305 research outputs found

    Hardy spaces of the conjugate Beltrami equation

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    We study Hardy spaces of solutions to the conjugate Beltrami equation with Lipschitz coefficient on Dini-smooth simply connected planar domains, in the range of exponents 1<∞1<\infty. We analyse their boundary behaviour and certain density properties of their traces. We derive on the way an analog of the Fatou theorem for the Dirichlet and Neumann problems associated with the equation div(σ∇u)=0{div}(\sigma\nabla u)=0 with LpL^p-boundary data

    Convergent Interpolation to Cauchy Integrals over Analytic Arcs with Jacobi-Type Weights

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    We design convergent multipoint Pade interpolation schemes to Cauchy transforms of non-vanishing complex densities with respect to Jacobi-type weights on analytic arcs, under mild smoothness assumptions on the density. We rely on our earlier work for the choice of the interpolation points, and dwell on the Riemann-Hilbert approach to asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials introduced by Kuijlaars, McLaughlin, Van Assche, and Vanlessen in the case of a segment. We also elaborate on the ∂ˉ\bar\partial-extension of the Riemann-Hilbert technique, initiated by McLaughlin and Miller on the line to relax analyticity assumptions. This yields strong asymptotics for the denominator polynomials of the multipoint Pade interpolants, from which convergence follows.Comment: 42 pages, 3 figure

    Asymptotic Uniqueness of Best Rational Approximants to Complex Cauchy Transforms in L2{L}^2 of the Circle

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    For all n large enough, we show uniqueness of a critical point in best rational approximation of degree n, in the L^2-sense on the unit circle, to functions f, where f is a sum of a Cauchy transform of a complex measure \mu supported on a real interval included in (-1,1), whose Radon-Nikodym derivative with respect to the arcsine distribution on its support is Dini-continuous, non-vanishing and with and argument of bounded variation, and of a rational function with no poles on the support of \mu.Comment: 28 page

    Pseudo-holomorphic functions at the critical exponent

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    We study Hardy classes on the disk associated to the equation \bar\d w=\alpha\bar w for α∈Lr\alpha\in L^r with 2≤r<∞2\leq r<\infty. The paper seems to be the first to deal with the case r=2r=2. We prove an analog of the M.~Riesz theorem and a topological converse to the Bers similarity principle. Using the connection between pseudo-holomorphic functions and conjugate Beltrami equations, we deduce well-posedness on smooth domains of the Dirichlet problem with weighted LpL^p boundary data for 2-D isotropic conductivity equations whose coefficients have logarithm in W1,2W^{1,2}. In particular these are not strictly elliptic. Our results depend on a new multiplier theorem for W01,2W^{1,2}_0-functions.Comment: 43 pages; to appear in the Journal of the European Mathematical Societ

    Constrained extremal problems in the Hardy space H2 and Carleman's formulas

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    We study some approximation problems on a strict subset of the circle by analytic functions of the Hardy space H2 of the unit disk (in C), whose modulus satisfy a pointwise constraint on the complentary part of the circle. Existence and uniqueness results, as well as pointwise saturation of the constraint, are established. We also derive a critical point equation which gives rise to a dual formulation of the problem. We further compute directional derivatives for this functional as a computational means to approach the issue. We then consider a finite-dimensional polynomial version of the bounded extremal problem

    Constrained optimization in classes of analytic functions with prescribed pointwise values

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    We consider an overdetermined problem for Laplace equation on a disk with partial boundary data where additional pointwise data inside the disk have to be taken into account. After reformulation, this ill-posed problem reduces to a bounded extremal problem of best norm-constrained approximation of partial L2 boundary data by traces of holomorphic functions which satisfy given pointwise interpolation conditions. The problem of best norm-constrained approximation of a given L2 function on a subset of the circle by the trace of a H2 function has been considered in [Baratchart \& Leblond, 1998]. In the present work, we extend such a formulation to the case where the additional interpolation conditions are imposed. We also obtain some new results that can be applied to the original problem: we carry out stability analysis and propose a novel method of evaluation of the approximation and blow-up rates of the solution in terms of a Lagrange parameter leading to a highly-efficient computational algorithm for solving the problem

    Constrained L2L^2-approximation by polynomials on subsets of the circle

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    We study best approximation to a given function, in the least square sense on a subset of the unit circle, by polynomials of given degree which are pointwise bounded on the complementary subset. We show that the solution to this problem, as the degree goes large, converges to the solution of a bounded extremal problem for analytic functions which is instrumental in system identification. We provide a numerical example on real data from a hyperfrequency filter

    Estimates in the Hardy-Sobolev space of the annulus and stability result

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    The main purpose of this work is to establish some logarithmic estimates of optimal type in the Hardy-Sobolev space Hk,∞;k∈N∗H^{k, \infty}; k \in {\mathbb{N}}^* of an annular domain. These results are considered as a continuation of a previous study in the setting of the unit disk by L. Baratchart and M. Zerner: On the recovery of functions from pointwise boundary values in a Hardy-sobolev class of the disk. J.Comput.Apll.Math 46(1993), 255-69 and by S. Chaabane and I. Feki: Logarithmic stability estimates in Hardy-Sobolev spaces Hk,∞H^{k,\infty}. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347(2009), 1001-1006. As an application, we prove a logarithmic stability result for the inverse problem of identifying a Robin parameter on a part of the boundary of an annular domain starting from its behavior on the complementary boundary part.Comment: 14 pages. To be published in Czechoslovak Mathematical Journa

    Robust identification from band-limited data

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    Consider the problem of identifying a scalar bounded-input/bounded-output stable transfer function from pointwise measurements at frequencies within a bandwidth. We propose an algorithm which consists of building a sequence of maps from data to models converging uniformly to the transfer function on the bandwidth when the number of measurements goes to infinity, the noise level to zero, and asymptotically meeting some gauge constraint outside. Error bounds are derived, and the procedure is illustrated by numerical experiment
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