23 research outputs found

    The subtractive fight: the spirituality of the empty hands method as the north of the body philosophy in Karate-Do

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    O karate é uma técnica de combate sem armas que, sustentada por uma antiga tradição, tem como seu principal objetivo a formação do caráter do praticante. A compreensão da visão de mundo na qual o karate nasceu e se desenvolveu é debitária de uma dinâmica espiritual e psicológica singular cujo conhecimento é imprescindível para apreendê-la. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o karate por meio de sua espiritualidade, já que, junto aos textos fundamentais de sua tradição recente, ela é tida como a essência presente em todas as dimensões da expressão da arte. Para tanto, vale-se de uma metodologia historiográfica de perspectiva fenomenológica. Karate-do veicula a espiritualidade do esvaziamento como norte de sua filosofia corporal. Temas com linhas fronteiriças tênues entre si são analisados pela perspectiva de tal espiritualidade. A abrangência desta dinâmica corresponde a um combate subtrativo visando uma apreensão fluida e intutitiva da realidade.Karate is a fight practice that does not make use of weapons. It is based on old traditions and its main aim is to develop a sense of personality in the practitioner. Karate originated from unique spiritual and psychological dynamics, which are of utmost importance for the full understanding of this practice. The objective of this research is to analyze karate-do by means of its spirituality. This is because, together with the fundamental texts about the recent tradition of this fight, spirituality is considered to be the essence present in all dimensions of the artistic expression of karate. To this end, the historiographical methodology of phenomenological perspective was employed in this study. Karate-do has the spirituality of the empty hands method as the north of its body philosophy. Themes with blurred borders are analyzed from this spiritual point of view herein. This dynamics includes the subtractive fight, aiming at the fluid and intuitive understanding of reality

    Starting a fight: a phenomenological and comparative study among karate, capoeira and MMA athletes

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    [EN] This study is part of a larger project, which proposes a phenomenological comprehension..

    Formation of authentic personality and the corporeity in the light of Edith Stein

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    Considerando que o tema da autenticidade tem se tornado um importante referencial ético da sociedade contemporânea, discutimos neste trabalho as contribuições de Edith Stein para a compreensão do processo de formação da personalidade autêntica, com especial atenção à maneira como a corporeidade participa dessa dinâmica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, em que examinamos alguns textos steinianos que abordam diretamente o tema da estrutura da pessoa e seu processo formativo, especialmente O problema da empatia, Sobre a ideia de formação e Potência e ato, respectivamente com originais dos anos de 1917, 1930 e 1931. Discutido como processo de formação da personalidade e como princípio de individuação, Stein acentua a necessidade de considerarmos a pessoa em ato, como meio de conhecermos sua autêntica individualidade, mesmo havendo limites para esse conhecimento.Considering that the theme of authenticity has become an important ethical framework for contemporary society, this study discusses the contributions of Edith Stein to understand the process of authentic personality formation, with special attention to the way that corporeality participates in this dynamic. This is a bibliographical research, in which some texts from Stein are examined, which directly address the theme of structure of people and their formative process, especially, The problem of empathy, Concerning the idea of formation and Potency and act, with originals from the years 1917, 1930 and 1931, respectively. Discussed as a process of personality formation and as a principle of individuation, Stein emphasizes the need to consider the person in act, in order to know their authentic individuality, even though there are limits to this knowledge

    Contemporary Quixotism or the triumph of life

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    Maffesoli, Michel (2007). O ritmo da vida: variações sobre o imaginário pós-moderno. Tradução de Clóvis Marques. Rio de Janeiro: Record. 223 p. Contemporary Quixotism or the triumph of life — This work by Michel Maffesoli invites one to doubt the concepts that present prejudice and the prejudgment as analytical categories. For beyond Marxism and positivism there is vitalism. This critique is perhaps the principal feature of his work. Since violência Totalitária (Totalitarian violence), Maffesoli has called attention to an understanding of societal dynamism based on phenomenological doing, which attempts to see the subterranean centralism of social experiences with eyes aimed at the hedonistic, corporeal and sensitive dimensions of the world. In ritmo da vida, the author returns to the theme of post-modernity, based on a fundamental posit which he shares with Nietzsche and Galilee, to the effect that: “In spite of everything, there is life! However, it spins!


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    The aim of this research is to understand experiences of Capoeira practitioners in the psychological transit between game, fight and quarrels, based on their own accounts. The methodological framework used was the phenomenological archeology of cultures. Three categories essentially describe how game, fight and quarrels really happen in Capoeira: the joy of playing; the game of complicity, and the denial of game. Moreover, the essential elements of transitions appear in two groups: game of prudences and tough game – emotionally guided by the dynamics between slowdown and combative intensification. Combative intensification is found to result either in violence or in the development of the fighting spirit, providing existential conditions for capoeira practitioners’ self-control. A través de relatos de capoeiristas entrevistados, buscamos comprender cómo transcurren las experiencias vividas en esta práctica corporal en el tránsito psicológico entre juego, lucha y pelea. La arqueología fenomenológica de las culturas fue el referente metodológico utilizado. Tres categorías describen esencialmente cómo ocurren el juego, la lucha y la pelea en la capoeira: alegría de jugar; juego de la complicidad; la negación del juego. A su vez, los elementos esenciales de las transiciones aparecen en dos categorías –juego de prudencias; juego duro– orientadas afectivamente por la dinámica entre suavización e intensificación combativa. Se constata que la intensificación combativa puede tanto derivar en violencia como ocasionar el cultivo del espíritu de lucha, posibilitando condiciones existenciales para el autocontrol de los capoeiristas. Por meio de relatos de capoeiristas entrevistados, visou-se compreender como se dão as experiências vividas nesta prática corporal no trânsito psicológico entre brincadeira, luta e briga. A arqueologia fenomenológica das culturas foi o referencial metodológico utilizado. Três categorias descrevem essencialmente como brincadeira, luta e briga ocorrem propriamente na capoeira: alegria de jogar; jogo da cumplicidade; a negação do jogo. Já os elementos essenciais das transições aparecem em duas categorias: jogo de prudências e jogo duro – orientadas afetivamente pela dinâmica entre abrandamento e intensificação combativa. Confere-se que a intensificação combativa pode tanto acarretar em violência como ocasionar o cultivo do espírito de luta, possibilitando condições existenciais para o autocontrole dos capoeiristas.

    Fronteras subjetivas entre lucha y violencia desde la experiencia de luchadores profesionales de MMA

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    [ES] El objetivo de este estudio es comprender las experiencias de los luchadores profesionales de artes marciales mixtas (MMA) en la transición psicológica entre la lucha y la violencia, a partir de sus propios informes. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con una muestra intencional de cinco participantes y su análisis se realizó desde una perspectiva fenomenológica. El cruce intencional de experiencias permitió la identificación de cinco categorías: mantener la concentración vs. perder la concentración; mantenimiento de la técnica vs. pérdida de la técnica; sentirse bien vs. vergüenza; deseo de probarse a sí mismo vs. agresión; represalia deseable vs. represalia desproporcionada. Los resultados de este estudio indican que la intensificación del intercambio combativo que conduce a la transición del primero al segundo ítem de cada categoría es el elemento clave en la transición subjetiva entre lucha y violencia.[EN] This study aimed to understand the experiences of professional mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters in the psychological transition between fight and violence, based on their own reports. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with an intentional sample of five participants and their analysis was carried out from a phenomenological perspective. The intentional crossing of experiences allowed the identification of five categories: maintaining focus vs. losing your head; maintenance of the technique vs. loss of the technique; feeling good vs. embarrassment; desire to test yourself vs. aggression; desirable retaliation vs. disproportionate retaliation. The results of this study indicate that the intensification of the combative exchange that leads to the transition from the first to the second item of each category is the key element in the subjective transition between fight and violence.[PT] O objetivo deste estudo é compreender as experiências de lutadores profissionais de artes marciais mistas (MMA) no trânsito psicológico entre a luta e a violência, a partir de seus próprios relatos. Entrevistas semiestruturadas foram conduzidas com uma amostra intencional de cinco participantes e sua análise foi realizada através de uma perspectiva fenomenológica. O cruzamento intencional das experiências permitiu a identificação de cinco categorias: manter o foco vs. perder a cabeça; manutenção da técnica vs. perda da técnica; sentir-se bem vs. constrangimento; desejo de se testar vs. agressão; revide desejável vs. revide desproporcional. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a intensificação na troca combativa que conduz a passagem do primeiro ao segundo item de cada categoria é o elemento chave na transição subjetiva entre luta e violência

    Toward a psychology of Jiu-jitsu: phenomenological analysis of the ways to combat in practitioner's experience

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    [EN] A psychological perspective of martial arts necessarily involves the understanding of personal development sought for them

    Mulheres brasileiras nos esportes de combate Olímpicos: uma discussão através das histórias de vida

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    With the rise of the Olympic Games (OG) in the Modern Era, there could be seen an increasing opportunity to promote encounters between countries, encouraged by sports dispute. In this process, the participation of Brazilian women has been recognized and reconfigured, while facing a double challenge: to be a sportsperson in Brazil, as a woman. This study aims to understand how female participation in Olympic Combat Sports (OCS) – Judo, Boxing, Olympic Fighting, Fencing, Taekwondo and Karate) occurred, notably from the life stories of the athletes. As a methodological procedure, this research was carried out based on the reports in Atletas Olímpicos Brasileiros (Brazilian Olympic Athletes) by Katia Rubio, adding some narratives brought in through other studies that addressed the theme of women in the OCS. Throughout the analysis we note similarities and differences among the modalities. All of them converge on the important challenges that women have taken in the process of conquering spaces in a predominantly masculine field, like sports in general or in the Martial Arts & Combat Sports (MA&CS) domain. The discussion corroborate most of the findings in the literature, however research is needed to focus on the pre-reflexive and embodied dimension of their experiences or in the daily life of their practices, which would allow us to point out if these differences can be confirmed beyond their discourses. These aspects also highlight the need for new research at gender issues in its transcultural, racial and transsexuality nuances, as well as in other MA&CS. Further studies on women in sports are expected, especially those done by women themselves and/or considering their reports, narratives and experiences, seeking to break a historical process in which both science and sport are made by men, and women have played the role of object or spectators, and rarely of an active subject.Con el auge de los Juegos Olímpicos (GO) en la Era Moderna, se vislumbraba una oportunidad cada vez mayor para promover encuentros entre países, alentados por la disputa deportiva. En este proceso, la participación de la mujer brasileña ha sido reconocida y reconfigurada, frente a un doble desafío: ser deportista en Brasil, como mujer. Este estudio tiene como objetivo comprender cómo ocurrió la participación femenina en deportes de combate olímpicos (OCS) – judo, boxeo, lucha olímpica, esgrima, taekwondo y karate), en particular a partir de las historias de vida de las atletas. Como procedimiento metodológico, esta investigación se realizó a partir de los reportes en Atletas Olímpicos Brasileiros, de Katia Rubio, agregando narrativas aportadas a través de otros estudios que abordaron el tema de la mujer en las OCS. A lo largo del análisis notamos similitudes y diferencias entre las modalidades. Todos confluyen en los importantes desafíos que las mujeres han asumido en el proceso de conquista de espacios en un ámbito predominantemente masculino, como el deporte en general o en el ámbito de las Artes Marciales y Deportes de Combate (MA&CS). La discusión corrobora la mayoría de los hallazgos en la literatura, sin embargo se requiere investigación que se enfoque en la dimensión pre-reflexiva y corporificada de sus vivencias o en la cotidianidad de sus prácticas, lo que nos permitiría señalar si estas diferencias pueden ser confirmadas más allá de sus discursos. Estos aspectos también resaltan la necesidad de nuevas investigaciones en temas de género en sus matices transculturales, raciales y de transexualidad, así como en otras MA&CS. Se esperan más estudios sobre la mujer en el deporte, especialmente los realizados por las propias mujeres y / o considerando sus relatos, narrativas y vivencias, buscando romper un proceso histórico en el que tanto la ciencia como el deporte son hechos por hombres, y las mujeres han jugado el papel de objeto o espectadoras, y rara vez de sujeto activo.Com o surgimento dos Jogos Olímpicos (OG) na Era Moderna, percebeu-se uma oportunidade cada vez maior de promover encontros entre países, estimulados pela disputa esportiva. Nesse processo, a participação da mulher brasileira foi reconhecida e reconfigurada, diante de um duplo desafio: ser esportista no Brasil, como mulher. Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender como se deu a participação feminina nos Esportes de Combate Olímpicos (OCS) – Judô, Boxe, Luta Olímpica, Esgrima, Taekwondo e Karatê, notadamente a partir das histórias de vida das atletas. Como procedimento metodológico, esta pesquisa foi realizada a partir dos relatos em Atletas Olímpicos Brasileiros, de Katia Rubio, agregando algumas narrativas trazidas por outros estudos que abordavam a temática da mulher nos OCS. Ao longo da análise, notamos semelhanças e diferenças entre as modalidades. Todas convergem para os importantes desafios que as mulheres têm assumido no processo de conquista de espaços num campo predominantemente masculino, como os desportos em geral ou no domínio das Artes Marciais e Esportes de Combate (MA&CS). A discussão corrobora com grande parte dos achados da literatura, porém é preciso pesquisas que foquem na dimensão pré-reflexiva e corporificada de suas vivências ou no cotidiano de suas práticas, o que nos permitiria apontar se essas diferenças podem ser confirmadas além de seus discursos. Esses aspectos também destacam a necessidade de novas pesquisas sobre as questões de gênero em suas nuances transculturais, raciais e transexuais, assim como em outras MA&CS. Espera-se novos estudos sobre mulheres no esporte, principalmente realizados pelas próprias mulheres e/ou considerando seus relatos, narrativas e vivências, buscando romper um processo histórico em que a ciência e o esporte são feitos por homens, e as mulheres têm desempenhado o papel de objeto ou espectadoras, raramente de sujeito ativo

    Galhofa: the Portuguese wrestling between tradition and survival

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    This paper aims to present the galhofa, a traditional wrestling style practiced in Portugal, especially in Trás-os-Montes, in the northern region. Part of an oral and folk tradition, galhofa has survived with no systematic organization, either regarding its rules or even its techniques. Thus, this paper is focused on introducing and discussing the galhofa as an activity between tradition and sportization. Data was collected in Bragança in 2019 through interview and immersion activity, along with images and videos from field research conducted in Parada between 1997 and 2001. Both the visit to Bragança and the analytical process were conducted via phenomenology and inspired by esthesiology and emersiology. Overall, the experience of galhofa encompasses a free way of fighting with the main objective of keeping the opponent’s back and shoulders on the floor for a few seconds. It is historically related to a manly activity and it is often associated as a ritual of passage from adolescence to manhood. As the only traditional Portuguese wrestling modality surviving nowadays, the galhofa can be considered as a very unique fighting practice. However, there are some shared aspects with other martial arts and combat sports, especially more traditional ones, such as capoeira, loita or lucha leonesa. Under the risk of disappearing, it faces an ongoing sportization process, which includes a more gender equality agenda and a systematic organization of techniques and competition procedures. Relevant changes have also been made towards making this practice more popular and widely known, such as establishing it as part of the undergraduate curriculum on Sports degree at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

    Karate, capoeira and MMA: a phenomenological approach to the process of starting a fight

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    In sports studies, the body of research focussing on combat sports has developed, but so far few studies regarding the experience of starting a fight. In order to comprehend the process of starting a fight, this study aims to investigate and describe it through both a comparative and phenomenological approach of Brazilian karate, capoeira and mixed martial arts (MMA) practitioners (n = 11, 7, 11, respectively). Semi-structured interviews were conducted and in the analysis we used a phenomenological perspective. Most of the karatekas described the distance adjustment and bowing to their opponent as the beginning of the combat. Capoeiristas highlighted the sound of music and the roda, referring to the way they organize themselves to start fighting. MMA athletes commonly described the beginning of the fight as when they start the camp, from the weigh-in or the octagon entrance. Using the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, the process of beginning a fight can be understood as a relationship between a bodily consciousness and the world. The findings in this paper concur with the phenomenological understanding, according to which actions are not seen as randomly executed: instead they are pre-reflexively and corporeally understood, as well as situated within a specific context; this is illustrated in the manner a fight within each modality seems to begin somewhat differently, according to the specific modality in question. These results help us comprehend the beginning of the fight in which body and world are constantly intertwined. Future directions include comprehension of the fighting experience as a whole, understanding the perception and movement of these fighters through the entire combat, and enhancing phenomenological studies regarding bodily experiences