820 research outputs found

    Technology and the Relationship between Modernity and Postmodernity

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    Clarification on Host Range of Didymella pinodes the Causal Agent of Pea Ascochyta Blight

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    Didymella pinodes is the principal causal agent of ascochyta blight, one of the most important fungal diseases of pea (Pisum sativum) worldwide. Understanding its host specificity has crucial implications in epidemiology and management; however, this has not been clearly delineated yet. In this study we attempt to clarify the host range of D. pinodes and to compare it with that of other close Didymella spp. D. pinodes was very virulent on pea accessions, although differences in virulence were identified among isolates. On the contrary, studied isolates of D. fabae, D. rabiei, and D. lentil showed a reduced ability to infect pea not causing macroscopically visible symptoms on any of the pea accessions tested. D. pinodes isolates were also infective to some extend on almost all species tested including species such as Hedysarum coronarium, Lathyrus sativus, Lupinus albus, Medicago spp., Trifolium spp., Trigonella foenum-graecum, and Vicia articulata which were not mentioned before as hosts of D. pinodes. On the contrary, D. lentil and D. rabiei were more specific, infecting only lentil and chickpea, respectively. D. fabae was intermediate, infecting mainly faba bean, but also slightly other species such as Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, Trifolium spp., Vicia sativa, and V. articulata. DNA sequence analysis of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) was performed to confirm identity of the isolates studies and to determine phylogenetic relationship among the Didymella species, revealing the presence of two clearly distinct clades. Clade one was represented by two supported subclusters including D. fabae isolates as well as D. rabiei with D. lentil isolates. Clade two was the largest and included all the D. pinodes isolates as well as Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella. Genetic distance between D. pinodes and the other Didymella spp. isolates was not correlated with overall differences in pathogenicity. Based on evidences presented here, D. pinodes is not specialized on pea and its host range is larger than that of D. fabae, D. lentil, and D. rabiei. This has relevant implications in epidemiology and control as these species might act as alternative hosts for D. pinodes.This work was supported by Spanish project AGL2014-52871-R. EB was granted by a contract founded by the Spanish JAEdoc program and MC by the Spanish Juan de la Cierva program.Peer reviewe

    Teoria del Grado

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    Introduzione alla topologia differenziale con alcuni concetti base quali omotopia, isotopia, complesso di De Rham, forme differenziali su varietà e cenni alla coomologia di De Rham. Definizione del grado di Brouwer e invarianza per omotopia; definizione del grado attraverso la coomologia ed equivalenza per funzioni a dominio compatto. Applicazioni del grado: teorema fondamentale dell'Algebra, campi vettoriali tangenti sulla sfera n-dimensionale, teorema di Gauss-Bonnet in dimensione 2

    Aplicações de dejetos de suínos e as propriedades do solo.

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    Arginine transport and nitric oxide production: role in the inflammatory response

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    The research concerns the characterization of the pathways responsible for the recruitment of L-arginine, the obliged substrate for nitric oxide biosynthesis, in human cells. Endothelial cells and monocytes/macrophages have been employed, as the cell types more directly linked to NO pathway. As for human endothelium, only system y+ is involved in the inflammatory response: both TNFα and rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor employed in clinical angioplasty, lead to a massive increase of CAT-mediated arginine influx and to the activation of endothelial cells; however, both compounds are ineffective in stimulating the synthesis of NO, and even diminish the expression of eNOS mRNA and protein. Rapamycin also causes a significant loss of cell viability and function, thus confirming the adverse effects of the drug observed in vivo. Among cells of the human monocyte/macrophage lineage, differences in the modulation of arginine transport by cytokines have emerged: IFNγ stimulates system y+L activity in blood monocytes, while alveolar macrophages are insensitive to inflammatory stimuli; also in these models, the production of NO is undetectable even in the presence of inflammatory cytokines. The supposed co-induction of arginine transport and NO biosynthesis under inflammatory conditions may thus not be valid for human cells, although plausible in animal models

    Quand la jalousie s'attache aux choses

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    Umorismo e ironia. Ispezioni testuali tra Cantoni, Pirandello, Svevo

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    La tesi intende anzitutto delimitare i confini e insieme segnare i punti d'incontro delle "maniere di scrittura" di Pirandello e Svevo, ossia di due consolidati capisaldi del Novecento; oltre a essi, è coinvolto anche Alberto Cantoni - scrittore minore ma assai noto agli studiosi pirandelliani perché vicino al siciliano sia dal punto di vista personale sia - soprattutto - da quello scrittorio. L'opera di tutti questi autori, tra il finire del diciannovesimo secolo e il primo quarto del ventesimo o poco oltre, si è esplicata coi caratteri delle esperienze di frontiera e di rottura. L'umorismo cantoniano e pirandelliano e l'ironia sveviana si avvicinano dunque reciprocamente in primis nel trovarsi essi ugualmente protagonisti e autori di tale spaccatura rispetto ai canoni storico-veristici che ancora in chiusura dell'Ottocento caratterizzavano gli ambiti letterari italiani. Dopo averne definiti i motivi fondamentali e consonanti, a ciascun autore è dedicata una specifica trattazione disposta in capitoli - a loro volta suddivisi in sottocapitoli dove necessario. Se di Alberto Cantoni s'è scelto di fornire anche utili riferimenti biografici - seppur secondo l'ottica umoristica che guida l'intero studio - di Pirandello e Svevo sono stati analizzati famosi protagonisti, secondo un percorso ascensionale che conduce all'affermazione del tipico antieroe novecentesco. Partendo da Mattia Pascal, attraverso Serafino Gubbio e Vitangelo Moscarda, s'arriva dunque a indagare la personalità di Svevo, per dimostrare come umorismo e ironia si esplichino attraverso gli atti e i caratteri di questi personaggi sui generis

    Structural and Hemodynamic Changes of the Right Ventricle in PH-HFpEF

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    One of the most important diagnostic challenges in clinical practice is the distinction between pulmonary hypertension (PH) due to primitive pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and PH due to left heart diseases. Both conditions share some common characteristics and pathophysiological pathways, making the two processes similar in several aspects. Their diagnostic differentiation is based on hemodynamic data on right heart catheterization, cardiac structural modifications, and therapeutic response. More specifically, PH secondary to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) shares features with type 1 PH (PAH), especially when the combined pre- and post-capillary form (CpcPH) takes place in advanced stages of the disease. Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction is a common consequence related to worse prognosis and lower survival. This condition has recently been identified with a new classification based on clinical signs and progression markers. The role and prevalence of PH and RV dysfunction in HFpEF remain poorly identified, with wide variability in the literature reported from the largest clinical trials. Different parenchymal and vascular alterations affect the two diseases. Capillaries and arteriole vasoconstriction, vascular obliteration, and pulmonary blood fluid redistribution from the basal to the apical district are typical manifestations of type 1 PH. Conversely, PH related to HFpEF is primarily due to an increase of venules/capillaries parietal fibrosis, extracellular matrix deposition, and myocyte hypertrophy with a secondary "arteriolarization" of the vessels. Since the development of structural changes and the therapeutic target substantially differ, a better understanding of pathobiological processes underneath PH-HFpEF, and the identification of potential maladaptive RV mechanisms with an appropriate diagnostic tool, become mandatory in order to distinguish and manage these two similar forms of pulmonary hypertension