23,239 research outputs found

    On the measurement of frequency and of its sample variance with high-resolution counters

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    A frequency counter measures the input frequency νˉ\bar{\nu} averaged over a suitable time τ\tau, versus the reference clock. High resolution is achieved by interpolating the clock signal. Further increased resolution is obtained by averaging multiple frequency measurements highly overlapped. In the presence of additive white noise or white phase noise, the square uncertainty improves from σν21/τ2\smash{\sigma^2_\nu\propto1/\tau^2} to σν21/τ3\smash{\sigma^2_\nu\propto1/\tau^3}. Surprisingly, when a file of contiguous data is fed into the formula of the two-sample (Allan) variance σy2(τ)=E{12(yˉk+1yˉk)2}\smash{\sigma^2_y(\tau)=\mathbb{E}\{\frac12(\bar{y}_{k+1}-\bar{y}_k) ^2\}} of the fractional frequency fluctuation yy, the result is the \emph{modified} Allan variance mod σy2(τ)\sigma^2_y(\tau). But if a sufficient number of contiguous measures are averaged in order to get a longer τ\tau and the data are fed into the same formula, the results is the (non-modified) Allan variance. Of course interpretation mistakes are around the corner if the counter internal process is not well understood.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, 18 reference

    Disrupting the wall accumulation of human sperm cells by artificial corrugation

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    Many self-propelled microorganisms are attracted to surfaces. This makes their dynamics in restricted geometries very different from that observed in the bulk. Swimming along walls is beneficial for directing and sorting cells, but may be detrimental if homogeneous populations are desired, such as in counting microchambers. In this work, we characterize the motion of human sperm cells 60μm60 \mu m long, strongly confined to 25μm25 \mu m shallow chambers. We investigate the nature of the cell trajectories between the confining surfaces and their accumulation near the borders. Observed cell trajectories are composed of a succession of quasi-circular and quasi-linear segments. This suggests that the cells follow a path of intermittent trappings near the top and bottom surfaces separated by stretches of quasi-free motion in between the two surfaces, as confirmed by depth resolved confocal microscopy studies. We show that the introduction of artificial petal-shaped corrugation in the lateral boundaries removes the tendency of cells to accumulate near the borders, an effect which we hypothesize may be valuable for microfluidic applications in biomedicine.Comment: 9 pages, latex. In accepted version on April 14, v2: abstract modified, information added to Sec. II.A and experiments added to Sec. III.A and Fig.3. Sec. III.C was deleted. Requested references adde

    Surprisingly different star-spot distributions on the near equal-mass equal-rotation-rate stars in the M dwarf binary GJ 65 AB

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    We aim to understand how stellar parameters such as mass and rotation impact the distribution of star-spots on the stellar surface. To this purpose, we have used Doppler imaging to reconstruct the surface brightness distributions of three fully convective M dwarfs with similar rotation rates. We secured high cadence spectral time series observations of the 5.5 au separation binary GJ 65, comprising GJ 65A (M5.5V, Prot = 0.24 d) and GJ 65B (M6V, Prot = 0.23 d). We also present new observations of GJ 791.2A (M4.5V, Prot = 0.31 d). Observations of each star were made on two nights with UVES, covering a wavelength range from 0.64 - 1.03μm. The time series spectra reveal multiple line distortions that we interpret as cool star-spots and which are persistent on both nights suggesting stability on the time-scale of 3 d. Spots are recovered with resolutions down to 8.3° at the equator. The global spot distributions for GJ 791.2A are similar to observations made a year earlier. Similar high latitude and circumpolar spot structure is seen on GJ 791.2A and GJ 65A. However, they are surprisingly absent on GJ 65B, which instead reveals more extensive, larger, spots concentrated at intermediate latitudes. All three stars show small amplitude latitude-dependent rotation that is consistent with solid body rotation. We compare our measurements of differential rotation with previous Doppler imaging studies and discuss the results in the wider context of other observational estimates and recent theoretical predictions

    Stochastic models for atomic clocks

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    For the atomic clocks used in the National Bureau of Standards Time Scales, an adequate model is the superposition of white FM, random walk FM, and linear frequency drift for times longer than about one minute. The model was tested on several clocks using maximum likelihood techniques for parameter estimation and the residuals were acceptably random. Conventional diagnostics indicate that additional model elements contribute no significant improvement to the model even at the expense of the added model complexity

    Guided random walk calculation of energies and <\sq {r^2} > values of the 1Σg^1\Sigma_g state of H_2 in a magnetic field

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    Energies and spatial observables for the 1Σg^1\Sigma_g state of the hydrogen molecule in magnetic fields parallel to the proton-proton axis are calculated with a guided random walk Feynman-Kac algorithm. We demonstrate that the accuracy of the results and the simplicity of the method may prove it a viable alternative to large basis set expansions for small molecules in applied fields.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Effective chiral-spin Hamiltonian for odd-numbered coupled Heisenberg chains

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    An L×L \times \infty system of odd number of coupled Heisenberg spin chains is studied using a degenerate perturbation theory, where LL is the number of coupled chains. An effective chain Hamiltonian is derived explicitly in terms of two spin half degrees of freedom of a closed chain of LL sites, valid in the regime the inter-chain coupling is stronger than the intra-chain coupling. The spin gap has been calculated numerically using the effective Hamiltonian for L=3,5,7,9L=3,5,7,9 for a finite chain up to ten sites. It is suggested that the ground state of the effective Hamiltonian is correlated, by examining variational states for the effective chiral-spin chain Hamiltonian.Comment: 9 Pages, Latex, report ICTP-94-28

    Magic Numbers for the Photoelectron Anisotropy in Li-Doped Dimethyl Ether Clusters

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    Photoelectron velocity map imaging of Li(CH3_3OCH3_3)n_n clusters (1 \leq n \leq 175) is used to search for magic numbers related to the photoelectron anisotropy. Comparison with density functional calculations reveals magic numbers at n=4, 5, and 6, resulting from the symmetric charge distribution with high s-character of the highest occupied molecular orbital. Since each of these three cluster sizes correspond to the completion of a first coordination shell, they can be considered as 'isomeric motifs of the first coordination shell'. Differences in the photoelectron anisotropy, the vertical ionization energies and the enthalpies of vaporization between Li(CH3_3OCH3_3)n_n and Na(CH3_3OCH3_3)n_n can be rationalized in terms of differences in their solvation shells, atomic ionization energies, polarizabilities, metal-oxygen bonds, ligand-ligand interactions, and by cooperative effects

    The use of ICT in the assessment of modern languages: the English context and European viewpoints

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    The ever increasing explosion of highly attractive multimedia resources on offer has boosted the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of modern languages. The use of ICT to assess languages is less frequent, however, although online testing is starting to develop. This paper examines the national context for the assessment of modern foreign language proficiency in England, outlines the kinds of assessment currently available and the development of electronic forms of assessment and compares the above with the survey results of a European Union (EU) funded project on current good practice in online assessment of languages in other European countries. The findings indicate that speaking is inadequately served by online testing as tests currently focus primarily on receptive language skills. The implications for future successful online testing include the incorporation of interactive skills and effective formative feedback

    Ages for illustrative field stars using gyrochronology: viability, limitations and errors

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    We here develop an improved way of using a rotating star as a clock, set it using the Sun, and demonstrate that it keeps time well. This technique, called gyrochronology, permits the derivation of ages for solar- and late-type main sequence stars using only their rotation periods and colors. The technique is clarified and developed here, and used to derive ages for illustrative groups of nearby, late-type field stars with measured rotation periods. We first demonstrate the reality of the interface sequence, the unifying feature of the rotational observations of cluster and field stars that makes the technique possible, and extends it beyond the proposal of Skumanich by specifying the mass dependence of rotation for these stars. We delineate which stars it cannot currently be used on. We then calibrate the age dependence using the Sun. The errors are propagated to understand their dependence on color and period. Representative age errors associated with the technique are estimated at ~15% (plus possible systematic errors) for late-F, G, K, & early-M stars. Ages derived via gyrochronology for the Mt. Wilson stars are shown to be in good agreement with chromospheric ages for all but the bluest stars, and probably superior. Gyro ages are then calculated for each of the active main sequence field stars studied by Strassmeier and collaborators where other ages are not available. These are shown to be mostly younger than 1Gyr, with a median age of 365Myr. The sample of single, late-type main sequence field stars assembled by Pizzolato and collaborators is then assessed, and shown to have gyro ages ranging from under 100Myr to several Gyr, and a median age of 1.2Gyr. Finally, we demonstrate that the individual components of the three wide binaries XiBooAB, 61CygAB, & AlphaCenAB yield substantially the same gyro ages.Comment: 58 pages, 18 color figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; Age uncertainties slightly modified upon correcting an algebraic error in Section