742 research outputs found

    Phase noise contribution of EOMs and HF cables

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    Two key components of LISA's inter-spacecraft clock tone transfer chain are electro-optic modulators (EOMs) and high-frequency (HF) cable assemblies. At modulation frequencies of 2 GHz, we characterized the excess phase noise of these components in the LISA frequency range (0.1 mHz to 1 Hz). The upper phase noise limit was found to be almost an order of magnitude better than required. In addition, phase dependencies on temperature were determined. The measured coefficients are within a few milliradians per Kelvin and thereby negligible due to the specified on-board temperature stability

    Correlative Microscopy of Morphology and Luminescence of Cu porphyrin aggregates

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    Transfer of energy and information through molecule aggregates requires as one important building block anisotropic, cable-like structures. Knowledge on the spatial correlation of luminescence and morphology represents a prerequisite in the understanding of internal processes and will be important for architecting suitable landscapes. In this context we study the morphology, fluorescence and phosphorescence of molecule aggregate structures on surfaces in a spatially correlative way. We consider as two morphologies, lengthy strands and isotropic islands. It turns out that phosphorescence is quite strong compared to fluorescence and the spatial variation of the observed intensities is largely in line with the amount of dye. However in proportion, the strands exhibit more fluorescence than the isotropic islands suggesting weaker non-radiative channels. The ratio fluorescence to phosphorescence appears to be correlated with the degree of aggregation or internal order. The heights at which luminescence saturates is explained in the context of attenuation and emission multireflection, inside the dye. This is supported by correlative photoemission electron microscopy which is more sensitive to the surface region. The lengthy structures exhibit a pronounced polarization dependence of the luminescence with a relative dichroism up to about 60%, revealing substantial perpendicular orientation preference of the molecules with respect to the substrate and parallel with respect to the strands

    Which type of parent training works best for preschoolers with comorbid ADHD and ODD? A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial comparing generic and specialized programs

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    The present study examined whether the presence of comorbid ODD differentially moderated the outcome of two Behavioral Parent Training (BPT) programs in a sample of preschoolers with ADHD: One designed specifically for ADHD (NFPP: New Forest Parenting Programme) and one designed primarily for ODD (HNC: Helping the Noncompliant Child). In a secondary analysis, 130 parents and their 3-4 year-old children diagnosed with ADHD were assigned to one of the two programs. 44.6 % of the children also met criteria for ODD. Significant interactions between treatment conditions (NFPP vs. HNC) and child ODD diagnosis (presence vs. absence) indicated that based on some parent and teacher reports, HNC was more effective with disruptive behaviors than NFPP but only when children had a comorbid diagnosis. Further, based on teacher report, NFPP was more effective with these behaviors when children had a diagnosis of only ADHD whereas HNC was equally effective across ADHD only and comorbid ODD diagnoses. Comorbidity profile did not interact with treatment program when parent or teacher reported ADHD symptoms served as the outcome. Implications for clinical interventions are discussed and directions for future work are provided

    Cross-cultural adaption and psychometric investigation of the German version of the Evidence Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS-36D)

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    Background: The implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) in mental health care confers many benefits to patients, and research into factors facilitating the implementation of EBP is needed. As an important factor affecting the implementation of EBP, service providers’ attitudes toward EBP emerged. The Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS-36) is an instrument with good psychometric characteristics that measures positive and ambivalent attitudes toward EBP. However, a German version is missing. The present study therefore aims to provide a validated German translation of the EBPAS-36. Methods: The scale was translated and back-translated as recommended by standard procedures. German psychotherapists were recruited to participate in an online survey. They provided demographic and professional information, completed the EBPAS-36, the Implementation Climate Scale (ICS) and the Intention Scale for Providers (ISP). Standard item and reliability analyses were conducted. Construct validity was evaluated with exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) in two subsamples (random split). Convergent validity was tested by predicting a high positive correlation of the EBPAS-36D with two scores of attitudes of the ISP and an interest in EBP score. It was tested whether the EBPAS-36D predicts the intention to use EBP. Results: N = 599 psychotherapists participated in the study. The item analyses showed a mean item difficulty of pi = 0.64, a mean inter-item correlation of r = 0.18, and a mean item-total correlation of ritc = 0.40. The internal consistency was very good for the total scale (α = 0.89) and ranged from adequate to very good for the subscales (0.65–0.89), indicating high reliability. The original factor structure showed an acceptable model fit (RMSEA = 0.064 (90% CI = 0.059–0.068); SRMR = 0.0922; AIC = 1400.77), confirming the 12-factor structure of the EBPAS-36. However, a second-order factor structure derived by the EFA had an even better model fit (RMSEA = 0.057 (90% CI = 0.052–0.062); SRMR = 0.0822; AIC = 1274.56). When the EBPAS-36D was entered in a hierarchical regression model with the criterion Intention to use EBP, the EBPAS-36D contributed significantly to the prediction (Change in R2 = 0.28, p < 0.001) over and above gender, age and participants’ report of ever having worked in a university context. Conclusions: The present study confirms good psychometric properties and validity of a German version of the EBPAS-36 in a sample of psychotherapists

    An Application of Attribution Theory to Developing Self-Esteem in Learning Disabled Adolescents

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    This research was published by the KU Center for Research on Learning, formerly known as the University of Kansas Institute for Research in Learning Disabilities.The study found that LD adolescents did not differ significantly from non-LD adolescents in their esponses to general self esteem and attribution questionnaires. Effort attribution training brought no significant increase in effort attributions for the experimental group of LD students. LD students reported the effort was a factor that explained success or failure in achievement tasks, but also reported that factors other than effort explained their personal success or failure on a specific spelling task

    Readout for intersatellite laser interferometry: Measuring low frequency phase fluctuations of HF signals with microradian precision

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    Precision phase readout of optical beat note signals is one of the core techniques required for intersatellite laser interferometry. Future space based gravitational wave detectors like eLISA require such a readout over a wide range of MHz frequencies, due to orbit induced Doppler shifts, with a precision in the order of μrad/Hz\mu \textrm{rad}/\sqrt{\textrm{Hz}} at frequencies between 0.1 mHz0.1\,\textrm{mHz} and 1 Hz1\,\textrm{Hz}. In this paper, we present phase readout systems, so-called phasemeters, that are able to achieve such precisions and we discuss various means that have been employed to reduce noise in the analogue circuit domain and during digitisation. We also discuss the influence of some non-linear noise sources in the analogue domain of such phasemeters. And finally, we present the performance that was achieved during testing of the elegant breadboard model of the LISA phasemeter, that was developed in the scope of an ESA technology development activity.Comment: submitted to Review of Scientific Instruments on April 30th 201

    Graphene for spintronics: giant Rashba splitting due to hybridization with Au

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    Graphene in spintronics has so far primarily meant spin current leads of high performance because the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling of its pi-electrons is very weak. If a large spin-orbit coupling could be created by a proximity effect, the material could also form active elements of a spintronic device such as the Das-Datta spin field-effect transistor, however, metal interfaces often compromise the band dispersion of massless Dirac fermions. Our measurements show that Au intercalation at the graphene-Ni interface creates a giant spin-orbit splitting (~100 meV) in the graphene Dirac cone up to the Fermi energy. Photoelectron spectroscopy reveals hybridization with Au-5d states as the source for the giant spin-orbit splitting. An ab initio model of the system shows a Rashba-split dispersion with the analytically predicted gapless band topology around the Dirac point of graphene and indicates that a sharp graphene-Au interface at equilibrium distance will account for only ~10 meV spin-orbit splitting. The ab initio calculations suggest an enhancement due to Au atoms that get closer to the graphene and do not violate the sublattice symmetry.Comment: 16 pages (3 figures) + supplementary information 16 pages (14 figures
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