38 research outputs found

    The Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA)

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    Micro (Nano) plastic analysis: a green and sustainable perspective

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    Within the last years aspects such as green, eco-friendly and sustainable are making their way into analytical chemistry. The field has changed with the introduction of these concepts. Information on the consumption of toxic solvents and energy is now a part of everyday life. This green analytical chemistry could be playing a pioneering role in the analysis of micro(nano)plastics in the environment. We discuss the roles of green analytical and sustainability within micro(nano) plastics determination and its possible applications. We explain its many advantages, like their function to preserve the environment and operator health or their role in the so-called eco-friendly methodologies, but we also highlight points such as an efficiency in the determination that should be viewed critically. Finally, we describe how micro(nano)plastics analysis is implementing the green analytical chemistry and the challenges faced

    Utilització del microscopi electrònic de rastreig per a l'estudi de la distribució de la fase líquida sobre diferents tipus de suports en cromatografia de gasos

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    The use of scanning electron microscopy to study the distribution of the stationary liquid phase on the solid support surface in gas chromatography is described. The coating of different amounts of Ethofat 60/25, Squalane and Fractonitril VI on porous polymers Chromosorb 101 and Chromosorb 102 has been discussed and a new model of liquid phase distribution on the solid support for these coated porous polymers is postulated

    Emerging organic contaminants in aquatic environments: state-of-the-art and recent scientific contributions

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    Els contaminants emergents són contaminants prèviament desconeguts o no reconeguts com a tals, la presència dels quals en el medi ambient no és necessàriament nova, però sí la preocupació pels possibles efectes perillosos sobre la salut humana i la dels ecosistemes. A causa de llur recent descobriment o reconeixement com a contaminants, la informació que se'n disposa sobre la presència, el destí i la toxicitat en ambients aquàtics, i sobre els mètodes analítics per a detectar- los en diverses matrius ambientals és escassa. En els darrers anys, el grup liderat pel professor d'investigació Damià Barceló Cullerès ha participat intensament en l'estudi de nombroses classes de contaminants emergents (estrògens, fàrmacs, drogues, nanopartícules, plaguicides polars, etc.). Aquest article repassa les contribucions més recents fetes pel grup en aquest camp dels contaminants emergents en les línies de desenvolupament de mètodes analítics, programes de vigilància ambiental i estudis de biodisponibilitat, degradació i toxicitat.Emerging contaminants are previously unknown or unrecognized contaminants whose presence in the environment is not necessarily new but which raise concern due to their potentially dangerous effects on the ecosystem and on human health. Due to their recent discovery or recognition as contaminants, information about the occurrence, fate, and toxicity of these compounds in the aquatic environment, as well as analytical methods for their detection in various environmental matrices, is scarce. We have intensively studied many of these classes of emerging contaminants (estrogens, pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, nanoparticles, polar pesticides, etc.). This article reviews the most recent contributions made by our group to the field of emerging contaminants with respect to the development of analytical methods, monitoring studies, and bioavailability, degradation, and toxicity studies

    Multiple stressors in Mediterranean freshwater ecosystems: The Llobregat River as a paradigm

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    Hydrological modifications drive other ecological stressors of freshwater ecosystems and interact with them. The present paper examines the relevance of hydrological disturbances resulting from global change by presenting the case of the Llobregat River, a highly disturbed system in NE Spain. The Llobregat is a clear example of a Mediterranean river suffering from multiple stressors. Both the distribution and abundance of organisms and ecosystem functioning as a whole are greatly determined by water scarcity, water salinity, nutrient concentration, and organic (and inorganic) pollution. Structural drought exacerbates these problems, as the capacity to dilute pollutants is compromised. Controlling water abstraction and limiting nutrient and pollutant inputs downstream are essential to the structural and functional recovery of biological communities and to maximizing the ecosystem services provided by the Llobregat River. [Contrib Sci 10:161-169 (2014)

    Multiple stressors in Mediterranean freshwater ecosystems: The Llobregat River as a paradigm

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    Hydrological modifications drive other ecological stressors of freshwater ecosystems and interact with them. The present paper examines the relevance of hydrological disturbances resulting from global change by presenting the case of the Llobregat River, a highly disturbed system in NE Spain. The Llobregat is a clear example of a Mediterranean river suffering from multiple stressors. Both the distribution and abundance of organisms and ecosystem functioning as a whole are greatly determined by water scarcity, water salinity, nutrient concentration, and organic (and inorganic) pollution. Structural drought exacerbates these problems, as the capacity to dilute pollutants is ompromised. Controlling water abstraction and limiting nutrient and pollutant inputs downstream are essential to the structural and functional recovery of biological communities and to maximizing the ecosystem services provided by the Llobregat River

    Cross-validation of methods used for analysis of MTBE and other gasoline components in groundwater.

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    Head space gas chromatography with flame-ionization detection (HS-GC-FID), ancl purge and trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (P&T-GC-MS) have been used to determine methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene, toluene, and the ylenes (BTEX) in groundwater. In the work discussed in this paper measures of quality, e.g. recovery (94-111%), precision (4.6 - 12.2%), limits of detection (0.3 - 5.7 I~g L 1 for HS and 0.001 I~g L 1 for PT), and robust-ness, for both methods were compared. In addition, for purposes of comparison, groundwater samples from areas suffering from odor problems because of fuel spillage and tank leakage were analyzed by use of both techniques. For high concentration levels there was good correlation between results from both methods

    Bridging levels of pharmaceuticals in river water with biological community structure in the Llobregat river basin (NE Spain)

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    A wide range of human pharmaceuticals are present at low concentrations in freshwater systems, particularly in sections of polluted river. These compounds show high biological activity, often associated with a high stability. These characteristics imply a potential impact of these substances on aquatic biota even when present at low environmental concentrations. Low flow conditions in Mediterranean rivers, most of which flow through densely populated areas and are subjected to intensive water use, increase the environmental risk of these emergent compounds. Here, we studied whether pharmaceuticals in river water affect the local benthic community structure (diatoms and invertebrates). For this purpose, we analyzed the occurrence of pharmaceuticals along the Llobregat River and examined the benthic community structure (diatoms and invertebrates) of this system. Some pharmaceutical products in the Llobregat River registered concentrations greater than those cited in the literature. Multivariate analyses revealed a potential causal association between the concentrations of some anti-inflammatories and β-blockers and the abundance and biomass of several benthic invertebrates (Chironomus spp. and Tubifex tubifex). Further interpretation in terms of cause-and-effect relationships is discussed; however, it must be always taken with caution because other pollutants also may have significant contributions. Combined with further community experiments in the laboratory, our approach could be a desirable way to proceed in future risk management decisions