9 research outputs found

    Quality estimation of the electrocardiogram using cross-correlation among leads

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    Background Fast and accurate quality estimation of the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is a relevant research topic that has attracted considerable interest in the scientific community, particularly due to its impact on tele-medicine monitoring systems, where the ECG is collected by untrained technicians. In recent years, a number of studies have addressed this topic, showing poor performance in discriminating between clinically acceptable and unacceptable ECG records. Methods This paper presents a novel, simple and accurate algorithm to estimate the quality of the 12-lead ECG by exploiting the structure of the cross-covariance matrix among different leads. Ideally, ECG signals from different leads should be highly correlated since they capture the same electrical activation process of the heart. However, in the presence of noise or artifacts the covariance among these signals will be affected. Eigenvalues of the ECG signals covariance matrix are fed into three different supervised binary classifiers. Results and conclusion The performance of these classifiers were evaluated using PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2011 data. Our best quality classifier achieved an accuracy of 0.898 in the test set, while having a complexity well below the results of contestants who participated in the Challenge, thus making it suitable for implementation in current cellular devices.National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (Grant R01GM104987)Spain (Research Grant TEC2013-46067-R)Spain (Research Grant TEC2013-48439-C4-1-R)Spain (Research Grant TEC2010-19263

    Evaluación de las respuestas emocionales a la publicidad televisiva desde el Neuromarketing

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    Desde el siglo pasado hemos presenciado una evolución constante de las técnicas de comunicación publicitarias en un intento de adaptación a las nuevas realidades sociales del mercado. Como recurso estratégico, la Neurociencia aporta una nueva perspectiva al permitir explorar aquellos motivos difíciles de verbalizar o inconscientes que hay detrás de los comportamientos de los consumidores. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo descubrir la relación entre las emociones inducidas en los mensajes publicitarios audiovisuales y su impacto en el recuerdo de los sujetos. Para alcanzar este objetivo se ha realizado un experimento con ocho mensajes publicitarios audiovisuales (seis representativos de seis emociones básicas: alegría, sorpresa, ira, asco, miedo y tristeza; y dos racionales) en el que se han utilizado, por un lado, técnicas de Neuromarketing como son la actividad eléctrica cardíaca (ECG) y la actividad eléctrica de la dermis (AED) de los sujetos; y, por otro, una técnica de investigación convencional, un cuestionario aplicado a los sujetos que han participado en la investigación. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto variaciones en las medidas realizadas en los mensajes correspondientes a la alegría, la sorpresa y la ira, mientras que, tanto para el recuerdo sugerido del mensaje trasmitido como para la actividad del anunciante, el anuncio con mejores resultados ha sido el de la tristeza, anuncio que también ha sido considerado el más atractivo para los sujetos participantes.Since the last century, we have witnessed a steady evolution of advertising techniques in an effort to adapt to the new social context in the market. As a strategic resource, Neuroscience brings a new perspective by allowing you to explore those difficult or verbally unconscious motives behind consumer behaviours. The present work aims to discover the relationship between the emotions induced in audiovisual advertising messages and their impact on the memory of the subjects. To achieve this goal, an experiment was carried out with eight audiovisual advertising messages (six representatives of the basic emotions: joy, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness, and two rational ones that show the technical specifications of the product). Neuromarketing techniques such as the electrical activity of the heart (ECG) and the electrodermal activity (EDA) of the subjects are used, on one hand; and, on the other, a conventional research technique, a questionnaire applied to the subjects that participated in the research. The results show variations in the measures performed in the commercials corresponding to joy, surprise and anger, while for both, remembrance of the message transmitted and activity of the advertiser, the commercial with the best results has been the one regarding sadness, advertisement that has also been considered the most attractive for participating subjects

    Heart Rate Turbulence Analysis Based on Photoplethysmography

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    The goal of this paper is to determine whether the photoplethysmography (PPG) can replace the ECG-based detection of heart rate turbulence. Using the PPG, classification of ventricular premature beats (VPBs) is accomplished with a linear classifier. The two conventional parameters turbulence onset and slope are studied together with a recently introduced parameter characterizing turbulence shape. Performance is studied on a dataset with 4131 VPBs, recorded from a total of 27 patients in different clinical contexts (hemodialysis treatment, intensive care monitoring, and electrophysiological study). The sensitivity/specificity of VPB classification was found to be 90.5/99.9%, with an accuracy of 99.3%, suggesting that classification of VPBs can be reliable made from the PPG. The main difference between the two types of turbulence analysis stems from the fact that the pulse transit time varies largely immediately after the VPB. Out of the 22 patients which had a sufficient number of VPBs, the outcome of the ECG-and PPG-based analysis was identical in 21. It is concluded that the PPG may serve as a surrogate technique for the ECG in turbulence analysis

    Long-term characterization of persistent atrial fibrillation: wave morphology, frequency, and irregularity analysis

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    Short-term properties of atrial fibrillation (AF) frequency, f-wave morphology, and irregularity parameters have been thoroughly studied, but not long-term properties. In the present work, f-wave morphology is characterized by principal component analysis, introducing a novel temporal parameter defined by the cumulative normalized variance of the three largest principal components . Based on 7-day recordings from nine patients with stable chronic heart failure and persistent AF, long-term properties were studied in terms of , AF frequency, and sample entropy . The main result of the present study is that detection of circadian rhythms depends on the parameter considered: rhythms were found in six and five (AF frequency) patients, but not always in the same patient. Another important result is that circadian rhythms detected in 7-day recordings could not always be detected in 24-h periods, thus shedding new light on the results in previous studies which all were based on 24-h recordings. Infradian rhythms were found in four and one (AF frequency) patients

    On the influence of heart rate and coupling interval prematurity on heart rate turbulence

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    Objective: Heart rate turbulence (HRT) has been successfully explored for cardiac risk stratification. While HRT is known to be influenced by the heart rate (HR) and the coupling interval (CI), nonconcordant results have been reported on how the CI influences HRT. The purpose of this study is to investigate HRT changes in terms of CI and HR by means of an especially designed protocol. Methods: A dataset was acquired from 11 patients with structurally normal hearts for which CI was altered by different pacing trains and HR by isoproterenol during electrophysiological study (EPS). The protocol was designed so that, first, the effect of HR changes on HRT and, second, the combined effect of HR and CI could be explored. As a complement to the EPS dataset, a database of 24-h Holters from 61 acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients was studied for the purpose of assessing risk. Data analysis was performed by using different nonlinear ridge regression models, and the relevance of model variables was assessed using resampling methods. The EPS subjects, with and without isoproterenol, were analyzed separately. Results: The proposed nonlinear regression models were found to account for the influence of HR and CI on HRT, both in patients undergoing EPS without isoproterenol and in low-risk AMI patients, whereas this influence was absent in high-risk AMI patients. Moreover, model coefficients related to CI were not statistically significant, p > 0.05, on EPS subjects with isoproterenol. Conclusion: The observed relationship between CI and HRT, being in agreement with the baroreflex hypothesis, was statistically significant (p < 0.05), when decoupling the effect of HR and normalizing the CI by the HR. Significance: The results of this study can help to provide new risk indicators that take into account physiological influence on HRT, as well as to model how this influence changes in different cardiac conditions

    Continuous vs intermittent Non-Invasive blood pressure MONitoring in preventing postoperative organ failure (niMON): study protocol for an open-label, multicenter randomized trial

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    Background: Blood pressure has become one of the most important vital signs to monitor in the perioperative setting. Recently, the Italian Society of Anesthesia Analgesia Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) recommended, with low level of evidence, continuous monitoring of blood pressure during the intraoperative period. Continuous monitoring allows for early detection of hypotension, which may potentially lead to a timely treatment. Whether the ability to detect more hypotension events by continuous noninvasive blood pressure (C-NiBP) monitoring can improve patient outcomes is still unclear. Here, we report the rationale, study design, and statistical analysis plan of the niMON trial, which aims to evaluate the effect of intraoperative C-NiBP compared with intermittent (I-NiBP) monitoring on postoperative myocardial and renal injury. Methods: The niMon trial is an investigator-initiated, multicenter, international, open-label, parallel-group, randomized clinical trial. Eligible patients will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive C-NiBP or I-NiBP as an intraoperative monitoring strategy. The proportion of patients who develop myocardial injury in the first postoperative week is the primary outcome; the secondary outcomes are the proportions of patients who develop postoperative AKI, in-hospital mortality rate, and 30 and 90 postoperative days events. A sample size of 1265 patients will provide a power of 80% to detect a 4% absolute reduction in the rate of the primary outcome. Conclusions: The niMON data will provide evidence to guide the choice of the most appropriate intraoperative blood pressure monitoring strategy. Clinical trial registration: Clinical Trial Registration: NCT05496322, registered on the 5th of August 2023