35 research outputs found

    Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychology

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    Revista de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente. - ISSN 1647-4120. - v. 6, n. 2 (Julho-Dezembro 2015). - p. 9-11

    Práticas de assédio moral em empresas portuguesas

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    Neste artigo são apresentados os resultados de uma investigação que visa identificar (1) os comportamentos hostis que caracterizam as práticas de assédio moral no trabalho em empresas portuguesas e (2) as estratégias de coping usadas pelas vítimas para lidarem com as agressões que lhes são dirigidas. O assédio moral no trabalho define-se como o conjunto de comportamentos hostis dirigidos, sistematicamente, contra um ou mais indivíduos causando um efeito de humilhação, intimidação e angústia. As vítimas têm dificuldade em defender-se, o seu desempenho profissional diminui e o seu emprego é posto em causa. Realizou-se um estudo exploratório qualitativo com recurso à metodologia das entrevistas narrativas, tendo sido entrevistados dez sujeitos, selecionados entre clientes de advogados especializados em direito do trabalho e de consultores da área de recursos humanos e da formação. Os resultados obtidos revelam que estes sujeitos foram submetidos a todas as categorias de comportamentos hostis, confirmando que se inscrevem no fenómeno que se pretendia estudar, com o destaque de que todos foram alvo de atentados às condições de trabalho e a isolamento e recusa de comunicação. Os atentados à dignidade foram os comportamentos hostis mais praticados, em segundo lugar, pelos agressores. Só um sujeito foi alvo de violência verbal, com gritos e ameaças de violência física. Os mesmos resultados indicam que as vítimas de assédio moral utilizam, preferencialmente e de forma combinada, as estratégias de confrontação e de distanciamento, seguida da procura de suporte social. A aceitação e a reinterpretação são as estratégias menos utilizadas e nenhum dos sujeitos utilizou a estratégia de fuga. A nível prático, os resultados obtidos podem dar indicações de atuação a diversos grupos profissionais quer na identificação da ocorrência de comportamentos hostis típicos do assédio moral em meio laboral quer no apoio às vítimas e às organizações onde ele ocorre


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    O desenvolvimento de metodologias de monitorização inovadoras, aplicáveis a escalas espaciais da ordem das dezenas de quilómetros, que se caracterizem pela sua eficiência e precisão, a custos relativamente baixos, e que permitam: (i) quantificar volumes sedimentares, (ii) determinar valores de recuo de linha de costa, (iii) avaliar a morfologia da praia sub-aérea e (iv) determinar a granulometria de sedimentos, responde às actuais necessidades de quantificação das variáveis físicas em praias arenosas . No âmbito do projecto INSHORE (INtegrated System for High Operational REsolution in Shore Monitoring), foi desenvolvido um sistema de monitorização morfológica da praia emersa. Este sistema visa a monitorização morfológica da praia sub-aérea com o objectivo de gerar modelos digitais de elevação (DEM) em sectores litorais com dezenas de quilómetros. Neste mesmo projecto foi também desenvolvido um sistema de análise textural semi-automático, usando técnicas de processamento de imagem, consistindo no desenvolvimento de um algoritmo que permite a determinação de parâmetros granulométricos a partir de imagens obtidas por uma câmara fotográfica digital

    Life History of Women with Fibromyalgia: Beyond the Illness

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    Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome, which mostly affects middle age women and whose etiological factors remain unclear. Psychosocial aspects may have a relevant role as predisposing, triggering, and/or perpetuating factors for this syndrome, raising the interest about life history of patients with fibromyalgia. In this study, we interviewed 10 women with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, who had identified a critical or very stressful life event before the onset of the syndrome. The interview about the life history comprises the whole life, before and after the onset of the syndrome, and the narratives were analyzed with interpretative phenomenological analysis. Nine themes emerged: struggle, focus on adversities, positive overlaps the negative, scars of unhappy childhood, help others, perfectionism and desire to achieve, unsatisfactory present, perception of injustice, and keep feelings inside. A difficult life history is prevalent in these women and the themes identified are discussed in their relation with other qualitative studies and their possible role as predisposing and perpetuating factors for fibromyalgia. The ability to value the positive side of things, despite the adversities these women emphasized, is highlighted as an aspect to explore in psychological intervention, to enable a better management of this syndrome

    Patterns of psychotherapy development: A mixed-method analysis using assimilation indices

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    Understanding how assimilation develops is essential in promoting personal change. By attending to signs or indices of assimilation in the speech of clients, therapists can use this process to assess how the therapy is developing and to tailor intervention. The system of assimilation indices was developed to use assimilation to understand the process of change. This system signals five sub-processes of assimilation: external distress, pain, noticing, decentring, and action. This study consisted of a longitudinal mixed-method analysis, following a multiple cases embedded design. The system of assimilation indices was applied to the recordings of nine psychotherapies and contrasted with both the outcome of the therapy and the perspectives of the therapists and clients about their therapy process. The results show that the system of indices is useful in understanding multiple pathways for assimilation. The system of indices is seen as a useful tool for understanding assimilation and as having clinical value in anticipating challenges to the success of the therapy. This study also shows how the indices are sensitive to the nuances in the change process observed in clinical settings.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    In the scope of the INSHORE project (INtegrated System for High Operational REsolution in Shore Monitorisation), a low cost and high efficiency monitoring system is under development, being adequate for sandy shore surveying (from the foreshore to backshore), which integrates two prototype systems for morphological and sedimentary data survey. The first prototype system is a high resolution GPS based system incorporated on a four-wheel motor quad. This system allows the morphological survey of sandy beaches stretches with tens of kilometres in just a few hours, resulting on the production of 3D digital elevation models and respective characterisation of the main morphological features. The second prototype system is a digital image system for an automatic sand textural analysis, using image processing techniques. This system, when integrated with the former, allows a geo-referenced and real-time grain size textural analysis of a great number of samples along the sector under study

    A Precise and Efficient Methodology to Analyse the

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    The shoreline change rate is one of the most significant parameters in analysing sandy shore behaviour with time. This parameter can be monitored by means of low- and high-resolution survey methods, depending on the objectives of the monitoring programme. Survey efficiency is also very important for achieving high resolution in both space and time. Another important aspect is the precision and significance of the obtained results, not only from the survey method itself but also from the comparative analysis used to process the data from several surveys. The survey method and the processing algorithms are the basis of shoreline analysis. This paper presents an evaluation of two proposed highresolution methods that are simultaneously highly accurate and very efficient. These methods are based on a global positioning system (GPS) in differential mode for surveying and on novel algorithms for assessing the spatial change rate of the shoreline. The most significant difference of the two presented survey systems is the physical support: whereas one uses a land vehicle (motor-quad) to delineate the shoreline in wide straight coastal stretches, the other considers an onfoot simplified version to survey small, more irregular stretches. The analysis of the error associated with the proposed methodologies is thoroughly described in this paper. In both modes of operation, system-inherent errors are within the centimetre level—in general lower than 0.05 m. Operation-specific errors can remain within the centimetre level, but if instrument handling is careless in the on-foot survey method, they can reach decimetre levels. If successive monitoring surveys are not carried out under similar field morphological conditions, when the frontal dune baseline is adopted as a shoreline indicator, rough errors can be introduced. Two case studies of the application of these methods, evaluating the shoreline evolution of two distinct coastal regions in Portugal, are presented

    New land-based method for surveying sandy shores

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    The INSHORE system (INtegrated System for High Operational REsolution in shore monitoring) is a land-base survey system designed and developed for the specific task of monitoring the evolution in time of sandy shores. This system was developed with two main objectives: (1) to produce highly accurate 3D coordinates of surface points (in the order of 0.02 to 0.03 m); and (2) to be extremely efficient in surveying a beach stretch of several kilometres. Previous tests have demonstrated that INSHORE systems fulfil such objectives. Now, the usefulness of the INSHORE system as a survey tool for the production of Digital ElevationModels (DEMs) of sandy shores is demonstrated. For this purpose, the comparison of DEMs obtained with the INSHORE system and with other relevant survey techniques is presented. This comparison focuses on the finalDEM accuracy and also on the survey efficiency and its impact on the costs associated with regular monitoring programmes. The field survey method of the INSHORE system, based on profile networks, has a productivity of about 30 to 40 ha/h, depending on the beach surface characteristics. The final DEM precision, after interpolation of the global positioning system profile network, is approximately 0.08 to 0.12 m (RMS), depending on the profile network’s density. Thus, this is a useful method for 3D representation of sandy shore surfaces and can permit, after interpolation, reliable calculations of volume and other physical parameters

    Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Portuguese version of the family resilience questionnaire – short form (FaRE-SF-P) in women with breast cancer

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to acknowledge clinicians from the Breast and Neuropsychiatry Units of the Champalimaud Clinical Centre (Champalimaud Foundation), for assistance in patient recruitment and assessment, and the BOUNCE and FAITH Consortium members for their contributions to this study. Funding Information: RL is supported by the 2018 Scientific Employment Stimulus from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (CEECIND/04157/2018). DF, BC, BS, and AO-M were supported by the BOUNCE project (grant agreement number 777167), and DS and AO-M are supported by the FAITH project (grant agreement number 875358), both funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. AO-M is supported by grants FCT-PTDC/MEC-PSQ/30302/2017-IC&DT-LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER, and FCT-PTDC/MED-NEU/31331/2017, both funded by FCT/MCTES and the former co-funded by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement Lisboa 2020 – Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2023 Almeida, Rodrigues da Silva, Frasquilho, Costa, Sousa, Mourinho Baptista, Grácio, Lemos and Oliveira-Maia.Background: A diagnosis of cancer, and the resulting treatment process, can be perceived as a life-threatening event, affecting not only patients but also their social network and, more specifically, their relatives. While the ability to cope and adjust to difficult health situations may be challenging, family resilience may optimize a positive adaptation to adversity and contribute to enhance the patient’s quality of life. The Family Resilience Questionnaire (FaRE) is a self-report measure of family resilience that assesses this construct systematically. We aimed to validate the Portuguese version of a short form of the FaRE (FaRE-SF-P) in a sample of women with breast cancer. Methods: 147 women recently diagnosed with early breast cancer were recruited at the Champalimaud Clinical Centre in Lisbon. Participants completed psychometric assessment including the Portuguese version of the FaRE-SF-P, composed by two subscales of the original version – the FaRE Perceived Family Coping (FaRE-PFC) and the FaRE Communication and Cohesion (FaRE-CC). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to assess the factor structure of the FaRE-SF-P. Construct validity was assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) for divergent validity, and the Modified Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (mMOS-SS) as well as the social functioning subscale from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) for convergent validity. Results: The CFA results confirmed a correlated two-factor structure model consistent with the Perceived Family Coping and the Communication and Cohesion subscales. Internal consistency reliability indicated good values both for Perceived Family Coping and Communication and Cohesion subscales. The results for construct validity showed acceptable convergent and divergent validity. Discussion: The FaRE-SF-P showed good psychometric properties demonstrating to be a valid and reliable family resilience measure to use in Portuguese women diagnosed with breast cancer. Since FaRE-SF-P is a short instrument it may be a useful screening tool in an oncological clinical practice routine.publishersversionpublishe