61 research outputs found

    The Lichnerowicz theorem on CR manifolds

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    We obtain a Bochner type formula and an estimate from below on the spectrum of the sublaplacian of a compact strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold.Comment: 21 page

    On the boundary behavior of the holomorphic sectional curvature of the Bergman metric

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    We obtain a conceptually new differential geometric proof of P.F. Klembeck's result that the holomorphic sectional curvature of a strictly pseudoconvex domain approaches (in the boundary limit) the constant sectional curvature of the Bergman metric of the unit ball.Comment: 14 page

    Jacobi fields of the Tanaka-Webster connection on Sasakian manifolds

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    We build a variational theory of geodesics of the Tanaka-Webster connection on a strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold.Comment: 52 page

    On the canonical foliation of an indefinite locally conformal Kähler manifold with a parallel Lee form

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    We study the semi-Riemannian geometry of the foliation mathcalFmathcal F of an indefinite locally conformal Kähler (l.c.K.) manifold MM, given by the Pfaffian equation omega=0omega = 0, provided that nablaomega=0nabla omega = 0 and c=omeganeq0c = | omega | neq 0 (omegaomega is the Lee form of MM). If MM is conformally flat then every leaf of mathcalFmathcal F is shown to be a totally geodesic semi-Riemannian hypersurface in MM, and a semi-Riemannian space form of sectional curvature c/4c/4, carrying an indefinite c-Sasakian structure (in the sense of T. Takahasi). As a corollary of the result together with a semi-Riemannian version of the de Rham decomposition theorem (due to H. Wu) any geodesically complete, conformally flat, indefinite Vaisman manifold of index 2s2s, 0 < s < n, is locally biholomorphically homothetic to an indefinite complex Hopf manifold mathbbCHsn(lambda){mathbb C}H^n_s (lambda ), 0 < lambda < 1, equipped with the indefinite Boothby metric gs,ng_{s, n}

    On Schwarzschild's interior solution and perfect fluid star model

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    We solve the boundary value problem for Einstein’s gravitational field equations in the presence of matter in the form of an incompressible perfect fluid of density rho and pressure field p(r) located in a ball r leq r_0. We find a 1-parameter family of time-independent and radially symmetric solutions {(g_a, rho_a, p_a) : -2m &lt; a &lt; 9 kappa M/(4c^2) identifies the “physical” (i.e., such that p_a(r) geq 0 and p_a(r) is bounded in 0 leq r leq r_0) solutions {p_a : a in mathcal{U}_0} for some neighbourhood mathcal{U}_0 subset (-2m , +infty) of a = 0. For every star model {g_a : a_0 &lt; a &lt; a_1}, we compute the volume V(a) of the region r leq r_0 in terms of abelian integrals of the first, second, and third kind in Legendre form

    Beltrami equations on Rossi spheres

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    Beltrami equation overlineLt(g)=mu(cdot,t)Lt(g)overline{L}_t (g) = mu( cdot , t) L_t (g) on S3S^3 (where LtL_t, tin(1,1)t in (-1,1), are the Rossi operators i.e., LtL_t spans the globally nonembeddable CR structure mathcalH(t)mathcal{H} (t) on S3S^3 discovered by H. Rossi) are derived such that to describe quasiconformal mappings f:S3toNsubsetmathbbC2f: S^3 to N subset mathbb{C}^2 from the Rossi sphere (S3,mathcalH(t))(S^3 , mathcal{H} (t)). Using the Greiner-Kohn-Stein solution to the Lewy equation and the Bargmann representations of the Heisenberg group, we solve the Beltrami equations for Sobolev-type solutions gtg_t such that gtvinWF1,2(S3,theta)g_t - v in W^{1,2}_F (S^3, theta) with vinCRinfty(S3,mathcalH(0))v in CR^infty (S^3 , mathcal{H} (0))