22 research outputs found

    La conquista del silencio : ontología y cosmología en los cantos chamánicos de sanación mayas

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, leída el 16-12-2022El objeto específico de este estudio son los cantos chamánicos de sanación mayas. Estos cantos son una manifestación especialmente sofisticada del lenguaje ritual que tradicionalmente ha sido enmarcada, dentro de los géneros del habla mayas, como parte del “lenguaje puro” o las “palabras antiguas”. Los estudios etnográficos, etnohistóricos e históricos, han prestado hasta la fecha mucha menos atención a los cantos chamánicos de la que han recibido mitos, leyendas, cuentos, etc.; es decir, lo que podríamos denominar textos de carácter narrativo. Y cuando les han prestado atención lo han hecho abordándolos como textos literarios, realizando un análisis formal de los mismos, de las figuras que emplean y de sus aspectos compositivos. O como un elemento litúrgico más del ritual de sanación. Estos trabajos toman la figura del chamán como autor de los cantos, y a estos como una expresión especialmente elaborada de la poética y literatura indígenas. El punto de partida de esta investigación es completamente distinto, en vez de afrontar el estudio de los cantos chamánicos desde una perspectiva litúrgica, literaria o textual, lo que se plantea es el estudio de los cantos como sujetos con agencia, como un espíritu con intencionalidad y capacidad para hacer cosas que se manifiesta en el ritual de sanación a través de la figura del chamán. Para ello nos serviremos del análisis de materiales obtenidos por otros etnógrafos, filólogos e historiadores especialistas en el área maya, especialmente de la región de Los Altos de Chiapas (México)...The specific subject of this study is Maya shamanic healing chants. These chants are a particularly sophisticated manifestation of ritual language that has traditionally been framed, within the Mayan speech genres, as part of the "pure language" or "ancient words".Ethnographic, ethnohistorical and historical studies have so far paid much less attention to shamanic chants than they have to myths, legends, tales, etc.; that is, what we could call narrative texts. And when attention has been paid to them, they have been approached as literary texts, making a formal analysis of them, of the literary figures they employ and of their compositional aspects. Or as another liturgical element of the healing ritual. These works take the figure of the shaman as the author of the chants, and these as a specially elaborated expression of indigenous poetics and literature.The starting point of this research is completely different, instead of approaching the study of shamanic chants from a liturgical, literary or textual perspective, what is proposed is the study of the chants as subjects with agency, as a spirit with intentionality and capacity to do things that manifests itself in the healing ritual through the figure of the shaman. For this purpose, we will use the analysis of materials obtained by other ethnographers, philologists and historians specialized in the Maya area, especially in the region of Los Altos de Chiapas (Mexico)...Fac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEunpu

    Neurorestoration approach by biomaterials in ischemic stroke

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    Ischemic stroke (IS) is the leading cause of disability in the western world, assuming a high socio-economic cost. One of the most used strategies in the last decade has been biomaterials, which have been initially used with a structural support function. They have been perfected, different compounds have been combined, and they have been used together with cell therapy or controlled release chemical compounds. This double function has driven them as potential candidates for the chronic treatment of IS. In fact, the most developed are in different phases of clinical trial. In this review, we will show the ischemic scenario and address the most important criteria to achieve a successful neuroreparation from the point of view of biomaterials. The spontaneous processes that are activated and how to enhance them is one of the keys that contribute to the success of the therapeutic approach. In addition, the different routes of administration and how they affect the design of biomaterials are analyzed. Future perspectives show where this broad scientific field is heading, which advances every day with the help of technology and advanced therapies.We gratefully acknowledge funding from Institute Carlos III (EC11-121) which support our research using biohybrids in the treatment of ischemic stroke. NE-G is funded by a contract from the European Social Fund through the Operational Youth Guarantee Program of the Ministry of Science, Universities and Innovation of the Community of Madrid (PEJD-2019- PRE/BMD-15396). CN was funded by Boston Scientifi

    Are We Ready for Cell Therapy to Treat Stroke?

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    Clinical trials of cell therapies that target stroke started at the beginning of this century and they have experienced a significant boost in recent years as a result of promising data from basic research studies. The increase in the information available has paved the way to carry out more innovative and varied human studies. Efforts have focused on the search for a safe and effective treatment to stimulate neuro-regeneration in the brain and to reduce the sequelae of stroke in patients. Therefore, this review aims to evaluate the clinical trials using cell therapy to treat stroke published to date and assess their limitations. From 2000 to date, most of the published clinical trials have focused on phases I or II, and the vast majority of them demonstrate that stem cells are essentially safe to use when administered by different routes, with transient and mild adverse events that do not generally have severe consequences for health. In general, there is considerable variation in the trials in terms of statistical design, sample size, the cells used, the routes of administration, and the functional assessments (both at baseline and follow-up), making it difficult to compare the studies. From this general description, possibly the experimental protocol is the main element to improve in future studies. Establishing an adequate experimental and statistical design will be essential to obtain favorable and reliable results when conducting phase III clinical trials. Thus, it is necessary to standardize the criteria used in these clinical trials in order to aid comparison. Shortly, cell therapy will be a key approach in the treatment of stroke if adequate and comprehensive levels of recovery are to be achieved

    Athletes with Eating Disorders: Analysis of Their Clinical Characteristics, Psychopathology and Response to Treatment

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    Eating disorders (ED) have frequently been described among athletes. However, their specific features and therapy responses are lacking in the literature. The aims of this article were to compare clinical, psychopathological and personality traits between ED patients who were professional athletes (ED-A) with those who were not (ED-NA) and to explore differences in response to treatment. The sample comprised n = 104 patients with ED (n = 52 ED-A and n = 52 matched ED-NA) diagnosed according to DSM-5 criteria. Evaluation consisted of a semi-structured face-to-face clinical interview conducted by expert clinicians and a psychometric battery. Treatment outcome was evaluated when the treatment program ended. ED-A patients showed less body dissatisfaction and psychological distress. No differences were found in treatment outcome among the groups. Within the ED-A group, those participants who performed individual sport activities and aesthetic sports presented higher eating psychopathology, more general psychopathology, differential personality traits and poor therapy outcome. Individual and aesthetic sports presented more severity and worse prognosis. Although usual treatment for ED might be similarly effective in ED-A and ED-NA, it might be important to develop preventive and early detection programs involving sports physicians and psychologists, coaches and family throughout the entire athletic career and afterwards

    Food addiction in anorexia nervosa: implications for the understanding of crossover diagnosis

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    Objective: Food addiction (FA) construct was introduced to reflect abnormal eating patterns that resemble behavioural ones found in substance use disorders. FA has been barely explored in anorexia nervosa (AN). This study evaluated FA occurrence and associated factors in a sample of patients with AN, distinguishing between restrictive and binge-purging subtypes and focussing on the influence of FA in the crossover diagnosis between them. Method: A sample of 116 patients with AN admitted for treatment seeking at an Bellvitge Hospital Eating Disorders Unit were included (72 restrictive [AN-R]; 44 binge-purge AN [AN-BP]), and eating-related, personality and psychopathological variables were assessed. Most participants were women (92.2%), mean age 27.1 years old (SD = 10.5). Results: FA was more prevalent in patients with AN-BP compared to the AN-R group (75.0% and 54.2%, respectively). The patients with AN-R FA+, presented more similar ED symptomatology, general psychopathology and personality traits, with the AN-BP patients, than with the AN-R FA-. Conclusions: Patients with AN-R FA+, exhibit more similarities with the AN-BP subgroup than with the AN-R FA-. Thus, it is possible to hypothesise that the presence of FA might be an indicator of the possible crossover from AN-R to AN-BP

    Motherhood and Treatment Outcome in Female Patients with Compulsive Buying–Shopping Disorder

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    Motherhood has been proposed as an internal facilitating factor for the recovery of women with mental disorders. However, at the same time, there are significant barriers that may be interfering with the access and adherence to treatment for these women. The present longitudinal study aimed to deepen the sociodemographic and clinical profile of women with children and compulsive buying-shopping disorder (CBSD), and to explore the association between motherhood and response to treatment. The total sample included 77 women with a diagnosis of CBSD (n = 49 mothers) who received cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for 12 weeks. No association between psychopathology and motherhood was observed. The group of mothers reported an older age of onset of the CBSD, a lower amount of money spent per compulsive-buying episode, and a higher likelihood of family support for the CBSD. Moreover, this group showed lower risk of relapse. The findings support the theoretical proposal that considers motherhood as an internal facilitating factor for recovery and treatment adherence of mothers with addictions

    Motherhood and Treatment Outcome in Female Patients with Compulsive Buying-Shopping Disorder

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    Motherhood has been proposed as an internal facilitating factor for the recovery of women with mental disorders. However, at the same time, there are significant barriers that may be interfering with the access and adherence to treatment for these women. The present longitudinal study aimed to deepen the sociodemographic and clinical profile of women with children and compulsive buying-shopping disorder (CBSD), and to explore the association between motherhood and response to treatment. The total sample included 77 women with a diagnosis of CBSD (n = 49 mothers) who received cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for 12 weeks. No association between psychopathology and motherhood was observed. The group of mothers reported an older age of onset of the CBSD, a lower amount of money spent per compulsive-buying episode, and a higher likelihood of family support for the CBSD. Moreover, this group showed lower risk of relapse. The findings support the theoretical proposal that considers motherhood as an internal facilitating factor for recovery and treatment adherence of mothers with addictions

    Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Predict Therapeutic Efficacy of Immunotherapy in NSCLC

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    In lung cancer immunotherapy, biomarkers to guide clinical decisions are limited. We now explore whether the detailed immunophenotyping of circulating peripheral blood mononu-clear cells (PBMCs) can predict the efficacy of anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We determined 107 PBMCs subpopulations in a prospective cohort of NSCLC patients before starting single-agent anti-PD-1 immunotherapy (study group), an-alyzed by flow cytometry. As a control group, we studied patients with advanced malignancies before initiating non-immunotherapy treatment. The frequency of PBMCs was correlated with treatment outcome. Patients were categorized as having either high or low expression for each bi-omarker, defined as those above the 55th or below the 45th percentile of the overall marker expres-ion within the cohort. In the study group, three subpopulations were associated with significant differences in outcome: high pretreatment levels of circulating CD4+CCR9+, CD4+CCR10+, or CD8+CXCR4+ T cells correlated with poorer overall survival (15.7 vs. 35.9 months, HR 0.16, p = 0.003; 22.0 vs. NR months, HR 0.10, p = 0.003, and 22.0 vs. NR months, HR 0.29, p = 0.02). These differences were specific to immunotherapy-treated patients. High baseline levels of circulating T cell subpopulations related to tissue lymphocyte recruitment are associated with poorer outcomes of immunotherapy-treated advanced NSCLC patientsProjects PIE15/00068, PI17/01865, and PI20/01458 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) awarded to R.C.; Projects FIS PI19/01491 and CIBER Cardiovascular (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III with co-funding from the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER) awarded to A.A.; CNIO Bioinformatics Unit is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Project RETOS RTI2018-097596-B-I00 (AEI/10.13039/501100011033 MCI/FEDER, UE); Projects PI17/00801 and PI21/01111 grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and JR17/00007 awarded to N.R.-L., and Project Molecular Analysis of the Exhaled Breath Condensate in the Management of Solitary Pulmonary Nodule (ideas semilla AECC 2019), from Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC), awarded to J.

    Resources for the online teaching of Technological Practical Courses: application and validation in Pharmaceutical Technology

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    Para llevar a cabo la virtualización, es importante adaptar la metodología a seguir, al objetivo, necesidades y contenido de la asignatura. Esto supone un reto a la hora de virtualizar prácticas de laboratorio en materias tecnológicas. Por ello se desarrolló un proyecto con el fin de crear diversos recursos para la virtualización de este tipo de materias. En concreto, el proyecto se centra en la virtualización de prácticas que comprenden la elaboración y control de calidad de comprimidos, la cual está recogida en el temario de la asignatura de Tecnología Farmacéutica I (grado en Farmacia). Para ello, se emplearon vídeolecciones como herramienta docente, ya que favorece los procesos perceptivos y cognitivos durante el proceso de aprendizaje del alumno, y además permite ver los procedimientos, equipos de fabricación y de control de calidad que son los pilares fundamentales en el desarrollo tecnológico de medicamentos. Otra estrategia desarrollada es la evaluación de datos prácticos para aplicarlos a la cumplimentación de un boletín de análisis de control de calidad. Todo ello se implementó en 3 grupos de 12 alumnos que recibieron prácticas semipresenciales y que posteriormente valoraron la utilidad de estos recursos como medio para la virtualización de las prácticas de laboratorio.To carry out virtualization, it is important to adapt the methodology, to the objective, needs and content of the course. E-teaching of laboratory courses of technological disciplines is really challenge. For this reason, a teaching project was developed to create various resources for the virtualization. of laboratory courses that include the production and quality control of tablets, which is included in the syllabus of the Pharmaceutical Technology I discipline (degree in Pharmacy). For this, video lessons were used as a teaching tool, since it favors the perceptual and cognitive processes during the student's learning process, and allows to see the procedures, manufacturing equipment and quality control that are the fundamental pillars in technological development of medications. Another strategy developed is the evaluation of practical data to apply them to the completion of a quality control analysis bulletin. All of this was implemented in 3 groups of 12 students who received blended practices and who subsequently assessed the usefulness of these resources as a means for the virtualization of laboratory practices.Facultad de Informátic