47 research outputs found

    Implementation and assessment of a model including mixotrophs and the carbonate cycle (Eco3M_MIX-CarbOx v1.0) in a highly dynamic Mediterranean coastal environment (Bay of Marseille, France) – Part 1: Evolution of ecosystem composition under limited light and nutrient conditions

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    Many current biogeochemical models rely on an autotrophic versus heterotrophic food web representation. However, in recent years, an increasing number of studies have begun to challenge this approach. Several authors have highlighted the importance of protists capable of combining photoautotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition in a single cell. These mixotrophic protists are known to play an important role in the carbon cycle. Here, we present a new biogeochemical model that represents the food web using variable stoichiometry. It contains the classic compartments such as zooplankton, phytoplankton, and heterotrophic bacteria and a newly added compartment to represent two types of mixotrophic protists: non-constitutive mixotrophs (NCMs) and constitutive mixotrophs (CMs). We demonstrate that the model correctly reproduces the characteristics of NCMs and CMs and proceed to study the impact of light and nutrient limitation on planktonic ecosystem structure in a highly dynamic Mediterranean coastal area, namely the Bay of Marseille (BoM, France), paying special attention to the dynamics of mixotrophic protists in these limiting conditions. In addition, we investigate the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus fluxes associated with mixotrophic protists and showed the following: (i) the portion of the ecosystem in terms of the percentage of carbon biomass occupied by NCMs decreases when resources (nutrient and prey concentrations) decrease, although their mixotrophy allows them to maintain a carbon biomass almost as significant as the copepod one (129.8 and 148.7 mmol C m−3, respectively), as photosynthesis increases as a food source, and (ii) the portion of the ecosystem in terms of the percentage of carbon biomass occupied by CM increases when nutrient concentrations decrease due to their capability to ingest prey to supplement their N and P needs. In addition to providing new insights regarding the conditions that lead to the emergence of mixotrophs in the BoM, this work provides a new tool to perform long-term studies and predictions of mixotroph dynamics in coastal environments under different environmental forcings.</p

    Les facteurs influençant la prescription d'antidépresseurs en médecine générale

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    Les d'antidĂ©presseurs sont prescrits Ă  80 % par les MG. 25 Ă  50 % des prescriptions concernent des indications non psychiatriques. Certaines de ses indications, hors AMM, sont justifiables par les donnĂ©es scientifiques. Des Ă©lĂ©ments contextuels (familiaux, sociaux, professionnels) dĂ©terminent Ă©galement la prescription d'antidĂ©presseurs. L'objectif principal de cette Ă©tude est d'Ă©valuer l'influence respective des facteurs contextuels et biomĂ©dicaux sur la prescription d'antidĂ©presseurs en soins primaires. L'objectif secondaire est d'Ă©valuer la faisabilitĂ© et la pertinence du questionnaire pour une Ă©tude de plus grande ampleur. MĂ©thode : C'est une Ă©tude Ă©pidĂ©miologique transversale. 25 mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes ont inclus tous leurs patients pendant une pĂ©riode d'une semaine. Un premier questionnaire a Ă©valuĂ© la prĂ©valence des traitements antidĂ©presseurs, leur posologie et leur durĂ©e. Ensuite, 2 observations comprenant une prescription d'antidĂ©presseur ont Ă©tĂ© tirĂ©es au sort et Ă©valuĂ©es par un questionnaire face Ă  face. Un deuxiĂšme questionnaire, Ă©laborĂ© Ă  partir d'une prĂ©cĂ©dente Ă©tude qualitative, a Ă©valuĂ© les dĂ©terminants (biomĂ©dicaux, sociaux, et contextuels) de la prescription. L'influence respective de chaque facteur a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e. Une Ă©valuation qualitative des questions et de leur libellĂ© a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e par le mĂ©decin interviewĂ© et le chercheur. RĂ©sultats : Les facteurs influençant le plus la prescription Ă©taient les troubles psychiques dĂ©pressifs ou anxieux, mais il existait jusqu'Ă  3 Ă  4 cofacteurs associĂ©s Ă  la prescription. Les pathologies douloureuses, en particulier neurologiques, une situation judiciaire en cours ou du stress au travail Ă©taient des Ă©lĂ©ments encourageant fortement la prescription. Le tabagisme, les addictions, l'invaliditĂ© ne semblaient pas du tout influencer la mise sous traitement. L'Ă©valuation qualitative a permis d'affiner le questionnaire, en particulier pour l'Ă©valuation du contexte familial. Conclusion : Les mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes sont Ă  l'origine de la majoritĂ© des prescriptions d'antidĂ©presseurs. Cette Ă©tude a montrĂ© que le contexte psycho-social jouait un rĂŽle important dans la prescription. Les pathologies psychiatriques sont, comme attendues les motifs de prescriptions les plus frĂ©quents et les plus influents. 18% des observations concernent des diagnostics non psychiatriques, au cƓur desquelles on retrouve les pathologies douloureuses

    Les barriÚres tombent : réflexions sur le SIGB libre

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    National audienceA la fin de l'année 2005, un groupe de réflexion sur les SIGB libres a été créé. Il observe les évolutions en France et à l'étranger. Les freins à l'adoption du libre se desserrent. Ils ne sont plus tant sur la technique que dans les mentalités

    Un cas d’acidose pyroglutamique associĂ© Ă  la prise concomitante de cloxacilline et d’acĂ©taminophĂšne

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Objectif : DĂ©crire un cas clinique d’acidose pyroglutamique qui serait causĂ© par la prise concomitante de cloxacilline et d’acĂ©taminophĂšne et discuter des Ă©tiologies possibles de ce type d’acidose mĂ©tabolique avec une Ă©lĂ©vation du trou anionique.Résumé du cas : Une patiente de 83 ans, souffrant d’une infection, a dĂ©veloppĂ© une acidose mĂ©tabolique avec une Ă©lĂ©vation du trou anionique et des lactates normaux lors du traitement Ă  la cloxacilline d’un anĂ©vrisme mycotique Ă  Staphylococcus aureus sensible Ă  la mĂ©thicilline. La patiente recevait Ă©galement de l’acĂ©taminophĂšne durant son hospitalisation. En retirant les agents causaux (cloxacilline et acĂ©taminophĂšne) et en instaurant un traitement de soutien et un protocole de N-AcĂ©tylcystĂ©ine, la patiente a rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ© rapidement sans subir de consĂ©quence permanente.Discussion : L’acidose pyroglutamique rĂ©sulte de l’accumulation de 5-oxoproline secondaire Ă  des anomalies du cycle gammaglutamyl et Ă  une dĂ©plĂ©tion en glutathion. Plusieurs rapports de cas dĂ©crivent diffĂ©rents facteurs de risque, dont certains mĂ©dicaments (acĂ©taminophĂšne, cloxacilline, vigabatrin) et certaines comorbiditĂ©s (atteinte rĂ©nale ou hĂ©patique, sepsis, malnutrition). Selon les algorithmes de Naranjo et DIPS, il est probable que ce cas d’acidose pyroglutamique ait Ă©tĂ© causĂ© par la combinaison de cloxacilline et d’acĂ©taminophĂšne. Bien qu’une valeur d’excrĂ©tion rĂ©nale de 5-oxoproline aurait permis de confirmer le diagnostic, la suspicion clinique demeure Ă©levĂ©e aprĂšs l’exclusion des autres causes potentielles.Conclusion : L’acidose pyroglutamique est une cause rare d’acidose mĂ©tabolique avec une Ă©lĂ©vation du trou anionique, et on devrait penser Ă  une telle acidose une fois que le diagnostic diffĂ©rentiel a Ă©liminĂ© les Ă©tiologies communes d’acidose. Ce cas souligne bien le rĂŽle du pharmacien dans la dĂ©tection des effets indĂ©sirables mĂ©dicamenteux rares.AbstractObjective: To describe a clinical case of pyroglutamic acidosis apparently caused by the concomitant use of cloxacillin and acetaminophen and to discuss the possible etiologies of this type of metabolic acidosis accompanied by an elevated anion gap.Case summary: An 83-year-old female patient with an infection developed metabolic acidosis with an elevated anion gap and normal lactates while being treated with cloxacillin for a methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus mycotic aneurysm. The patient also received acetaminophen during her hospital stay. Upon the withdrawal of the causal agents (cloxacillin and acetaminophen) and the initiation of supportive treatment and an N-acetylcysteine protocol, the patient experienced a rapid recovery with no permanent sequelae.Discussion: Pyroglutamic acidosis results from a build-up of 5-oxoproline secondary to gamma-glutamyl cycle abnormalities and glutathione depletion. A number of case reports describe different risk factors, among which are certain drugs (acetaminophen, cloxacillin and vigabatrin) and certain comorbidities (hepatic or renal impairment, sepsis and malnutrition). Based on the Naranjo and Drug Interaction Probability Scale algorithms, this case of pyroglutamic acidosis was probably caused by the concomitant use of cloxacillin and acetaminophen. Although the diagnosis could have been confirmed from a urinary 5-oxoproline excretion value, clinical suspicion remained strong after ruling out the other possible causes.Conclusion: Pyroglutamic acidosis is a rare cause of metabolic acidosis accompanied by an elevated anion gap and should be considered once the differential diagnosis has ruled out the common etiologies of acidosis. This case underscores the pharmacist’s role in detecting rare drug adverse effects

    Les solidarités, le logement abordable et le logement partagé : entre dispositifs juridiques et modÚles économiques

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    Compte rendu et analyses, SĂ©minaire PUCA, 17 mai 2013, Paris La DĂ©fense

    Dataset for "Disentangling mechanisms responsible for wind energy effects on European bats"

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    Data used in the study "Disentangling mechanisms responsible for wind energy effects on European bats". site = ID attributed to the studied site ; ID_Parc = ID attributed to the studied wind farm ; night = date of the sampling ; SM4 = ID attributed to the recorder ; NbWT_1500m = number of wind turbines in a 1500m buffer ; Dist_WT = distance to the nearest wind turbine ; Dist_water = distance to the nearest water body or water course ; Dist_forest = distance to the nearest forest ; avg_temp = average temperature of the night ; Prev_wind_mod1 = prevailing wind direction of the night ; count_prev_wind22.5 = number of hours during which the wind direction was close (± 22.5°) to the prevailing wind direction (mode) of the night ; angle = angle between the axis wind-turbine - detector and the north direction ; MES_year = year of commissioning of the nearest wind turbines ; Model = model of the nearest wind turbine ; Rotor_diameter = diameter of the rotor of the nearest wind turbine ; Hub_height = height of the hub of the nearest wind turbine ; ID_WT = ID attributed to the nearest wind turbin

    HprSR is a Reactive Chlorine Species-Sensing, Two-Component System in Escherichia coli

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    International audienceTwo-component systems (TCS) are signalling pathways that allow bacterial cells to sense, respond and adapt to fluctuating environments. Among the classical TCS of Escherichia coli , HprSR has recently been shown to be involved in the regulation of msrPQ , which encodes the periplasmic methionine sulfoxide reductase system. In this study, we demonstrate that hypochlorous acid (HOCl) induces the expression of msrPQ in an HprSR-dependant manner, whereas H 2 O 2 , NO and paraquat (a superoxide generator) do not. Therefore, HprS appears to be an HOCl-sensing histidine kinase. Using a directed mutagenesis approach, we show that Met residues located in the periplasmic loop of HprS are important for its activity: as HOCl preferentially oxidizes Met residues, we provide evidence that HprS could be activated via the reversible oxidation of its methionine residues, meaning that MsrPQ plays a role in switching HprSR off. We propose that the activation of HprS by HOCl could occur through a Met redox switch. HprSR appears to be the first characterized TCS able to detect reactive chlorine species (RCS) in E. coli . This study represents an important step towards understanding the mechanisms of RCS resistance in prokaryotes. IMPORTANCE Understanding how bacteria respond to oxidative stress at the molecular level is crucial in the fight against pathogens. HOCl is one of the most potent industrial and physiological microbiocidal oxidants. Therefore bacteria have developed counterstrategies to survive HOCl-induced stress. Over the last decade, important insights into these bacterial protection factors have been obtained. Our work establishes HprSR as a reactive chlorine species-sensing, two-component system in Escherichia coli MG1655, which regulates the expression of MsrPQ, a repair system for HOCl-oxidized proteins. Moreover we provide evidence suggesting that HOCl could activate HprS through a methionine redox switch

    Salmonella Typhimurium uses the Cpx stress response to detect N -chlorotaurine and promote the repair of oxidized proteins

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    International audienceThe cell envelope of gram-negative bacteria constitutes the first protective barrier between a cell and its environment. During host infection, the bacterial envelope is subjected to several stresses, including those induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive chlorine species (RCS) produced by immune cells. Among RCS, N- chlorotaurine ( N- ChT), which results from the reaction between hypochlorous acid and taurine, is a powerful and less diffusible oxidant. Here, using a genetic approach, we demonstrate that Salmonella Typhimurium uses the CpxRA two-component system to detect N -ChT oxidative stress. Moreover, we show that periplasmic methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrP) is part of the Cpx regulon. Our findings demonstrate that MsrP is required to cope with N -ChT stress by repairing N -ChT-oxidized proteins in the bacterial envelope. By characterizing the molecular signal that induces Cpx when S. Typhimurium is exposed to N -ChT, we show that N -ChT triggers Cpx in an NlpE-dependent manner. Thus, our work establishes a direct link between N -ChT oxidative stress and the envelope stress response