20 research outputs found

    A core set of microsatellite markers for conservation genetics studies of Korean goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) and its cross-species amplification in Caprinae species

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    In order to screen microsatellites for conservation genetics studies of the species, a total of 23 microsatellite loci from Korean goral (Naemorhedus caudatus), including 15 previously developed loci and 8 new loci in this study, were tested. Eleven microsatellites were screened and subjected to cross-species amplification using a test panel of four Caprinae species, Japanese serows (Capricornis crispus), Chinese gorals (Naemorhedus goral), Northern chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) and domestic goats (Capra hircus). In addition, all eleven microsatellites (SY3A, SY12A, SY12B, SY48, SY58, SY71, SY76, SY84, SY84B, SY112, and SY129) satisfied the criteria to be a core set of microsatellites. This core set of microsatellites and cross-species amplification of Korean goral microsatellites were found to be helpful for high-resolution studies for conservation and management of Korean goral and other endangered Caprinae species

    Motivation in Business Logotypes and Names

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce je užívání motivace v obchodních logotypech and jménech. Hlavním cílem bylo určit poměr užívání "Peircovských" ikon, indexů a symbolů v grafické a lingvistické realizaci znaků. První kapitola zahrnuje teoretické zázemí významu, motivace a znaku s jeho nejčastěji používanými modely. Poté následuje krátký popis metod užitých ve výzkumu. Centrální částí této práce je analýza sta jednotek padesáti logotypů a padesáti jmen různých společností s odlišným zaměřením. Za účelem nasbírání dat k analýze byl uskutečněn internetový průzkum nejznámějších společností. Výsledky potvrdily, že v grafické realizaci znaků ikony, indexy a symboly většinou fungují společně, zatímco v lingvistické realizaci znaků byly nejvíce dominantní indexy.ObhájenoThe topic of this undergraduate thesis is linguistic motivation in business logotypes and names. The main aim was to determine the ratio of Charles S. Peirce's icons, indexes and symbols in graphic and linguistic realization of signs. The first chapter covers the theoretical background behind meaning, motivation and sings and its most used models, following with a brief description of methods used in the research. The central part of the thesis is the analysis of hundred units fifty logotypes and fifty names of various companies, covering several branches of expertise. The analysed material was collected by an internet survey of the best known companies around the globe. Results confirmed that in graphic realization of signs icons, indexes and symbols are mostly combined, while the linguistic realization of signs had indexes most dominant

    Testing of printing plates for sheet offset

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    V práci byly porovnávány některé vlastnosti zahraničních presenzibilovaných pozitivních ofsetových tiskových desek a tuzemskou deskou Rominal, kterou vyrábí společnost Grafostroj a.s. Cvikov.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Legal aspects of postwar transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia

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    The main concern of this master's thesis was to analyze the legal aspects of post-war transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia. Primarily I analyzed the Decrees of the President of the Republic and the key role of the Potsdam Conference in the summer of 1945, in which the US, the UK and the USSR acknowledged the need for organized transfer of Germans. The last chapter focuses on the critical opinions expressed mainly by the unions of German expellees about the post-war transfer. This chapter also serves as an example of different legal views on this issue.Hlavním úkolem této diplomové práce byla analýza právních aspektů týkajících se poválečného odsunu Němců z Československa. Věnovala jsem se zde především analýze dekretů prezidenta republiky a zároveň klíčovou rolí postupimské konference konané v létě roku 1945, na které představitelé USA, VB a SSSR uznali požadavek na organizovaný odsun Němců. V poslední kapitole jsem se zabývala kritickými názory vyslovenými především německými vyhnaneckými spolky na adresu poválečného odsunu, které slouží rovněž jako ukázka rozdílných právních pohledů na problematiku odsunu

    Lean logistics

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    Tento článek zkoumá koncept štíhlé výroby, jež je dlouhodobě vnímán jako prostředek umožňující získání konkurenční výhody. Využitím lean nástrojů mohou společnosti dosáhnout především úspěchu v růstu produktivity a zároveň zamezit plýtvání. Implementace lean managementu je nutným předpokladem pro dosažení výroby mající vysokou hodnotu tzv. „high-value manufacturing“ a je podstatným aspektem který doplňuje strategické rozhodování týkající se výroby. Článek uvádí potenciál vybraných nástrojů štíhlé výroby s ohledem na různé druhy plýtvání, které se vyskytují v oblasti logistiky.The article examines the concept of lean production. Lean production has been recognised as a competitive advantage for a long time. Due to using its tools companies can achieve success in the growth of productivity and at the same time avoiding waste. Insightful implementation of lean is necessary for high-value manufacturing and is complementary to strategic decision making regarding manufacture. Article states the potential of selected lean tools when avoiding different types of waste that occur in logistics

    Explanatory factor analysis

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    Department of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsKatedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Cluster analysis for functional data

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    In this work we deal with cluster analysis for functional data. Functional data contain a set of subjects that are characterized by repeated measurements of a variable. Based on these measurements we want to split the subjects into groups (clusters). The subjects in a single cluster should be similar and differ from subjects in the other clusters. The first approach we use is the reduction of data dimension followed by the clustering method K-means. The second approach is to use a finite mixture of normal linear mixed models. We estimate parameters of the model by maximum likelihood using the EM algorithm. Throughout the work we apply all described procedures to real meteorological data

    Komunikace na střední škole praktické jednoleté a dvouleté

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    Abstract This bachelor's thesis centers on the topic of communication in one-year and two-year secondary practical school. In the first part of the thesis, I explain the concept of communication, forms of communication, communication disorders, pedagogical communication, and its participants. Furthermore, I focus on the explanation of the concepts of augmentative and alternative communication, its forms, and its use for individuals with disabilities. I discuss secondary education for individuals with communication disorders in the final chapter of the theoretical section. The empirical part of the thesis is focused on the evaluation of the results of an exploratory survey aimed at pedagogical staff of one-year and two-year practical schools

    The quality of wheelchair from the consumer perspective

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    The purpose of the thesis is to assess the quality of a wheelchair. The theoretical part is concerned with the issues of quality and it analyze the legislation of technical products and medical devices. The practical part is focused on the product itself, the wheelchair, for which the Ishikawa diagram was created. An important part of this work is a survey of satisfaction amongst users of mechanical wheelchairs. The results of the survey were used as a basis for the proposals to improve the quality of the product

    The Nuremberg Laws of Nazi Germany and Reaction to them in Czechoslovakia

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    The main concern of this bachelor´s thesis was to outline the reaction of the Czechoslovak press to the Nuremberg Laws. This bachelor´s thesis is divided into five chapters - the first chapter describes definition of racism and anti-semitism, the second chapter analyses the rise of Nazism in Germany, the third chapter explains the measures preceding the Nuremberg Laws, and most importantly makes an analysis of the actual nature and impact of the Nuremberg Laws. The fourth chapter focuses on the implementation of the Nuremberg Laws to the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia - the territory that became occupied by Nazi Germany. The most important part of the whole bachelor´s thesis is chapter five providing the analysis of the reaction of the Czechoslovak press to the Nuremberg Laws