased strategy, a complete isostructural series of dinuclear heterometallic [LnPr] complexes has been synthesized and structurally characterized. The two different coordination sites featured in this molecular entity allow study of the preferences of the praseodymium ion for a specific position depending on the ionic radii of the accompanying lanthanide partner. The purity of each heterometallic moiety has been evaluated in the solid state and in solution by means of crystallographic and spectrometric methods, respectively, revealing the limits of this strategy for ions with similar sizes. DFT calculations have been carried out to support the experimental results, confirming the nature of the siteselective lanthanide distribution. The predictable selectivity of this system has been exploited to assess the magnetic properties of the [DyPr] and [LuPr] derivatives, showing that the origin of the slow dynamics observed in the former arises from the dysprosium ion

    Assessment of medical management in Coronary Type 2 Diabetic patients with previous percutaneous coronary intervention in Spain: A retrospective analysis of electronic health records using Natural Language Processing

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    Coronary heart disease; Type 2 diabetes; Electronic medical recordsEnfermedad coronaria; Diabetes tipo 2; Registros médicos electrónicosMalaltia coronària; Diabetis tipus 2; Registres mèdics electrònicsIntroduction and objectives Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and stable coronary artery disease (CAD) previously revascularized with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are at high risk of recurrent ischemic events. We aimed to provide real-world insights into the clinical characteristics and management of this clinical population, excluding patients with a history of myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. Methods This is a multicenter, retrospective study based on the secondary use of 2014–2018 real-world data captured in the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of 1,579 patients (0.72% of the T2D population analyzed; n = 217,632 patients) from 12 representative hospitals in Spain. To access the unstructured clinical information in EHRs, we used the EHRead® technology, based on NLP and machine learning. Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) were considered: MI, ischemic stroke, urgent coronary revascularization, and hospitalization due to unstable angina. The association between MACE rates and the variables included in this study was evaluated following univariate and multivariate approaches. Results Most patients were male (72.13%), with a mean age of 70.5±10 years. Regarding T2D, most patients were non-insulin-dependent T2D (61.75%) with high prevalence of comorbidities. The median (Q1-Q3) duration of follow-up was 1.2 (0.3–4.5) years. Overall, 35.66% of patients suffered from at least one MACE during follow up. Using a Cox Proportional Hazards regression model analysis, several independent factors were associated with MACE during follow up: CAD duration (p < 0.001), COPD/Asthma (p = 0.021), heart valve disease (p = 0.031), multivessel disease (p = 0.005), insulin treatment (p < 0.001), statins treatment (p < 0.001), and clopidogrel treatment (p = 0.039). Conclusions Our results showed high rates of MACE in a large real-world series of PCI-revascularized patients with T2D and CAD with no history of MI or stroke. These data represent a potential opportunity to improve the clinical management of these patients.This study was funded by AstraZeneca Spain and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Cardiology

    Effect of Linker Distribution in the Photocatalytic Activity of Multivariate Mesoporous Crystals

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    The use of Metal-Organic Frameworks as crystalline matrices for the synthesis of multiple component or multivariate solids by the combination of different linkers into a single material has emerged as a versatile route to tailor the properties of single-component phases or even access new functions. This approach is particularly relevant for Zr6-MOFs due to the synthetic flexibility of this inorganic node. However, the majority of materials are isolated as polycrystalline solids, which are not ideal to decipher the spatial arrangement of parent and exchanged linkers for the formation of homogeneous structures or heterogeneous domains across the solid. Here we use high-throughput methodologies to optimize the synthesis of single crystals of UiO-68 and UiO-68-TZDC, a photoactive analogue based on a tetrazine dicarboxylic derivative. The analysis of the single linker phases reveals the necessity of combining both linkers to produce multivariate frameworks that combine efficient light sensitization, chemical stability, and porosity, all relevant to photocatalysis. We use solvent-assisted linker exchange reactions to produce a family of UiO-68-TZDC% binary frameworks, which respect the integrity and morphology of the original crystals. Our results suggest that the concentration of TZDC in solution and the reaction time control the distribution of this linker in the sibling crystals for a uniform mixture or the formation of core-shell domains. We also demonstrate how the possibility of generating an asymmetric distribution of both linkers has a negligible effect on the electronic structure and optical band gap of the solids but controls their performance for drastic changes in the photocatalytic activity toward proton or methyl viologen reduction.This work was supported by the EU (ERC Stg Chem-fs-MOF 714122) and Spanish government (CTQ2017-83486-P, RTI2018-098568-A-I00, RYC-2016-1981, CEX2019-000919-M, PID2019-106383GB-C44/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and RTI2018-098568-A-I00). B.L.-B. thanks the Spanish government for a FPU (FPU16/04162). S.T. thanks the Spanish government for a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship (RYC-2016-60719817). N.M.P. thanks the European Union for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship (H2020-MSCA-IF-2016-GF-749359-EnanSET). J.G.P. thanks to the SIDIX at Servicios Generales de Apoyo a la Investigación (SEGAI) at La Laguna University. We also thank BSC-RES for computational resources (QS-2020-2-0024) and the University of Valencia for research facilities (Tirant and NANBIOSIS).Peer reviewe