323 research outputs found

    Recovering industrial heritage: restoration of the wine cellar cooperative in Falset (Catalonia, Spain)

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    Awareness regarding conservation of industrial heritage is recent. Several policies have been adopted to start protecting these buildings because of their historic, artistic and scientific values. Wine cellars are an important example of industrial heritage in Catalonia due to the tradition of this product in the territory and the influence of Art Nouveau and Catalan ‘Noucentisme’ in their construction and style. The wine cellar in Falset, built by Cèsar Martinell in 1919, has recently been restored and still maintains its original function. This article analyses its history, its architectonic and construction characteristics, as well as the restoration process carried out in 2009, which consisted of recovering its original appearance and allowed to emphasize the architectural value of the building. This restoration is a prototypical example whose experience can be applied in other cases of restoration of wine cellars both for the characteristics of the building and for its good restoration practices. This restoration enabled the wine cellar to continue carrying out its original industrial function, providing suitable conditions to add a new cultural use as wellPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mechanical characterization of a new architectural concrete with glass-recycled aggregate

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    Concrete is a material which is widely used in architecture, not only for structural purposes but also for architectural elements for its versatility and excellent performance. However, the manufacturing of this material as a mixture of water, cement, and ¿ne and coarse aggregate comes with a high environmental cost, such as gas emissions, among other things. This is the reason why di¿erent alternatives are being proposed in order to replace coarse aggregates with other recycled materials, as it is one of the less sustainable components of the mixture in terms of extraction. One of these alternatives is recycled glass coming from drinking bottles, crushed into small grains and mixed in the same proportions as regular aggregates. This study proposes the mechanical characterization of a new architectural concrete mixture by using white Lafarge cement and glass-recycled aggregates. This proposed concrete is made especially for architectural elements like façade panels, rather than structural elements. The mechanical evaluation of this new material is done through a set of experimental tests under compression and also bending, comparing three di¿erent ratios of glass aggregate in the mixture.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Methylxanthine and catechin content of fresh and fermented cocoa beans, dried cocoa beans, and cocoa liquor

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    The theobromine and catechin content can affect the quality of cocoa liquor and is influenced by cacao variety, production area (PA), and fermentation, as well as the method of drying beans (FDB) and cocoa liquor production (CLP). This study examined variations in methylxanthine and catechin levels in fresh and fermented cocoa beans, dried cocoa grains, and in cocoa liquor from Trinitario, Criollo, and Forastero cacao varieties. A total of 123 cocoa bean samples from three Peruvian PAs at different altitudes, Tingo María (TM), San Alejandro (SA), and Curimana (CU), were evaluated. The theobromine (Tb) and caffeine (Cf) contents in fresh cocoa beans were affected by both cocoa type and PA. The caffeine content was higher in Trinitario cacao than in Criollo and Forastero varieties (p ≤ 0.05). The Tb and CF contents decreased in dry cocoa grain and was affected by FDB (p ≤ 0.05) (1.449 ± 0.004 to 1.140 ± 0.010 and 0.410 ± 0.03 to 0.165 ± 0.02 g Tb and C, respectively, per 100 g dry weight). Cocoa beans from Tingo María, which has the highest altitude, had higher Tb and CF contents than those from other PAs. The catechin (C) and epicatechin (EC) contents were affected by the FDB and CLP, and were highest in fresh cocoa beans from the Tingo María area (range: 0.065 ± 0.01 to 0.020 ± 0.00 g C/100 g). The C and EC contents decreased during FDB and CLP (0.001 g C/100 g of cocoa liquor). Taken together, these results show that higher concentrations of Tb, Cf, C, and EC are present in fresh cocoa beans. Moreover, the cocoa variety influenced cocoa liquor quality. Overall, cocoa from the Tingo María PA had the most desirable chemical composition.The theobromine and catechin content can affect the quality of cocoa liquor and is influenced by cacao variety, production area (PA), and fermentation, as well as the method of drying beans (FDB) and cocoa liquor production (CLP). This study examined variations in methylxanthine and catechin levels in fresh and fermented cocoa beans, dried cocoa grains, and in cocoa liquor from Trinitario, Criollo, and Forastero cacao varieties. A total of 123 cocoa bean samples from three Peruvian PAs at different altitudes, Tingo María (TM), San Alejandro (SA), and Curimana (CU), were evaluated. The theobromine (Tb) and caffeine (Cf) contents in fresh cocoa beans were affected by both cocoa type and PA. The caffeine content was higher in Trinitario cacao than in Criollo and Forastero varieties (p ≤ 0.05). The Tb and CF contents decreased in dry cocoa grain and was affected by FDB (p ≤ 0.05) (1.449 ± 0.004 to 1.140 ± 0.010 and 0.410 ± 0.03 to 0.165 ± 0.02 g Tb and C, respectively, per 100 g dry weight). Cocoa beans from Tingo María, which has the highest altitude, had higher Tb and CF contents than those from other PAs. The catechin (C) and epicatechin (EC) contents were affected by the FDB and CLP, and were highest in fresh cocoa beans from the Tingo María area (range: 0.065 ± 0.01 to 0.020 ± 0.00 g C/100 g). The C and EC contents decreased during FDB and CLP (0.001 g C/100 g of cocoa liquor). Taken together, these results show that higher concentrations of Tb, Cf, C, and EC are present in fresh cocoa beans. Moreover, the cocoa variety influenced cocoa liquor quality. Overall, cocoa from the Tingo María PA had the most desirable chemical composition

    Unusual Surge of Acute Hepatitis A Cases in 2016 and 2017 in Malaga, Southern Spain: Characterization and Relationship with Other Concurrent European Outbreaks

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    Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/jcm12206613/s1We aimed to describe the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) cases that arose in Malaga (Spain) in 2016 and 2017 when the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reported several outbreaks among men who have sex with men (MSM). Therefore, we conducted a retrospective study gathering demographic, clinical, and immunological data from the acute HAV patients attending our hospital between March 2016 and December 2017. Additionally, VP1/P2A region was amplified from serum samples, sequenced, and genotyped. We finally performed a phylogenetic analysis, including the HAV strains from the other European outbreaks. A total of 184 HAV cases were reported, with the highest number in March 2017. The cohort mostly comprised Spaniards (81.0%), males (84.8%), and MSM (72.3%), with a median age of 33.0 years (interquartile range (IQR) = 25.0–43.0). Most patients exhibited symptoms. In addition, a successful amplification and sequencing of the VP1/P2A region was performed in 25 out of 106 serum samples (23.6%). All the sequences belonged to the genotype IA, and 20 were phylogenetically related to VRD_521_2016, first described in the United Kingdom (UK). In conclusion, HAV cases emerged in Malaga in 2016 and 2017, showing an epidemic character phylogenetically related to the predominant strain first detected in the UK. Characteristics of the cohort were similar to those from the European outbreaks.Unicaja Foundatio

    Cue duration modulates the effects produced by a change in cue-outcome contingencies

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    Presentación en el XXV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicología ComparadaLas investigaciones sobre aprendizaje humano de contingencias se han centrado en estudiar si se ponen en marcha procesos asociativos, además de procesos inferenciales de aprendizaje, en este tipo de tareas. En general se ha tratado de disociar estos dos tipos de procesos dentro de una misma tarea. Sin embargo, es posible que dependiendo de las características de la tarea, se ponga en marcha un tipo de proceso u otro, pero no los dos al mismo tiempo. Una de las características que se considera que diferencia entre estos dos tipos de procesos, es el tiempo disponible para procesar los estímulos. Una presentación breve impide (o dificulta) la puesta en marcha de procesos inferenciales. Una presentación larga los favorece. En la investigación se utilizó una tarea de respuesta señalada con dos fases de aprendizaje (F1 y F2). En F1 se presentaron cuatro estímulos diferentes seguidos de un mismo outcome. En F2 se cambiaron los emparejamientos estímulo-outcome de dos de los estímulos. Mediante instrucciones colocadas entre F1 y F2, se informó del cambio de emparejamiento de uno de estos estímulos, mientras que el otro cambio fue inesperado. Se comparó el efecto de las instrucciones en F2 utilizando tres grupos de sujetos. En un grupo, la presentación de estímulos fue muy corta (250 ms) en F1 y F2. En otro grupo, la presentación de estímulos fue larga (1500 ms). En el tercer grupo, los estímulos se presentaron durante 250 ms en F1 y 1500ms en F2. Los resultados sugieren la influencia de procesos asociativos en F2 únicamente cuando la presentación de estímulos fue de 250 ms.Proyecto Junta de Andalucía SEJ2008-SEJ3586 Proyecto Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PSI2011-2466

    Architectural and environmental strategies towards a cost optimal deep energy retrofit for mediterranean public high schools

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    Deep energy retrofit of the existing public stock is a crucial strategy to promote environmental targets at national and EU private levels, as required by EU Directives. The article presents a deep energy renovation strategy focused on high school buildings. The research is carried out in a sample of school buildings in Catalonia in which their possibilities of energy rehabilitation are analysed, developing a toolkit for prioritizing the buildings to intervene and the standardization of possible energy improvement measures for high school buildings. Such methodology is specifically developed to promote the replicability of deep renovation in Mediterranean schools, the model is applied to a specific case enquiry focused on the climatic zone Cfa according to Köppen (and equivalent to the Zone D3 at the Spanish level according to Spanish Technical Building Code), in accordance with a volume and constructive characteristics replicable in large schools built at the same period (70’s). Despite being schools that are over 50 years old, their demolition is not considered appropriate but it is preferred to gradually improve their construction elements and facilities system throughout their lifespan. It is worth noticing current thermal discomfort and low air quality in schools, particularly during the summer months when overheating can be a significant issue, given the absence of an active cooling system. It should be noted that the technical aspects evaluated in this first phase are those that meet the definition of an nZEB building under the cost optimal methodological framework: (1) prioritize demand reduction (minimizing heating demand with the aim of not penalizing cooling demand decisively enough to require the new implementation of refrigeration equipment to avoid overheating), (2) followed by the energy optimization of the installations’ consumption in relation to their performance and, finally, (3) promoting the implementation of renewable energies. Next, a methodology is proposed to discriminate and prioritize the intervention measures to be carried out, in a cost optimal deep energy renovation strategy, considering environmental aspects such as the life cycle of the building. This methodology is validated and its application in a representative case study is shown. Four key strategies are followed: (1) inspection and evaluation of the reference scenario, (2) establishing the strategic vectors for deep renovation according to the official definition of nZEB, (3) Considering the life cycle analysis of the interventions carried out to assess their environmental impact beyond the use phase, and (4) evaluation of the economic performance between investment and economic benefit of the energy bill with respect to the environmental benefit, in order to guarantee a cost optimal deep energy renovation. The research aims to show that energy rehabilitation solutions, seen from an environmental impact point of view during the use phase of the building, cease to be relevant when the environmental impact of all phases of the building (LCA) is introduced. In this case we can see how the environmental impacts generated by the improvement interventions are compensated at most after 3 years of use of the building. It can be concluded that the reduction in demand reaches values around 40%, versus the slight increase in cooling demand (less than 10%). However, the study has managed to reduce the coolingAuthors wishing to acknowledge the Departament d’Ensenyament of the Generalitat de Catalunya for their collaboration and encouragement to promote case studies in the field of the new energy models for school buildings, as a consequence of the established link in the European project ZEMedS–Promoting renovation of schools in a Mediterranean climate up to nearly zero-energy buildings (IEE/12/711/SI2.644.745)Postprint (author's final draft

    Soledad y agresión relacional en los centros educativos: factores protectores y de riesgo en la adolescencia temprana = Loneliness and relational aggression in the school: Risk and protective factors in the early adolescence

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    223 p.En la presente investigación pretendemos abordar un problema sumamente complejo en sí mismo, tanto por sus orígenes y su propia naturaleza como por sus consecuencias en la salud física y psicológica, presente y futura, de nuestros estudiantes y de la comunidad a la que pertenecen. Nuestra aspiración es la de realizar un estudio riguroso y concienzudo en el ámbito del sentimiento de la soledad percibida, de las consecuencias de diferentes formas de agresión entre iguales y de los factores protectores y de riesgo en la adolescencia temprana. Son tres los grandes constructos que se abarcan en este trabajo. Por un lado, la Soledad, que está muy relacionada con la pérdida de relaciones con ese conjunto de personas significativas en la vida del individuo y con las que se interactúa de forma regular. La definición más común de soledad es la de carencia de compañía y que se tiende a vincular con estados de tristeza, desamor y negatividad. No obstante, no debemos confundir, y así lo pretendemos, la soledad como causa objetiva donde se hace referencia a la falta de compañía de forma permanente o temporal y la soledad como sentimiento o percepción subjetiva de estar solo. En este caso no es lo mismo ser o sentir, ser que esta

    La arquitectura doméstica de Gio Ponti. Una obra de diseño total

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    Arquitectura, mobiliario, diseño, composición del espacio, juegos de luces y colores y materialidad se unen para dar un sentido completo a una obra arquitectónica. El arquitecto y diseñador italiano Gio Ponti, fiel defensor de esta suma de conceptos al proyectar, obtiene el éxito en sus obras. Reinterpreta el concepto de arquitectura doméstica del siglo XX convirtiéndolo en una disciplina de interés. Se estudian tres de sus obras de arquitectura residencial de mayor éxito, Villa Planchart, Casa Ponti en via Dezza y hotel Parco dei Principi de Sorrento, basadas en la visión que utilizaba Ponti en su revista Domus aunado mediante el método de los 5 puntos: “fundas”, “mobiliario”, “personajes”, “colores y “materiales”. Esta visión de las 5 categorías unificadas extraída del propio arquitecto, da como resultado una perspectiva común de sus obras, siendo una arquitectura de calidad más rica en detalles y con un dominio total del espacio, objetos y personasGrado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectur