2,106 research outputs found

    Susceptibility loci CNVs with incomplete penetrance accurate diagnosis with uncertain prognosis

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    Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) is the first-tier test for developmental delay, autism spectrum disorders, and congenital abnormalities in postnatal diagnosis and for ultrasound abnormalities in prenatal diagnosis. The detection of variants with clinical significance by CMA, when compared to karyotype, can increase up to 10-20% in postnatal diagnosis and up to 5-18% in prenatal diagnosis. Nevertheless CMA also detects incomplete penetrance neuro-Susceptibility Loci Copy Number Variants (SL-CNV), which although having clinical significance have an uncertain prognosis. The aim of this study is to identify from the literature a set of SLCNV, and the corresponding penetrance for each variant, determining their occurrence in our cohort of postnatal samples ran between January 2012 and August 2018 and prenatal samples ran between January 2015 and August 2018. We have established a 21 SL-CNV set, and from a total of 835 postnatal samples and 317 prenatal samples we have identified 36 and 11 cases, respectively, with a variant in one of the 21 established SLCNV. The percentage of cases with a SL-CNV is relatively similar between postnatal samples (4.5%) and prenatal samples (3.5%), although the reason of referral for the two groups is not completely overlapping and also the total number of prenatal samples represents about half of the time span of the postnatal samples, which might have underestimated their occurrence. The estimated penetrance for each of the established SL-CNV present some inter-publication variability, especially concerning samples with different phenotypes. Nevertheless some variants show concordance. Estimating the penetrance for SL-CNV, and their clinical impact for the patient or carriers in the family, is a complex task. Only time, analysis of larger cohorts, and future knowledge of genotype-environment-phenotype interactions will overcome this difficulty, decreasing uncertainty for the around 4% of patients diagnosed by CMA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    9q21.13q21.31 deletion in a patient with intellectual disability severe speech delay and and dysmorphic features a newly recognized microdeletion syndrome

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    The increased use of chromosomal microarray analysis has led to the identification of new microdeletion/microduplication syndromes, enabling better genotype-phenotype correlations. Interstitial deletions involving the long arm of chromosome 9 are rare but recently a microdeletion syndrome at 9q21.13 was suggested, with mental retardation, speech delay, epilepsy, autistic behaviour and moderate facial dysmorphism as the main characteristics. Here we present a male child with intellectual disability, severe speech delay, microcephaly and dysmorphic features carrying an interstitial deletion, detected by the Affymetrix Cytoscan HD microarray, of 6.56 Mb at 9q21.13q21.31 region encompassing 16 OMIM genes (arr[GRCh37] 9q21.13q21.31(76551542_83116342)x1). Among the genes in the deleted region the PRUNE2, PCSK5, RORB and TRPM6 genes are expressed in the nervous system and have been describe as being candidate genes to play a role in mental retardation or neurological disorders. Although the cohort of patients identified with deletions in this region is still small our patient phenotype partially overlaps the others described in the literature. The collection of more cases with deletion of the 9q21.13 region will help establishing a clear classification for this CNV, finding the real weight in the patient’s phenotype, delineating the genetic counseling for their families, and clearly establishing this microdeletion as a syndrome.N/

    Estratégias de marketing na hotelaria : o caso da The Leading Hotels of the World no Brasil

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    Orientador : Vicente PachecoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Curso de Especialização em Gestão de NegóciosInclui referênciasResumo: Esta monografia teve como tema as estratégias de marketing utilizadas por associações hoteleiras de luxo com o objetivo de adquirir vantagem competitiva neste mercado, utilizando como objeto de estudo a The Leading Hotels of the World – Brasil (LHW/BR). Argumenta-se ainda que acoplado a este tema principal, foi trabalhada a competitividade no setor hoteleiro de luxo levando em consideração a Teoria das Cinco Forças de Porter (1989). O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar as estratégias de marketing adotadas no Brasil pela LHW com base na Teoria das Cinco Forças de Porter (1989). Já os específicos foram: exemplificar as Cinco Forças de Porter (1989), verificar o panorama atual do mercado hoteleiro brasileiro com ênfase no mercado de luxo, apresentar a atuação da The Leading Hotels of the World no mundo com especial atenção ao Brasil e levantar as estratégias de marketing desta associação. Os métodos utilizados para alcançar estes objetivos foram: a pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e pesquisa de campo. Ao final do trabalho de conclusão de curso, pôde-se observar que mesmo dando importância ao marketing, a The Leading Hotels of the World não possui uma política específica para esse fim, e sim iniciativas isoladas em que muitas delas estão voltadas à divulgação da marca e fidelização dos clientes. Mesmo que as estratégias não sejam elaboradas levando em conta a teoria de Porter, elas puderam ser analisadas baseando-se nesta abordagem

    Cognitive load balancing approach for 6G MEC serving IoT mashups

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    The sixth generation (6G) of communication networks represents more of a revolution than an evolution of the previous generations, providing new directions and innovative approaches to face the network challenges of the future. A crucial aspect is to make the best use of available resources for the support of an entirely new generation of services. From this viewpoint, the Web of Things (WoT), which enables Things to become Web Things to chain, use and re-use in IoT mashups, allows interoperability among IoT platforms. At the same time, Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) brings computing and data storage to the edge of the network, which creates the so-called distributed and collective edge intelligence. Such intelligence is created in order to deal with the huge amount of data to be collected, analyzed and processed, from real word contexts, such as smart cities, which are evolving into dynamic and networked systems of people and things. To better exploit this architecture, it is crucial to break monolithic applications into modular microservices, which can be executed independently. Here, we propose an approach based on complex network theory and two weighted and interdependent multiplex networks to address the Microservices-compliant Load Balancing (McLB) problem in MEC infrastructure. Our findings show that the multiplex network representation represents an extra dimension of analysis, allowing to capture the complexity in WoT mashup organization and its impact on the organizational aspect of MEC servers. The impact of this extracted knowledge on the cognitive organization of MEC is quantified, through the use of heuristics that are engineered to guarantee load balancing and, consequently, QoS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stress hídrico e recuperação em Eucalyptus: perfis fisiológicos

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    Mestrado em Biologia AplicadaEm Portugal, cerca de 700,000 ha foram já plantados com clones de Eucalyptus globulus, selecionados pelas suas elevadas taxas de crescimento, alta produção de polpa e adaptabilidade ambiental. Contudo, a produtividade das plantações de E. globulus tem enfrentado sérias limitações, principalmente devido à fraca disponibilidade de água. A seca é um importante stress abiótico que afeta negativamente o crescimento e o desenvolvimento das plantas, causando um conjunto de respostas fisiológicas, bioquímicas e moleculares. Embora esteja disponível um grande número de estudos que descreve as respostas das plantas ao stress hídrico, apenas alguns trabalhos se debruçam sobre os mecanismos que permitem a recuperação. Além disso, vários estudos descrevem também como diferentes genótipos podem diferir na capacidade de lidar com a seca. Considerando que manter a produção durante o stress hídrico não é o mais relevante, mas sim a capacidade de sobreviver e recuperar rapidamente após a re-hidratação, o objetivo deste estudo foi compreender os mecanismos envolvidos na recuperação, de modo a selecionar coleções clonais adequadas a plantações sustentáveis num clima mediterrânico. Com essa finalidade, dois clones de E. globulus (AL-18 e AL-126) foram submetidos a um período de três semanas em stress hídrico, seguido por uma semana de recuperação. Um perfil fisiológico foi obtido para cada genótipo, pela avaliação do crescimento, estado hídrico, peroxidação lipídica, respostas do aparelho fotossintético, trocas gasosas e concentração de ABA. Os principais resultados deste trabalho levam a concluir que: i) os genótipos escolhidos foram altamente tolerantes às condições testadas; ii) os clones selecionados apresentaram uma resposta similar na maioria dos parâmetros testados (exceto MDA, pigmentos, parâmetros fotossintéticos e ABA); iii) o clone AL-126 foi o mais resiliente à seca, mantendo taxas de crescimento mais elevadas em stress e após re-hidratação.In Portugal, about 700,000 ha have been established with Eucalyptus globulus clones selected for their high growth rates, high pulp yield and environmental adaptability. However, productivity in E. globulus plantations has encountered serious limitations, mostly because of water availability. Drought is a major abiotic stress negatively affecting plant growth and development that causes an array of physiological, biochemical and molecular responses in plants. Apart from the great number of studies reporting on plant responses to drought stress and on the mechanisms to overcome stressful conditions, only a few reports providing evidence about the capacity of recovery and the underlying processes during recovery from drought are available. Moreover, ecophysiological studies have reported that different genotypes differ in their capacity to cope with drought. Considering that maintenance of production during drought is not the most important consideration, but rather the capacity to survive and recover rapidly after rewatering, the aim of this study was to understand the underlying mechanisms in recovery in order to select suitable clonal collections for sustainable plantations in a Mediterranean climate. For this propose, two E. globulus clones (AL-18 and AL-126) were subjected to a three-week water stress period, followed by one week recovery. A physiological profile was obtained for each genotype, assessing growth, water status, lipid peroxidation, photosynthetic responses, gas exchanges and ABA concentration. The main results of this work led us to conclude that: i) the chosen genotypes were highly tolerant to the conditions tested; ii) the selected clones presented a similar response in most of the tested parameters (except for MDA, pigments, fluorescence parameters and ABA); iii) clone AL-126 was the most resilient to drought, maintaining higher growth rates under stress and after rewatering

    As ómicas ligadas à ecofisiologia do eucalipto: desvendando a tolerância ao stress numa espécie florestal

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    Doutoramento em BiologiaEucalyptus plantations are among the most productive forest stands worldwide. In Portugal and Spain, they are widely used for pulp production and as an energy crop. However, the region’s Mediterranean climate, with increasingly severe summer drought, negatively affects eucalypt growth and increases mortality. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to unravel drought tolerance in Eucalyptus globulus by investigating and interconnecting information on the processes mediating water deficit and rehydration, from gene and molecular regulation to physiological responses and plant performance, using two different genotypes and different stress trials. The thesis disclosed herein is presented in a series of research papers (chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5), preceded by a general introduction (chapter 1) and closed with concluding remarks (chapter 6). Chapter 2 describes a greenhouse trial and a slowly imposed water deficit, and is divided into three subchapters. Two genotypes (AL-18 and AL-10) were submitted to a 3-week water stress period at two different intensities (18% and 25% of field capacity), followed by 1 week of rewatering. Recovery was assessed 1 day and 1 week after rehydration. Several phytohormones were monitored in leaves, xylem sap and roots, 2 h, 4 h, 24 h, and 168 h after rewatering. Water deficit reduced height, biomass, water potential, and gas exchange. Contrarily, the levels of pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and MDA increased. ABA and ABA-GE levels increased, and JA content decreased in leaves and increased in xylem sap. During recovery, most of the physiological and biochemical responses of stressed plants were reversed. Comparative proteome (using difference gel electrophoresis) and metabolome (using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry) analyses enabled the separation and isolation of 2031 peptide spots, 217 of which were identified, and the detection of 121 polar metabolites. The analysis of the resilient clone AL-18, which presented a response network very distinct from the responsive clone AL-10, reinforced the role of specific photosynthetic and defence-related proteins as key players in mediating drought tolerance and revealed new players: glutamine synthetase, malate dehydrogenase and isoflavone reductase-like protein. Chapter 3 regards a climate chamber trial and a sudden water shortage, and is divided in two subchapters. The relative expression of 12 transcripts was analysed by quantitative PCR in two clones with different degrees of tolerance (AL-18 and AL-13) 7 and 11 days after water withholding and rehydration (2 h and 3 days after rewatering). Sudden water shortage was more detrimental to the plants than when slowly imposed, with heavier outcomes in clone AL-13, including plant death. Potential molecular indicators linked to enhanced water stress tolerance in Eucalyptus globulus were identified: rubisco activase (RCA), ferredoxin-NADP(H) oxireductase (FNR), mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mMDH), peroxisomal catalase (CAT) and isoflavone reductase (IFR). Afterwards, several biochemical markers of oxidative stress and DNA methylation patterns were quantified in the leaves of AL-18. The alterations detected using global and specific indicators reflected the parallel induction of redox and complex DNA methylation changes occurring during stress imposition and relief. Chapter 4 reports a field trial: the previously identified set of indicators for selection of water stress tolerance was tested in field-grown AL-18 and AL-13. Some of the plants were irrigated (IR), and others were left under environmental conditions of reduced rainfall (NI) during six and a half weeks prior to rewatering. Clone AL-18 showed few fluctuations in the conditions tested, and the alterations found in clone AL-13 highlighted an induction of photosynthetic and photorespiration metabolism after artificial rehydration. The results corroborated that responses to field conditions cannot be extrapolated from a stress applied individually in the context of developing selection markers. Chapter 5 describes a climate chamber trial that tested the isolated and combined effect of drought and heat. Physiological, biochemical and metabolomic alterations were monitored in AL-18 after a 5-day of consistent drought and/or 4 h at 40ºC. Testing drought-stressed plants subject to a heat shock revealed a decrease in gas exchange, Ψpd and JA, no alterations in electrolyte leakage, MDA, starch and pigments and increased glutathione pool in relation to control. The induction of cinnamate was a novel response triggered only by the combined stress. These results highlighted that the combination of drought and heat provides significant protection from more detrimental effects of drought-stressed eucalypts, confirming that combined stresses alter plant metabolism in a novel manner that cannot be extrapolated by the sum of the different stresses applied individually. This thesis describes a number of biological responses that enable E. globulus to thrive under conditions of water deficit and provides useful information of pathways to be explored in order to find suitable markers of abiotic stress tolerance in this species. Despite that, a bigger challenge remains and consists of the need to focus our studies in more realistic, field-like experiments, at least in the context of finding suitable selection markers in the climate change era.As plantações de eucalipto estão entre as mais produtivas do mundo inteiro. Em Portugal e Espanha, são amplamente utilizadas na produção de polpa e como fonte de energia. No entanto, o clima mediterrânico da região, com secas de verão cada vez mais severas, afeta negativamente o crescimento do eucalipto e aumenta a sua mortalidade. Esta tese de doutoramento tem como objetivo desvendar a tolerância à seca da espécie Eucalyptus globulus, investigando e interligando informação dos processos que medeiam o défice hídrico e a reidratação, desde a regulação genética e molecular até às respostas fisiológicas e desempenho da planta, utilizando dois genótipos distintos e diferentes ensaios experimentais. Esta tese está estruturada sob a forma de estudos científicos (capítulos 2, 3, 4 e 5), precedidos por uma introdução geral (capítulo 1), e termina com as notas finais (capítulo 6). O capítulo 2 descreve um ensaio de estufa e um défice hídrico imposto lentamente, e está dividido em 3 subcapítulos. Dois genótipos (AL-18 e AL-10) foram sujeitos a um período de stress hídrico de 3 semanas com duas intensidades diferentes (18% e 25% da capacidade de campo), seguido de uma semana de reidratação. A recuperação foi avaliada um dia e uma semana depois da reidratação. Várias fitohormonas foram monitorizadas nas folhas, seiva xilémica e raízes, 2 h, 4 h, 24 h e 168 h depois da reidratação. A falta de água reduziu a altura, a biomassa, o potencial hídrico e as trocas gasosas. Pelo contrário, os níveis de pigmentos, parâmetros da fluorescência da clorofila e MDA aumentaram. Os níveis de ABA e de ABA-GE aumentaram, enquanto o JA diminuiu nas folhas e aumentou na seiva xilémica. Durante a recuperação, a maioria das alterações fisiológicas e bioquímicas provocadas pelo stress reverteram. Análises comparativas do proteoma (analisado por eletroforese em gel diferencial) e do metaboloma (analisado por cromatografia gasosa com espetrometria de massa) permitiram a separação de 2031 pontos peptídicos, dos quais 217 foram identificados, e a deteção de 121 metabolitos polares. A análise do clone resiliente AL-18, que apresentou uma rede de resposta bem distinta do clone responsivo AL-10, reforçou o papel de proteínas específicas da fotossíntese e relacionadas com a defesa como intermediários chave na tolerância à seca e revelou novos intermediários: glutamina sintetase, malato desidrogenase e isoflavona redutase. O capítulo 3 diz respeito a um ensaio em câmara climática e a uma rápida escassez de água, e está dividido em 2 subcapítulos. A expressão relativa de 12 transcritos foi analisada por PCR quantitativo em dois clones com diferentes graus de tolerância (AL-18 e AL-13) depois de 7 e 11 dias sem qualquer rega e posterior reidratação. A rápida escassez de água foi mais prejudicial para as plantas do que o défice hídrico imposto lentamente, com maior visibilidade no clone AL-13 que revelou morte de algumas plantas. Indicadores moleculares potencialmente ligados a uma tolerância aumentada foram identificados: rubisco ativase (RCA), ferredoxina-NADP(H) oxidorredutase (FNR), malato desidrogenase mitocondrial (mMDH) catalase peroxissomal (CAT) e isoflavona redutase (IFR). De seguida, vários marcadores bioquímicos de stress oxidativo e padrões de metilação do DNA foram quantificados nas folhas do clone AL-18. As alterações detetadas utilizando indicadores globais e específicos refletiram a indução de complexas modificações redox e de metilação do DNA, que ocorrem paralelamente durante a imposição e interrupção do stress. O capítulo 4 reporta um ensaio de campo: o conjunto de indicadores de seleção de tolerância hídrica identificado anteriormente foi testado em AL-18 e AL-13 plantados no campo. Algumas das plantas foram regadas artificialmente (IR) e outras foram deixadas nas condições ambientais de precipitação reduzida (NI) durante seis semanas e meia antes de voltar a regar. O clone AL-18 mostrou pouca variação nas condições testadas, e as alterações encontradas no clone AL-13 realçaram a indução do metabolismo fotossintético e fotorespiratório após a reidratação artificial. Estes resultados mostraram que as respostas das plantas no campo não podem ser extrapoladas a partir do estudo de um stress aplicado individualmente, particularmente no contexto de encontrar marcadores de seleção. O capítulo 5 descreve um ensaio em câmara climática que testou o efeito isolado e combinado de seca e calor. Alterações fisiológicas, bioquímicas e metabolómicas foram monitorizadas no clone AL-18 após 5 dias de seca consistente e/ou 4 h a 40ºC. Testar plantas em stress hídrico sujeitas a um choque térmico revelou uma diminuição das trocas gasosas, do potencial hídrico e do JA, nenhum efeito a nível da perda de eletrólitos, MDA, amido e pigmentos e um aumento na glutationa, em comparação com condições controlo. O stress combinado induziu também a produção do cinamato, uma resposta nova. Estes resultados realçam que a combinação de seca e calor fornece uma proteção significante contra os efeitos mais prejudiciais da seca isolada em eucalipto, confirmando que o stress combinado altera o metabolismo das plantas de uma forma nova que não pode ser extrapolada pela soma dos diferentes stresses aplicados individualmente. Esta tese descreve um conjunto de respostas biológicas que permitem ao eucalipto manter-se em condições de défice hídrico e revela informação útil de várias vias metabólicas a serem exploradas de modo a encontrar marcadores de tolerância ao stress abiótico apropriados. Apesar disso, um desafio maior permanece. Consiste na necessidade de focarmos os nossos estudos em experiências mais realistas, que mimetizem as condições de campo, pelo menos no contexto de encontrarmos marcadores de seleção ajustados a uma era de alterações climáticas

    In-depth analysis of the Quercus suber metabolome under drought stress and recovery reveals potential key metabolic players

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    Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is a species of ecological, social and economic importance in the Mediterranean region. Given its xerophytic adaptability, the study of cork oak's response to drought stress conditions may provide important data in the global scenario of climate change. The mechanisms behind cork oak's adaptation to drought conditions can inform the design and development of tools to better manage this species under the changing climate patterns. Metabolomics is one of the most promising omics layers to capture a snapshot of a particular physiological state and to identify putative biomarkers of stress tolerance. Drastic changes were observed in the leaf metabolome of Q. suber between the different experimental conditions, namely at the beginning of the drought stress treatment, after one month under drought and post rehydration. All experimental treatments were analyzed through sPLS to inspect for global changes and stress and rehydration responses were analyzed independently for specific alterations. This allowed a more in-depth study and a search for biomarkers specific to a given hydric treatment. The metabolome analyses showed changes in both primary and secondary metabolism, but highlighted the role of secondary metabolism. In addition, a compound-specific response was observed in stress and rehydration. Key compounds such as L-phenylalanine and epigallocatechin 3-gallate were identified in relation to early drought response, terpenoid leonuridine and the flavonoid glycoside (-)-epicatechin-3'-O-glucuronide in long-term drought response, and flavone isoscoparine was identified in relation to the recovery process. The results here obtained provide novel insights into the biology of cork oak, highlighting pathways and metabolites potentially involved in the response of this species during drought and recovery that may be essential for its adaptation to long periods of drought. It is expected that this knowledge can encourage further functional studies in order to validate potential biomarkers of drought and recovery that maybe used to support decision-making in cork oak breeding programs.publishe

    Produção acadêmica sobre dança nos periódicos nacionais de Educação Física

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    The present study aims to identify and analyze the production of knowledge related to the dance phenomenon in the context of the national scientific Physical Education journals throughout a 10-year period (2000 to 2010). Titles and summaries of articles published in six journals were explored. The articles found were grouped in Five categories and the results were: from the 2362 published articles, 67 (2.84%) were related to dance. From these, 38.81% were about Human Movement Socio-cultural Studies, 34.33% about Human Movement Pedagogy - among witch 65.22% were related to school -, 17.93% about Human Movement Biodynamic and 5.97% in each areas Human Movement Adaptation and Motor Behavior. These data were discussed in relation to the need of elaborating an academic production that explores the multidimensionality of the dance phenomenon in inter-and multidisciplinary areas, favoring an academic and professional approach among the protagonists of Dance and of Physical Education.O presente estudo visou identificar e analisar a produção do conhecimento relativo ao fenômeno dança no contexto dos periódicos científicos nacionais de Educação Física no período de 2000 a 2010. Foram explorados títulos e resumos de artigos publicados em seis periódicos. Os artigos encontrados foram enquadrados em cinco categorias e os resultados obtidos foram: dos 2362 artigos publicados, 67 (2,84%) abordaram dança. Desses, 38,81% na área dos Estudos Socioculturais do Movimento Humano, 34,33% na Pedagogia do Movimento Humano - dentre os quais, 65,22% tratam do âmbito escolar -, 14,93% na Biodinâmica do Movimento Humano e 5,97% em cada uma das áreas Adaptação do Movimento Humano e Comportamento Motor. Esses resultados foram discutidos em relação à necessidade da elaboração de uma produção acadêmica que explore a multidimensionalidade do fenômeno dança em âmbitos inter e multidisciplinares, favorecendo uma aproximação acadêmica e profissional entre os protagonistas da Dança e da Educação Física

    O uso do blog como estratégia de educação continuada em enfermagem: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Objective: To identify scientific papers on the use of blogs by nurses as a tool for continuing education. Method: This integrative literature review of full-text articles, the formulated research question was: “What is known about the use of blogs by nurses as educational technology?”Results: Databases, such as CINAHL, IBECS, Web of Science, were searched. Eight articles were selected after using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conclusions: It was stated that the use of blogs as a strategy for continuing nursing education has innovative potential and creates an accessible space for information, reflection and collaboration among users, allowing best practices to be spread and professional performance optimization.Objetivo: Identificar la producción científica sobre la utilización de blogs por enfermeros como herramienta para la formación continua. Método: Se trata de una revisión integradora de literatura de artículos completos, orientada hacia la cuestión de la investigación: “Qué se sabe sobre la utilización de blogs por enfermeros como tecnología educacional”? Resultados: Se realizaron búsquedas on line en las bases de datos CINAHL, IBECS, Web of Science. Después de aplicados criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se seleccionaron nueve artículos para el análisis. Conclusiones: La utilización de los blogs como estrategia de formación continua en enfermería tiene potencial innovador y abre un espacio para la información, reflexión y colaboración entre los usuarios, diseminando buenas prácticas y optimizando el desempeño profesional.Objetivo: Identificar a produção científica acerca da utilização de blogs por enfermeiros como ferramenta para educação continuada. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura de artigos completos, norteada pela questão de pesquisa: “O que se sabe sobre a utilização de blogs por enfermeiros como tecnologia educacional?”.Resultados: Foi realizada busca online nas bases de dados CINAHL, IBECS e Web of Science. Após serem aplicados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram selecionados para análise nove artigos.Conclusões: A utilização do blog como estratégia de educação continuada em enfermagem possui potencial inovador e abre um espaço para a informação, reflexão e colaboração entre os usuários, disseminando boas práticas e melhorando o desempenho profissional

    Small Deletion of 143 Kb Encompassing Exon 2 of the AUTS2: Rise of a NewMicrodeletion Syndrome?

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    Abstract publicado em: Chromosome Res. 2015 Jun;23 Suppl 1:35-36. doi: 10.1007/s10577-015-9476-6.Chromosome microarray analysis is a powerful diagnostic tool and is being used as a first-line approach to detect chromosome imbalances associated with intellectual disability, dysmorphic features and congenital anomalies. This test enables the identification of new copy number variants (CNVs) and their association with new microdeletion/microduplication syndromes in patients previously without diagnosis. Here we report the case of a 17 year-old female with severe intellectual disability, absence of speech, microcephaly and congenital abnormalities with a previous normal karyotype performed at a younger age. Affymetrix CytoScan HD chromosome microarray analysis was performed detecting a 143 Kb deletion at the 7q11.22 breakpoint, encompassing exon 2 of AUTS2 gene: arr[hg19] 7q11.22(69238957- 69381975)×1. The AUTS2 gene has been recently implicated in neurodevelopment and is a candidate gene for numerous neurological disorders. Common clinical features described in patients with deletions in AUTS2 gene include intellectual disability, speech delay and microcephaly, among others. Thus, the CNV identified in our patient explains the phenotype observed. We compare our patient with other similar reported cases, adding additional value to the phenotypegenotype correlation of deletions in this region. The growing collection of new cases with similar phenotypes, and the observation of this deletion occurring frequently de novo, indicates this CNV as a possible new single gene microdeletion syndrome