262 research outputs found
Stress oxydant et vieillissement
Le vieillissement est un processus qui continue à fasciner les biologistes de tous horizons, qu’ils s’intéressent à l’évolution, à la génétique, à la signalisation ou à la toxicité de l’environnement. De nombreuses théories, parfois contradictoires, sont proposées pour rendre compte des mécanismes du vieillissement, perçus par certains comme le résultat d’un programme inéluctable, par d’autres comme le fruit d’une suite d’agressions qui pourraient être évitées ou réparées. L’hypothèse « radicalaire » du vieillissement met au premier plan l’accumulation d’agressions oxydantes provoquées par les radicaux libres provenant principalement du métabolisme de l’oxygène et de l’azote. Cette hypothèse, proposée il y a une cinquantaine d’années, demeure l’une des plus populaires chez les spécialistes, même si certaines de ses prédictions n’ont pas été vérifiées de manière satisfaisante. Cet article présente les fondements de cette hypothèse, ses relations avec les autres théories, mitochondriales, métaboliques et génétiques, et la confronte à la réalité têtue des observations expérimentales pour proposer une vision plus intégrée des relations entre vieillissement et stress cellulaires.A number of theories have attempted to account for ageing processes in various species. Following the « rate of living » theory of Pearl, Harman suggested fifty years ago that the accumulation of oxidants could explain the alteration of physical and cognitive functions with ageing. Oxygen metabolism leads to reactive species, including free radicals, which tend to oxydize surrounding molecules such as DNA, proteins and lipids. As a consequence various functions of cells and tissues can be altered, leading to DNA instability, protein denaturation and accumulation of lipid byproducts. Oxidative stress is an adaptive process which is triggered upon oxidant accumulation and which comprises the induction of protective and survival functions. Experimental evidence suggests that the ageing organism is in a state of oxidative stress, which supports the free radical theory. A number of other theories have been proposed ; some of these are actually compatible with the free radical theory. Caloric restriction is among the best models to increase life span in many species. While the relationship between caloric restriction and corrected metabolic rate is controversial, the decrease in ROS production by mitochondria appears to be experimentally supported. The ROS and mitochondrial theories of ageing appear to be compatible. Genetic models of increased life span, particularly those affecting the Foxo pathway, are usually accompanied by an increased resistance to oxidative insult. The free radical theory is not consistent with programmed senescence theories involving the cell division dependent decrease in telomere length ; however, oxidants are known to alter telomere structure. An appealing view of the role of oxidative stress in ageing is the trade-off principle which states that a phenotypic trait can be evolutionarily conserved because of its positive effects on development, growth or fertility, and despite its negative effect on somatic functions and ageing. It is likely that most cellular stresses which comprise adaptive and toxic functions follow such a rule
A toxicological perspective on climate change and the exposome
Climate change is accompanied by changes in the exposome, including increased heat, ground-level ozone, and other air pollutants, infectious agents, pollens, and psychosocial stress. These exposures alter the internal component of the exposome and account for some of the health effects of climate change. The adverse outcome pathways describe biological events leading to an unfavorable health outcome. In this perspective study, I propose to use this toxicological framework to better describe the biological steps linking a stressor associated with climate change to an adverse outcome. Such a framework also allows for better identification of possible interactions between stressors related to climate change and others, such as chemical pollution. More generally, I call for the incorporation of climate change as part of the exposome and for improved identification of the biological pathways involved in its health effects
sAOP:linking chemical stressors to adverse outcomes pathway networks
International audienceMotivation: Adverse outcome pathway (AOP) is a toxicological concept proposed to provide a mechanistic representation of biological perturbation over different layers of biological organization. Although AOPs are by definition chemical-agnostic, many chemical stressors can putatively interfere with one or several AOPs and such information would be relevant for regulatory decision-making. Results: With the recent development of AOPs networks aiming to facilitate the identification of interactions among AOPs, we developed a stressor-AOP network (sAOP). Using the 'cytotoxitiy burst' (CTB) approach, we mapped bioactive compounds from the ToxCast data to a list of AOPs reported in AOP-Wiki database. With this analysis, a variety of relevant connections between chemicals and AOP components can be identified suggesting multiple effects not observed in the simplified 'one-biological perturbation to one-adverse outcome' model. The results may assist in the prioritization of chemicals to assess risk-based evaluations in the context of human health
Chapter 5. Health consequences in the Mediterranean region
The Mediterranean basin is highly vulnerable to climate change, and a warming trend with changes in rainfall patterns with more heavy rains has already been observed. The frequency of dust storm and wildfire has also increased. Both non-communicable and communicable diseases will be seriously impacted by climate change since climate modification or air pollution influence the development of the former and weather conditions the latter. Different socioeconomic characteristics within the Mediterranean basin will also exacerbate or on the contrary reduce health outcomes. Surprisingly few quantitative studies have explored the impacts of climate change on health in the Mediterranean region, and the few are geographically limited to specific areas of the basin. Here we review the scientific literature on this topic and make some recommendations for the development of national and regional research, preparedness and adaptation policy in the Mediterranean region.La zone méditerranéenne est très exposée aux changements climatiques, et un réchauffement régional de la température avec une modification du régime des pluies, généralement plus fortes, est actuellement observé. Les tempêtes de sable et les incendies non contrôlés sont en augmentation. Les maladies infectieuses et chroniques humaines peuvent être affectées par ces bouleversements de façon directe ou indirecte; les conditions bioclimatiques conditionnent le développement des agents pathogènes et de leurs hôtes vecteurs ou réservoirs; les modifications du climat ou la pollution atmosphérique qui en dérive ont une influence sur le développement de certaines maladies chroniques. Des déterminants, en particulier socio-économiques, prévalant ou en évolution dans la zone méditerranéenne affecteront aussi la santé de la population. Curieusement, peu de travaux scientifiques ont étudié les effets des changements climatiques sur la santé humaine dans la région, et les quelques rares études restent géographiquement limitées à des zones particulières du bassin méditerranéen. Dans ce chapitre, nous synthétisons la recherche réalisée dans le domaine, et proposons des recommandations en termes de recherches scientifiques nationales et régionales, et de stratégies de préparation et d’adaptation à ce nouveau contexte
Consultation on a sustainable HBM initiative in Europe - Deliverable Report D6.3 WP6 Sustainability and Capacity building.
This deliverable was produced under Task 6.3 of Work Package 6 on “Longer-term needs and
expectations of stakeholders (2021-2030)”.
The aim of this task was to gather information on the needs and expectations of both the National
Hubs (NH) and a broad range of stakeholders regarding a long-term Human Biomonitoring (HBM)
programme for Europe, to be establish in follow up to the current project, HBM4EU.
Firstly and with a focus on options for financing a future initiative, information was collected on a
range of available funding mechanisms at national, regional and international level.
In terms of national funding, the results presented rely on responses to a survey with the NH.
Unfortunately, the response from NHs was very limited, and as such the report only captures
funding mechanisms from a limited number of countries, including Portugal, Spain, France,
Germany and Cyprus.
In order to gain insight into the status of the National Hubs and their capacities for HBM, a survey
was conducted. The results provide an overview of the current situation across the NHs with
regards to a range of aspects, including the level of activity of the NH, status of political support,
availability of funding, ongoing HBM studies and willingness to align studies with HBM4EU. The
results suggest that HBM4EU has raised the political profile of HBM in partner countries.
Regarding ongoing HBM studies, only six countries have national HBM programmes, with most
countries having only hot spot studies. Despite this, there was support for the alignment of studies
to achieve European geographical coverage. Regarding funding, access to European funding is
seen as important to leverage funds at national level.
A second survey was targeted at a wide range of stakeholders, aiming to better understand their
expectations for a long-term sustainable HBM initiative. The survey was followed by a workshop,
where a more limited number of stakeholders had the opportunity to discuss the survey results and
address such aspects as the scope of a future initiative, how to achieve financial sustainability,
how to involve and how a future initiative might contribute to chemical policies.
Concerning the needs and expectations of stakeholders, there is a strong interest in and support
for a future HBM initiative at European level. The involvement of a European Union (EU) institution
as part of a future steering committee was seen as crucial.
According to this stakeholders’ consultation, the initiative should focus on protecting human health
and the environment in Europe from hazardous chemical exposures by producing harmonised,
high quality, transparent and inclusive data for effective risk assessment and management.HBM4EU - Grant agreement 733032 HORIZON 2020 Programmeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Fate and Complex Pathogenic Effects of Dioxins and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Obese Subjects before and after Drastic Weight Loss
BACKGROUND: In humans, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are stored primarily in adipose tissue. Their total body burden and their contribution to obesity-associated diseases remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: We characterized POP total body burden and their redistribution in obese individuals before and after drastic weight loss and compared these values with a variety of molecular, biological, and clinical parameters. METHODS: Seventy-one obese subjects were enrolled and underwent bariatric surgery. Blood and adipose tissue samples were obtained at different times from these individuals as well as from 18 lean women. RESULTS: POP content (17 dioxins/furans and 18 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners) in different adipose tissue territories was similar, allowing us to assess total POP body burden from a single biopsy. Total POP body burden was 2 to 3 times higher in obese than in lean individuals. We also found increased expression of some POP target genes in obese adipose tissue. Drastic weight loss led to increased serum POPs and, within 6-12 months, to a significant 15% decrease in total polychlorinated biphenyl body burden. Importantly, serum POP levels were positively correlated with liver toxicity markers and lipid parameters, independently of age and body mass index. CONCLUSIONS: POP content in adipose tissue and serum correlate with biological markers of obesity-related dysfunctions. Drastic weight loss leads to a redistribution of POPs and to a moderate decrease of their total body burden
Inflammatory Pathway Genes Belong to Major Targets of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Adipose Cells
Background: Epidemiological studies emphasize the possible role of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in obesity and the metabolic syndrome. These pollutants are stored in adipose tissue (AT)
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor and cysteine redox dynamics underlie (Mal)adaptive mechanisms to chronic intermittent hypoxia in kidney cortex
Funding Information: Funding: This work was supported by Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia [PTDC/MED-TOX/30418/2017] and iNOVA4Health [UID/Multi/04462/2013]. M.J.C., F.L.-C., N.R.C., C.G.-D. and J.M. are supported by FCT grants [SFRH/BD/131331/2017, PD/BD/128337/2017, PD/BD/114257/2016, and PD/BD/105892/2014, PTDC/MED-TOX/30418/2017 respectively]. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.We hypothesized that an interplay between aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and cysteine-related thiolome at the kidney cortex underlies the mechanisms of (mal)adaptation to chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH), promoting arterial hypertension (HTN). Using a rat model of CIH-HTN, we investigated the impact of short-term (1 and 7 days), mid-term (14 and 21 days, pre-HTN), and long-term intermittent hypoxia (IH) (up to 60 days, established HTN) on Cyp1a1 protein level (a sensitive hallmark of AhR activation) and cysteine-related thiol pools. We found that acute and chronic IH had opposite effects on Cyp1a1 and the thiolome. While short-term IH decreased Cyp1a1 and increased protein-S-thiolation, long-term IH increased Cyp1a1 and free oxidized cysteine. In addition, an in vitro administration of cystine, but not cysteine, to human endothelial cells increased Cyp1a1 expression, supporting cystine as a putative AhR activator. This study supports Cyp1a1 as a biomarker of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity and oxidized pools of cysteine as risk indicator of OSA-HTN. This work contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the phenotype of OSA-HTN, mimicked by this model, which is in line with precision medicine challenges in OSA.publishersversionpublishe
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