998 research outputs found

    Neue Perspektiven im Vormundschafts- und Pflegschaftsrecht : 9. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2010

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    Der vorliegende Band enthĂ€lt die Referate des am 10. Dezember 2010 veranstalteten 9. Göttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der die aktuelle Novellierung des Vormundschaftsrechts zum Gegenstand hatte. Den Auftakt bildete die Darstellung des Reformbedarfs im Vormundschafts- und Pflegschaftsrecht (Gisela Zenz), gefolgt von der ErlĂ€uterung des Gesetzentwurfs der Bundesregierung (Thomas Meyer). Im Anschluss wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob und inwieweit das Betreuungsrecht als Vorbild fĂŒr das neue Vormundschaftsrecht herangezogen werden kann (Dieter Schwab). Einen Perspektivwechsel weg vom Gesetzgeber und hin zum MĂŒndel forderte der nachfolgende Beitrag, der die Auswahl des passenden Vormunds fĂŒr den individuellen MĂŒndel thematisierte (Barbara SeidenstĂŒcker). Abschließend wurden die strukturellen Probleme auf Seiten der JugendĂ€mter aufgezeigt (Hans-Werner PĂŒtz) und das im Gesetzgebungsverfahren vernachlĂ€ssigte Problem beleuchtet, welche Konsequenzen sich aus dem Gesetzentwurf fĂŒr die ErgĂ€nzungspflegschaft ergeben (Thomas Meysen)

    Reform des familiengerichtlichen Verfahrens / 1. Familienrechtliches Forum Göttingen

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    Dieser Band dokumentiert die VortrĂ€ge des ersten „Familienrechtlichen Forums Göttingen“, das am 28. Juni 2008 stattgefunden hat. Unmittelbar vor dem Abschluss des Gesetzgebungsverfahrens erörterten Experten aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis das im September 2009 in Kraft tretende „Gesetz ĂŒber das Verfahren in Familiensachen und in den Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit“ (FamFG). Der Band enthĂ€lt einen Überblick ĂŒber die GrundzĂŒge des neuen Familienverfahrensrechts sowie Analysen und Stellungnahmen zu einzelnen Bereichen. Dabei werden schwerpunktmĂ€ĂŸig das neue Rechtsmittel- und Vollstreckungssystem, das Hinwirken auf Einvernehmen, das Vermittlungsverfahren, der Verfahrensbeistand, der Umgangspfleger und das Verfahren bei KindeswohlgefĂ€hrdung behandelt. DarĂŒber hinaus wird eine interdisziplinĂ€re Perspektive durch die soziologische Einordnung der derzeitigen Reformen in den Kontext der allgemeinen Familien- und Sozialpolitik eröffnet

    Treatment sensitivity in the measurement of psychological flexibility

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    Psychological flexibility (PF) is a central construct in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Many studies have operationalized PF using the self-report Acceptance and Actions Questionnaire (AAQ-II). Information on the treatment sensitivity of self-report assessments of PF is lacking, however. We investigated differences in the treatment sensitivity of the AAQ-II compared to other measures of PF across various samples. Using three different clinical samples (N=164), we compared the pretreatment–posttreatment change scores of the AAQ-II to those of three alternative self-report questionnaires measuring PF in a within-subject design. Sensitivity to change was assessed with effect sizes and Reliable Change Index (RC). Without exception, effect sizes and rates of clinically significant change were larger in all three alternative questionnaires and across three populations compared to the standard formulation of the AAQ-II.The results of the present study show greater treatment sensitivity of three alternative questionnaires measuring PF compared to the AAQ-II. The results suggest that treatment effects concerning PF may have been underestimated depending on the wording and measure used. Implications for research on PF and ACT processes and outcomes are discussed

    Socioenvironmental factors associated with heat and cold-related mortality in Vadu HDSS, western India: a population-based case-crossover study.

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    Ambient temperatures (heat and cold) are associated with mortality, but limited research is available about groups most vulnerable to these effects in rural populations. We estimated the effects of heat and cold on daily mortality among different sociodemographic groups in the Vadu HDSS area, western India. We studied all deaths in the Vadu HDSS area during 2004-2013. A conditional logistic regression model in a case-crossover design was used. Separate analyses were carried out for summer and winter season. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated for total mortality and population subgroups. Temperature above a threshold of 31 °C was associated with total mortality (OR 1.48, CI = 1.05-2.09) per 1 °C increase in daily mean temperature. Odds ratios were higher among females (OR 1.93; CI = 1.07-3.47), those with low education (OR 1.65; CI = 1.00-2.75), those owing larger agricultural land (OR 2.18; CI = 0.99-4.79), and farmers (OR 1.70; CI = 1.02-2.81). In winter, per 1 °C decrease in mean temperature, OR for total mortality was 1.06 (CI = 1.00-1.12) in lag 0-13 days. High risk of cold-related mortality was observed among people occupied in housework (OR = 1.09; CI = 1.00-1.19). Our study suggests that both heat and cold have an impact on mortality particularly heat, but also, to a smaller degree, cold have an impact. The effects may differ partly by sex, education, and occupation. These findings might have important policy implications in preventing heat and cold effects on particularly vulnerable groups of the rural populations in low and middle-income countries with hot semi-arid climate

    Bewertung ausgewĂ€hlter Bodenfunktionen von Wattböden im Verlauf der Seekabeltrasse Manslagt – Borkum

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    Wegen der steigenden Anzahl gebauter und geplanter Offshore-Windparks nimmt die Zahl der Verlegung von Kabeln in Böden des Deutschen Wattenmeeres stetig zu. Auswirkungen baulicher Eingriffe werden fĂŒr Festland-Böden ĂŒber die Bodenfunktionsbewertung eingestuft, fĂŒr Wattböden bislang aber nicht. FĂŒr die im Zeitraum Juli/August 2013 durchgefĂŒhrte Baumaßnahme zur Verlegung eines Seekabels mittels Vibrationsschwert zwischen Manslagt (Ostfriesland) und Borkum wurden ausgewĂ€hlte Boden-Teilfunktionen untersucht (z.B. Standortpotential fĂŒr Bodenorganismen und Archivfunktion). Die bodenkundliche Datenerhebung fand auf der Kabeltrasse und im benachbarten, baulich unbeeinflussten Referenzgebiet statt. Ergebnisse benthosbiologischer Untersuchungen wurden berĂŒcksichtigt. Auf dieser Datenbasis wurde geprĂŒft, ob Unterschiede zwischen a) Kabeltras-se/Referenzgebiet, b) Jahre 2012/2013 oder c) verschiedenen Beprobungstiefen bestehen. Vielfach waren VerĂ€nderungen, aber nur vereinzelt signifikante Unterschiede nachzuweisen, was auf die hohe Dynamik des Wattenmeeres und die AnpassungsfĂ€higkeit der Organismen zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. In der Tendenz ist die Textur nach den Baumaßnahmen im Jahr 2013 grobkörniger als im Vorjahr. VerĂ€nderungen sind bei den Carbonatgehalten festzustellen, die im Jahr 2013 signifikant höher liegen als im Jahr 2012 und im Sandwatt auf der Kabeltrasse tendenziell höher sind als an den Referenzstandorten. Der Tiefengradient der Redoxpotentiale und die typische Fo-/Fr-Horizontierung in Wattböden haben sich bereits wieder entwickelt. VerĂ€nderungen der Bewertung der ausgewĂ€hlten Bodenfunktionen von Wattböden sind in diesem Fallbeispiel nicht nachzuweisen. Effekte der baulichen Maßnahmen wie der Verlauf des Kabelschlitzes oder Verankerungen des Verlegepontons mit GrĂ€ben und Mulden sind sichtbar. Kumulative Effekte von Kabellegungen sind momentan nicht berĂŒcksichtigt

    Streptomyces altiplanensis sp. Nov., an alkalitolerant species isolated from chilean altiplano soil, and emended description of streptomyces chryseus (krasil’nikov et al. 1965) pridham 1970

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    A polyphasic approach was used for evaluating the taxonomic status of strain HST21T isolated from Salar de Huasco in the Atacama Desert. The results of 16S rRNA gene and multilocus sequence phylogenetic analyses assigned strain HST21T to the genus Streptomyceswith Streptomyces albidochromogenes DSM 41800Tand Streptomyces flavidovirens DSM 40150T as its nearest neighbours. Digital DNA–DNA hydridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values between the genome sequences of strain HST21T and S. albidochromogenes DSM 41800T (35.6 and 88.2 %) and S. flavidovirens DSM 40105T (47.2 and 88.8 %) were below the thresholds of 70  and 95–96 % for prokaryotic conspecific assignation. Phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and genetic results distinguished strain HST21T from its closest neighbours. Strain HST21T is characterized by the presence of ll-diaminopimelic acid in its peptidoglycan layer; glucose and ribose as whole cell sugars; diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylmethylethanolamine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, glycophospholipids, unknown lipids and phospholipids as polar lipids; and anteiso-C15 : 0 (21.6 %) and anteiso-C17 : 0 (20.5 %) as major fatty acids (>15 %). Based on these results, strain HST21T merits recognition as a novel species, for which the name Streptomyces altiplanensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is HST21T =DSM 107267T=CECT 9647T. While analysing the phylogenies of strain HST21T, Streptomyces chryseus DSM 40420T and Streptomyces helvaticus DSM 40431T were found to have 100 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with digital DNA–DNA hydridization (dDDH) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values of 95.3 and 99.4 %, respectively. Therefore, S. helvaticus is considered as a later heterotypic synonym of S. chryseus and, consequently, we emend the description of S. chryseus

    The gender perspective in climate change and global health. Global Health Action

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    This is a published version of a paper published in Global health action. Citation for the published paper: Preet, R., Nilsson, M., Schumann, B., EvengÄrd, B

    Die große Vormundschaftsreform - 16. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2018

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    This volume brings together the presentations of the 16th Göttingen Workshop on Family Law held on 19 October 2018, which dealt with the latest proposals of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection on the reform of guardianship law (2nd draft discussion section). At the beginning, the main changes were presented (Thomas Meyer, Heike Wunderlich) before the basic concept of guardianship responsibility in the area of personal care was examined from the perspective of science (Dieter Schwab), child and youth welfare (Helga Oberloskamp) and family jurisdiction (Werner DĂŒrbeck). This was followed by a closer look at the basic principles of the guardian’s asset care (Tobias Fröschle) as well as the guardian's obligation to obtain approval for dispositions of claims and securities (Dagmar Zorn)

    The gender perspective in climate change and global health

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    Background: Population health is a primary goal of sustainable development. United Nations international conferences like the Beijing Platform for Action have highlighted the key role of women in ensuring sustainable development. In the context of climate change, women are affected the most while they display knowledge and skills to orient themselves toward climate adaptation activities within their societies. Objective: To investigate how the gender perspective is addressed as an issue in research and policy-making concerning climate change and global health. Methods: A broad literature search was undertaken using the databases Pubmed and Web of Science to explore the terms ‘climate change,’ ‘health,’ ‘gender,’ and ‘policy.’ Climate change and health-related policy documents of the World Health Organization (WHO) and National Communications and National Adaptation Programs of Action reports submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of selected countries were studied. Assessment guidelines to review these reports were developed from this study's viewpoint. Results: The database search results showed almost no articles when the four terms were searched together. The WHO documents lacked a gender perspective in their approach and future recommendations on climate policies. The reviewed UN reports were also neutral to gender perspective except one of the studied documents. Conclusion: Despite recognizing the differential effects of climate change on health of women and men as a consequence of complex social contexts and adaptive capacities, the study finds gender to be an underrepresented or non-existing variable both in research and studied policy documents in the field of climate change and health
