416 research outputs found

    Effects of Cyclodextrin Type on Vitamin C, Antioxidant Activity, and Sensory Attributes of a Mandarin Juice Enriched with Pomegranate and Goji Berries

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    The effects of the addition of cyclodextrins (CDs), β-CD, or HP-β-CD (1%), on the protection of antioxidant compounds of mandarin juices enriched with pomegranate extract and goji berries juice, was studied. Juices were prepared and after their thermal treatment (98 ◦C, 30 s) they were stored at 4 ◦C during 75 d. Vitamin C content, CIE L∗a∗b∗ color, antioxidant capacity, retinol equivalents, and sensory properties were studied. Losses on vitamin C were higher (6%) for juices with β-CD than juices with HP-β-CD. Retinol equivalents degradation was lower (3.4%) in juices with HP-β-cyclodextrins than in those treated with β-CD. Lower losses were observed for the instrumental and sensory color intensity in juices with HP-β-CD addition. Finally, the antioxidant capacity was also higher in juices treated with HP-β-CD. Finally, the overall sensory quality of juices with HP-β-CD was the best one after 30 d of cold storage. Even though β-CD addition did not cause any improvement compared with control juice (without CD addition), the benefits of adding HP-β-CD to this particular juice were shown in almost all parameters under study.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Optimization of harvest date according to the volatile composition of Mediterranean aromatic herbs at different vegetative stages

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    Most of the studies concerning the optimal harvest date of aromatic herbs have dealt with different parts of plant such as flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds, but none have evaluated the effect of different harvest date at different vegetative stages on shoots (leaves and stems). Therefore, the main objective was to investigate the effects of harvest date of two consecutive seasons on the volatile composition of shoots of 4 aromatic herbs (dill, parsley, coriander and mint) widely cultivated worldwide. The impact of harvest date during the evolution of vegetative part of four aromatic herbs (parsley, dill, coriander and mint) was investigated. Volatile compounds of shoots of the four herbs were identified by GC–MS. The main compounds were 1,3,8-p-menthatriene, betaphellandrene, myristicin and myrcene for parsley, alpha-phellandrene, dillether and beta-phellandrene for dill, decanal, E-2-dodecenal, 1-decanol and dodecanal for coriander, and carvone and limonene in case of mint. There was a significant effect of harvest date on the content of volatile compounds of the four species. The results showed that highest total concentration of volatiles and therefore the optimal harvest date of parsley was found 9 weeks after planting date with a total concentration of 2543 mg kg−1, for dill was 2619 mg kg−1 14 weeks after planting date, for coriander was 2191 mg kg−1 3 weeks after planting date, and 23329 mg kg−1 for mint 6 weeks after planting dat

    Molecular, physico-chemical, and sensory characterization of the traditional spanish apple variety "Pero de Cehegín"

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    The "Pero de Cehegín"is an ancient local variety of apple grown in Murcia (Spain). In this study, microsatellites markers showed evidence of a unique profile that has never been reported before in other Spanish apple germplasm collections. Five "Pero de Cehegín"clones were evaluated and compared with two commercial apple varieties, "Fuji"and "Golden Delicious", to assess its marketing potential. For this, the physical (weight, height, and width of the fruit, moisture content, firmness, and color of the fruit, among others), and chemical (total soluble solids, total acidity, and maturity index) properties of the fruits were evaluated. In addition, the content of bioactive compounds such as total polyphenol content, total antioxidant activity using the ABTS+, DPPH, and FRAP methods, and the sugar profile were analyzed, and their sensory profile was also evaluated. Physico-chemical differences were found within the "Pero de Cehegín"clones and between the commercial varieties. "Pero de Cehegín"had a high firmness, high total soluble solids, very low total acidity, high FRAP antioxidant capacity, and more sucrose content in comparison with "Fuji"and "Golden Delicious". These distinctive characteristics and the good appearance of the fruit make this variety a marketable product that will increase the offering of traditional, local, but underutilized fruit varieties

    Geographical variation in inorganic arsenic in paddy field samples and commercial rice from the Iberian Peninsula

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    This study investigated total arsenic and arsenic speciation in rice using ion chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (IC-ICP-MS), covering the main rice-growing regions of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. The main arsenic species found were inorganic and dimethylarsinic acid. Samples surveyed were soil, shoots and field-collected rice grain. From this information soil to plant arsenic transfer was investigated plus the distribution of arsenic in rice across the geographical regions of Spain and Portugal. Commercial polished rice was also obtained from each region and tested for arsenic speciation, showing a positive correlation with field-obtained rice grain. Commercial polished rice had the lowest i-As content in Andalucia, Murcia and Valencia while Extremadura had the highest concentrations. About 26% of commercial rice samples exceeded the permissible concentration for infant food production as governed by the European Commission. Some cadmium data is also presented, available with ICP-MS analyses, and show low concentration in rice samples.Peer Reviewe

    Antioxidant capacity, fatty acids profile, and descriptive sensory analysis of table olives as affected by deficit irrigation

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    preprintThe influence of three irrigation treatments (T0, no stress; T1, soft stress; and, T2, moderate stress) on the key functional properties [fatty acids, sugar alcohols, organic acids, minerals, total polyphenols content (TPC), and antioxidant activity (AA)], sensory quality, and consumers' acceptance of table olives, cv. ‘Manzanilla’, was evaluated. RESULTS: A soft water stress, T1, led to table olives with the highest oil and dry matter contents, with the highest intensities of key sensory attributes and slightly, although not significant, higher values of consumer satisfaction degree. Besides, RDI in general (T1 and T2) slightly increased green colour, the content of linoleic acid, but decreased the content of phytic acid and some minerals. CONCLUSION: The soft RDI conditions are a good option for the cultivation of olive trees because they are environmentally friendly and simultaneously maintain or even improve the functionality, sensory quality, and consumer acceptance of table olives. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-45922-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-45922-C2-2-

    Quality Parameters, Volatile Composition, and Sensory Profiles of Highly Endangered Spanish Citrus Fruits

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    There is very little information available on the chemical composition and the quality attributes of the citrus species studied which are truly endangered in Spain. None of the fruits studied is available for commercial purposes, which is the main interest and novelty of this study. The aim of this work was to fully describe the morphology, volatile composition, and sensory profile of traditional citrus fruits: sour lime (SoLi), sweet lime (SwLi), and sweet lemon (SwLe), to have the information to convince farmers and growers to cultivate these fruits again. The predominant sugar was fructose while citric acid prevails in SoLi and SwLe. Regarding volatiles compounds, monoterpenes, monoterpenoids, and esters predominated in the juices, and these three families plus sesquiterpenes in the peels. The juice of SoLi presented the highest content of esters (14.8%), SwLi juice presented similar values of both monoterpenes and monoterpenoids (46.1 and 46.0%, resp.), and SwLe juice had the highest content of monoterpenes (72.2%). The results demonstrated the high potential of these citrus materials for the agrofood industry. Therefore, it will be possible to recover these vegetal materials at risk of disappearing for potential uses by the food industry and simultaneously help maintaining the biodiversity

    Valorization of Prickly Pear [<em>Opuntia ficus-indica</em> (L.) Mill]: Nutritional Composition, Functional Properties and Economic Aspects

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    Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill, usually named prickly pear or nopal cactus, is the Cactaceae plant with the greatest economic relevance in the world. It is a tropical or subtropical plant, native to tropical and subtropical America, which can grow in arid and semiarid climates. Prickly pear is mainly known by its fruits, popularly named “tunas” or “figs,” but their cladodes are also consumed, principally in Mexico, which is the country with the largest cultivated area and the largest producer. There is ample evidence of the health benefits of prickly pear: it shows high antioxidant activity, it is a source of nutrients and vitamins and it presents medicinal uses, among others. Furthermore, prickly pear presents other uses, including cosmetics, biofuel production, animal nutrition and soil phytoremediation

    Quality attributes of pistachio nuts as affected by rootstocks and deficit irrigation

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    BACKGROUND: In this work, the influence of two regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) treatments and three different rootstocks on the quality of pistachios was evaluated by analyzing different parameters: morphological analysis, physicochemical analysis and sensory analysis. RESULTS: The results obtained in terms of the choice of rootstock revealed that Pistacia atlantica had increased production yields, nut weight, mineral content, higher intensities of characteristic sensory attributes and a higher degree of consumer satisfaction, than the other rootstocks studied. Moreover, the results established that the application of RDI on pistachio cultivation had no significant influence on production yield, weight, size, colour, water activity or mineral composition. Furthermore, T1 treatment (stem water potential?<?-1.3 MPa) resulted in higher intensities of characteristic sensory attributes and a greater level of satisfaction among international consumers. CONCLUSION: These results confirm that the application of deficit irrigation (T1) contributes to an increase in overall product quality. Furthermore, Pistacia atlantica rootstock provided better yield and quality than the other rootstocks studied. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industr

    Effect of preharvest fruit bagging on fruit quality characteristics and incidence of fruit physiopathies in fully irrigated and water stressed pomegranated trees

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    BACKGROUND: This report studied the response of pomegranate fruit under full irrigation (FI) and water stress (WS) conditions to bagging with externally glossy single layer cellulosic paper bags open at the bottom from the end of fruit thinning to harvest time. RESULTS: Bagging decreased fruit size and the maturity index, and increased antioxidant activity in FI conditions. Moreover, fruit bagging substantially reduced the incidence of peel sunburn in both irrigation conditions. CONCLUSION: The delay in fruit growth and ripening as a result of pomegranate fruit bagging is outweighed by the very important commercial benefit in terms of the reduced incidence of peel sunburn and the increase in fruit antioxidant activity

    Bioactive fractions from cantabrian anchovy (Engraulis encrarischolus) viscera

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    The potential of cantabrian anchovy (Engraulis encrarischolus) viscera as a source of bioactive compounds is of interest for both, pharmaceutical and food industries. Cantabrian anchovy guts and heads were freeze-dried, extracted with methanol and subjected to fractionation by solvent partitioning using hexane, ethyl acetate, and butanol. Fractions were tested for antimutagenic, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial activity using the Ames test; DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays; the radial grown inhibition assay; and the microbroth dilution method, respectively. Five fractions were obtained from the anchovy gut methanolic extract, in addition to the hexane- (HF), ethyl acetate- (EAF), and butanol-soluble (BF) fractions, an aqueous-soluble fraction (ALF) and precipitated crystals (ACF) in this were also obtained. HF and EAF resulted to be antimutagenic, HF and ALF showed antifungal activity, BF and ACF showed the highest antioxidant potential, and HF and BF were antibacterial against several strains. Anchovy gut, which to the present study had not been reported for any bioactivity, has antimutagenic, antifungal, antioxidant, and antibacterial compounds, which need to be isolated for full characterization and study.Authors wish to acknowledge CONACyT for the financial support granted to Burgos-Hernández, A., (234469) and Rosas‑Burgos, E.C., (234051) to carry out a sabbatical-research staying at the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche at Orihuela, Alicante, Spain