33 research outputs found

    Evaluation of fruit and seed diversity and characterization of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) cultivars in Algarve region

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    The genetic diversity of 15 carob ( Ceratonia siliqua L.) cultivars located in an experimental field from Algarve (Portugal) was evaluated over 7 years using 12 fruit and seed phenotypic characters, in order to characterize carob cultivars. The values of morphological traits obtained by cultiv ar were compared with those from other countries of the Mediterranean basin. Statistically significant differences were found between cultivars for al l characters which were examined, what indicates a high genetic diversity. The relationship among these characters was analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA) resulting in the separation of these cultivars classed in four groups (clusters I–IV) and in four ungrouped cultivars. A three dimension of the model was found to be significant and explained 74.5% of the total variation, in which the first component accounting for 34.6% of the total variation is dominated by fruit characters, while the second component is dominated by seed characters. Cultivars plotted on the left-lower quadrant on the space determined by principal components 1 and 2 are characterized by fruits with high seed yield more appropriated for industrial rentability. The correlation analyses established by cultivar provided a specific understanding about the way how fruit and seed characteristics correlate within each cultivar. This approach can be useful for the development of a breeding programme, aiming to increase the seed yield, seed thickness, individual and total seed weight by fruit, characteristics that are determinant to improve the industrial exploitation of carob

    Análise às dinâmicas existentes, na defesa da floresta contra incêndios, no concelho de Mortágua Mortágua

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    Os incêndios Florestais são um fenómeno próprio de várias regiões, abrangendo aquelas que apresentam clima com características mediterrâneas, como o nosso país. Embora exista unanimidade em considerar a questão dos incêndios florestais, como um problema grave que urge resolver, ou pelo menos minorar, a verdade, é que dadas as suas variadas facetas., nem sempre, os diferentes Intervenientes envolvidos se mostram de acordo quanto à forma de o fazer. A Região Centro tem, nas últimas décadas, sentido o flagelo dos incêndios florestais, e em particular nos concelhos de Distrito de Viseu (DV). No período entre 1990 e 2003, observou-se, no DV, uma área florestal ardida total de mais de 182.500 hectares, sendo cerca de 67.600ha de povoamentos e 114.900ha de matos, com mais de 31700 ocorrências. A análise da evolução dos fogos florestais, no período referido, revela que estes ocorrem com uma frequência cíclica, tendo tido picos de maior área ardida nos anos de 1990, 1996 e 1998 e 2000, não se observando uma relação directa com o número de ocorrências. Este comportamento, embora com as devidas diferenciações, observa-se, de um modo geral, em todos os concelhos do DV, à excepção do concelho de Mortágua, onde esta situação é paradigmática. De facto, a partir do ano de 1995, observa-se neste concelho, uma quase inexistência de área ardida, não obstante, de ser dos concelhos que apresenta uma maior taxa florestal. Com o intuito de contribuir para uma melhor compreensão, sobre as estratégias levadas a cabo pelas Entidades competentes, e pela população do concelho, no planeamento das acções de defesa e combate aos incêndios florestais, que contribuíram para a diminuição dos incêndios e consequentemente da área ardida, foi realizado este trabalho, com o apoio da Associação de Produtores Florestais de Mortágua. Foram levantadas todas as infra-estruturas florestais existentes no concelho e, simultaneamente, foi elaborado um inquérito aos proprietários florestais para conhecer a sua atitude face à floresta

    Selected cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) genotypes suitable for PDO cheeses in Mediterranean regions

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    Cardoon flower extract is a traditional and exclusive rennet used for some PDO cheeses in several Mediterranean regions, due to its extremely high concentration in cardosins. In this preliminary study, six individual cardoon genotypes (1M – 6M) were selected because they revealed a wide and consistent diversity of total and specific cardosin concentrations in flowers. During three growing seasons, the stability of 12 biochemical characteristics of flower extracts and 26 plant morphological descriptors was confirmed. Surprisingly, the cardosin profiles of each genotype, based on four main groups A0, A1, A and B, were stable during the annual flower harvesting period and over all three years using ion-exchange chromatography and native-PAGE electrophoresis. This knowledge will allow an improvement in the quality and standardization of cardosin profiles from cardoon flowers used for cheese production and other innovative applications. The results obtained are promising for the development of a plant breeding program based on biochemical and morphological characteristics in order to obtain the most adapted plant architecture for combined purposes related to specific cardosins composition, flower and plant biomass production, and ease of harvesting.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Analysis of genetic diversity in Portuguese Ceratonia siliqua L. cultivars using RAPD and AFLP markers

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    Although carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is of great economic importance little is still known about the pattern of genetic variation within this species. Morphological characteristics based on 31 fruit and seeds of continuous characters determinant for agro-industrial uses, were compared with RAPD and AFLP markers for assessing genetic distances in 68 accessions of carob trees, from different cultivars, varieties and eco-geographic regions of Algarve. Eighteen selected RAPD primers applied to the 68 accessions produced a total of 235 fragments ranging from 200 to 2000 bp, of which 93 (40%) were polymorphic. Four AFLP selective primer combinations generated a total of 346 amplification fragments of which 110 were polymorphic. The average level of polymorphism based on four primer combinations was 31.8%. The phenetic trees based on RAPD and AFLP analyses gave high co-phenetic correlation values, and were found to be consistent in general with the analysis of morphological data, carried out on the same accessions. A number of RAPD and AFLP markers were found to be diagnostic for ‘Canela’ cultivar and 13 wild ungrafted trees

    Effect of drying on the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of thistle flower

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    The thistle is a plant that is associated with the production of cheese, as it is responsible for the phenomenon of coagulation of milk. Lately there has been an increased the number of studies about this plant, related to the chemical composition in order to perceive the benefits for human health. The aim of this study was to characterize the thistle flower in relation to its composition in phenolic compounds and also evaluate its antioxidant activity. For that, were studied samples of thistle flower from species Cynara cardunculus L. after freeze-drying and convective drying at different temperatures (40 ºC, 50 ºC and 60 ºC). After each treatment were made from each sample two successive extractions with solutions of methanol (98% v/v) and acetone (60% v/v). The extracts were then used for characterization of the samples in phenolic compounds and determination of antioxidant activity. The results showed that the amount of phenolics and antioxidant activity in the flower thistle varies depending on the drying temperature decrease occurring as they use higher drying temperatures

    A Biomassa Verde e Lenhosa dos Espaços Urbanos como Fonte Energética para os Edifícios Públicos da Cidade de Viseu

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    A biomassa gerada pelos espaços verdes urbanos constitui uma fonte de resíduos significativa que, muitas vezes, é direccionada directamente para aterros podendo ser aproveitada para fins energéticos, nomeadamente no aquecimento térmico de alguns edifícios públicos. O presente trabalho apresenta a quantificação da biomassa verde indiferenciada gerada pelos espaços verdes urbanos, depositada nos pontos de recolha específicos, e da biomassa lenhosa proveniente das podas realizadas nas árvores existentes na cidade de Viseu. Simultaneamente, estimam-se as necessidades energéticas (eléctricas e térmicas), no Verão e Inverno, dos principais edifícios públicos da cidade. A quantificação dos resíduos produzidos anualmente foi avaliada por inquéritos às empresas responsáveis pelas podas das árvores da cidade, à autarquia e ao centro de tratamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, para o período de 2004 a 2007. Fez-se também a estimativa a partir da caracterização dendrométrica do parque arbóreo existente, a qual serviu para comparar e validar os resultados obtidos. As necessidades energéticas médias anuais foram estimadas a partir do inquérito realizado, no período entre 2004 e 2006, em 49 edifícios públicos como escolas, unidades de saúde, edifícios da autarquia, entre outros. Os resultados mostram que as necessidades térmicas médias anuais dos edifícios estudados rondam os 109.245,78 GJ. A biomassa produzida ronda as 106,5 t/ano de resíduos lenhosos e 103,3 t/ano de resíduos verdes, os quais foram convertidos em valores de energia. A biomassa unicamente lenhosa poderia suprir cerca de 10,3% das necessidades térmicas de Inverno, das 19 escolas levantadas nestes estudo. Dado que muita da biomassa produzida na cidade não é contabilizada, uma vez que é depositada juntamente com os resíduos sólidos urbanos, o potencial energético destes resíduos poderia ser muito superior

    Phenolic profile and bioactivity of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) inflorescence parts: Selecting the best genotype for food applications

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    This study was designed to characterize the phenolic profile and bioactivity of hydroalcoholic extracts from different cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) genotypes. The analytical work focussed on the inflorescence stigmas, owing to their application in cheese production. Nevertheless, other parts were concomitantly analysed aiming to define their possible use in related applications. Phenolic profiles obtained by LC-DAD-ESI/MSn showed significant differences among different cardoon genotypes, but apigenin and caffeoylquinic acid derivatives were generally the major molecules in all samples. Genotype influence has also been observed in relation to the antioxidant and antibacterial activities. Besides their strong antioxidant activity, the cardoon inflorescences showed satisfactory antibacterial activity, namely against Gram-positive strains, with particularly low MIC in Listeria monocytogenes. Overall, it was possible to identify the cardoon genotype (within the selected ones) providing the best standardized ingredient (stigma) with considerable added-value to be included in the process of cheese making.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC) in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC) is a plant generally associated as an ingredient in the Mediterranean diet. The polyphenols present in this plant provide pharmacological and nutritional properties. C. cardunculus L. has been used throughout animal studies, which demonstrated an anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Since there is not a known cure, the research of new possible pharmacological approaches is essential. This study aims to evaluate the effect of an aqueous extract of C. cardunculus L. dry leaves in a 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis model. Methods: CD-1 mice with TNBS-induced colitis received an intraperitoneal (IP) administration of C. cardunculus L. once per day for 4 days. Results: The C. cardunculus L. demonstrated a beneficial effect in this experimental model of IBD with anti-inflammatory action through the reduction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α levels. It also demonstrated a beneficial influence on the extra-intestinal manifestations related to IBD, with the absence of significant side effects of its use. Conclusions: The extract of C. cardunculus L. dry leaves can become an interesting tool for new possible pharmacological approaches in the management of IBD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of Thistle Ecotype in the Physical-Chemical and Sensorial Properties of Serra da Estrela Cheese

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of Serra da Estrela cheese and compare these results with those of the sensory analysis. For the study were taken six samples of Serra da Estrela cheese produced with 6 different ecotypes of thistlein a dairy situated in Penalva do Castelo. The chemical properties evaluated were moisture content, protein, fat, ash, chloride and pH; the physical properties studied were color and texture; and finally a sensory evaluation was undertaken. The results showed moisture varying in the range 40- 48%, protein in the range 15-20%, fat between 41-45%, ash between 3.9-5.0% and chlorides varying from 1.2 to 3.0%. The pH varied from 4.8 to 5.4. The textural properties revealed that the crust hardness is relatively low (maximum 7.3 N), although greater than flesh firmness (maximum 1.7 N), and also that these cheeses are in fact soft paste type, with measurable stickiness and intense adhesiveness. The color analysis showed that the crust is relatively light (L* over 50), and with a predominant yellow coloration (b* around 20 or over) although with a slight greenish tone (a* negative). The results of the sensory analysis did not show great variability for most of the attributes measured, although some differences were found in attributes such as crust thickness, crust uniformity, and creamy flesh

    How Cynara cardunculus ecotypes affect the production of Castelo Branco PDO cheese : a case study

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    Cheese manufacture is a way of preserving a very perishable food, milk. This product is a versatile food that offers various flavours and textures, making it a convenient food and a source of nutrients1. Last available data from Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) indicates that the annual dairy consumption reaches 1218 thousand tons in Portugal and the third more consumed dairy product is cheese, with 137 thousand tons per year2. In 2021, the world cheese trade was forecast to rise 4 % to hit the record of 3.6 million tonnes.Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural 2014-2020, PDR2020-101-031009info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio