519 research outputs found

    Accuracy of Verdicts under Different Jury Sizes and Voting Rules

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    Juries are a fundamental element of the criminal justice system. In this article, we model jury decision making as a function of two institutional variables: jury size and voting requirement. We expose the critical interdependence of these two elements in minimizing the probabilities of wrongful convictions, of wrongful acquittals, and of hung juries. We find that the use of either large nonunanimous juries or small unanimous juries offers alternative ways to maximize the accuracy of verdicts while preserving the functionality of juries. Our framework, which lends support to the elimination of the unanimity requirement in the presence of large juries, helps appraise US Supreme Court decisions and state legal reforms that have transformed the structure of American juries

    Extraosseous myocardial uptake incidentally detected during bone scan: report of three cases and a systematic literature review of extraosseous uptake

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    Bone scintigraphy is widely considered as an important technique able to investigate various pathological conditions of the skeletal system. Many unexpected extraosseous uptakeshave been reported in literature. We present here three casesof unexpected 99mTc-oxidronate (HDP) myocardial extraosseous uptakes in patients undergoing bone scan for staging purposes. In particular, we present the first reported case ofa myocardial uptake in a patient with IgM-related amyloidosis. Subsequently, we perform a review of the existing literature about extraosseous uptakes

    Dissociazione nell'espressione di IL-12 e IL-23 in cellule dendritiche umane. Ruolo nella differenziazione di Th17

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    Le cellule dendritiche (DC) sono una eterogenea popolazione di cellule immunitarie derivate dal midollo osseo che hanno un ruolo importante nella regolazione della risposta immunitaria innata a numerosi antigeni, inclusi batteri e agenti virali. Le cellule dendritiche sono APC (Antigen Presenting Cell) cruciali per le risposte immunitarie innate e adattative verso gli antigeni e sono importanti anche per il mantenimento della tolleranza immunologica agli autoantigeni (Banchereau and Steinman,1998). Le DC regolano sia la qualit\ue0 che la durata della risposta immunitaria e l\u2019abilit\ue0 delle DC di attivare le cellule T naive dipende dalla loro maturazione che \ue8 determinata principalmente da segnali provenienti dall\u2019incontro con microorganismi patogeni. Una volta attivate dalle DC le cellule T possono completare la risposta immunitaria interagendo con altre cellule come le cellule B per la produzione di anticorpi, con i macrofagi per il rilascio di citochine e con le cellule bersaglio per la lisi. La maturazione delle DC da parte dei microorganismi comporta delle modificazioni che le rendono adatte all\u2019attivazione dei linfociti T naive nei siti della risposta secondaria. In primo luogo le DC mature subiscono una forte riduzione nella capacit\ue0 di catturare l\u2019antigene a favore di una elevata e prolungata espressione dell\u2019antigene in contesto di MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex). I linfociti T riconoscono gli antigeni presentati in contesto di MHC e questo segnale determina la specificit\ue0 della risposta per l\u2019antigene mediata dalle cellule T, ma in assenza di un secondo segnale stimolatorio, d\ue0 luogo ad anergia (Eagar et al., 2002). Le DC mature esprimono quindi molecole di costimolazione, in particolare B7-1 (CD80) e B7-2 (CD86) che interagiscono con CD28 espresso alla superficie dei linfociti T naive inducendo la loro proliferazione. L\u2019interazione con microorganismi patogeni induce inoltre la produzione di IL-12, da parte delle DC, che determina una polarizzazione nella differenziazione dei linfociti T CD4+ naive in linfociti Th1. I linfociti Th1 producono citochine come IFN-\uf067 che induce prevalentemente risposte cellulari caratterizzate da infiammazione locale e attivazione di macrofagi che portano all\u2019eliminazione di patogeni intracellulari.not availabl

    Projeto de intervenção para reduzir o uso indiscriminado de psicofármacos em idosos na USF José Rodrigues Pinto - Sobrália (MG)

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    Duas a cada três pessoas idosas no Município de Sobrália consomem psicofármacos indiscriminadamente, constituindo assim o principal problema de Saúde que precisa se priorizar no município. A Equipe de Saúde da Família após análise em que utilizou as ferramentas do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES) considerou que dispõe de recursos humanos e materiais para fazer um projeto de intervenção e decidiu propor ações para melhorar esta realidade, enfrentar a situação e modificar as condições de saúde dos idosos do município. As experiências profissionais bem como a revisão de literatura indicam que as consequências do uso inadequado de terapias medicamentosas em pessoas idosas são verdadeiramente perigosas, sendo que suas complicações se encontram entre as primeiras e principais causas de incapacidade no mundo

    Protein kinase CK2 localizes to sites of DNA double-strand break regulating the cellular response to DNA damage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a nuclear complex composed of a large catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and a heterodimeric DNA-targeting subunit Ku. DNA-PK is a major component of the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair mechanism, which is activated in the presence of DNA double-strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation, reactive oxygen species and radiomimetic drugs. We have recently reported that down-regulation of protein kinase CK2 by siRNA interference results in enhanced cell death specifically in DNA-PKcs-proficient human glioblastoma cells, and this event is accompanied by decreased autophosphorylation of DNA-PKcs at S2056 and delayed repair of DNA double-strand breaks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present study, we show that CK2 co-localizes with phosphorylated histone H2AX to sites of DNA damage and while CK2 gene knockdown is associated with delayed DNA damage repair, its overexpression accelerates this process. We report for the first time evidence that lack of CK2 destabilizes the interaction of DNA-PKcs with DNA and with Ku80 at sites of genetic lesions. Furthermore, we show that CK2 regulates the phosphorylation levels of DNA-PKcs only in response to direct induction of DNA double-strand breaks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, these results strongly indicate that CK2 plays a prominent role in NHEJ by facilitating and/or stabilizing the binding of DNA-PKcs and, possibly other repair proteins, to the DNA ends contributing to efficient DNA damage repair in mammalian cells.</p

    Next Generation Automated Emergency Calls

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) potentials to transform our modern society into smart environments that facilitate living and boost all types of transactions are becoming more and more evident as the number of interconnections between the physical and the virtual world keeps increasing. Cyber-physical systems, wide end-to end connectivity and handling of big data are some of the mainstream concepts brought forth to materialise the IoT umbrella. Yet, emergency services, a domain of paramount importance to society, reveal multiple challenges for the adoption of applications that capitalise on the capabilities of smart devices and the interoperability among heterogeneous platforms. In this paper, we present the continuing work [4] on next generation automated (non- human initiated) emergency calls by specifying the pathway to implementation of NG eCall and sensor-enabled emergency services