23 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of the European Union member states in terms of public spending on environmental protection in 2004-2017

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    The main purpose of the paper is to present the results of the comparative analysis of the member states of the European Union in terms of expenditure on environmental protection made by the public sector. An additional purpose of the paper is to verify whether there is convergence in public spending on environmental protection of the member states of the European Union. In the study, the convergence models and cluster analysis were used. The research results indicate, among others, that there was convergence in total public spending on environmental protection in the member states of the European Union in 2004-2017, and that the structure of the member states in terms of amounts of public spending on various aspects of environmental protection in 2004-2010 differed from the structure of the member states determined for the years 2011-2017

    Badanie przestrzenno-czasowego zróżnicowania redystrybucji dochodu narodowego brutto Unii Europejskiej w latach 2004-2008

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    The funds provided by Member States of the European Union (EU) are the main source of supplies to the EU budget. The size of the payment depends on the Gross National Income (GNI) of each country. The EU funds are allocated for the implementation of common policies aimed at improving upon life of its citizens through the alignment of the economic, social and territorial disparities between the regions of the Union. The main aim of the research is to conduct statistical analysis of spatial-temporal differentiation of redistribution of EU GNI in 2004-2008. Additionally, the new research methodology differentiation of redistribution of EU GNI based on statistical data analysis methods is elaborated. The mentioned redistribution of EU GNI was based on the relationship between the participation of a given Member State in expenditure on a highlighted area of a common EU policy and the participation of the same country in the creation of the EU's GNI. The research period included the years of Polish membership in the EU. The new research methodology of spatial-temporal differentiation of redistribution of EU GNI was based on various statistical data analysis methods such as the coefficient of spatial potential, model for panel data and an analysis of correspondence

    Problem of Outliers in Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction

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    The results of financial condition analysis are used in the research on bankruptcy prediction of companies. The assessment of financial data quality involves also the detection of outliers. In the literature on bankruptcy prediction one can find deliberations on the problem of outliers. The proposals for solving this problem range from not taking any actions, through replacing or removing the outliers, to applying robust methods. Therefore, in the empirical research, some doubts concerning the choice of an appropriate approach to the outliers appear. The aim of the article is to present the outcomes of empirical research on the usefulness of selected techniques for identifying outliers in bankruptcy forecasting. In the study, both one-dimensional (based on centiles and Tukey’s criterion) and multi-dimensional (projection depth function) procedures of detecting outliers were considered. So as to assess the classification accuracy of chosen bankruptcy prediction methods for a test set, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and AUC measure were used. The analysis was based on data concerning manufacturing companies in Poland

    The electron density of delocalized bonds (EDDB) applied for quantifying aromaticity

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    In this study the recently developed electron density of delocalized bonds (EDDB) is used to define a new measure of aromaticity in molecular rings. The relationships between bond-length alternation, electron delocalization and diatropicity of the induced ring current are investigated for a test set of representative molecular rings by means of correlation and principal component analyses involving the most popular aromaticity descriptors based on structural, electronic, and magnetic criteria. Additionally, a qualitative comparison is made between EDDB and the magnetically induced ring-current density maps from the ipsocentric approach for a series of linear acenes. Special emphasis is given to the comparative study of the description of cyclic delocalization of electrons in a wide range of organic aromatics in terms of the kekulean multicenter index KMCI and the newly proposed EDDBk indexThe research was supported in part by the Faculty of Chemistry at Jagiellonian University (grant K/DSC/001469, DS), Foundation for Polish Science (FNP START 2015, stipend 103.2015, DS), National Science Centre, Poland (NCN SONATA, grant 2015/17/ D/ST4/00558, DS) as well as the PL-Grid Infrastructure of the Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET with the calculations performed on the cluster platform ‘‘Prometheus’’. MS thanks for the support of the Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad of Spain (Project CTQ2014-54306-P), Generalitat de Catalunya (project number 2014SGR931, Xarxa de Refere`ncia en Qumica Teo`rica i Computacional, and ICREA Academia prize), and European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER grant UNGI10-4E-801

    Extreme gradient boosting method in the prediction of company bankruptcy

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    Machine learning methods are increasingly being used to predict company bankruptcy. Comparative studies carried out on selected methods to determine their suitability for predicting company bankruptcy have demonstrated high levels of prediction accuracy for the extreme gradient boosting method in this area. This method is resistant to outliers and relieves the researcher from the burden of having to provide missing data. The aim of this study is to assess how the elimination of outliers from data sets affects the accuracy of the extreme gradient boosting method in predicting company bankruptcy. The added value of this study is demonstrated by the application of the extreme gradient boosting method in bankruptcy prediction based on data free from the outliers reported for companies which continue to operate as a going concern. The research was conducted using 64 financial ratios for the companies operating in the industrial processing sector in Poland. The research results indicate that it is possible to increase the detection rate for bankrupt companies by eliminating the outliers reported for companies which continue to operate as a going concern from data sets

    Spostrzeżenia dotyczące wpływu normalizacji zmiennych na ocenę ex ante błędu prognozy

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    Tyt. z nagł.Bibliogr. s. 88-89.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej."Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na fakt, że decyzja dotycząca sposobu normalizacji oraz wybór parametrów normalizacyjnych przesądza o tym, czy prognozy obliczone na podstawie trendu liniowego zmiennej znormalizowanej, która może odgrywać rolę cząstkowej zmiennej syntetycznej, będą dopuszczalne ze względu na wartość mierników ex ante dokładności prognoz.&quot

    Karyological characterization of Curculionidae family (Insecta: Coleoptera)

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    W pracy omówiono następujące zagadnienie: charakterystyka kariologiczna rodziny ryjkowcowatych w oparciu o dostępną literaturę. Celem pracy było zestawienie danych z dostępnych źródeł oraz przedstawienie wniosków dotyczących ewolucji kariotypów w rodzinie Curculionidae. Wykorzystano materiały źródłowe zawarte w bibliografii.In the thesis the following problem has been discussed, based on specialist literature available: karyological characteristics in Curculionidae family. The goal of the thesis was to compare data from available sources and to make general conclusions about evolution of karyotypes in Curculionidae family. Quoted sources are listed in the Bibliography section

    Badanie zgodności uporządkowań województw metodą rangową ze względu na sytuację na wiejskim rynku pracy i w rolnictwie w Polsce w 2003 roku

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    Tyt. z nagł.Bibliogr. s. 36.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej.Przedstawiono wyniki poszukiwań syntetycznych opisów sytuacji w rolnictwie i na wiejskim rynku, będących podstawą badania wpływu podejmowanych działań w zakresie rolnictwa, na sytuację na wiejskim rynku pracy. Zaprezentowano syntetyczną analizę wiejskiego rynku pracy oraz przeprowadzono porównanie uporządkowań województw metodą rangową

    Influence of catechin derivative on leukemia cells

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    Katechiny to związki pochodzenia naturalnego, które w znacznych ilościach znajdują się w liściach rośliny Camellia sinensis. W naparze z herbaty znajduje się wiele pochodnych katechiny, a galusan epigallokatechiny (EGCG) jest najważniejszą z nich i występującą w największej ilości. Ta pochodna katechiny jest jednym z najintensywniej badanych związków pod kątem przeciwnowotworowym. Celem badań opisanych w niniejszej pracy było określenie efektów działania EGCG na komórki leukemiczne.Badania prowadzono w warunkach in vitro na komórkach ludzkiej linii monocytarnej U-937. Komórki leukemiczne poddawano działaniu EGCG w dawkach 10 µg, 50 µg i 100 µg w przeliczeniu na 1 ml medium hodowlanego. Analizę morfologiczną oraz analizę cytometryczną komórek U-937 przeprowadzano 24 i 48 godz. po zastosowaniu galusanu epigallokatechiny.Uzyskane wyniki badań wykazały cytotoksyczny wpływ EGCG na komórki linii U-937. Przeprowadzając analizę morfologiczną, po zastosowaniu EGCG, stwierdzono zwiększenie ilości komórek ulegających katastrofie mitotycznej, apoptozie, autofagii i nekrozie. Analiza cytometryczna komórek U-937 potraktowanych galusanem epigallokatechiny wykazała zmiany w populacji sub-G1, wyraźne zaburzenia w fazach cyklu komórkowego G1/G0, S, G2/M oraz zmiany w ilości komórek poliploidalnych. Efekty działania EGCG zależały od zastosowanej dawki i punktu czasowego, w którym wykonywano analizy.Catechins are compounds of natural origin, commonly found in leaves of Camellia Sinensis. There are several catechin derivatives present in tea brew and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most important and most abundant of them. This catechin is currently one of the most popular subjects of studies focused on its anticancer properties. The aim of this thesis was to assess the influence of EGCG on leukemia cells.The in vitro experiments were carried out on the human monocytic cell line U-937. EGCG was applied at three doses 10 µg, 50 µg and 100 µg per 1 ml medium on the dose used. U-937 cells morphology and cell cycle were analyzed 24 and 48 hours after the application of epigallocatechin-3-gallate.The obtained results have shown a cytotoxic effects of EGCG on U-937 cells. In relation to control values, an increase in the number of cells that undergoing mitotic catastrophe, apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis, were observed. Flow cytometric analysis of the U-937 cells treated with epigallocatechin-3-gallate revealed changes in sub-G1 population, disruption of the cell cycle phases G1/G0, S, G2/M and changes in the number of polyploid cells. The effects of EGCG were dependent on dose used, as well as the time intervals after treatment U-937 cells with this catechin