225 research outputs found

    Problemática socio-económica de la mano de obra en explotaciones radicadas en zonas marginales de la provincia de Córdoba

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    Se estudia la cifra de ventas por UTII en cuatro diferentes acllvidadcs que se realizan en las zonas marginales de la provincia de Córdoba, éstas son, cría de ovinos, caprinos, cotos de caza menor y cotos de cala mayor. Asimismo se considera el coste social de las actividades pastor, cabrero y g11arda

    Procjena utjecaja disruptora bisfenola A na ionske regulacije kod Danio rerio kroz ispitivanje njihovih kloridnih i prolaktinskih stanica

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the chemicals produced in the largest volume in the world. It is commonly used as a component of plastics and food containers and can act as a xenoestrogen in humans. In view of the risk of exposure to it from the environment and diet, and basically as a water pollutant, the objective of our study was to assess possible effects on ionic regulation after exposure to BPA by means of a histopathological and morphometric study of the chloride and prolactin cells in zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an experimental model. Twenty-five male 16-week old zebrafish (Danio rerio) were allocated randomly into 5 study groups (n=5/group); a control group, and four groups, exposed for 2 weeks to a concentration of (1, 10, 100 and 1000 μg/L) of BPA, respectively. After 2 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and samples of their gills and pituitary gland were immediately taken for their subsequent histopathological analysis. Our results showed how, in the first study groups, lesions appeared in chloride cells, generating compensatory modifications in the prolactin cells, which were enough to maintain stability in the ionic exchange. As the exposure concentration increased, more serious histological modifications occurred. In the groups with the highest concentration (100 and 1000 μg/L), the lesions were so severe that the prolactin cells underwent some degenerative processes, which probably prevented the compensatory action at gill level.Bisfenol A je jedan od kemijskih spojeva koji se najviše proizvodi u svijetu. Najčešće se koristi za dobivanje plastike i posuda za hranu i može djelovati kao ksenoestrogen kod ljudi. S obzirom na rizik izloženosti bisfenolu A iz okoline i prehrane, i u osnovi kao zagađivaču vode. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti moguće učinke na ionsku regulaciju nakon izlaganja bisfenolu A pomoću histopatološke i morfometrijske studije kloridnih i prolaktinskih stanica u Danio rerio kao eksperimentalnog modela. Dvadesetpet muških jedinki 16 tjedana starih Danio rerio bili su nasumično raspoređeni u pet ispitivanih skupina (n=5/skupina). Kontrolna skupina i četiri skupine bile su dva tjedna izložene koncentracijama od 1, 10, 100 odnosno 1000 μg/L bisfenola A. Nakon ta dva tjedna uzorci njihovih škrga i hipofize su odmah izuzeti za naknadnu patohistološku analizu. Rezultati su pokazali kako su se, kod prvih ispitivanih skupina, lezije pojavile u kloridnim stanicama, stvarajući kompenzacijske promjene na prolaktinskim stanicama koje su bile dovoljne za održavanje stabilnosti u izmjeni iona. Kako se povećavala koncentracija izloženosti, ozbiljnije histološke modifikacije su se dogodile. Kod skupina s višom koncentracijom (100 i 1000 μg/L) lezije su bile tako jake da su prolaktinske stanice prošle kroz određene degenerativne procese, što je vjerojatno spriječilo kompenzacijsko djelovanje na škrgama

    Estudio de los efectos del bisfenol A como disruptor endocrino en la regulación iónica en zebrafish (Danio rerio), a través del estudio de células adenohipofisarias y branquiales

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    El Bisfenol A (BPA) es uno de los productos químicos producido en mayor volumen en el mundo. Es comúnmente utilizado como un componente de plásticos y envases de alimentos, y puede actuar como xenoestrógeno en animales y humanos. Posee actividad endocrina, lo que hace que sea capaz de desencadenar, en células diana, una respuesta semejante a la de las hormonas endógenas, o de inhibir esta respuesta ejerciendo un efecto antagónico. Debido al riesgo de exposición al BPA desde el medio ambiente y la dieta, y principalmente como contaminante acuático, nuestro objetivo ha sido el de evaluar los efectos del BPA en la regulación iónica mediante el estudio histopatológico y morfométrico de las células cloro y las células prolactínicas en pez cebra (Danio rerio) como modelo experimental.Para este estudio se utilizaron 60 machos de pez cebra (Danio rerio), que fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en 5 grupos (n=12/grupo), un grupo control, y cuatro grupos tratados, expuestos a concentraciones graduales de 1, 10, 100 y 1000 μg/l de BPA, respectivamente. Tras dos semanas, los animales fueron sacrificados y se tomaron muestras de branquias e hipófisis para su posterior análisis histopatológico, así como, para la determinación de los niveles de BPA presentes en los animales. Al analizar las muestras observamos una acumulación del BPA en los tejidos, existiendo una correlación entre estos niveles de BPA, y la concentración de BPA a la que los animales estuvieron expuestos. En el estudio estructural y ultraestructural de la hipófisis, observamos como el grupo que fue expuesto a 10 μg/l de BPA mostró ciertas modificaciones con respecto al grupo control, observándose una activación de las células prolactínicas con un incremento de los gránulos de secreción. Los grupos de mayor concentración de exposición (100 y 1000 μg/l), esta activación fue más marcada y estuvo acompañada de la aparición de autofagosomas que podría hacer pensar en la autodestrucción celular, apareciendo signos evidentes de degeneración. Al analizar las branquias se observó cómo, a partir del grupo de 10 μg/l ya empiezan a aparecer modificaciones histológicas, con la mayoría de los capilares hiperémicos e incrementándose tanto en tamaño como en número las células de cloro, siendo estas modificaciones más severas en los grupos de 100 μg/l y 1000 μg/l. En conclusión, nuestros resultados indican que la exposición al BPA produce modificaciones en las células de cloro que desencadenan una serie de alteraciones en las células prolactínicas. Estas alteraciones intentarían compensar la hipofuncionalidad de las células de cloro, para tratar de mantener un funcionamiento branquial adecuado y garantizar así la regulación iónica. Las alteraciones encontradas, fueron tan severas en los grupos de mayor concentración, que fue imposible su compensación por parte de las células prolactínicas, siendo esta la principal causa de la involución funcional de estas células hipofisarias. Deduciéndose, por tanto, que el BPA afectaría al sistema branquial de una forma tan severa que, al no poder ser compensada su acción a nivel hipofisario, la regulación iónica se podría ver afectada.Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical being produced in very large quantities in the world because it is commonly used as a component of plastics and food packaging. It has been shown that BPA can act as a xenoestrogen in humans and other animals. It has activity as an endocrine disruptor, interfering with the functions of endogenous hormones, which can trigger a similar response in the target cells, or inhibit this response by exerting an antagonistic effect. In June 2017, the European Union included BPA within their list of highly worrisome chemicals and for March 1, 2018 all manufacturers, importers and suppliers of BPA must classify and label all chemical mixtures containing BPA as a category 1B toxic for reproduction, In light of the risk of exposure to it from the environment, diet, and as a basic water pollutant, the objective of our study was to assess possible effects on ionic regulation after exposure to BPA by means of a histopathological and morphometric study of the chloride and prolactin cells using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an experimental model. For this study 60 male zebrafish (Danio rerio) were used. These were randomly allocated into 5 study groups (n = 12 / group), a control group, and four treated groups, exposed to increasing concentrations of 1, 10, 100 and 1000 μg/l of BPA, respectively. After two weeks, the animals were sacrificed and samples of their gills and pituitary glands were immediately taken for further histopathological analysis, as well as, for the determination of BPA levels present in their tissues. When analyzing the samples, we observed an accumulation of BPA in the tissues. There was an increasing concentration of BPA in the tissue as the concentration of exposure increased. Therefore there was a direct correlation between the levels of BPA and the concentration of BPA to which the animals were exposed. In the structural and ultrastructural study of the pituitary gland, we observed certain modifications with respect to the control group. On the group exposed to 10 μg/l of BPA we observed an activation of the prolactin cells with an increase of secretion granules. Whereas in the groups exposed to higher concentrations (100 and 1000 μg/l), this activation was more evident and was accompanied by the development of autophagosomes, which could indicate cell self-destruction, with evident signs of degeneration. When analyzing the gills, we observed how histological modifications appeared, with a large amount of hyperemic capillaries and an increase in both, size and number of chlorine cells, the group exposed to 10 μg/l of BPA. These modifications were more severe in the groups exposed to 100 μg/l and 1000 μg/l, respectively. In conclusion, our results indicate that exposure to BPA produces changes in chlorine cells that trigger a series of alterations in prolactin cells. These modifications may try to compensate for the hypofunctionality of the chlorine cells, to try to maintain an adequate gill function and thus guarantee ionic regulation. The alterations found were so severe in the groups exposed to higher concentration that it was impossible to compensate for them by the prolactin cells, this being the main cause of the functional involution of these pituitary cells. Therefore it is inferred, that BPA would affect the gill system in such a severe way that, since its action cannot be compensated at the pituitary level, the ionic regulation would be affected

    Trap-effectiveness and response to tiletamine-zolazepam and medetomidine anaesthesia in Eurasian wild boar captured with cage and corral traps

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    Capture, handling and chemical restraint are basic techniques often needed for research or management purposes. The aim of this study was testing a combination of tiletamine-zolazepam (TZ) (3 mg/kg) and medetomidine (M) (0.05 mg/kg) on Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa). A total of 77 free-ranging wild boar were captured by means of portable cages and corral traps and then anaesthetized with intramuscular darts using a blowpipe. The individual response to chemical immobilization was characterized using anaesthetic, clinical, and serum biochemical variables. After the procedure, 14 of these wild boar were monitored for 20 days using GPS-GSM collars

    Sanitary education for students of children teachers directed to dealing with the allergic children at the school

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    La alergia en edad pediátrica es un problema de salud pública emergente y a su vez complejo de abordar. A pesar de esto, apenas hay protocolos de identificación de alumnos alérgicos y tampoco se incluyen en los planes docentes de los futuros profesores aspectos relacionados con la alergia infantil y del adolescente. Dado que los niños pasan una importante parte de su vida en la escuela, con éste proyecto se pretende formar a estudiantes de Grado en Educación Infantil y Grado en Educación Primaria en nociones básicas sobre qué es y qué supone una alergia alimentaria y/ó un asma, en el reconocimiento de los primeros síntomas de una reacción alérgica y en cómo actuar cuando ésta se ha producido. Se propuso a los participantes (todos alumnos de Magisterio) que rellenaran de forma anónima un cuestionario donde se preguntaba acerca del manejo del niño alérgico en la escuela, mediante 44 preguntas. A continuación se llevarían a cabo varias sesiones formativas y un mes despúes de la formación se volvería a pasar el mismo cuestionario, para valorar la evolución del conocimiento de los alumnos en el tema alergológico. Con el presente trabajo se muestra que los futuros maestros presentan unos conocimientos escasos acerca de la Alergología. Sería conveniente plantear programas de educación sanitaria de patologías cada vez más prevalentes en la población general y especialmente de las que se manifiestan en niños, ya que como se demuestra en este trabajo, la realización de seminarios informativos mejora de forma significativa el conocimiento sobre dicho tema de los futuros docentes en la escuela.Allergic diseases in children are an emergent issue of public health difficult to deal with. nevertheless, there barely are available protocols to identify allergic pupils neither some chapters relative to allergy in childhood and adolescence are included in academic programs of future teachers. Since children spend much time at the school, this project aims to give basic education to future children teachers, directed to know which both asthma and food allergy are, how identify early allergic symptoms, and what to do in front of an allergic episode. A group of students of university school for children teachers were asked to anonymously fill in a survey about the allergic children at the school, including 44 items. After that, an allergist carried out an educational program of basic allergy directed to the participants, and one month later, the same survey was offered to them in order to size the evolution of the knowledge. Future children teachers show a low profile of knowledge about allergy. It would be adequate to give them sanitary education about highly prevalent diseases, particularly in the case of pediatric diseases. This project has demonstrated the high value of educational seminars to improve the aimed results

    Informe sobre el aborto

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    Informe elaborado por la Comisión de la Vida. Grupo de Profesores católicos de la Universidad de Córdob

    Modelling the TB spatial risk in a complex multi-host system assessed by drones

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    Trabajo presentado a la VI International M. bovis Conference, celebrada en Cardiff (Reino Unido) del 16 al 19 de junio de 2014.The present work has benefited from the financial aid of research grants JCCM (PEII10-0262-7673), MINECO (AGL2010-20730‐C02‐01), Aeromab Project (P07‐RNM‐03246), and the PLANET Project (EU, Cooperation, 7th FP, 2010). J.A.B. holds an FPU pre‐doctoral scholarship. P.A. is supported by MINECO‐UCLM through ‘Ramón y Cajal’ contract (RYC‐2012‐11970) and partly by EMIDA‐ERA‐NET grant APHAEA (219235‐FP7‐ERA‐NET‐EMIDA; www.aphaea.eu). Acknowledgements We would like to thank E. Guerrero and M.A. Aguilar, the pilots and technicians who controlled the UAS and prepared the image mosaic. The present work has benefited from the financial aid of research grants JCCM (PEII10‐0262‐7673), MINECO (AGL2010‐20730‐C02‐01), Aeromab Project (P07‐RNM‐03246), and the PLANET Project (EU, Cooperation, 7th FP, 2010). J.A.B. holds an FPU pre‐doctoral scholarship. P.A. is supported by MINECO‐UCLM through ‘Ramón y Cajal’ contract (RYC‐2012‐11970) and partly by EMIDA‐ERA‐NET grant APHAEA (219235‐FP7‐ERA‐NET‐EMIDA; www.aphaea.eu).Peer Reviewe

    Host richness increases tuberculosis disease risk in game-managed areas.

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    Current scientific debate addresses whether species richness in animal communities may negatively moderate pathogen transmission and disease outcome (dilution effect), or to the contrary, if disease emergence benefits from more diverse community assemblages (amplification effect). The result may not depend exclusively on patterns of host species biodiversity but may depend on the specific composition of reservoir hosts and vectors, and their ecology. Host-pathogen interactions have shaped variations in parasite virulence, transmissibility and specificity. In the same way the importance of factors related to host exposure or to life history trade-offs are expected to vary. In this study, we demonstrate that ungulate host species richness correlates with increased community competence to maintain and transmit pathogens of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) in game-managed areas in Mediterranean Spain. Therefore, we should consider natural and artificial variations in life histories of pathogens and host communities to characterize the impact of biodiversity on the health of diverse assemblages of human and animal communities. Since most approaches assessing epidemiology and transmission of shared pathogens only involve single- or pair-species, further research is needed to better understand the infection dynamics from complete community assemblages, at least in chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and in non-natural animal communities

    Using the FVB strain of mice for the evaluation of clinical and experimental ketamine (IP) associated with phenothiazines, benzodiazepines and α2-agonists

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    El objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en evaluar el estado fisiológico de los animales mediante el control de las frecuencias respiratoria y cardiaca así como la tasa de saturación de oxígeno durante la anestesia con ketamina asociada a otros fármacos. Para ello hemos utilizado 40 ratones FVB consanguíneos (20 machos y 20 hembras) de 11 semanas de edad, a los que se les administró por vía intraperitoneal ketamina asociada a un depresor del sistema nervioso central: acepromazina, diazepam, medetomidina, midazolam o xilazina. Obtuvimos resultados que difirieron mucho entre sexos, concluyendo que en machos los mejores resultados obtenidos fueron con la asociación a los α2-agonistas, mientras que en las hembras, al menos a las dosis empleadas, no pudimos afirmar que ninguna de las asociaciones fuese óptima.The aim of this work has been to evaluate the physiological status of animals by controlling the respiratory rate and heart rate and oxygen saturation during anesthesia with ketamine in combination with other drugs. We have used 40 consanguine FVB mice (20 males and 20 females) from 11 weeks of age, who were administered intraperitoneally with a ketamine-associated central nervous system depressant:acepromazina, diazepam, medetomidine, midazolam or xylazine. We obtained results that differed greatly between the sexes, in males, concluding that the best results were obtained with the association of α2- agonists, while in females, at least at the doses employed, did not say that none of the associations were optima

    A Bayesian approach to study the risk variables for tuberculosis occurrence in domestic and wild ungulates in South Central Spain

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    Background: Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a chronic infectious disease mainly caused by Mycobacterium bovis. Although eradication is a priority for the European authorities, bTB remains active or even increasing in many countries, causing significant economic losses. The integral consideration of epidemiological factors is crucial to more cost-effectively allocate control measures. The aim of this study was to identify the nature and extent of the association between TB distribution and a list of potential risk factors regarding cattle, wild ungulates and environmental aspects in Ciudad Real, a Spanish province with one of the highest TB herd prevalences. Results: We used a Bayesian mixed effects multivariable logistic regression model to predict TB occurrence in either domestic or wild mammals per municipality in 2007 by using information from the previous year. The municipal TB distribution and endemicity was clustered in the western part of the region and clearly overlapped with the explanatory variables identified in the final model: (1) incident cattle farms, (2) number of years of veterinary inspection of big game hunting events, (3) prevalence in wild boar, (4) number of sampled cattle, (5) persistent bTB-infected cattle farms, (6) prevalence in red deer, (7) proportion of beef farms, and (8) farms devoted to bullfighting cattle. Conclusions: The combination of these eight variables in the final model highlights the importance of the persistence of the infection in the hosts, surveillance efforts and some cattle management choices in the circulation of M. bovis in the region. The spatial distribution of these variables, together with particular Mediterranean features that favour the wildlife-livestock interface may explain the M. bovis persistence in this region. Sanitary authorities should allocate efforts towards specific areas and epidemiological situations where the wildlife-livestock interface seems to critically hamper the definitive bTB eradication success