138 research outputs found


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    The paper deals with the phraseological units denoting the personal character in English. Special attention is paid to substantive word groups. Their structural patterns are distinguished, variations in composition and meaning are analysed

    Teaching russian phraseology with the component of color term “black” to philology foreign students

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    The study of phraseology is an advanced direction of teaching methods of Russian as a foreign language. Any non-native speaker embarking on a study of Russian is faced with the problems of understanding the phraseological units that the Russian language is replete with. Language learners experience particular difficulties when using phraseological units with the color designation component “black” in a real-life communicative situation. The problem of understanding the phraseology of the Russian language is associated with the fact that representatives of different countries have knowledge of the phraseology of their native language that encompasses regional geography, linguoculturological, national concepts, which often do not coincide with similar phenomena in the Russian environment. This paper scientifically substantiates the methodological system for working with phraseological units in the study of Russian as a foreign language. It presents a system of scientifically grounded assignments for foreigners to learn Russian as a foreign language

    Agrotourism as an element of the development of a green economy in a resort area

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    Due to the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world, many countries are interested in a strategy of “green growth” that combines efforts in the field of economics, ecology, sociology, health care, and technology. One of the environmentally friendly activities is agrotourism. Russian regions have a huge natural and recreational potential for agrotourism, which has a high socio-economic importance for municipalities in terms of the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the creation of additional jobs, the formation of the added value of the tourist product. However, there are negative factors: low level of infrastructure development, lack of a recognizable brand, poor transport accessibility to the objects of agrotourism, seasonality of agricultural products, weak state financial support for the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas, lack of investors’ interest. The paper presents main features of the development of agrotourism in the resort area (for example, the resort city of Sochi) that has the properties of a “green economy” and can contribute to “green growth”

    Academic, social and cultural adaption of international students in Canada

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    У статті висвітлено три типи адаптації іноземних студентів: академічну, соціальну та культурну. Виявлено та схарактеризовано найбільш типові проблеми кожного типу адаптації. Академічні проблеми охоплюють: відсутність володіння мовою, різні цінності освіти, взаємодію з викладачами університету, співробітниками та однокласниками. Соціальними проблемами для іноземних студентів є: проживання в університеті чи за його межами, початкові труднощі, незалежність та самотність, стосунки з вітчизняними студентами та залучення їх до університетського життя. У культурному плані іноземні студенти стикаються з такими проблемами: культурний шок, відсутність культурного самопочуття. Таким чином, як було показано в цьому дослідженні, краще розуміючи академічні проблеми цих студентів, викладачі та співробітники університету можуть визнати потреби студентів та запропонувати ефективні допоміжні послуги. Університет повинен бути готовим зустрічати студентів не лише в академічному, а й у соціальному та культурному плані. У цьому дослідженні також описуються пріоритети канадської міжнародної освітньої стратегії. Федеральні та провінційні уряди Канади демонструють зростаючий інтерес до світового ринку освіти. Це відображено в Міжнародній стратегії Канади на 2014–2019 роки. Згідно з нею, перед канадською освітньою системою постає три ключові цілі: заохотити канадських студентів здобувати нові навички, використовуючи можливості навчання та роботи за кордоном на ключових світових ринках, особливо в Азії; щоб урізноманітнити коло країн, з яких іноземні студенти приїжджають до Канади, а також їх галузі, рівні навчання та місце навчання в Канаді; збільшити підтримку канадських навчальних закладів, допомогти розширити свої експортні послуги та відкрити нові можливості за кордоном.The study highlights three types of international students’ adaptation: academic, social and cultural. The most typical challenges in each adaptation are identified and described. Academic challenges include lack of language proficiency, different education values, interaction with the university faculty, staff and mates. Social issues for international students are living on- or off-campus, initial difficulties, independence and loneliness, relationship with domestic students and involving them into university life. Culturally, international students face the following challenges: culture shock, the lack of culture wellness. Thus, as demonstrated in this study, having a better understanding of these students’ challenges, university faculty and staff can recognize students’ needs and effectively offer supportive services. The university needs to be prepared to meet students not only academically but also socially and culturally. This study also describes the priorities in Canadian international education strategy that makes Canada one of the world’s top learning destinations. Federal and provincial governments Canada demonstrate their increasing interest in the global education market. It is reflected in the well-designed Canada’s International Strategy for 2014–2019. According to it, there are three key objectives before Canadian educational system: to encourage Canadian students to gain new skills through using opportunities to study and work abroad in key global markets, especially Asia; to diversify the range of countries international students come from to Canada, as well as their fields, levels of study, and location of study within Canada; increase support for Canadian educational institutions to help grow their export services and explore new opportunities abroad

    Effect of the material of primary packaging containers on providing of visual inspection of pharmaceutical products

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    Introduction:Today all over the world requirements to drug quality have become more and more strict and its evaluation is one of the most important tasks. Usually input quality control of medicines and other groups of goods is carried out organoleptically (mainly visually) by authorized persons of pharmaceutical establishments. Primary packaging is one of the most critical components in this process, because it strongly influences on possibility of visual control of goods and, of coarse, it should be transparent. Aim:The aim of this article was to analyze primary packaging of some drugs and possibility of their identification and quality evaluation.Materials and Methods:Objects of this study were primary packages of 65 randomly taken drugs produced by some leading manufacturers in different dosage forms. Inspection analysis of quality of the researched medicinal products was provided in 8 steps: checking of the accompanying documents, checking quantity of the goods, organoleptic control of packaging, checking of labeling, checking of barcodes, checking of completeness, visual control of a product, composing of documentation for acceptance of the goods.Results and Conclusion:All investigated drugs passed the first 6 stages of inspection analysis positively. 46 samples among 65 (or 71%) could not be visually controlled (stage 7) and their appearance was impossible to check because of non-transparency of the containers. If in terms of dosage forms 53% of studied tablet drugs, 88% of eye drops and 100% of suppositories can not be evaluated visually

    Genetic Improvement of Bread Wheat for Stem Rust Resistance in the Central Federal Region of Russia: Results and Prospects

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    Advanced breeding lines of spring and winter wheat with several effective resistance genes to stem rust, including its aggressive race Ug99, were developed for the first time for the non-Chernozem zone of Russia. Modern wheat varieties cultivated in this region have high productivity and grain quality. However, they are susceptible to fungal diseases and therefore are cultivated using frequent fungicides treatments. The introgression wheat lines with multiple alien translocations (“Arsenal” collection) have been developed in the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture “Nemchinovka” by using gamma irradiation of pollen of wild wheat relatives (Aegilops speltoides, Ae. triuncialis, Triticum kiharae, Secale cereale). Initial material with several effective Sr resistance genes for wheat breeding was developed using donors from the “Arsenal” and the VIR collections. The created initial material can compete with modern varieties, as it has resistance to leaf rust and powdery mildew, high productivity and numerous other advantages. On this basis, a new direction in breeding of spring and winter wheat is developed for this region, that is, creation of wheat cultivars with resistance to fungal diseases. This allows to reduce the fungicide load during cultivation with the goal of producing ecologically clean grain for healthy diet


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    Improving the quality of medical care is a priority in countries with developed and developing health care system. There are various approaches to improve the quality and safety of patient’s care, as well as various strategies to encourage hospitals to achieve this goal. The purpose of the presented literature review was to analyze existing experience of the implementation of technology of supportive supervision in health care facilities to improve the quality of hospital care delivery. The data sources for publication were obtained from the following medical databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Medscape, e-library, and books on the topic of the review written by experts. The article discusses the results of the research studies demonstrating the successes and failures of supportive supervision technology application. Implementation of supportive supervision in medical facilities based on generalized experience of different countries is a promising direction in improving the quality of medical care delivery. This technology opens up opportunities to improve skills and work quality of the staff at pediatric hospitals in the Russian Federation

    Small-angle X-ray characterization of the nucleoprotein complexes resulting from DNA-induced oligomerization of HIV-1 integrase

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    HIV-1 integrase (IN) catalyses integration of a DNA copy of the viral genome into the host genome. Specific interactions between retroviral IN and long terminal repeats (LTR) are required for this insertion. To characterize quantitatively the influence of the determinants of DNA substrate specificity on the oligomerization status of IN, we used the small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique. Under certain conditions in the absence of ODNs IN existed only as monomers. IN preincubation with specific ODNs led mainly to formation of dimers, the relative amount of which correlated well with the increase in the enzyme activity in the 3′-processing reaction. Under these conditions, tetramers were scarce. Non-specific ODNs stimulated formation of catalytically inactive dimers and tetramers. Complexes of monomeric, dimeric and tetrameric forms of IN with specific and non-specific ODNs had varying radii of gyration (R(g)), suggesting that the specific sequence-dependent formation of IN tetramers can probably occur by dimerization of two dimers of different structure. From our data we can conclude that the DNA-induced oligomerization of HIV-1 IN is probably of importance to provide substrate specificity and to increase the enzyme activity

    Национальная программа по оптимизации обеспеченности витаминами и минеральными веществами детей России. Краткий обзор документа

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    Providing the body with micronutrients — vitamins and minerals — is an indispensable component of human health and is essential in the  early stages of ontogenesis. However, studies conducted abroad and  in our country show that due to the fact that the content of  micronutrients in the daily ration can vary significantly, it is  impossible to provide the necessary consumption them with food.  This is confirmed by data on the high incidence of insufficient  provision with vitamins and minerals of all strata of the population.  In February 2017 at the congress of the Union of Pediatricians of  Russia, the consensus paper «The National Program for Optimization of Provision with Vitamins and Minerals of Children in Russia» was  presented. It sums up the results of the work of expert group  including pediatricians, nutritionists, clinical pharmacologists,  biochemists, vitaminologists, neonatologists, gastroenterologists, allergologists-immunologists, psychoneurologists, and others from several cities of Russia. The first chapter of the document highlights  general issues including a definition of concepts, current  epidemiological data on provision, and methodological approaches.  The second chapter presents the evidence base for the use of  vitamins and minerals in different areas of pediatrics. The purpose of this publication is to acquaint a wide range of the pediatric  community with the main provisions of the document.Обеспеченность организма микронутриентами — витаминами и минеральными веществами — является обязательной составляющей здоровья человека и критически важна на ранних  этапах онтогенеза. Однако, как показывают исследования, проведенные за рубежом и в  нашей стране, вследствие того что содержание микронутриентов в суточном рационе может  значительно колебаться, обеспечить необходимое их потребление с пищей не удается. Это  подтверждают данные о высокой частоте недостаточной обеспеченности витаминами и  минеральными веществами всех слоев населения. В феврале 2017 года на съезде Союза  педиатров России был представлен согласительный документ «Национальная программа по  оптимизации обеспеченности витаминами и минеральными веществами детей России»,  ставший итогом работы группы экспертов, в которую вошли представители разных специальностей — педиатры, диетологи, клинические фармакологи, биохимики,  витаминологи, неонатологи, гастроэнтерологи, аллергологи-иммунологи, психоневрологи и  другие специалисты из нескольких городов России. В первой главе документа освещаются общие вопросы, включая определение понятий, современные эпидемиологические данные  по обеспеченности, методологические подходы. Во второй главе представлена  доказательная база применения витаминов и минеральных веществ в различных областях  педиатрии. Целью настоящей публикации является ознакомление с основными положениями документа широких кругов педиатрического сообщества.Конфликт интересов.В.М. Коденцова выступала с лекциями для компаний Пфайзер, КРКА, АО «ПРОГРЕСС».Л.С. Намазова-Баранова — получение исследовате льских грантов от фармацевтических  компаний Пьер Фабр, Genzyme Europe B. V., ООО «Астра зенека Фармасьютикалз»,  Gilead/PRA «Фармасьютикал Рисерч Ассошиэйтс СиАйЭс», Teva Branded Pharmaceutical products R&D, Inc/ООО «ППД Девелопмент (Смоленск)», «Сталлержен С. А.»/«Квинтайлс ГезмбХ» (Австрия).С.Г. Макарова является научным консультантом компании «Нутриция».Источник финансирования.Статья опубликована при поддержке компании Pfizer