42 research outputs found

    Irretrievably anonymus in the "Cancioneiro da Ajuda": "Sennor fremosa, pois me vej’aquí" (A277)

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    Edizione critica e commento della cantiga A277, Sennor fremosa, pois me vej’aqui. La cantiga è tràdita, priva di attribuzione, dal solo Cancioneiro da Ajuda e il confronto con i più completi canzonieri galego-portoghesi di Colocci (B e V) non permette di identificare con sicurezza l’autore del testo. Sebbene António Resende de Oliveira abbia proposto di attribuire A277 a Afons’Eanes do Coton, i risultati dell’analisi stilistica effettuata nella seconda parte dell’articolo non confermano l’ipotesi dello studioso portoghese.Critical Edition and commentary of cantiga A277, Sennor fremosa, pois me vej’aqui. The poem is preserved without attribution only in the Cancioneiro da Ajuda and the comparison with the most complete Galician-Portuguese manuscripts of Colocci (B and V) does not allow identification of the author with certainty. Although António Resende de Oliveira has proposed attributing A277 to Afons’Eanes do Coton, the results of the stylistic analysis carried out in the second part of this paper do not confirm the hypothesis of the Portuguese scholar

    Alfonso X, Pero da Ponte and the «trobar natural». On the interpretation of «Pero da Ponte, paro-vos sinal» (B487/V70)

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    La prima parte di questo contributo ridiscute le ipotesi interpretative formulate fin ora sulla cantiga di Alfonso X, Pero da Ponte, paro-vos sinal (B487/V70) con particolare attenzione alle proposte di Vicenç Beltran (2005) e di Carlos Callón (2011), entrambe poco soddisfacenti: la prima per questioni cronologiche; la seconda perché fondata su interpretazioni poco convincenti e mal argomentate del testo di Alfonso X e di altre cantigas di Pero da Ponte. La seconda parte riesamina i legami di Alfonso X con la lirica provenzale: si studia il significato del sintagma trobar natural ―che rinvia a una precisa contrapposizione ideologica attiva nelle prime generazioni trobadoriche (in particolare Marcabru e Bernart de Ventadorn)―, e si indicano come possibili moventi della satira di Alfonso X due cantigas di Pero da Ponte, Se eu podesse desamar e Poys de mha morte gran sabor avedes, nelle quali il trovatore galego assume posizioni, al tempo stesso, irreligiose e anticortesi.The first part of this article consists of a critical analysis of scholarship on the cantiga of Alfonso X, Pero da Ponte, paro-vos sinal (B487 / V70), with particular attention to that of Vicenç Beltran (2005) and Carlos Callón (2011). The interpretation of both scholars is unsatisfactory: the first one for chronological reasons; the second one because it is based on unconvincing and badly argued interpretations of the text of Alfonso X and other cantigas of Pero da Ponte. In the second part of this article, I analyze the relations between Alfonso X and Provençal lyric: I examine the meaning of the collocation trobar natural ―which refers to a specifical ideological contrast current in the first generation of troubadours (notably Marcabru and Bernart de Ventadorn). The collocation also indicates possible motives for Alfonso X’s two satirical cantigas of Pero da Ponte, namely, Se eu podesse desamar and Poys de mha morte gran sabor avedes, in which the Galician troubadour expresses positions that are both irreligious and anti-courteousy.Questo contributo è stato elaborato nell’ambito delle ricerche del progetto Do canto à escrita-produção material e percursos da lírica galego-portuguesa (PTDC/LLTEGL/30984/2017) finanziato dalla «Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia» portoghese (Unità di ricerca: IEM-NOVA/FCSH)

    Carolina Michaëlis de Vasconcellos, Ernesto Monaci e il Canzoniere Colocci-Brancuti

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    UID/HIS/00749/2019 PTDC/LLT-EGL/30984/2017In the obituary for Ernesto Monaci, Carolina Michaëlis de Vasconcellos blames herself, along with Teófilo Braga and some members of the «Sociedade de Geografia» of Lisbon, for the refusal with which Monaci had always responded to those who asked him for informations on «Cancioneiro Colocci-Brancuti». However, a review of the issue, in the context of Romance Philology in Italy at the end of XIXth century, leads to reduce the importance of the thesis of C. Michaëlis and it makes possible to propose en alternative hypothesis for the silence of Monaci.publishersversionpublishe

    Anonimo, "L’autr’ier al quint jorn d’aprieu" ( BdT 461.145)

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    International audienceAlthough published more than once, L’autr’ier al quint jorn d’aprieu continues to pose problems, due especially to the large number of anomalies that affect the versification. This paper offers a new edition of the poem based on a first-hand examination of the only manuscript that transmits the text (Chansonnier f): in the manuscript, lines 7 and 8 of each stanza are never separated by a dot, which leads to the hypothesis that in line 7 of each cobla, the anonymous song had not two tetrasyllabic verses, as suggested by previous scholars, but a single octosyllabe with internal rhyme; the only exception is in the last stanza where the absence of internal rhyme underscores the ideological (and anachronistic) positions of the Anonymous troubadour, inspired by Marcabru. This new structure coincides with the (very rare) rhyme scheme (but not in the type of verses) of Cerveri’s sirventes, Ara∙m lunya joy e chan (BdT 434a.4), which in turn is a contrafactum of Thibaut de Blaison’s pastorela, Hu main par un ajornant. The presence of a French model in Catalan lands and the fact that the anonymous text was composed in Languedoc neighbouring Catalonia, suggest the possibility that the anonymous troubadour came into contact autonomously with Thibaut de Blaison’s pastorela, without the mediation of Cerveri’s poem.Sebbene più volte edita, L’autr’ier al quint jorn d’aprieu continua a porre problemi soprattutto per le anomalie che affettano la regolarità della versificazione. In questo articolo si propone una nuova edizione del testo, fondata sull’ispezione diretta dell’unico relatore (il canzoniere f): il rilievo della sistematica assenza di punto metrico nei vv. 7 e 8 di ogni strofe porta a supporre che, in luogo dei due tetrasyllabes con identica rima ipotizzati dai precedenti editori, il testo dell’Anonimo recasse, al settimo verso di ogni cobla, un octosyllabe con rima interna, con l’unica eccezione dell’ultima strofe, dove però l’assenza di rima al mezzo è funzionale alle linee ideologiche (anacronisticamente) marcabruniane del componimento. La struttura così ricostruita coincide, nella (rarissima) successione delle rime, ma non dei metri, con quella del sirventese di Cerveri, Ara∙m lunya joy e chan (BdT 434a.4), contrafactum a sua volta della pastorella del troviero Thibaut de Blaison, Hu main par un ajornant. La circolazione del modello oitanico in terra catalana e la provenienza della pastorella di f dalla regione linguadociana prossima alla Catalogna fanno ritenere plausibile che l’Anonimo (tra l’altro particolarmente sensibile alla ricezione di modelli francesi) possa essere entrato in contatto con il testo di Thibaut in via del tutto autonoma, senza la mediazione del sirventese del trovatore catalano

    Rostainh Berenguier de Marseilha e "l’affaire" dell’Ospedale (Bdt 427,4)

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    En este trabajo se expone una hipótesis sobre la fecha de Pos de sa man Cavalier del Temple (BdT 427,5) de Rostainh Berenguier de Marseilha (y también se ofrece una nueva edición crítica de este pequeño poema). Paul Meyer situó la composición del texto justo antes de la fase final del juicio de los Templarios, grosso modo sobre de abril de 1310. Sin embargo, un análisis más detallado de algunos elementos del texto contradice la fecha propuesta por el filólogo francés y mueve a investigar en otras direcciones: en realidad, el malvado comportamiento de los Templarios es sólo una excusa para expresar una crítica velada de los Caballeros del Hospital de San Juan –el trovador, de hecho, estaba vinculado por lazos personales con la familia del Gran Maestre de los Hospitalarios–, que en el verano de 1299 estaban al borde de un cisma muy grave.In questo lavoro si propone –contestualmente a una nuova edizione critica del componimento– un’ipotesi di datazione di Pos de sa man Cavalier del Temple (BdT 427,4) di Rostainh Berenguier de Marseilha. Paul Meyer collocò la composizione del testo poco prima della fase finale del processo ai Templari, grosso modo intorno all’aprile del 1310. Tuttavia, un’analisi più dettagliata del componimento contraddice la data proposta dal filologo francese e spinge a indagare in altre direzioni: in realtà, il cattivo comportamento dei Templari è solo un pretesto per esprimere una velata critica ai Cavalieri dell’Ospedale di San Giovanni –il trovatore, di fatto, era legato da vincoli personali con la famiglia dell’allora Gran Maestro dell’Ordine ospitaliero–, che nell’estate del 1299 erano sull’orlo d’uno scisma assai grave.This work sets out an hypotheses on the date of Pos de sa man Cavalier del Temple (P. C. 427, 5) of Rostainh Berenguier de Marseilha (and also offers a critical edition of this short poem). Paul Meyer placed the composition of the text just before the final phase of the trial of the Templars, grosso modo around April 1310. However, a detailed analysis of some elements of the text contradicts the date given by the french scholar and pushes to investigate in other directions: in fact, bad behavior of the Templars is just an excuse to express a veiled criticism of the Knights of the Hospital of Saint John –the troubadour, in fact, was bound by personal relation with the family of Grand Master of the Hospital– which in the summer of 1299 were on the brink of a serious schism

    Caperucita roja e la Princesa no laranjal (Federico García Lorca in due versi di Eugénio de Andrade?)

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    L’articolo argomenta l’ipotesi che sui vv. 29-30 di Poema à mãe (1950) di Eugénio de Andrade interferisca, oltre all’evidente richiamo al Romanceiro tradizionale, anche una suggestione desunta da due poesie giovanili di Federico García Lorca, poeta particolarmente caro a Eugénio de Andrade che, negli anni ’40, fu il primo antologista-traduttore del poeta andaluso in Portogallo. L’analisi dei testi e del loro contesto permette di aggiungere un’ulteriore scheda al dossier dei rapporti tra Eugénio de Andrade e Federico García Lorca (rapporti spesso sottostimati e mal compresi dalla critica) e suggerisce una pista di ricerca meno legata a fenomeni strettamente intertestuali

    The lymphatic drain of below-knee malignant melanoma. Is the popliteal fossa a ghost station?

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    Sentinel lymph node biopsy is fundamental in the staging of primary cutaneous melanoma (PCL), but reported lymphoscintigraphic patterns are very heterogeneous. In this systematic review, we evaluated the role of the popliteal station in below-knee PCL. A systematic search of literature through was conducted on the electronic databases PubMed, SCOPUS and Web of Science (WOS) to identify eligible studies. A total of 22 studies (n=5,673 patients) were included. The average Breslow thickness of PCL was 2.86 mm. During the analysis of the included articles, it was not possible to classify patients into the 3 Menes popliteal drainage pattern, obtained by lymphoscintigraphy. The analysis of lymphatic drainage in patients undergoing lymphoscintigraphy for melanoma of the lower extremities below the knee was reported in 5,637 patients and the lymphatic popliteal drainage was reported only in 5.64% (320 patients). The rate of popliteal lymph nodes melanoma metastases was 1.48%: they were located exclusively at the popliteal level in 0.60%, at the popliteal and inguinal levels in 0.39%, at the popliteal and iliac level in 0.02% and at the groin level in 0.48%. In conclusion, the most common lymphoscintigraphic pattern is represented by popliteal nodes in-transit or interval nodes, so metastases from below-knee melanomas commonly transit through popliteal nodes stations and arrive to inguinal nodes stations. The popliteal nodes are the primary station in about 5.64% of cases. Larger studies are needed to corroborate these findings

    Primary breast lymphomas: a multicentric experience

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    Background: The Primary Breast Lymphomas (PBL) represent 0,38-0,70% of all non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL), 1,7-2,2% of all extranodal NHL and only 0,04-0,5% of all breast cancer. Most frequent PBLs are the diffuse large B cell lymphomas; in any case-reports MALT lymphomas lack or are a rare occurrence. Their incidence is growing. From 1880 (first breast resection for "lymphadenoid sarcoma" carried out by Gross) to the recent past the gold standard treatment for such diseases was surgery. At present such role has lost some of its importance, and it is matter of debate. Methods: Twenty-three women affected by PBL underwent surgery. Average age was 63 years (range: 39-83). Seven suffered of hypothyroidism secondary to autoimmune thyroiditis. Fourteen patients underwent mastectomy, nine patients received quadrantectomy (average neoplasm diameter: 1,85 cm, range: 1,1-2,6 cm). In 10 cases axillary dissection was carried out. Pathologic examination revealed 16 diffuse large B cell lymphomas and 7 MALT lymphomas. Results: Seven patients in the mastectomy group had a recurrence (50%), and all of them with diffuse large B cell lymphomas at stage II. Two of these had not received chemotherapy. No patient undergoing quadrantectomy had recurrence. In the mastectomy group disease free survival (DFS) at 5 and 10 years was 57 and 50%. Overall survival (OS) at 5 and 10 years was 71.4% and 57.1% respectively. All recurrences were systemic. DFS and OS at 5 and 10 years was 100% in the quadrantectomy group. In the patients with recurrence mortality was 85.7%. For stage IE DFS and OS at 5 and 10 years were 100%. For stage II DFS at 10 years was 62.5% and 56.2% respectively; OS at 5 and 10 years was 75% and 62.5% respectively. For MALT lymphomas DFS and OS at 5 and 10 years were 100%. For diffuse large B cell lymphomas DFS at 5 and 10 years was 62.5% and 56.2% respectively; OS at 5 and 10 years was 75% and 62,5% respectively. Conclusions: The role of surgery in this disease should be limited to get a definitive diagnosis while for the staging and the treatment CT scan and chemio/radioterapy are repectively mandatory. MALT PBLs have a definitely better prognosis compared to large B cell lymphomas. The surgical treatment must always be oncologically radical (R0); mastectomy must not be carried out as a rule, but only when tissue sparing procedures are not feasible. Axillary dissection must always be performed for staging purposes, so avoiding the risk of under-staging II o IE, due to the possibility of clinically silent axillary node involvement