19 research outputs found

    Repeatability of behavioural measures of personality

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    Personalita je koncept, který umožňuje popsat jev, kdy se mezi sebou systematicky liší chování jedinců stejného druhu. S personalitou souvisí chování jako explorace, aktivita, agrese, reakce na nové podněty a socialita. Jedinci se dělí podle explorační strategie na "fast" a "slow" explorers, podle agresivity a reakce na stres na "proactive" a "reactive" jedince. Pokud se určité skupiny chování objevují společně, mluvíme o behaviorálních syndromech. Definic personality je mnoho, ale většina z nich má společný požadavek na konzistenci v čase. Nástrojem k měření této konzistence je i tzv. opakovatelnost. Jedná se o výpočet korelace mezi opakováními stejného behaviorálního testu u stejného jedince. K výpočtu se používají buď Spearmanův nebo Pearsonův korelační koeficient, nebo častěji koeficient vnitřní korelace, který ke svému výpočtu používá složky rozptylu získané z ANOVA, GLMM nebo LMM. Vycházela jsem z předpokladu, že nejlépe opakovatelná budou chování, která vyžadují okamžitou odpověď na aktuální situaci. Pro testování této hypotézy jsem provedla metaanalýzu hodnot opakovatelnosti chování. Zjistila jsem, že nejlépe opakovatelná je agrese a socialita, nejhůře opakovatelná je explorace a boldness. Z dalších faktorů má vliv identita práce, ze které byla hodnota převzata, počet opakování, počet jedinců a...Personality is a concept enabling us to describe the systematical individual differences in behavior. It includes many behaviors, like exploration, activity, aggression, reaction to new stimuli, or sociability. The individuals differing in their exploration strategy are called fast and slow explorers, those differing in the level of aggression and the reaction to stress are called proactive and reactive individuals. If a certain group of behaviors appears together, we talk about behavioral syndromes. There are many definitions of personality, but most of them share a demand for time consistency. Repeatability is one of the tools for measuring this consistency. It's a correlation among repeated measures of the same individual. It is counted either as Spearman's or Pearson's correlation, or as an intraclass correlation coefficient, using variance components acquired from ANOVA, GLMM, or LMM. My original assumption was that the most repeatable behaviors are the ones demanding an immediate answer to the current situation. I executed a meta-analysis of the repeatability of behavior to test this hypothesis. I found the highest repeatability in aggression and the lowest in exploration. Other important factors were the identity of the source study, number of repeats, number of tested animals, and the method of...Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Ruderal Flora and Vegetation of Karlovy Vary

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    Cílem bylo podat obraz o ruderální flóře v Karlových Varech. Práce je zaměřena na centrální část města, která v sobě zahrnuje 5 městských čtvrtí. Zároveň bylo město rozděleno podle typu zástavby. Byl zpracován kompletní druhový soupis vyšších rostlin. Každý druh byl vyhodnocen mírou abundance podle Braun-Blanquetovy stupnice.Katedra biologieObhájenoThe aim was to give a picture of the ruderal flora in Karlovy Vary. The work is focused on the central part of the city, which includes five city parts. The city was also divided according to type of buildings. It was made a complete inventory of generic higher plants. Each type of measure of abundance was evaluate according to Braun-Blanquet combined scale. The incidence of invasive plant species in the city was evaluated

    Repeatability of behavioural measures of personality

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    Personality is a concept enabling us to describe the systematical individual differences in behavior. It includes many behaviors, like exploration, activity, aggression, reaction to new stimuli, or sociability. The individuals differing in their exploration strategy are called fast and slow explorers, those differing in the level of aggression and the reaction to stress are called proactive and reactive individuals. If a certain group of behaviors appears together, we talk about behavioral syndromes. There are many definitions of personality, but most of them share a demand for time consistency. Repeatability is one of the tools for measuring this consistency. It's a correlation among repeated measures of the same individual. It is counted either as Spearman's or Pearson's correlation, or as an intraclass correlation coefficient, using variance components acquired from ANOVA, GLMM, or LMM. My original assumption was that the most repeatable behaviors are the ones demanding an immediate answer to the current situation. I executed a meta-analysis of the repeatability of behavior to test this hypothesis. I found the highest repeatability in aggression and the lowest in exploration. Other important factors were the identity of the source study, number of repeats, number of tested animals, and the method of..

    Repeatability of behavioural measures of personality

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    Personality is a concept enabling us to describe the systematical individual differences in behavior. It includes many behaviors, like exploration, activity, aggression, reaction to new stimuli, or sociability. The individuals differing in their exploration strategy are called fast and slow explorers, those differing in the level of aggression and the reaction to stress are called proactive and reactive individuals. If a certain group of behaviors appears together, we talk about behavioral syndromes. There are many definitions of personality, but most of them share a demand for time consistency. Repeatability is one of the tools for measuring this consistency. It's a correlation among repeated measures of the same individual. It is counted either as Spearman's or Pearson's correlation, or as an intraclass correlation coefficient, using variance components acquired from ANOVA, GLMM, or LMM. My original assumption was that the most repeatable behaviors are the ones demanding an immediate answer to the current situation. I executed a meta-analysis of the repeatability of behavior to test this hypothesis. I found the highest repeatability in aggression and the lowest in exploration. Other important factors were the identity of the source study, number of repeats, number of tested animals, and the method of..

    Repeatability and personality in tests of exploratory behaviour

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    Personality, or behavioural differences among individuals, which are stable both in time and across contexts, is a highly popular topic. Currently there has been an increase of interest in the relationship between personality and repeatability, which is a methodical approach developed to measure the stability of interindividual differences in time. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the personality of rats according to behavioural patterns exhibited under widely used testing procedures in new environment (open field test, hole board test) and to compare, how behavioural traits in these tests mutually correlate and change over time. Each test trial was repeated eight times with different intervals (24 hours, 6 days, 4 weeks). The results suggest that most of the recorded behavioural variability can be explained with three principal axes. The first one is associated with loco-exploratory activity of the subject. The elements of behaviour associated with this axis are the most repeatable. The second axis is mostly associated with time the animal spent in the central part of the arena and the third axis represents the interest in holes in hole board test. These two axes are less repeatable. A significant effect of the identity of the animal was found in all behavioural traits, associated with these..

    Repeatability of behavioural measures of personality

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    Personality is a concept enabling us to describe the systematical individual differences in behavior. It includes many behaviors, like exploration, activity, aggression, reaction to new stimuli, or sociability. The individuals differing in their exploration strategy are called fast and slow explorers, those differing in the level of aggression and the reaction to stress are called proactive and reactive individuals. If a certain group of behaviors appears together, we talk about behavioral syndromes. There are many definitions of personality, but most of them share a demand for time consistency. Repeatability is one of the tools for measuring this consistency. It's a correlation among repeated measures of the same individual. It is counted either as Spearman's or Pearson's correlation, or as an intraclass correlation coefficient, using variance components acquired from ANOVA, GLMM, or LMM. My original assumption was that the most repeatable behaviors are the ones demanding an immediate answer to the current situation. I executed a meta-analysis of the repeatability of behavior to test this hypothesis. I found the highest repeatability in aggression and the lowest in exploration. Other important factors were the identity of the source study, number of repeats, number of tested animals, and the method of..

    Example of context generality in subadults, life stage D (3–4 year).

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    <p>Visualization of the context generality between the Prey acceptance and Catch latency measured in the Feeding trials or Novel prey test, respectively (Spearman’s correlation coefficient = -0.094, p = 0.619). Vertical axis represents the rank of the individual ordered according to a particular trait. Catch latency rank order was inverted, so that the lowest Catch latency (i.e. the fastest animals) are in the upper right part of the figure. The lines represent the rank stability/change for each snake in two different contexts. The numbers refer to identity of individual snakes (1–30). Therefore, in the ideal situation where all animals are perfectly consistent, all slopes would be zero (e.g. individual number 4). Snake number twenty-seven has the third biggest proportion of successful feeding trials per block (Prey acceptance) with the shortest Latency to catch the novel prey (the fastest foraging decision).</p

    Cluster analysis of variables contributing to Factor 2 (depicting the development of agonistic variables).

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    <p>Visualization of the correlation structure by Cluster analysis (1-Pearsons r was selected as metrics and Ward’s method for clustering). The variables that contributed mainly to the second factor in the overall factor analysis were inserted (most of the variables from the agonistic context and some from the context of exploration). Notice the clustering of agonistic variables from the first life stages (A, B, C<sub>1</sub> and C<sub>2</sub>) delimiting from the second cluster of agonistic variables (the life stages D and E). Such pattern indicates development of this behaviour over the ontogeny.</p

    Cluster analysis of variables contributing to Factor 1 (depicting the development of feeding personality).

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    <p>Visualization of the correlation structure by Cluster analysis (1-Pearsons r was selected as metrics and Ward’s method for clustering). The variables that contributed mainly to the first factor in the overall factor analysis were inserted (Index of catch latency). The difference between two parts of life in the feeding context (development over the ontogeny) are clearly visible. The first two life stages (A and B) are clustering together, while the next stages (C<sub>1</sub>, C<sub>2</sub>, D and E) comprise the other cluster.</p