374 research outputs found

    Theoretical Methods for Wave Propagation across Jointed Rock Masses

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    Different methods are presently available for the analysis of wave propagation across jointed rock masses with the consideration of multiple wave reflections between joints. These methods can be divided into two categories. One is based on the displacement discontinuity model for representing rock joints, where the displacements across a joint are discontinuous and the tractions are continuous, and the other is the equivalent medium method. For the first category, there are three methods, i.e., method of characteristics (MC), scattering matrix method (SMM) and virtual wave source method (VWS). MC solves the equation of motion by using the theory of characteristic curves. SMM is based on the definition of the scattering matrix in which the reflection and transmission coefficients of a set of joints are stored. VWS method replaces the joints in the rock mass with a virtual concept. For the second category, equivalent medium model treats the problem in the frame of continuum mechanics and simplifies it from an explicit wave propagation equation. The objective of this paper is to review and compare these theoretical methods. The comparison shows that the four solutions agree very well with each other. Some additional considerations about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are also given in the pape

    Energy Tunnels for Deicing of a Bridge Deck in Alpine Region

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    Roads and paved surfaces in cold climate are exposed to the formation of ice and snow deposition. These phenomena are related to high risks for vehicles and road users due to reduced friction. Deicing techniques are up to now mainly based on chemicals, especially salt. These substances induce chemical decay of concrete infrastructure elements and environmental harm. In order to overcome these drawbacks, the use of embedded hydraulic pipes with a hot carrier fluid below the paved surfaces has been proposed in last decades. This circuit can be part of a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) system. Despite a number of examples of this technology have been proposed, very few of them included the application of energy tunnels. This paper focuses on the thermal activation of a tunnel lining in relation to an application for bridge deck deicing. A theoretical case study along an Alpine road has been considered as representative of a common situation of alternated bridges and tunnels. The numerical results show that the thermal activation of the tunnel lining can provide enough heat to keep the paved surface unfrozen even in protracted periods of low external temperatures

    Valence and magnetic instabilities in Sm compounds at high pressures

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    We report on the study of the response to high pressures of the electronic and magnetic properties of several Sm-based compounds, which span at ambient pressure the whole range of stable charge states between the divalent and the trivalent. Our nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation and specific heat investigations show that in both golden SmS and SmB6 the pressure-induced insulator to metal transitions (at 2 and about 4-7 GPa, respectively) are associated with the onset of long-range magnetic order, stable up to at least 19 and 26 GPa, respectively. This long-range magnetic order, which is characteristic of Sm(3+), appears already for a Sm valence near 2.7. Contrary to these compounds, metallic Sm, which is trivalent at ambient pressure, undergoes a series of pressure-induced structural phase transitions which are associated with a progressive decrease of the ordered 4f moment.Comment: 15 pages (including 7 figures) submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Seismic response of a single and a set of filled joints of viscoelastic deformational behaviour

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    Rock joints are often filled with weak medium, for example, saturated clay or sand, of viscoelastic nature. Their effects on wave propagation can be modelled as displacement and stress discontinuity conditions. The viscoelastic behaviour of the filled joint can be described by either the Kelvin or the Maxwell models. The analytical solutions for wave propagation across a single joint are derived in this paper by accounting for the incident angle, the non-dimensional joint stiffness, the non-dimensional joint viscosity and the acoustic impedance ratio of the filled joint. It is shown that the viscoelastic behaviour results in dissipation of wave energy and frequency dependence of the reflection and transmission coefficients. Based on curve fitting of the experimental data of P-wave propagation across a single joint filled with saturated sand, both the Kelvin and Maxwell models are found to reproduce the behaviour of the filled joint, in terms of the amplitude and frequency contents. Then, wave transmission across a filled joint set is studied with the virtual wave source method and the scattering matrix method, where multiple wave reflections among joints are taken into account. It is shown that the non-dimensional joint spacing and the number of joints have significant effects on the transmission coefficient

    Observation of insulator-metal transition in EuNiO3_{3} under high pressure

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    The charge transfer antiferromagnetic (TN_{N} =220 K) insulator EuNiO3_{3} undergoes, at ambient pressure, a temperature-induced metal insulator MI transition at TMI_{MI}=463 K. We have investigated the effect of pressure (up to p~20 GPa) on the electronic, magnetic and structural properties of EuNiO3_{3} using electrical resistance measurements, {151}^Eu nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation and x-ray diffraction, respectively. With increasing pressure we find at pc_{c} =5.8 GPa a transition from the insulating state to a metallic state, while the orthorhombic structure remains unchanged up to 20 GPa. The results are explained in terms of a gradual increase of the electronic bandwidth with increasing pressure, which results in a closing of the charge transfer gap. It is further shown that the pressure-induced metallic state exhibits magnetic order with a lowervalue of TN_{N} (TN_{N} ~120 K at 9.4 GPa) which disappears between 9.4 and 14.4 GPa.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Discontinuous Transition from a Real Bound State to Virtual Bound State in a Mixed-Valence State of SmS

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    Golden SmS is a paramagnetic, mixed-valence system with a pseudogap. With increasing pressure across a critical pressure Pc, the system undergoes a discontinuous transition into a metallic, anti-ferromagnetically ordered state. By using a combination of thermodynamic, transport, and magnetic measurements, we show that the pseudogap results from the formation of a local bound state with spin singlet. We further argue that the transition Pc is regarded as a transition from an insulating electron-hole gas to a Kondo metal, i.e., from a spatially bound state to a Kondo virtually bound state between 4f and conduction electrons.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Large, high quality single-crystals of the new Topological Kondo Insulator, SmB6

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    SmB6 has recently been predicted to be a Topological Kondo Insulator, the first strongly correlated heavy fermion material to exhibit topological surface states. High quality crystals are necessary to investigate the topological properties of this material. Single crystal growth of the rare earth hexaboride, SmB6, has been carried out by the floating zone technique using a high power xenon arc lamp image furnace. Large, high quality single-crystals are obtained by this technique. The crystals produced by the floating zone technique are free of contamination from flux materials and have been characterised by resistivity and magnetisation measurements. These crystals are ideally suited for the investigation of both the surface and bulk properties of SmB6

    Phase diagram of heavy fermion systems

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    The Meccano of heavy fermion systems is shown on different cases going from anomalous monochalcogenides to cerium intermetallic compounds with special focus on the ideal case of the CeRu2Si2 series. Discussion is made in the frame of the interplay between valence, electronic structure (Fermi surface), and magnetism. The nice tools given by the temperature, the pressure, and the magnetic field allow to explore different ground states as well as the slow downhill ''race'' before reaching a Fermi liquid finish line at very low temperature. Experimentally, the Gr"uneisen parameter i.e. the ratio of the thermal expansion by the specific heat is a coloured magic number; its temperature, pressure, and magnetic field dependence is a deep disclosure of competing hierarchies and the conversion of this adaptive matter to external responses.Comment: submitted ICM200

    Systematics of electronic and magnetic properties in the transition metal doped Sb2_2Te3_3 quantum anomalous Hall platform

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    The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) has recently been reported to emerge in magnetically-doped topological insulators. Although its general phenomenology is well established, the microscopic origin is far from being properly understood and controlled. Here we report on a detailed and systematic investigation of transition-metal (TM)-doped Sb2_2Te3_3. By combining density functional theory (DFT) calculations with complementary experimental techniques, i.e., scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), resonant photoemission (resPES), and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), we provide a complete spectroscopic characterization of both electronic and magnetic properties. Our results reveal that the TM dopants not only affect the magnetic state of the host material, but also significantly alter the electronic structure by generating impurity-derived energy bands. Our findings demonstrate the existence of a delicate interplay between electronic and magnetic properties in TM-doped TIs. In particular, we find that the fate of the topological surface states critically depends on the specific character of the TM impurity: while V- and Fe-doped Sb2_2Te3_3 display resonant impurity states in the vicinity of the Dirac point, Cr and Mn impurities leave the energy gap unaffected. The single-ion magnetic anisotropy energy and easy axis, which control the magnetic gap opening and its stability, are also found to be strongly TM impurity-dependent and can vary from in-plane to out-of-plane depending on the impurity and its distance from the surface. Overall, our results provide general guidelines for the realization of a robust QAHE in TM-doped Sb2_2Te3_3 in the ferromagnetic state.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figure

    A biology-driven approach identifies the hypoxia gene signature as a predictor of the outcome of neuroblastoma patients

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    Background Hypoxia is a condition of low oxygen tension occurring in the tumor microenvironment and it is related to poor prognosis in human cancer. To examine the relationship between hypoxia and neuroblastoma, we generated and tested an in vitro derived hypoxia gene signature for its ability to predict patients' outcome. Results We obtained the gene expression profile of 11 hypoxic neuroblastoma cell lines and we derived a robust 62 probesets signature (NB-hypo) taking advantage of the strong discriminating power of the l1-l2 feature selection technique combined with the analysis of differential gene expression. We profiled gene expression of the tumors of 88 neuroblastoma patients and divided them according to the NB-hypo expression values by K-means clustering. The NB-hypo successfully stratifies the neuroblastoma patients into good and poor prognosis groups. Multivariate Cox analysis revealed that the NB-hypo is a significant independent predictor after controlling for commonly used risk factors including the amplification of MYCN oncogene. NB-hypo increases the resolution of the MYCN stratification by dividing patients with MYCN not amplified tumors in good and poor outcome suggesting that hypoxia is associated with the aggressiveness of neuroblastoma tumor independently from MYCN amplification. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that the NB-hypo is a novel and independent prognostic factor for neuroblastoma and support the view that hypoxia is negatively correlated with tumors' outcome. We show the power of the biology-driven approach in defining hypoxia as a critical molecular program in neuroblastoma and the potential for improvement in the current criteria for risk stratification.Foundation KiKaChildren's Neuroblastoma Cancer FoundationSKK FoundationDutch Cancer Societ