242 research outputs found

    Différentes approches traductologiques face au problème de l’amplification en traduction

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    The phenomenon of the text amplification in the process of translation has been present both in translatology and in translation practice for a long time. It is often considered as one of the translation universals, that is the processes which accompany the translation of the text regardless of their typological characteristics (literary, journalistic or specialised texts) or translation’s languages. In general, we can define the amplification as an expansion of the target text in its formal and signification layer comparing to the source text. The present study aims to show the possible methodological approaches to this phenomenon from the translatological point of view and to analyse sources and forms of the amplification in the literary translation

    Reasoning and Moderation as Principles of International Humanitarian Law (Part 1)

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    Thinking of war means facing ideas and theories much different than those known and good established in everyday life. Even well known concept demands redefinitions. Among ideas understood as intellectual tools of war one can indicate two crucial, accompanying each consideration about war as such. Those are moderation and reasoning. Both should be present in out thinking about war, no matter if we would analyze political, legal, ethical or humanitarian dimensions of war or – in the other hand – no matter if we would consider its meaning for whole community or life/fate of individual human being. The first part of this article focuses on theoretical considerations, while further analyzes will indicate the consequences that thinking in the spirit of moderation and reasoning has in theory and practice of international humanitarian law.Myślenie o wojnie oznacza stawianie czoła ideom i teoriom znacznie odmiennym od tych, które napotykamy w codziennym życiu. Nawet dobrze znane koncepcje wymagają redefinicji. Pośród idei, które możemy uznać za intelektualne narzędzia wojny, należy wskazać dwie zasadnicze, towarzyszące każdemu rozważaniu o wojnie jako takiej. Są to umiar i rozsądek. Obie powinny być obecne w myśleniu o wojnie, niezależnie od tego, czy analizie poddawany jest jej polityczny, prawny, etyczny czy ludzki wymiar; i z drugiej strony niezależnie od tego, czy rozważamy jej znaczenie dla całej wspólnoty czy dla życia/losu jednostki. Przedłożona tu pierwsza część artykułu skupia się na teoretycznych rozważaniach, podczas gdy dalsze analizy będą wskazywały na konsekwencje, jakie myślenie w duchu umiaru i rozsądku wnosi do prawa dotyczącego konfliktów zbrojnych

    "Kalkwerk": Thomas Bernhards Roman, Krystian Lupas Inszenierung

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    Die hier vorliegende Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Thomas Bernhards Roman "Das Kalkwerk" und der Adaption dieses Werkes für das polnische Theater von Krystian Lupa. Dabei steht der Vergleich zwischen dem Roman und dem Theaterstück im Mittelpunkt. Am Beginn der Arbeit wird die Person Thomas Bernhards behandelt, wobei anschließend an eine kurze Ausführung zu seinem Leben und Werk, der Schwerpunkt auf der Rezeption des Schriftstellers in Polen liegt. Dem folgt eine Darstellung eines der interessantesten und originellsten Regisseure des polnischen Theaters der Gegenwart - Krystian Lupa. Hier steht nicht nur seine Biographie im Vordergrund, sondern auch sein Theater und die Stellung der deutschsprachigen und österreichischen Literatur in seinem Schaffen. Bei der Charakterisierung seines Theaters wurden neben den Haupteigenschaften auch die Einflüsse, die Entwicklung und seine Adaptionen von Prosa besprochen. Das nachfolgende Kapitel ist "Kalkwerk" gewidmet und bietet einen guten Überblick über die wichtigsten Charakteristika des Romans, sowie des Stückes. Zuerst wird Bernhards "Das Kalkwerk" behandelt, wobei besonders auf die Handlung, das Erzählverfahren und die Eigenschaften eingegangen wird. Danach konzentriert sich die Arbeit auf Lupas Adaption des Romans. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Entstehungsgeschichte, wird die Rezeption des Stückes in der polnischen Presse erörtert. Hierauf folgt eine Analyse der wichtigsten Bereiche der Theaterinszenierung: Aufbau und Inhalt, Schwerpunkte, sowie Symbolik. Im folgenden Kapitel wird der Vergleich zwischen den beiden Versionen angestellt, wobei unterschiedliche Bereiche auf die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede untersucht werden: Narration, Musik und Raum, Inhalt, Studie und Symbolik, Figuren des Konrads und der Konrad, sowie Sprache. Im abschließenden Resümee wird unter Zusammenfassung der bisherigen Ergebnisse dargestellt, welche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede es zwischen Bernhards und Lupas "Kalkwerk" gibt und was überwiegt. Diese interdisziplinäre und intermediale Diplomarbeit bildet den Beginn einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit dem Werk Thomas Bernhards im Theater Krystian Lupas und eröffnet eine neue Perspektive in der Rezeption Bernhards im nicht deutschsprachigen Raum.The topic of this thesis is Thomas Bernhard`s novel “Das Kalkwerk” and Krystian Lupas adaptation of this novel for the polish contemporary theatre. The thesis focuses on the comparison between the novel and the play and tries to diagnose the common ground and the differences between both. At the beginning the thesis deals with the author Thomas Bernhard, his works and his adaption in Poland. After that director Krystian Lupa and his theatre are characterized. The next chapter involves “Kalkwerk” and is followed by the comparison between the both versions of it. The comparison is drawn on several aspects: narrative structure, stage and music, the study and its symbols, language etc. In the summary at the end the results are shown and discussed. This interdisciplinary thesis is a prelude to an intensive analysis of Thomas Bernhard`s works in Krystian Lupa`s theatre and opens a new perspective on Bernhard`s adaption in non German-speaking countries

    Wobec genologii. Gatunek indywidualny Julii Hartwig

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    In the context of genology. Julia Hartwig’s individual genre The article relates to three collections of poetry written by Julia Hartwig entitled Błyski, Zwierzenia i błyski, Trzecie błyski. Those miniature notes form a collection of omnidirectional traces and signs, characterized by its structural and thematic heterogeneity. Poetics notes contained in discusses volumes execute atypical literary form which is lapidaries. Hartwig while creating further poems, she heads a for authorial poetics, she generates entirely individual genre. Błyski also come in various analogic relations with Hartwig’s another poems placed in different poetry volumes. It proclaims the repeatability of topics, motives and structures in Hartwig’s writings, even the rewriting of her own lines and verses

    Verbal humour vs. interactional "face-work"

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    The objective of the study is to analyze some peculiarities of verbal humour from the perspective of the so-called "face-work" (Brown and Levinson, 1978, 1987). The concept of interactional positioning refers to certain questions about the relationship between humorous practices and the (re)configuration of interpersonal territory. Hence, the extent to which manifestations of verbal humour as jokes or ritual insults can be "threatening" or "valorizing" to the faces of the interlocutors is explored. The situational and contextual parameters that may jeopardize the development of interaction are also reflected on.El objetivo del estudio es analizar algunas peculiaridades del humor verbal desde la perspectiva del llamado "face-work" (Brown y Levinson, 1978, 1987). El concepto de posicionamiento interaccional remite a determinados cuestionamientos acerca de la relación que se establece entre las prácticas humorísticas y la (re) configuración del territorio interpersonal. Por consiguiente, trataremos de averiguar en qué medida las manifestaciones del humor verbal como bromas o insultos rituales pueden resultar "amenazantes" o "valorizantes" para las imágenes de los interlocutores. Reflexionaremos, de igual modo, sobre los parámetros situacionales y contextuales que pueden poner en peligro el desarrollo de la interacción

    Fonctionnement interlingual des mèmes humoristiques : entre création, interprétation et traduction

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    The article focuses on the multisemiotic functioning of Internet memes in communication through the web, focused, among other things, on a humorous effect. The role of the image, first of all, in the creation of the Internet meme and also in its re-application in a multicultural and interlingual environment seems fundamental. This iconic element is part of the large and varied number of relationships with other types of signs (linguistic, cultural, discursive). It seems that the question of the typological diversity of image-text relations (in the very broad sense of it) can be addressed from a variety of perspectives that involve not only a philosophy of translation, but also an approach to humorous communication on the Internet. The article aims to analyse the nature of the relationship that unites an iconic element with a linguistic element that constitutes the essence of the message conveyed by internet memes.The article focuses on the multisemiotic functioning of Internet memes in communication through the web, focused, among other things, on a humorous effect. The role of the image, first of all, in the creation of the Internet meme and also in its re-application in a multicultural and interlingual environment seems fundamental. This iconic element is part of the large and varied number of relationships with other types of signs (linguistic, cultural, discursive). It seems that the question of the typological diversity of image-text relations (in the very broad sense of it) can be addressed from a variety of perspectives that involve not only a philosophy of translation, but also an approach to humorous communication on the Internet. The article aims to analyse the nature of the relationship that unites an iconic element with a linguistic element that constitutes the essence of the message conveyed by internet memes

    Kinetics of cold crystallization in two liquid crystalline fluorinated homologues exhibiting the vitrified smectic CA{C_{A}}^{*} phase

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    Dielectric relaxation processes in the supercooled antiferroelectric smectic CA{C_{A}}^{*} phase and crystallization kinetics of two chiral fluorinated 5HF6 and 6HF6 compounds from the same homologous series are investigated. Fragility parameters are determined from the relaxation time of the α-process, including τHN\tau_{HN} from the Havriliak-Negami formula and τpeak\tau_{peak} denoting the position of the absorption peak. The coupling coefficient ξ\xi between the characteristic time of isothermal cold crystallization and relaxation time of the α-process is obtained. Despite similar values of the fragility index, the even 6HF6 homologue undergoes cold crystallization much faster than the odd 5HF6 homologue, with significantly different ξ\xi coefficients. Influence of the relaxation time of the PHP_{H} process (anti-phase phason) in the smectic CA{C_{A}}^{*} phase on the crystallization kinetics is presumed

    The impact of biologics on the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis : opinion of patients and nurses

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