15 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary approach for environmental evaluation: issues and synergisms in combining Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Risk Assessment (RA)

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    In questo lavoro di tesi si è elaborato un quadro di riferimento per l’utilizzo combinato di due metodologie di valutazione di impatti LCA e RA, per tecnologie emergenti. L’originalità dello studio sta nell’aver proposto e anche applicato il quadro di riferimento ad un caso studio, in particolare ad una tecnologia innovativa di refrigerazione, basata su nanofluidi (NF), sviluppata da partner del progetto Europeo Nanohex che hanno collaborato all’elaborazione degli studi soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’inventario dei dati necessari. La complessità dello studio è da ritrovare tanto nella difficile integrazione di due metodologie nate per scopi differenti e strutturate per assolvere a quegli scopi, quanto nel settore di applicazione che seppur in forte espansione ha delle forti lacune di informazioni circa processi di produzione e comportamento delle sostanze. L’applicazione è stata effettuata sulla produzione di nanofluido (NF) di allumina secondo due vie produttive (single-stage e two-stage) per valutare e confrontare gli impatti per la salute umana e l’ambiente. Occorre specificare che il LCA è stato quantitativo ma non ha considerato gli impatti dei NM nelle categorie di tossicità. Per quanto concerne il RA è stato sviluppato uno studio di tipo qualitativo, a causa della problematica di carenza di parametri tossicologici e di esposizione su citata avente come focus la categoria dei lavoratori, pertanto è stata fatta l’assunzione che i rilasci in ambiente durante la fase di produzione sono trascurabili. Per il RA qualitativo è stato utilizzato un SW specifico, lo Stoffenmanger-Nano che rende possibile la prioritizzazione dei rischi associati ad inalazione in ambiente di lavoro. Il quadro di riferimento prevede una procedura articolata in quattro fasi: DEFINIZIONE SISTEMA TECNOLOGICO, RACCOLTA DATI, VALUTAZIONE DEL RISCHIO E QUANTIFICAZIONE DEGLI IMPATTI, INTERPRETAZIONE.In this paper the author propose a framework for combining Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Risk Assessment (RA) to support the sustainability assessment of emerging technologies. This proposal includes four steps of analysis: technological system definition; data collection; risk evaluation and impacts quantification; results interpretation. This scheme has been applied to a case study of nanofluid alumina production in two different pilot lines, “single-stage” and “two-stage”. The study has been developed in the NanoHex project (enhanced nano-fluid heat exchange). Goals of the study were analysing the hotspots and highlighting possible trade-off between the results of LCA, which identifies the processes having the best environmental performance, and the results of RA, which identifies the scenarios having the highest risk for workers. Indeed, due to lack of data about exposure limits, exposure-dose relationships and toxicity of alumina nanopowder and nanofluid, the workplace exposure has been evaluated by means of qualitative Risk Assessment, using Stoffenmanager Nano. Though having different aims, LCA and RA have a complementary role in the description of impacts of products/substances/technologies. Their combined use can overcome limits of each of them and allows a wider vision of the problems to better support the decision making process

    GEO-6 assessment for the pan-European region

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    Through this assessment, the authors and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) secretariat are providing an objective evaluation and analysis of the pan-European environment designed to support environmental decision-making at multiple scales. In this assessment, the judgement of experts is applied to existing knowledge to provide scientifically credible answers to policy-relevant questions. These questions include, but are not limited to the following:• What is happening to the environment in the pan-European region and why?• What are the consequences for the environment and the human population in the pan-European region?• What is being done and how effective is it?• What are the prospects for the environment in the future?• What actions could be taken to achieve a more sustainable future?<br/

    Durum-Wheat Straw Bales for Thermal Insulation of Buildings: Findings from a Comparative Energy Analysis of a Set of Wall-Composition Samples on the Building Scale

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    The urgent need to make buildings more performant in energy and environmental terms has led to the increasing study of recycled and natural materials as viable solutions. In this context, the present study aims at comparing the energy performance of innovative wall-sample solutions (with recycled polyethylene-terephthalate panels or durum-wheat straw bales) with a basic one. Energy evaluations were performed in Piazza Armerina (a city of Sicily–Italy), where the chosen material is widespread, by applying two calculation methods: a monthly average-energy-calculation approach, mandatory by Italian regulations (UNI TS 11300), and an hourly energy-calculation procedure (EN 52016). The results documented that: (i) the new innovative wall-sample allows for significantly reducing heat loss (heating of 4–10% and cooling of 40–50%) (ii) a lower primary-energy demand was obtained by adopting the new calculation procedure of EN 52016 (energy decreasing of 20–24%); (iii) significant differences in terms of heat-loss (of 10–36%) and heat-gain (up to 75%) calculations were found for the two calculation methods. This puts emphasis upon the importance of properly selecting a calculation method by accounting for all of those key variables and features that are representative of the energy system being investigated

    NANoREG framework for the safety assessment of nanomaterials

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    The NANoREG framework addresses the need to ease the nanomaterials safety assessment in the REACH Regulation context. It offers forward-looking strategies: Safe-by-Design, a Nanospecific Prioritisation and Risk Assessment, and Life Cycle Assessment. It is intended for scientific experts, regulatory authorities and industry.publishedVersio

    Analisi dei questionari di indagine sull’eco-innovazione nelle imprese

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    Con l’obiettivo di indagare la percezione delle imprese italiane per quel che riguarda l’eco-innovazione, con particolare riferimento alla transizione all’economia circolare, il Gruppo di Lavoro 1 di ICESP (GdL1 - Ricerca ed Eco-innovazione, Diffusione, Conoscenza e Formazione) intende preparare e diffondere tra le aziende italiane un questionario volto ad indagare più a fondo le dinamiche di eco-innovazione nelle aziende. Prima di passare alla preparazione di un questionario dedicato, il GdL1 ha eseguito un’analisi dei questionari esistenti su circular e green economy, eco-innovazione ed innovazione tout-court al fine di raccogliere lavori e i risultati elaborati in precedenza. Questo lavoro, svolto durante il 2019, consente di ottenere indicazioni utili per la costruzione di un nuovo questionario, in quanto mirato ad identificare le domande/tematiche più indagate e quelle che lo sono state meno. Conoscenza, competenze e formazione sono risultate, anche da questa analisi, tematiche poco analizzate e quindi da esaminare più nel dettaglio. D’altra parte, invece, poiché dai risultati delle precedenti indagini è risultato un certo attivismo tra le aziende italiane sui temi della progettazione circolare, economia circolare ed eco-innovazione, il loro approfondimento consentirebbe di raccogliere informazioni e conoscenze utili. La metodologia utilizzata per questa analisi, i risultati ottenuti e il loro utilizzo per impostare le attività del GdL1 per il 2020 sono descritte in questo report

    Evaluation of Immunophenotypic and Molecular Biomarkers for Sezary Syndrome Using Standard Operating Procedures : A Multicenter Study of 59 Patients

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    Differentiation between Sezary syndrome and erythrodermic inflammatory dermatoses can be challenging, and a number of studies have attempted to identify characteristic immunophenotypic changes and molecular biomarkers in Sezary cells that could be useful as additional diagnostic criteria. In this European multicenter study, the sensitivity and specificity of these immunophenotypic and recently proposed but unconfirmed molecular biomarkers in Sezary syndrome were investigated. Peripheral blood CD4(+) T cells from 59 patients with Sezary syndrome and 19 patients with erythrodermic inflammatory dermatoses were analyzed for cell surface proteins by flow cytometry and for copy number alterations and differential gene expression using custom-made quantitative PCR plates. Experiments were performed in duplicate in two independent centers using standard operating procedures with almost identical results. Sezary cells showed MYC gain (40%) and MNT loss (66%); up-regulation of DNM3 (75%), TWIST1 (69%), EPHA4 (66%), and PLS3 (66%); and down-regulation of STAT4 (91%). Loss of CD26 (>= 80% CD4(+) T cells) and/or CD7 (>= 40% CD4(+) T cells) and combination of altered expression of STAT4, TWIST1, and DNM3 or PLS3 could distinguish, respectively, 83% and 98% of patients with Sezary syndrome from patients with erythrodermic inflammatory dermatoses with 100% specificity. These additional diagnostic panels will be useful adjuncts in the differential diagnosis of Sezary syndrome versus erythrodermic inflammatory dermatoses.Peer reviewe

    The ANA-reflex test as a model for improving clinical appropriateness in autoimmune diagnostics.

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    Reflex tests are widely used in clinical laboratories, for example, to diagnose thyroid disorders or in the follow-up of prostate cancer. Reflex tests for antinuclear antibodies (ANA) have recently gained attention as a way to improve appropriateness in the immunological diagnosis of autoimmune rheumatic diseases and avoid waste of resources. However, the ANA-reflex test is not as simple as other consolidated reflex tests (the TSH-reflex tests or the PSA-reflex tests) because of the intrinsic complexity of the ANA test performed by the indirect immunofluorescence method on cellular substrates. The wide heterogeneity of the ANA patterns, which need correct interpretation, and the subsequent choice of the most appropriate confirmatory test (ANA subserology), which depend on the pattern feature and on clinical information, hinder any informatics automation, and require the pathologist's intervention. In this review, the Study Group on Autoimmune Diseases of the Italian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine provides some indications on the configuration of the ANA-reflex test, using two different approaches depending on whether clinical information is available or not. We further give some suggestions on how to report results of the ANA-reflex test

    Evaluation of immunophenotypic and molecular biomarkers for Sézary syndrome using standard operating procedures: multicenter study of 59 cases

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    Differentiation between Sezary syndrome and erythrodermic inflammatory dermatoses can be challenging, and a number of studies have attempted to identify characteristic immunophenotypic changes and molecular biomarkers in Sezary cells that could be useful as additional diagnostic criteria. In this European multicenter study, the sensitivity and specificity of these immunophenotypic and recently proposed but unconfirmed molecular biomarkers in Sezary syndrome were investigated. Peripheral blood CD4(+) T cells from 59 patients with Sezary syndrome and 19 patients with erythrodermic inflammatory dermatoses were analyzed for cell surface proteins by flow cytometry and for copy number alterations and differential gene expression using custom-made quantitative PCR plates. Experiments were performed in duplicate in two independent centers using standard operating procedures with almost identical results. Sezary cells showed MYC gain (40%) and MNT loss (66%); up-regulation of DNM3 (75%), TWIST1 (69%), EPHA4 (66%), and PLS3 (66%); and down-regulation of STAT4 (91%). Loss of CD26 (>= 80% CD4(+) T cells) and/or CD7 (>= 40% CD4(+) T cells) and combination of altered expression of STAT4, TWIST1, and DNM3 or PLS3 could distinguish, respectively, 83% and 98% of patients with Sezary syndrome from patients with erythrodermic inflammatory dermatoses with 100% specificity. These additional diagnostic panels will be useful adjuncts in the differential diagnosis of Sezary syndrome versus erythrodermic inflammatory dermatoses.Peer reviewe