14 research outputs found

    Population Genetic Structure of Marine Fishes

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    Research on population genetics structure of marine fishes is increasing because of new technology based on DNA sequencing. This knowledge is necessary for management and conservation of natural population in marine environment. The aim of the chapter is to discuss about how genetic population structure get from DNA, allows us to know about dynamic of life history of species of Teleosts (Actinopterigii) and Chondrichthyes (Elasmobranchii). The analysis is based on taxonomic point of view. We hope to contribute to apply the new advances to management of natural population of fishes and marine wildlife

    Expectations and Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals for Robot Deployment in Hospital Environments during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Several challenges to guarantee medical care have been exposed during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Although the literature has shown some robotics applications to overcome the potential hazards and risks in hospital environments, the implementation of those developments is limited, and few studies measure the perception and the acceptance of clinicians. This work presents the design and implementation of several perception questionnaires to assess healthcare provider's level of acceptance and education toward robotics for COVID-19 control in clinic scenarios. Specifically, 41 healthcare professionals satisfactorily accomplished the surveys, exhibiting a low level of knowledge about robotics applications in this scenario. Likewise, the surveys revealed that the fear of being replaced by robots remains in the medical community. In the Colombian context, 82.9% of participants indicated a positive perception concerning the development and implementation of robotics in clinic environments. Finally, in general terms, the participants exhibited a positive attitude toward using robots and recommended them to be used in the current panorama

    Medición de la evapotranspiración mediante el método aerodinámico simplificado

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    Resumen (Spanish, English)70 p.Se realizó un estudio con el propósito de medir la evapotranspiración en forma directa de una cubierta de Festuca, utilizando el método Aerodinámico Simplificado (AS), el cual integra principios físicos y fisiológicos, al considerar los cambios de temperatura de la superficie del cultivo. Para esto se evaluó la variación diurna del calor latente estimado por el método aerodinámico simplificado ( EE), en relación con el medido por el sistema de Bowen ( EO) (valores observados), bajo diferentes condiciones atmosféricas (días nublados y despejados) e hídricas (25 y 90% de humedad aprovechable). Los resultados obtenidos señalan que existió una excelente comparación entre los valores de calor latente estimados, encontrándose un error absoluto menor a un 3% con una DEE menor a 28 W/m2 para todas las condiciones, a excepción de los días nublados con estrés hídrico, los cuales presentaron un error absoluto igual a 9%. Lo anterior permite afirmar que el medir la evapotranspiración de un cultivo por medio del método aerodinámico simplificado, podría ser una excelente herramienta cuando se disponga de valores de temperatura de la superficie vegetal, teniendo como principal restricción el uso correcto de los parámetros empíricos que definen la resistencia aerodinámica, para así utilizar el modelo en otra condición de campo

    EEG evaluation in a neuropsychological intervention program based on virtual reality in adults with Parkinson’s disease

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    Nowadays, several strategies for treating neuropsychologic function loss in Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been proposed, such as physical activity performance and developing games to exercise the mind. However, few studies illustrate the incidence of these therapies in neuronal activity. This work aims to study the feasibility of a virtual reality-based program oriented to the cognitive functions’ rehabilitation of PD patients. For this, the study was divided into intervention with the program, acquisition of signals, data processing, and results analysis. The alpha and beta bands’ power behavior was determined by evaluating the electroencephalography (EEG) signals obtained during the execution of control tests and games of the “Hand Physics Lab” Software, from which five games related to attention, planning, and sequencing, concentration, and coordination were taken. Results showed the characteristic performance of the cerebral bands during resting states and activity states. In addition, it was determined that the beta band increased its activity in all the cerebral lobes in all the tested games (p-value < 0.05). On the contrary, just one game exhibited an adequate performance of the alpha band activity of the temporal and frontal lobes (p-value < 0.02). Furthermore, the visual attention and the capacity to process and interpret the information given by the surroundings was favored during the execution of trials (p-value < 0.05); thus, the efficacy of the virtual reality program to recover cognitive functions was verified. The study highlights implementing new technologies to rehabilitate people with neurodegenerative diseases

    Ecología trófica de dos peces de la familia Gempylidae en aguas oceánicas del Pacífico Sur Oriental

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    The feeding of the escolar fishes Ruvettus pretiosus and Lepidocybium flavobrunneum has not been reported yet for southeastern Pacific waters. The main goal of this work was to study the trophic relationships using stomach contents and stable isotopes, δ15N and δ13C, based on mixing models. Results showed that both fish had differences in the importance of the prey, feeding strategy and habitat use. Also, they presented similar values of δ15N (~20‰) and δ13C (~-16‰), but a low probability of niche overlapping

    Experiences of clinicians using rehabilitation robotics

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    Currently, many useful robotic devices have been used in daily therapeutic life. These assistive and social robots are widely explored in different areas and scenarios, which have allowed physical or cognitive interaction with patients. Likewise, social robots have been recently implemented as a tool to improve the procedure’s quality and support patients to boost their performance. However, to achieve these goals, it is important to understand how users, namely patients and clinicians who mostly know the needs and the therapy environment, perceive this technology. In this context, this chapter focuses on assessing the clinician’s and patient’s experience, acceptability, and perception using robotic platforms in a clinical setup. Several metrics are used to assess this perception and the critical components from a clinical view to ensure adaptation to the technology. Some of these tools are presented in this chapter, and three cases where these tools were used in different moments of the research process

    The Actuation System of the Ankle Exoskeleton T-FLEX: First Use Experimental Validation in People with Stroke

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    Robotic devices can provide physical assistance to people who have suffered neurological impairments such as stroke. Neurological disorders related to this condition induce abnormal gait patterns, which impede the independence to execute different Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). From the fundamental role of the ankle in walking, Powered Ankle-Foot Orthoses (PAFOs) have been developed to enhance the users’ gait patterns, and hence their quality of life. Ten patients who suffered a stroke used the actuation system of the T-FLEX exoskeleton triggered by an inertial sensor on the foot tip. The VICONmotion capture system recorded the users’ kinematics for unassisted and assisted gait modalities. Biomechanical analysis and usability assessment measured the performance of the system actuation for the participants in overground walking. The biomechanical assessment exhibited changes in the lower joints’ range of motion for 70% of the subjects. Moreover, the ankle kinematics showed a correlation with the variation of other movements analyzed. This variation had positive effects on 70% of the participants in at least one joint. The Gait Deviation Index (GDI) presented significant changes for 30% of the paretic limbs and 40% of the non-paretic, where the tendency was to decrease. The spatiotemporal parameters did not show significant variations between modalities, although users’ cadence had a decrease of 70% of the volunteers. Lastly, the satisfaction with the device was positive, the comfort being the most user-selected aspect. This article presents the assessment of the T-FLEX actuation system in people who suffered a stroke. Biomechanical results show improvement in the ankle kinematics and variations in the other joints. In general terms, GDI does not exhibit significant increases, and the Movement Analysis Profile (MAP) registers alterations for the assisted gait with the device. Future works should focus on assessing the full T-FLEX orthosis in a larger sample of patients, including a stage of training