140 research outputs found

    A birkózás a 2016-os riói olimpia tükrében = Wrestling in the mirror of the 2016 Rio Olympics

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    Birkózásban 20 évvel ezelőtt fordult elő utoljára, hogy a Magyar válogatott érem nélkül távozott egy olimpiáról. Azóta a kötöttfogású birkózás eladhatósága érdekében számtalan szabályváltoztatás történt, ám ezekkel nem érték el a kitűzött célt, így ez az ősi sportág majdnem lekerült az olimpia programjáról. Elvégeztük a United World Wrestling (UWW) tudományos bizottsága által közölt adatok, illetve a három fogásnem versenytevékenységi mutatóinak elemzését. A tanulmányból kiderül, hogy kötöttfogású birkózásban kevés akció születik állásból, sok mérkőzést a passzivitásból szerzett pontok döntöttek el, ezzel szemben a női és a szabadfogású birkózás esetében a technikai-taktikai akciók hatékonysága szembetűnően magasabb szintű. Továbbá a bírói szubjektivitás nem csökkent,nyögtek a hegyek és egeret szültek. It has been 20 years since the Hungarians returned with no medals from the Olympic Games Several rules have changed in Greco-Roman wrestling, but they haven’t earned their goal, so this ancient sport was nearly deleted from the Olympic program. We analyzed the data of the United World Wrestling Scientific Commission, which showed the differences between the 3 styles based on the performance analysis indicators. They showed, that there are only few action points in Greco-Roman wrestling from standing position, and the points of passivity affect lots of wrestling matches. In the case of women and freestyle wrestling the effect of the technical-tactical movements are on a conspicuous higher level. Furthermore the subjectivity of the referees hasn’t attenuated

    Roles of heat shock factor 1 beyond the heat shock response

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    Various stress factors leading to protein damage induce the activation of an evolutionarily conserved cell protective mechanism, the heat shock response (HSR), to maintain protein homeostasis in virtually all eukaryotic cells. Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) plays a central role in the HSR. HSF1 was initially known as a transcription factor that upregulates genes encoding heat shock proteins (HSPs), also called molecular chaperones, which assist in refolding or degrading injured intracellular proteins. However, recent accumulating evidence indicates multiple additional functions for HSF1 beyond the activation of HSPs. Here, we present a nearly comprehensive list of non-HSP-related target genes of HSF1 identified so far. Through controlling these targets, HSF1 acts in diverse stress-induced cellular processes and molecular mechanisms, including the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response and ubiquitin–proteasome system, multidrug resistance, autophagy, apoptosis, immune response, cell growth arrest, differentiation underlying developmental diapause, chromatin remodelling, cancer development, and ageing. Hence, HSF1 emerges as a major orchestrator of cellular stress response pathways. © 2018 Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Natur

    Heat shock factor-1 intertwines insulin/IGF-1, TGF-beta and cGMP signaling to control development and aging.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Temperature affects virtually all cellular processes. A quick increase in temperature challenges the cells to undergo a heat shock response to maintain cellular homeostasis. Heat shock factor-1 (HSF-1) functions as a major player in this response as it activates the transcription of genes coding for molecular chaperones (also called heat shock proteins) that maintain structural integrity of proteins. However, the mechanisms by which HSF-1 adjusts fundamental cellular processes such as growth, proliferation, differentiation and aging to the ambient temperature remain largely unknown. RESULTS: We demonstrate here that in Caenorhabditis elegans HSF-1 represses the expression of daf-7 encoding a TGF-beta (transforming growth factor-beta) ligand, to induce young larvae to enter the dauer stage, a developmentally arrested, non-feeding, highly stress-resistant, long-lived larval form triggered by crowding and starvation. Under favorable conditions, HSF-1 is inhibited by crowding pheromone-sensitive guanylate cyclase/cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) and systemic nutrient-sensing insulin/IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) signaling; loss of HSF-1 activity allows DAF-7 to promote reproductive growth. Thus, HSF-1 interconnects the insulin/IGF-1, TGF-beta and cGMP neuroendocrine systems to control development and longevity in response to diverse environmental stimuli. Furthermore, HSF-1 upregulates another TGF-beta pathway-interacting gene, daf-9/cytochrome P450, thereby fine-tuning the decision between normal growth and dauer formation. CONCLUSION: Together, these results provide mechanistic insight into how temperature, nutrient availability and population density coordinately influence development, lifespan, behavior and stress response through HSF-1

    Quantitative dSTORM superresolution microscopy

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    Localization based superresolution technique provides the highest spatial resolution in optical microscopy. The final image is formed by the precise localization of individual fluorescent dyes, therefore the quantification of the collected data requires special protocols, algorithms and validation processes. The effects of labelling density and structured background on the final image quality were studied theoretically using the TestSTORM simulator. It was shown that system parameters affect the morphology of the final reconstructed image in different ways and the accuracy of the imaging can be determined. Although theoretical studies help in the optimization procedure, the quantification of experimental data raises additional issues, since the ground truth data is unknown. Localization precision, linker length, sample drift and labelling density are the major factors that make quantitative data analysis difficult. Two examples (geometrical evaluation of sarcomere structures and counting the γH2AX molecules in DNA damage induced repair foci) have been presented to demonstrate the efficiency of quantitative evaluation experimentally

    HSF1Base: A Comprehensive Database of HSF1 (Heat Shock Factor 1) Target Genes

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    HSF1 (heat shock factor 1) is an evolutionarily conserved master transcriptional regulator of the heat shock response (HSR) in eukaryotic cells. In response to high temperatures, HSF1 upregulates genes encoding molecular chaperones, also called heat shock proteins, which assist the refolding or degradation of damaged intracellular proteins. Accumulating evidence reveals however that HSF1 participates in several other physiological and pathological processes such as differentiation, immune response, and multidrug resistance, as well as in ageing, neurodegenerative demise, and cancer. To address how HSF1 controls these processes one should systematically analyze its target genes. Here we present a novel database called HSF1Base (hsf1base.org) that contains a nearly comprehensive list of HSF1 target genes identified so far. The list was obtained by manually curating publications on individual HSF1 targets and analyzing relevant high throughput transcriptomic and chromatin immunoprecipitation data derived from the literature and the Yeastract database. To support the biological relevance of HSF1 targets identified by high throughput methods, we performed an enrichment analysis of (potential) HSF1 targets across different tissues/cell types and organisms. We found that general HSF1 functions (targets are expressed in all tissues/cell types) are mostly related to cellular proteostasis. Furthermore, HSF1 targets that are conserved across various animal taxa operate mostly in cellular stress pathways (e.g., autophagy), chromatin remodeling, ribosome biogenesis, and ageing. Together, these data highlight diverse roles for HSF1, expanding far beyond the HSR

    Sex-specific regulation of aging in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    A fascinating aspect of sexual dimorphism in various animal species is that the two sexes differ substantially in lifespan. In humans, for example, women's life expectancy exceeds that of men by 3-7 years. Whether this trait can be attributed to dissimilar lifestyles or genetic (regulatory) factors remains to be elucidated. Herein, we demonstrate that in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the significantly longer lifespan of hermaphrodites-which are essentially females capable of sperm production-over males is established by TRA-1, the terminal effector of the sex-determination pathway. This transcription factor directly controls the expression of daf-16/FOXO, which functions as a major target of insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) and key modulator of aging across diverse animal phyla. TRA-1 extends hermaphrodite lifespan through promoting daf-16 activity. Furthermore, TRA-1 also influences reproductive growth in a DAF-16-dependent manner. Thus, the sex-determination machinery is an important regulator of IIS in this organism. These findings provide a mechanistic insight into how longevity and development are specified unequally in the two genders. As TRA-1 is orthologous to mammalian GLI (glioma-associated) proteins, a similar sex-specific mechanism may also operate in humans to determine lifespan. © 2018 The Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Application of Lacunarity for Quantification of Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Images

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    The quantitative analysis of datasets achieved by single molecule localization microscopy is vital for studying the structure of subcellular organizations. Cluster analysis has emerged as a multi-faceted tool in the structural analysis of localization datasets. However, the results it produces greatly depend on the set parameters, and the process can be computationally intensive. Here we present a new approach for structural analysis using lacunarity. Unlike cluster analysis, lacunarity can be calculated quickly while providing definitive information about the structure of the localizations. Using simulated data, we demonstrate how lacunarity results can be interpreted. We use these interpretations to compare our lacunarity analysis with our previous cluster analysis-based results in the field of DNA repair, showing the new algorithm’s efficiency