610 research outputs found

    Park-in Arenys de Mar

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    El projecte integra un aparcament semisoterrat amb un parc pel lleure on s'hi poden realitzar múltiples activitats: cinema a la fresca, esports, jardineria, jocs, etc. Al mateix temps que es recupera el pas de vianants entre els dos Arenys. Els espais residuals de l'autopista es converteixen ara en pols d'atracció i en generadors de nous fluxe

    Feeding habits, daily ration and vertical migration of the cape horse mackerel off South Africa

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    Crustaceans, principally copepods and euphausiids, were most frequently found in the stomachs of Cape horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis collected during demersal research surveys (1992–1995) in summer on the west coast and in winter on the south coast of South Africa. Fish (mainly pelagic) were infrequent (< 10%) in the diet of fish from both coasts. The feeding periodicity, rate of gut evacuation and vertical migration of horse mackerel were investigated from midwater and bottom trawl collections taken during five diel sampling periods between 1993 and 1995 at fixed positions on the South Coast. Horse mackerel feed only during the day, mostly in late afternoon prior to their ascent into midwater at around sunset. Based on the exponential rate of decline in stomach fullness throughout the night, the rate of gut evacuation by horse mackerel was estimated to be 0.22.h-1. Using the Elliott and Persson method, the daily ration was estimated as 3.8% of wet body mass. Horse mackerel appear to migrate vertically for reasons other than feeding, and selective advantages of this behaviour are discussed

    Trends in the abundance and distribution of anchovy and sardine on the South African continental shelf in the 1990s, deduced from acoustic surveys

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    The South African pelagic resources have been monitored acoustically since 1983. The results of these surveys are currently used to determine catch limits for anchovy Engraulis capensis and sardine Sardinops sagax. Twomain surveys are conducted annually, in winter to determine the strength of the year’s recruitment and in summer to estimate the size of the adult stock. The results of the surveys conducted between 1990 and 1997 are presented and discussed in the context of the time-series of stock abundance. Distribution patterns, size structure and biomass levels are related to general trends in the life-history strategies of anchovy and sardine, as well as the major environmental features in the southern Benguela in the 1990s. The biomass of adult anchovy appears to be driven largely by the strength of the early recruitment, corresponding to fish spawned in the first half of the summer spawning season. The biomass of adult sardine, however, is better explained on the basis of the biomass of 2-year-old and older fish in the previous year’s survey. Anchovy tend to move east with age, whereassardine appear to move both north, along the south African west coast, and east with increasing age

    Distribution patterns, stock size and life-history strategies of cape horse mackerel trachurus trachurus capensis, based on bottom trawl and acoustic surveys

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    Research surveys of Cape horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis abundance on the south coast of South Africa are complicated because changes in the species’ vertical and horizontal distribution limit the valueof stock assessments based a single survey method. Annual bottom trawl surveys conducted in spring provide estimates of the abundance of fish close to the bottom over trawlable grounds. Between 1991 and 1994, hydroacoustic surveys conducted in spring have been used to estimate the pelagic portion of the stock, as well as the portion over untrawlable grounds. These two research datasets, as well as data from purse-seine, midwater and bottom trawl commercial landings, are reviewed to elucidate distribution patterns of horse mackerel and their migratory and spawning strategies. The problems and advantages of bottom trawl and acoustic surveys are discussed in the context of fluctuations in estimates of the size of the stock between 1991 and 1994 and the prevailing environmental conditions. It is concluded that combined acoustic and bottom trawl surveys are the only effective means of surveying horse mackerel, and that effort should be concentrated east of 22°E to assess the spawner stock. It is suggested that research effort directed at improving understanding of exchanges between West Coast (including Namibia) and South Coast population of horse mackerel, as well as of the role of verticalmigrations in modulating these exchanges, would be beneficial

    Direct hydroacoustic observations of chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii spawning activity in deep water

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    Unusual and distinct hydroacoustic targets were observed in November 1996, May 1998 and November 1998 during routine pelagic biomass surveys off the south coast of South Africa. During the November 1996 survey, seven such targets were observed near the bottom at depths of 115–125 m, directly south of the traditional inshore spawning grounds of chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii at Cape St Francis. The targets were close to prominent seabed ridges and extended 30–40 m off the bottom. In May 1998, three similar targets were observed at depths 55–80 m off Plettenberg Bay, another well-known squid spawning site. The shallowest target was identified, by means of a midwater trawl, as a mixture of mature male and female chokka. During the November 1998 survey, nine similar targets were again observed on the squid spawning grounds at Cape St Francis, also adjacent to seabed ridges. Drawing on fisheries hydroacoustic experience and knowledge of chokka squid spawning behaviour, the targets are believed to be aggregations of spawning squid. Keywords: chokka squid, hydroacoustic targets, spawning aggregationsAfrican Journal of Marine Science 2002, 24: 387–39

    Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient with the Diagnosis Scleroderma

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    FyzioterapieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Collaborative Behaviour Modelling of Virtual Agents using Communication in a Mixed Human-Agent Teamwork

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    International audience—The coordination is an essential ingredient for the mixed human-agent teamwork. It requires team members to share knowledge to establish common grounding and mutual awareness among them. In this paper, we proposed a collaborative conversational belief-desire-intention (C 2 BDI) behavioural agent architecture that allows to enhance the knowledge sharing using natural language communication between team members. We defined collaborative conversation protocols that provide proactive behaviour to agents for the coordination between team members. Furthermore, to endow the communication capabilities to C 2 BDI agent, we described the information state based approach for the natural language processing of the utterances. We have applied the proposed architecture to a real scenario in a collaborative virtual environment for training. Our solution enables the user to coordinate with other team members

    Communicative Capabilities of Agents for the Collaboration in a Human-Agent Team

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    International audienceThe coordination is an essential ingredient for the human-agent teamwork. It requires team members to share knowledge to establish common grounding and mutual awareness among them. In this paper, we propose a behavioral architecture C 2 BDI that allows to enhance the knowledge sharing using natural language communication between team members. We define collaborative conversation protocols that provide proactive behavior to agents for the coordination between team members. We have applied this architecture to a real scenario in a col-laborative virtual environment for training. Our solution enables users to coordinate with other team members

    Park-in Arenys de Mar

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    El projecte integra un aparcament semisoterrat amb un parc pel lleure on s'hi poden realitzar múltiples activitats: cinema a la fresca, esports, jardineria, jocs, etc. Al mateix temps que es recupera el pas de vianants entre els dos Arenys. Els espais residuals de l'autopista es converteixen ara en pols d'atracció i en generadors de nous fluxe