345 research outputs found
Factors affecting farmers' coastal heathland management - a case study in Nerlandsøya, Norway
The semi natural nature type of coastal heath provides a range of ecosystem services
benefitting society. Phenomena, such as land use change, soil nitrification and the
abandonment of heathland management, threatens the coastal heathland functioning and
continued ecosystem provisioning. The semi natural nature type is red-listed in countries in
Europe where they are located, and conservation efforts have been made. In Norway,
conservation was promoted through the development and implementation of national
government-initiated action plans. Management groups, often comprised of farmers and
landowners, have the responsibility to use the action plans in their effort to maintain or
promote well-functioning heathlands, through the activity of burning vegetation, and through
having livestock, such as sheep, graze the land. Considering the essential role the farmers play
for coastal heathland functioning it is important that they continue their practice. The scope of
this study is to investigate what factors affect farmers’ coastal heathland management. A case
study was used as research strategy, with Nerlandsøya in Norway being the study location.
Four semi structured interviews with 6 farmers, and one focus-group interview with 7 farmers
were done for data collection. Coding and categorization of content from interview-transcripts
were done for data analysis. The 6 identified factors affecting farmers’ coastal heathland
management were: economy, society, the burning practice, the infield -and outfield
combination, the sheep, and personal motivation. These factors shape farmers’ management,
which is essential for preserving the red-listed, semi-natural landscape of the coastal
heathland and its ecosystem services
Impacts of adverse weather on Arctic road transport
Author's accepted version (postprint).Available from 02/02/2019
Valuing the risk and social costs of road traffic accidents – Seasonal variation and the significance of delay costs
Author's accepted version (postprint).Available from 05/04/2019
Modelling the costs of unexpected traffic flow disruptions
Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Journal of Transport Economics and Policy on 01/10/2019.Available online: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/lse/jtep/2019/00000053/00000004/art00003.acceptedVersio
Influence of Fabric Structural Attributes on Their Aerodynamic Behavior
ABSTRACT The aerodynamic properties of 15 knitted fabrics of varying cover factor, yarn, and fiber compositions were investigated for their aerodynamic properties on circular cylinders in a wind tunnel. Measurements of the drag force, pressure distribution, and the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique were used in order to obtain a better understanding of the effects of yarn, fiber composition, cover factor, and elastic deformation on the flow field and drag coefficient. It was clearly demonstrated from the drag force measurements that the yarn construction and fiber composition have a substantial effect on the drag coefficient (C D ), with fabrics composed of spun yarn experiencing no C D -drop as opposed to those composed of filament yarn, and being almost unaffected by the cover factor in the range of Reynolds numbers investigated. Hairiness of the spun yarn was found to minimise the drag-reducing effect of the boundary layer transition and increase the trans-critical drag. The hairy surface layer also appeared to retard the turbulent boundary layer as almost no pressure recovery was observed prior to separation on the cylinder model. The effect of elastic deformation was investigated by image analysis of scanned textile samples, and demonstrated that surface roughness might not be directly correlated to cover factor when the fabrics are stretched. Different elastic behavior of fabrics with different cover factors was also found to affect the structure of the knit surface and thus their aerodynamic behavior. The onset of drag crisis found in drag measurements confirmed the deviation from a sequence determined solely by cover factor
Totalentreprise eller delt entreprise, hva gagner kommunen?
Masteroppgave i bedriftsledelse (MBA) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201
Abordaxe con estimulación transcutánea da médula espiñal nun paciente con lesión medular incompreta: un caso clínico
[Resumen] Presentación caso clínico: hombre de 57 años con una Lesión medular incompleta
ocasionada por una mielopatía cervical intervenida quirúrgicamente con una corpectomía y
artrodesis anterior y posterior de C4-T1 hace 14 meses.
Objetivo: lograr una mayor independencia en las actividades de la vida diaria, mejorar la
dinámica de la marcha además del equilibrio y la fuerza de miembros inferiores para reducir
el riesgo de caídas.
Intervención: se llevaron a cabo 2 evaluaciones y 20 sesiones de fisioterapia de 50 minutos
cada una en la clínica de neurorrehabilitación “Cefine”, a mayores de las sesiones realizadas
por sus fisioterapeutas y de la terapia acuática. Las sesiones de fisioterapia se combinaron
con la aplicación de tSCS y se centraron en mejorar el equilibrio reactivo y proactivo además
de ganar fuerza en miembro inferiores, CORE, flexibilización lumbo-pélvica y de tronco y
aumentar la capacidad aeróbica.
Resultados: la intervención realizada ha resultado eficaz durante el periodo de aplicación,
obteniendo resultados positivos en las escalas y pruebas realizadas (10MWT, TUG,
MiniBESTest, ABC y 30CST)
Conclusiones: la intervención de fisioterapia combinada con la aplicación de la tSCS ofrece
resultados positivos en un corto periodo de tiempo, acelerando la recuperación funcional. Sin
embargo, es necesario una intervención más prolongada en el tiempo para observar los
efectos a largo plazo, así como una mayor investigación sobre la tSCS.[Abstract] Clinical case presentation: 57-year-old man with an incomplete spinal cord injury caused by
cervical myelopathy who underwent surgery with a corpectomy and anterior and posterior
arthrodesis of C4-T1 14 months ago.
Objetives: achieve greater independence in activities of daily living, improve gait dynamics as
well as balance and lower limb strength to reduce the risk of falls
Intervention: 2 evaluations and 20 physiotherapy sessions of 50 minutes each were carried
out at the “Cefine” neurorehabilitation clinic, in addition to the sessions carried out by their
physiotherapists and aquatic therapy. The physiotherapy sessions were combined with the
application of tSCS and focused on improving reactive and proactive balance in addition to
gaining strength in the lower limbs, CORE, lumbo-pelvic and trunk flexibility and increasing
aerobic capacity.
Results: The intervention carried out has been effective during the application period,
obtaining positive results in the scales and tests carried out (10MWT, TUG, MiniBESTest, ABC
and 30CST)
Conclusions: Physiotherapy intervention combined with the application of tSCS offers
positive results in a short period of time, accelerating functional recovery. However, a longer
intervention is necessary to observe long-term effects, as well as further research on tSCS.[Resumo] Presentación do caso clínico
Home de 57 anos cunha Lesión medular incompreta ocasionada por unha mielopatía cervical
intervida cirurxicamente cunha corpectomía e artrodesis anterior e posterior de C4-T1 fai 14
Lograr unha maior independencia nas actividades da vida diaria, mellorar a dinámica da
marcha ademais do equilibrio e a forza dos membros inferiores para reducir o risco das caídas.
Intervención: Tiveron lugar 2 avaliacións e 20 sesións de 50 minutos cada unha na clínica
de neurorrehabilitación “Cefine”, ademais das sesións realizadas polos seus fisioterapeutas e
da terapia acuática. As sesións de fisioterapia combináronse coa aplicación de tSCS e
centráronse en mellorar o equilibrio reactivo e proactivo, ademais de gañar forza nos membros
inferiores, CORE, flexibilización lumbo-pélvica e de tronco e aumentar a capacidade aeróbica.
Resultados: a intervención realizada resultou eficaz durante o período de aplicación, obtendo
resultados positivos nas escalas e probas realizadas (10MWT, TUG, MiniBESTest, ABC y
Conclusiones: a intervención de fisioterapia combinado coa aplicación da tSCS ofrece
resultados positivos nun corto período de tempo, acelerando a recuperación funcional. Sen
embargo, é necesario unha intervención máis prolongada no tempo para observar os efectos
a largo prazo, así como unha maior investigación sobre la tSCS.
Conclusión xeneral que lle da resposta ao obxectivo xeneral do traballo.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2023/2024
Playgrounds de Aldo van Eyck: análisis y vigencia actual
[ES] Los espacios públicos para el desarrollo infantil son parte del equipamiento necesario de los núcleos urbanos, por tanto, el niño debe sentirlos como propios. En la actualidad, el uso del parque infantil, propiamente dicho, ha variado en la misma medida que los intereses y formas de entretenimiento de los niños: nuevas tecnologías, pantallas y videojuegos, e infinidad de juguetes novedosos, captan la atención de niños cada vez más pequeños. En consecuencia, el juego libre que históricamente ha sido uno de los escenarios de desarrollo de la imaginación del niño, está quedando progresivamente en desuso, a lo que se añade que las nuevas zonas de juego, por lo general, no contribuyen a mejorar esta situación.
A finales de los años 40 cuando las ciudades se regeneraban tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en Amsterdam, el arquitecto Aldo van Eyck comenzó un proyecto urbano cuyo desarrollo tuvo lugar a lo largo de treinta años, colonizando la ciudad con más de 700 playgrounds. Parques infantiles que no sólo se adaptaban a los vacíos con propuestas urbanas coherentes, sino que además ofrecían un juego libre, espacial, con elementos sencillos que propiciaban el crecimiento imaginativo y físico del niño.
La crítica arquitectónica que estudia la obra de van Eyck, y en especial la que investiga los espacios de juego infantil, establece una serie de ideas y conceptos proyectuales concretos que demuestran el propósito y éxito por el cual fueron proyectados. Es por ello que el presente trabajo reflexiona sobre la posibilidad de mantener la vigencia de dichos ideales o, por el contrario, la necesidad de vincularse a los espacios de juego de hoy en día.[EN] Public spaces devoted to child development are part of the necessary equipment of urban centres, thus children must be able to consider them their own. Currently, the use of playgrounds in themselves has changed to the same degree as children¿s interests and forms of entertainment. New technologies, screens, video games, and an infinite number of new toys, capture the attention of ever-younger children. Free play, which has historically been one of the scenes for child¿s development of the imagination, is increasingly disused. Furthermore, the new play areas, in general, do not contribute to improve this situation.
In Amsterdam, at the end of the 1940s when cities were being regenerated following the Second World War, the architect Aldo van Eyck began an urban project which continued for over thirty years, filling the city with more than 700 playgrounds. Not only did play areas transform empty spaces with a coherent urban project, but they also offered a place for free and spacial play with simple elements that favored the imaginative and physical growth of the child.
The architectural criticism that studies the van Eyck¿s work, and specially children¿s play spaces, establishes a series of ideas and concrete project concepts which demonstrate the purpose and the success for which they were projected. The present dissertation reflects on the potential of maintaining the relevance of the
above-mentioned ideals or, on the contrary, the necessity of linking to today¿s play areas.Fernández Bardal, MS. (2019). Playgrounds de Aldo van Eyck: análisis y vigencia actual. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/134462TFG
Análise da governança pública dos fundos públicos de desenvolvimento econômico do Estado do Tocantins
The public budget of the State of Tocantins is composed, among other budgetary units,
of 40 public funds, according to the LOA of 2021, 5 of which are intended for economic
development. The present work aims to evaluate the level of public governance of
these public funds for economic development, considering that on February 1, 2022,
the Public Governance and Compliance Policy of the State of Tocantins. To respond
to the research objective, documentary research was used, which is a type of research
that uses primary sources, that is, the researcher extracts information from official
documents. The results indicated low budget execution, of 10.70% in the accumulated
from 2018 to 2021, and inexpressive practices of leadership, strategy and control over
public funds for economic development in the State of Tocantins.O orçamento público do Estado do Tocantins é composto, dentre outras unidades
orçamentárias, por 40 fundos públicos, conforme LOA de 2021, sendo 5 deles
destinados ao desenvolvimento econômico. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo
avaliar o nível de governança pública desses fundos públicos de desenvolvimento
econômico, considerando que em 1º de fevereiro de 2022 foi estabelecida no Estado
do Tocantins a Política de Governança Pública e Compliance do Poder Executivo
Estadual. Para responder ao objetivo de pesquisa foi usada a pesquisa documental,
que é um tipo de pesquisa que utiliza fontes primárias, ou seja, o pesquisador extrai
informações de documentos oficiais. Os resultados indicaram baixa execução
orçamentária, de 10,70% no acumulado de 2018 a 2021, e inexpressivas práticas de
liderança, estratégia e controle sobre os fundos públicos de desenvolvimento
econômico do Estado do Tocantins
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