The INSHORE system (INtegrated
System for High Operational REsolution in shore
monitoring) is a land-base survey system designed
and developed for the specific task of monitoring
the evolution in time of sandy shores. This system
was developed with two main objectives: (1) to
produce highly accurate 3D coordinates of surface
points (in the order of 0.02 to 0.03 m); and (2)
to be extremely efficient in surveying a beach
stretch of several kilometres. Previous tests have
demonstrated that INSHORE systems fulfil such objectives. Now, the usefulness of the INSHORE
system as a survey tool for the production of
Digital ElevationModels (DEMs) of sandy shores
is demonstrated. For this purpose, the comparison
of DEMs obtained with the INSHORE system
and with other relevant survey techniques is presented.
This comparison focuses on the finalDEM
accuracy and also on the survey efficiency and
its impact on the costs associated with regular
monitoring programmes. The field survey method
of the INSHORE system, based on profile networks,
has a productivity of about 30 to 40 ha/h,
depending on the beach surface characteristics.
The final DEM precision, after interpolation of
the global positioning system profile network, is
approximately 0.08 to 0.12 m (RMS), depending
on the profile network’s density. Thus, this is a
useful method for 3D representation of sandy
shore surfaces and can permit, after interpolation,
reliable calculations of volume and other physical