21 research outputs found
Systematic review of methods used in meta-analyses where a primary outcome is an adverse or unintended event
addresses: Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, St Luke's Campus, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. [email protected]: PMCID: PMC3528446types: Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't© 2012 Warren et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Adverse consequences of medical interventions are a source of concern, but clinical trials may lack power to detect elevated rates of such events, while observational studies have inherent limitations. Meta-analysis allows the combination of individual studies, which can increase power and provide stronger evidence relating to adverse events. However, meta-analysis of adverse events has associated methodological challenges. The aim of this study was to systematically identify and review the methodology used in meta-analyses where a primary outcome is an adverse or unintended event, following a therapeutic intervention
Conhecimento do cliente diabético em relação os cuidados com os pés Conocimiento de los diabéticos sobre los cuidados con los pies Knowledge about feet care of the diabetic client
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo avaliar o conhecimento dos clientes que freqüentam um Ambulatório de Diabetes, em relação à sua doença e cuidados com os pés. Na amostra estudada - diabéticos tipo 2 - houve predominância da faixa etária acima de cinqüenta anos e 71,8% tinham diabetes há menos de dez anos. Concluiu-se que os clientes sabem que os cuidados adequados com os pés são necessários para evitar as complicações, porém o autocuidado não é realizado corretamente. Para que isso seja incorporado em seu cotidiano, é fundamental que tenham acesso às informações sobre diabetes, participação da família, além de habilidade e motivação.<br>Este estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar el conocimiento de los diabeticos tipo 2 atendidos en uno Ambulatorio de Diabetes en relación a su enfermedad y los cuidados con los pies. La major faja de edad fue más de cincuenta años y 71,8% teniam diabetes ha mas de diet años. Los resultados no permitieron concluir que los diabeticos saben que los cuidados adecuados con los pies son necesarios hacia evitar las complicaciónes, pero el atuocuidado no es realizado correctamente. Para incorporar esto en su cotidiano es fundamental que los diabeticos tengam acceso a las informaciones sobre diabetes, allende la participación de la familia, habilidad y motivación.<br>The objective of this research is to evaluate how much the clients that frequently went to the Diabetes Ambulatory, knew about their own ill, and the feet care. In the sample - diabetes type 2 - the majority were people with more than fifty years old and 71.8% were diabetics for more than ten years. So the conclusion that could be taken is that the clients knew about the care that they must have with their feet to don't have complications, but the "own care" is not well done. To insert it in the rightly on their day-by-day they must have acess to the information about diabetes, participation of the family, motivation and their own hability
Prognostic role of gender in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with rituximab containing regimens: a Fondazione Italiana Linfomi/Grupo de Estudos em Moléstias Onco-Hematológicas retrospective study.
Male gender was recently reported as an adverse prognostic factor in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) treated with R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone). We conducted a retrospective study of adult patients with DLBCL initially treated with rituximab containing regimens between 2001 and 2007. Patients were identified from the clinical archives of 43 Italian and Brazilian institutions. The principal endpoint was overall survival (OS). One thousand seven hundred and ninety-three patients were fully eligible for the study. Thirty-eight percent, 27%, 22% and 12% of patients had an International Prognostic Index (IPI) score of 0-1, 2, 3 and 4-5, respectively; 53% were males. After a median follow-up of 36 months (1-106), the 5-year OS was 76% (95% confidence interval 74-78%). In univariate analysis, male gender was an adverse prognostic factor with a hazard ratio of 1.52. In multivariate analysis, when adjusted by IPI, again gender maintained its prognostic relevance, showing an independent additive effect. In conclusion, in patients with DLBCL treated with rituximab containing regimens, gender may increase the predictive power of the IPI. Based on these results, given possible differences in blood clearance of rituximab between males and females, the benefit of higher doses of rituximab in males should be explored
Comportamento e conhecimento: fundamentos para prevenção do pé diabético Comportamiento y conocimiento: fundamentos para la prevención del pié diabético Behavior and knowlege: basis for prevention of diabetic foot
OBJETIVO: Identificar o conhecimento e comportamento de pessoas diabéticas em relação aos cuidados com os pés. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo e transversal realizado em um centro de pesquisa e extensão universitária do interior paulista, em 2005. Foram entrevistados 55 pacientes diabéticos. Para a obtenção dos dados utilizamos um formulário, dois questionários e exame físico dos pés. RESULTADOS: As pessoas diabéticas não reconhecem a dimensão do risco real com relação aos pés. O conhecimento referido nem sempre se traduz na adoção de ações de autocuidado para a prevenção de problemas relacionados aos pés. Esta realidade aponta para a necessidade de considerarmos as particularidades de cada sujeito e sua interação com o ambiente, para delineamento das intervenções educativas. CONCLUSÕES: É preciso que os profissionais de saúde compreendam que o descompasso entre conhecimento e comportamento dos diabéticos não deve ser interpretado como um obstáculo intransponível, mas como um dos desafios fundamentais que precisam ser enfrentados.<br>OBJETIVO: Identificar el conocimiento y comportamiento de personas diabéticas en relación a los cuidados de los piés. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo y transversal realizado en un centro de investigación y extensión universitaria del interior paulista, en el 2005. Fueron entrevistados 55 pacientes diabéticos. Para la obtención de los datos utilizamos un formulario, dos cuestionarios y examen físico de los piés. RESULTADOS: Las personas diabéticas no reconocen la dimensión del riesgo real en relación a los piés. El conocimiento referido no siempre se traduce en la adopción de acciones de autocuidado para la prevención de problemas relacionados a los piés. Esta realidad apunta hacia la necesidad de considerar las particularidades de cada sujeto y su interacción con el ambiente, para el delineamento de las intervenciones educativas. CONCLUSIONES: Es preciso que los profesionales de salud comprendan que el descompás entre conocimiento y comportamiento de los diabéticos no debe ser interpretado como un obstáculo intransferible, sino como uno de los desafíos fundamentales que precisan ser enfrentados.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe the knowledge and behaviors of patients with diabetes towards foot care. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at a university research and intervention center in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Data were collected through interviews, two specific questionnaires, and physical examination of the foot in 55 patients in 2005. RESULTS: The participants did not recognize the dimension of the true risks regarding lack of foot care. The participant knowledge of diabetes did not translate into actions to prevent foot problems. These results suggest the need to take into consideration specific individual characteristics and the individual's interactions with the environment in designing educational interventions. CONCLUSIONS: Health care professionals need to understand that discrepancy between knowledge and behaviors of patients with diabetes is not an obstacle impossible to cross, but a challenging issue that needs to be addressed