187 research outputs found

    Benign follicular tumors

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    Benign follicular tumors comprise a large and heterogeneous group of neoplasms that share a common histogenesis and display morphological features resembling one or several portions of the normal hair follicle, or recapitulate part of its embryological development. Most cases present it as clinically nondescript single lesions and essentially of dermatological relevance. Occasionally, however, these lesions be multiple and represent a cutaneous marker of complex syndromes associated with an increased risk of visceral neoplasms. In this article, the authors present the microscopic structure of the normal hair follicle as a basis to understand the type and level of differentiation of the various follicular tumors. The main clinicopathological features and differential diagnosis of benign follicular tumors are then discussed, including dilated pore of Winer, pilar sheath acanthoma, trichoadenoma, trichilemmoma, infundibuloma, proliferating trichilemmal cyst/tumor, trichoblastoma and its variants, pilomatricoma, trichodiscoma/fibrofolliculoma, neurofollicular hamartoma and trichofolliculoma. In addition, the main syndromes presenting with multiple follicular tumors are also discussed, namely Cowden, Birt-Hogg-Dubé, Rombo and Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndromes, as well as multiple tumors of follicular infundibulum (infundibulomatosis) and multiple trichoepitheliomas. Although the diagnosis of follicular tumors relies on histological examination, we highlight the importance of their knowledge for the clinician, especially when in presence of patients with multiple lesions that may be the cutaneous marker of a cancer-prone syndrome. The dermatologist is therefore in a privileged position to recognize these lesions, which is extremely important to provide further propedeutic, appropriate referral and genetic counseling for these patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Functional Inequality in Latin America: News from the Twentieth Century

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    We report on a novel approach for the measurement of gas adsorption in microporous solids using X-ray computed tomography (CT) that we refer to as digital adsorption. Similar to conventional macroscopic methods, the proposed protocol combines observations with an inert and an adsorbing gas to produce equilibrium isotherms in terms of the truly measurable quantity in an adsorption experiment, namely the surface excess. Most significantly, X-ray CT allows probing the adsorption process in three dimensions, so as to build spatially-resolved adsorption isotherms with a resolution of approximately 10 mm3 within a fixed-bed column. Experiments have been carried out at 25 C and in the pressure range 1-30bar using CO2 on activated carbon, zeolite 13X and glass beads (as control material), and results are validated against literature data. A scaling approach was applied to analyze the whole population of measured adsorption isotherms (~7600), leading to single universal adsorption isotherm curves that are descriptive of all voxels for a given adsorbate-adsorbent system. By analyzing the adsorption heterogeneity at multiple length scales (1 mm3 to 1 cm3), packing heterogeneity was identified as the main contributor for the larger spatial variability in the adsorbed amount observed for the activated carbon rods as compared to zeolite pellets. We also show that this technique is readily applicable to a large spectrum of commercial porous solids, and that it can be further extended to weakly adsorbing materials with appropriate protocols that reduce measurement uncertainties. As such, the obtained results prove the feasibility of digital adsorption and highlight substantial opportunities for its wider use in the field of adsorptive characterization of porous solids

    Magnetically gated accretion in an accreting ‘non-magnetic’ white dwarf

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    White dwarfs are often found in binary systems with orbital periods ranging from tens of minutes to hours in which they can accrete gas from their companion stars. In about 15 per cent of these binaries, the magnetic field of the white dwarf is strong enough (at 106 gauss or more) to channel the accreted matter along field lines onto the magnetic poles1,2. The remaining systems are referred to as ‘non-magnetic’, because until now there has been no evidence that they have a magnetic field that is strong enough to affect the accretion dynamics. Here we report an analysis of archival optical observations of the ‘non-magnetic’ accreting white dwarf in the binary system MV Lyrae, whose light curve displays quasi-periodic bursts of about 30 minutes duration roughly every 2 hours. The timescale and amplitude of these bursts indicate the presence of an unstable, magnetically regulated accretion mode, which in turn implies the existence of magnetically gated accretion3,4,5, in which disk material builds up around the magnetospheric boundary (at the co-rotation radius) and then accretes onto the white dwarf, producing bursts powered by the release of gravitational potential energy. We infer a surface magnetic field strength for the white dwarf in MV Lyrae of between 2 × 104 gauss and 1 × 105 gauss, too low to be detectable by other current methods. Our discovery provides a new way of studying the strength and evolution of magnetic fields in accreting white dwarfs and extends the connections between accretion onto white dwarfs, young stellar objects and neutron stars, for which similar magnetically gated accretion cycles have been identified6,7,8,9

    Museum and herbarium collections for biodiversity research in Angola

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    The importance of museum and herbarium collections is especially great in biodiverse countries such as Angola, an importance as great as the challenges facing the effective and sustained management of such facilities. The interface that Angola represents between tropical humid climates and semi-desert and desert regions creates conditions for diverse habitats with many rare and endemic species. Museum and herbarium collections are essential foundations for scientific studies, providing references for identifying the components of this diversity, as well as serving as repositories of material for future study. In this review we summarise the history and current status of museum and herbarium collections in Angola and of information on the specimens from Angola in foreign collections. Finally, we provide examples of the uses of museum and herbarium collections, as well as a roadmap towards strengthening the role of collections in biodiversity knowledge generationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bacterial laccases: some recent advances and applications

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    Laccases belong to the large family of multi-copper oxidases (MCOs) that couple the one-electron oxidation of substrates with the four-electron reduction of molecular oxygen to water. Because of their high relative non-specific oxidation capacity particularly on phenols and aromatic amines as well as the lack of requirement for expensive organic cofactors, they have found application in a large number of biotechnological fields. The vast majority of studies and applications were performed using fungal laccases, but bacterial laccases show interesting properties such as optimal temperature above 50 °C, optimal pH at the neutral to alkaline range, thermal and chemical stability and increased salt tolerance. Additionally, bacterial systems benefit from a wide range of molecular biology tools that facilitates their engineering and achievement of high yields of protein production and set-up of cost-effective bioprocesses. In this review we will provide up-to-date information on the distribution and putative physiological role of bacterial laccases and highlight their distinctive structural and biochemical properties, discuss the key role of copper in the biochemical properties, discuss thermostability determinants and, finally, review biotechnological applications with a focus on catalytic mechanisms on phenolics and aromatic amines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio