69 research outputs found


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    Geert Booij (1947) is professor emeritus of linguistics at the University of Leiden where he worked from 2005-2012. From 1981-2005 he was professor of General Linguistics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and from 1971-1981 assistant / associate professor at the University of Amsterdam, where he also obtained his Ph.D. degree in linguistics in 1977. He studied Dutch and general linguistics at the University of Groningen (1965-1971) where he obtained his MA degree (cum laude). He was dean of the Faculty of Letters at the Vrije Universiteit (1988-1991, 1998-2002), conrector of the Vrije Universiteit (1999-2002), dean of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Leiden (September 2005- October 2007), and member (1997-2002) and chair (2002-2004) of the Dutch Research Council for the Humanities of NWO (the Dutch organization for scientific research). He served on a number of national and international committees for the assessment of linguistic research achievements, and on audit committees for the quality of language programs at various universities in the Netherlands.Geert Booij also taught at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand (Erskine Fellow) in 2002, the Linguistic Society of America Institute at the University of Berkeley in 2009, at Harvard University (Erasmus professor of Dutch language and culture) in 2010, and at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germanic Department, section Dutch) in 2011. In 2011 he received the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award for his overall achievements in linguistic research. He is an honorary member of the Linguistic Society of America.Geert Booij is one of the two founders and editors of the book series Yearbook of Morphology (1988-2005), which is, as of 2006, continued as the journal Morphology, of which he was one of the three editors until 2014. He is the author of a number of Dutch textbooks on grammar, morphology, and phonology, and of four English monographs: The Phonology of Dutch (1995), The Morphology of Dutch (2002, 20192), The Grammar of Words (2005, 2012), and Construction Morphology (2010), all published by Oxford University Press. He has published linguistic articles in a wide range of Dutch and international journals and volumes (see https://geert.booij.com for a list of, mostly downloadable, publications).Geert Booij (1947) é professor emérito de linguística na Universidade de Leiden, onde trabalhou de 2005 a 2012. De 1981 a 2005, foi professor de Linguística Geral da Universidade Livre de Amsterdam, e, de 1971 a 1981, professor assistente/associado da Universidade de Amsterdam, onde também obteve seu Ph.D. em linguística em 1977. Estudou holandês e linguística geral na Universidade de Groningen (1965-1971), onde obteve seu título de mestre (cum laude). Foi reitor da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Livre (1988-1991, 1998-2002), vice-diretor da Universidade Livre (1999-2002), reitor da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Leiden (Setembro 2005- Outubro 2007) e membro (1997-2002) e presidente (2002-2004) do Conselho Holandês de Pesquisa para Humanidades da NWO (Organização holandesa para pesquisa científica). Atuou em uma série de comitês nacionais e internacionais para a avaliação das realizações de pesquisas linguísticas e em comitês de auditoria para a qualidade dos programas de línguas em várias universidades na Holanda. Geert Booij também lecionou na Universidade de Canterbury em Christchurch, Nova Zelândia (Erskine Fellow) em 2002, na Sociedade Linguística do America Institute da Universidade de Berkeley em 2009, na Universidade de Harvard (Erasmus professor de língua e cultura holandesas) em 2010, e na Universidade Livre de Berlin (Departamento de Germânicas, seção Holandês) em 2011. Em 2011, recebeu o Prêmio Alexander von Humboldt de Pesquisa por suas realizações gerais em pesquisa linguística. É membro honorário da Linguistic Society of America. Geert Booij é um dos dois fundadores e editores da série de livros Yearbook of Morphology (1988-2005), que, desde 2006, teve continuação como a revista Morphology, da qual foi um dos três editores até 2014. Ele é o autor de uma série de livros holandeses sobre gramática, morfologia e fonologia e de quatro monografias em inglês: The Phonology of Dutch (1995), The Morphology of Dutch (2002, 20192), The Grammar of Words (2005, 20123) e Construção Morphology (2010), todos publicados pela Oxford University Press. Ele publicou artigos linguísticos em uma ampla variedade de periódicos e volumes holandeses e internacionais (consulte https://geert.booij.com para obter uma lista de publicações, em sua maioria para download).

    Cardiovascular dysfunction in obesity and new diagnostic imaging techniques: the role of noninvasive image methods

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    Obesity is a major public health problem affecting adults and children in both developed and developing countries. This condition often leads to metabolic syndrome, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. A large number of studies have been carried out to understand the pathogenesis of cardiovascular dysfunction in obese patients. Endothelial dysfunction plays a key role in the progression of atherosclerosis and the development of coronary artery disease, hypertension and congestive heart failure. Noninvasive methods in the field of cardiovascular imaging, such as measuring intima-media thickness, flow-mediated dilatation, tissue Doppler, and strain, and strain rate, constitute new tools for the early detection of cardiac and vascular dysfunction. These techniques will certainly enable a better evaluation of initial cardiovascular injury and allow the correct, timely management of obese patients. The present review summarizes the main aspects of cardiovascular dysfunction in obesity and discusses the application of recent noninvasive imaging methods for the early detection of cardiovascular alterations

    Prescribed enteral diet versus infused diet

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    Objective: To evaluate the prescribed volume of enteral feeding versus the volume infused, identifying the diet for interruption, and expenses generated by these interruptions. Methods: Observational study with adults and elderly patients receiving enteral nutrition in a private hospital in São Paulo. Data collection was performed by means of electronic medical records. Results: The infused volume was significantly lower than the amount prescribed in the five days of monitoring in the entire sample. The main complication in the experimental diet was diarrhea. Spending on non-diet administration amount to 41.4% of the amount spent for this service. Conclusion: This study contributes to the performance and nutritionist performance in conjunction with the multidisciplinary team in Nutrition Therapy aiming at the improvement of the patient

    Dieta enteral prescrita versus dieta infundida Prescribed enteral diet versus infused diet

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o volume prescrito de dieta enteral versus o volume infundido, identificando as causas de interrupção da dieta e os gastos gerados por essas interrupções. Métodos: Estudo observacional, com pacientes adultos e idosos, recebendo nutrição enteral em um hospital particular de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de prontuário eletrônico. Resultados: O volume infundido foi significantemente menor que o volume prescrito, nos cinco dias de acompanhamento, em toda a amostra. A principal intercorrência na administração da dieta foi a diarreia. Os gastos com a não administração da dieta somam 41,4% do valor despendido para esse serviço. Conclusão: Este estudo contribui para a atuação e desempenho do nutricionista em conjunto com a Equipe Multidisciplinar em Terapia Nutricional visando a melhora do paciente.

    Nutritional evaluation of children with chronic cholestatic disease

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the nutritional status of children with persistent cholestasis and to compare the anthropometric indices between children with and without liver cirrhosis and children with and without jaundice.MethodsChildren with persistent cholestasis, i.e increased direct bilirrubin or changes in the canalicular enzyme gamma‐glutamyl transferase (GGT), were included. The anthropometric measures were weight (W), height or length (H), arm circumference (AC), triceps skinfold thickness (TST), arm muscle circumference (AMC), and body mass index (BMI).ResultsNinety‐one children with cholestasis, with current median age of 12 months, were evaluated. W/age (A) and H/A indices below –2 Z‐scores were observed in 33% and 30.8% of patients, respectively. Concerning the W/H index and BMI, only 12% and 16% of patients, respectively, were below –2 Z‐scores. Regarding AC, 43.8% of 89 evaluated patients had some depletion. Observing the TST, 64% of patients had depletion, and 71.1% of the 45 evaluated patients had some degree of depletion regarding the ACM index.ConclusionEvaluation using weight in patients with chronic liver diseases may overestimate the nutritional status due to visceromegaly, subclinical edema, or ascites. Indices that correlate weight and height, such as W/H and BMI, may also not show depletion because of the chronic condition in which there are depletion of both weight and height. TST, AC, and ACM are parameters that better estimate nutritional status and should be part of the management of patients with liver diseases and cholestasis.ResumoObjetivoAvaliar a situação nutricional de crianças com colestase persistente e comparar os índices antropométricos entre crianças com e sem cirrose hepática e crianças com e sem icterícia.MétodosForam incluídas crianças com colestase persistente, ou seja, aumento da bilirrubina direta ou alterações na enzima canalicular, gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT). As medidas antropométricas foram peso, estatura ou altura, circunferência do braço (CB), espessura da prega cutânea do tríceps (TST), circunferência muscular do braço (CMB) e índice de massa corporal (IMC).ResultadosForam avaliadas 91 crianças com colestase, com idade média de 12 meses; 33% e 30,8% dos pacientes apresentaram índices P/I e A/I com escore Z abaixo de –2, respectivamente. Com relação ao índice P/A e IMC, somente 12% e 16% dos pacientes, respectivamente, apresentaram escore Z abaixo de –2. Com relação à CB, 43,8% de 89 pacientes avaliados apresentaram alguma depleção. Observando a TST, 64% dos pacientes que apresentaram depleção, 71,1% dos 45 pacientes avaliados apresentaram algum grau de depleção com relação ao índice de CMB.ConclusãoA avaliação do peso em pacientes com doenças hepáticas crônicas poderá superestimar a situação nutricional devido a visceromegalia, edema subclínico ou ascite. Os índices que correlacionam peso e altura, como P/A e IMC, também podem não mostrar depleção devido à doença crônica em que há depleção tanto do peso quanto da altura. A TST, BC e CMB são parâmetros que estimam melhor a situação nutricional e devem fazer parte de gestão de pacientes com doenças hepáticas e colestase

    Inteligência geográfica e tecnologia na contribuição ao acesso de pessoas com deficiência ao transporte público no Recife / Geographic intelligence and technology in contributing to the access of people with disabilities to public transport in Recife

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    A motivação para esse trabalho  decorreu da constatação das dificuldades que pessoas com deficiência enfrentam no dia a dia quando se locomovem através do transporte público, e das possibilidades que a tecnologia tem de colaborar nesta questão. Embora já existam algumas iniciativas quanto a melhoria da acessibilidade das pessoas com deficiência, este projeto  visou através de uma parceria com a Agência Estadual de Tecnologia da Informação (ATI), o Grande Recife Consorcio de Transporte (CTM) e o Instituto Federal de Pernambuco (IFPE) contribuir para a elaboração de uma plataforma de inteligência geográfica  chamada SIGABEM que conta com um SigWeb e um aplicativo para dispositivos móveis. O Sigabem Web é destinado à gestão e análises das informações a respeito da movimentação dos usuários com deficiência, possibilitando investimentos e ações de melhoria de forma localizada. O Sigabem App, objeto deste artigo, é um aplicativo para smartphones, destinado as pessoas com deficiência que pode ser utilizado de forma colaborativa, alimentando o Sigabem Web. Nele  os usuários poderão contribuir com informações sobre linhas e paradas mais utilizadas, condições de acessibilidade das paradas, condições do serviço prestado pelas empresas de ônibus, além de usufruir de funções diferenciadas e inovadoras em conceito e complexidade, agregando diferentes dados georreferenciados. É possível realizar consultas e serviços como paradas de ônibus, horários dos ônibus, notificações diversas, recadastramento, previsão do tempo, solicitação ao motorista de apoio para embarque, registro de denúncia sobre problemas no acesso ao transporte público, condições de acessibilidade das paradas, etc. a partir de dados  atualmente disponibilizados e operacionalizados pelo Sistema Inteligente de Monitoramento da Operação (SIMOP) já utilizado pelo CTM. Para isso, foram realizadas diversas reuniões tanto com as instituições parceiras como com representantes das pessoas com deficiência para desenvolvimento da arquitetura, levantamento dos requisitos, dados disponíveis, ampliação do cadastro e necessidades dos setores envolvidos. O Sigabem App está em fase de testes com usuários portadores de deficiência para que sejam verificadas as melhorias e a possibilidade de implementá-las

    Estilo de vida e suas relações com a capacidade funcional em idosos: Lifestyle and its relations with functional capacity in the elderly

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    O estudo avaliou o estilo de vida e sua relação com os riscos cardiovasculares em 49 idosos em reabilitação, por meio da aplicação dos questionários do perfil de estilo de vida individual (PEVI), escala de Katz, avaliação da marcha, e o escore de Framingham. Foi observado que o maior risco cardiovascular está relacionado ao sexo masculino e idade superior a 67 anos associado a presença de diabetes e claudicação. Conclui-se que o estilo de vida e a funcionalidade são fatores de prevenção para eventos cardiovasculares

    Validation Of The Ebmt Risk Score In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia In Brazil And Allogeneic Transplant Outcome.

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    The management of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has changed radically since the introduction of imatinib therapy. The decision of whether to offer a patient a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) must be based on the probability of success of the procedure. The aim of this retrospective analysis of 1,084 CML patients who received an allogeneic HSCT in 10 Brazilian Centers between February 1983 and March 2003 was to validate the EBMT risk score. The study population comprised 647 (60%) males and 437 (40%) females, with a median age of 32 years old (range 1 - 59); 898 (83%) were in chronic phase, 146 (13%) were in accelerated phase and 40 (4%) were in blast crisis; 151 (14%) were younger than 20 years old, 620 (57%) were between 20 and 40 and 313 (29%) were older than 40; 1,025 (94%) received an HLA fully matched sibling transplant and only 59 (6%) received an unrelated transplant. In 283 cases (26%) a male recipient received a graft from a female donor. The interval from diagnosis to transplantation was less than 12 months in 223 (21%) cases and greater in 861 (79%). The overall survival, disease-free survival, transplant-related mortality and relapse incidence were 49%, 50%, 45% and 25%, respectively. Of the 1084 patients, 179 (17%) had a risk score of 0 or 1, 397 (37%) had a score of 2, 345 (32%) had a score of 3, 135 (12%) had a score of 4 and 28 (2%) a score of 5 or 6. The overall survival (OS) rate in patients with risk scores 0-1 and 2 was similar (58% and 55%, respectively) but significantly better than that in patients with scores 3 or more (score 3 - 44%, 4 - 36 % and 5-6 - 27%, respectively) pp<0.001). Disease-free survival (DFS) and transplant related mortality (TRM) in a patients with a score of 3 or more were 46% and 49%, respectively and the relapse rate beyond score 5-6 was 77%. Disease status had a negative impact on all outcomes (OS, DFS, TRM, and relapse). The OS rate for male recipients of a graft from a female donor was 40% compared to 52% among the other donor-recipient pairs (p=0.004). DFS and TRM were significant for disease phase and female donor-male recipient (p<0.001 and p<0.003, respectively). In our experience, age and interval between diagnosis and transplant did influence OS, DFS, TRM, and relapse rate. Our results validate the EBMT risk score in the context of a developing country and confirm its usefulness for making point decisions in the imatinib era.90232-

    Database Survey of Anti-Inflammatory Plants in South America: A Review

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    Inflammation is a complex event linked to tissue damage whether by bacteria, physical trauma, chemical, heat or any other phenomenon. This physiological response is coordinated largely by a variety of chemical mediators that are released from the epithelium, the immunocytes and nerves of the lamina propria. However, if the factor that triggers the inflammation persists, the inflammation can become relentless, leading to an intensification of the lesion. The present work is a literature survey of plant extracts from the South American continent that have been reported to show anti-inflammatory activity. This review refers to 63 bacterial families of which the following stood out: Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae and Celastraceae, with their countries, parts used, types of extract used, model bioassays, organisms tested and their activity

    Estimativa de potenciais técnicos de energia renovável em Portugal: eólico, solar fotovoltaico, solar concentrado, biomassa e oceanos

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    Executive Summary: There is a clear need to accelerate the energy transition, including the implementation of renewable electricity production plants, as well as the increase in consumption of other renewable energy carriers in buildings, industry, transport and other sectors. This work provides key information to make this transition possible, that is, the technical renewable energy potentials for Portugal. The aim is thus to contribute to policy support, as well as to decision-making by various Portuguese stakeholders (public and private) in the domains of energy, energy transition and greenhouse gases emissions mitigation. The work presents the technical renewable energy potentials for Portugal to: (i) decentralized solar photovoltaic (PV) plants in artificialized (or built-up) areas; (ii) centralized solar PV plants in non-artificialized (or natural) areas; (iii) concentrated solar power; (iv) onshore wind; (v) offshore wind (floating and fixed); (vi) bioenergy, and (vii) solar thermal. The wave energy primary energy resource potential is also presented (not the technical potential). The technical potential values of renewable energy sources (RES) presented are dynamic values, given the substantial uncertainty associated with their estimation. The study identifies technical RES potentials i.e., the technically viable energy generation achievable from a specific technology, considering the primary energy resource available and the geographic, environmental and land use limitations. RES economic potentials represent the fraction of RES technical potential that is economically viable, but they are not presented in this work. Likewise, this report does not address market potential, that translate the capacity and energy generation that the market effectively manages to implement. The presented RES technical potentials include the total capacity currently installed in the country. The technical potentials are estimated mostly for mainland Portugal, in most cases with a spatial disaggregation of at least NUT2 and sometimes for NUT5 and/or type of building. Despite adopting an approach based on a territorial analysis in which some areas of the country are excluded, this potential does not correspond to the work done in mapping less-sensitive areas towards future definition of RES “Go-To Areas”. The decentralized solar PV potential in artificialized areas is divided into 6 area types: industrial areas; commercial buildings; residential and mixed-use buildings; villas; health, education, cultural, tourist and military buildings, and other land uses (including parking lots and patios, ports, waste and wastewater treatment infrastructure, sports facilities, among others). It is estimated a technical potential of 23.33 GW that could generate up to 36.84 TWh/year. This potential is distributed throughout the entire territory of mainland Portugal but is higher in the North and Center regions. The RES technical potential for centralized solar PV was estimated as a range of values that translate the uncertainty associated with using different levels of concern in excluding certain areas in which solar PV can be deployed (for example to safeguard ecosystems, water resources, agriculture or archaeological heritage). The centralized solar PV potential varies between 168.82 GW and 45.63 GW. The maximum threshold of installed capacity could generate 278.11 TWh/year of electricity. The value is high and reflects on the one hand, the excellence of the solar resource throughout the country, and on the other, the large size of the considered areas. The CSP potential is 62.6 GW with a corresponding electrical production potential of 183.61 TWh/year. It is mainly located in the Alentejo region, although other areas have also been identified in other regions of the country. The wind onshore technical potential is 15.7 GW, that could generate 37.13 TWh/year, taking into account the safeguarding of various areas for the protection of ecosystems and also social acceptability issues. In the case of offshore wind and considering a capacity density of 4 MW/km2 for floating offshore and 5.5 MW/km2 for fixed offshore, a total of 36 GW and 2 GW are obtained, respectively. This capacity could generate up to 126.14 TWh/year (floating offshore) or 6.31 TWh/year (fixed offshore). The solar thermal energy potential focused residential and service buildings (such as nursing homes, barracks, etc., tourism, hospitals, indoor swimming pools and other sports facilities). The potential is of 0.95 GWt and 0.95 TWh/year for service buildings, 7.26 GWt and 5.84 TWh/year for residential buildings. For industry there is a potential of 1.06 GWt, which could generate up to 1.15 TWh/year for applications up to 160 ºC. The total technical potential of solar thermal is 9.25 GWt and 7.93 TWh/year of thermal energy generated, with a substantial weight of residential buildings in the total value. Potential values are disaggregated by NUTS III and type of building. In terms of biomass and bioenergy potential, annual values of forest biomass, agricultural biomass, agro-industrial waste, urban waste and wastewater treatment are estimated, totaling around 58 TWh/year. Regarding the production of biofuels (HVO and FAME) it is estimated that the annual production of domestic used oils and other similar residues is 1.4 TWh/year. The use of oils from food crops such as soybean, sunflower and rapeseed is limited by European (and national) policy guidelines and is 2.1 TWh/year. Regarding wave energy, the resource potential is estimated between 1.4 GW for 80 m bathymetry and 4.8 for 20 m bathymetry. There are substantial uncertainties associated with the presented values, inherent to the methodological approach considered. Nevertheless, these estimates are a valuable starting point to be refined and improved in subsequent updates.N/