368 research outputs found

    CE 341A-003: Soil Mechanics Lab

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    CE 341A-002: Soil Mechanics Lab

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    CE 341A-006: Soil Mechanics Lab

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    CE 341A-101: Soil Mechanics Lab

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    Does early identification of children with otitis media with effusion prevent difficulties in language development?

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    Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a common condition across the world with a high prevalence in infants and young children, with almost 80–90% of all children experiencing at east a single episode before the age of 1 year. Ear and hearing problems caused by otitis media (OM) are also highly prevalent. Despite this, it is often asymptomatic and difficult to identify in early stages. The association between otitis media and developmental problems is hypothesized to be linked to the hearing loss that accompanies the bouts of otitis media.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gastrointestinal parasites in Przewaslki’s horses (Equus ferus przewalskii), in Pentezug Wild horse reserve, Hortobagy National Park, Hungary

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaEquus ferus przewalskii, currently assumed as subspecies of E. ferus, is considered as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The ex situ conservation has been crucial for the continued preservation of this subspecies, once considered extinct in the wild. The Pentezug Wildhorse Reserve, located in the Hortobágy National Park, in Hungary, has one of the biggest ex situ populations of Przewalski’s horses and it’s aimed to preserve its typical landscape and to study wild horses in a semi-wild habitat, making part of this subspecies reintroduction plan. Currently, this population comprises almost 280 Przewalski's horses, sharing the area with a population of domestic cattle (Bos primigenius taurus), carefully bred to reconstructed aurochs (Bos primigenius). In this study, 79 faecal samples were collected and the coprological methods (McMaster, Willis floatation, natural sedimentation, Baermann and coproculture) and corresponding microscopic identification were performed in all the samples. Results show an average level of 1286.7 Eggs per Gram (EPG), which is considered a high level of parasitism. All the 79 samples analysed were positive for strongylid-type eggs (100% prevalence) (79/79), with a dominance of the cyasthostominae, when compared to strongylinae and tricostrongylidae. Moreover, a total of 15 different morphological L3 types and/or species identified of the order Strongylida. Additionally, 27.8% (22/79) were positive to Parascaris sp. and 2.5% (2/79) contained Oxyuris equi in their expelled faeces. By the sedimentation method, we could only evidence a Trematoda egg (1/79). In the subfamily Cyathostominae, L3 of cyathostomins type A showed 100% prevalence. In Strongilinae, Strongylus vulgaris is the most prevalent (40.5%), followed by Triodontophorus serratus (12.7%). These results are consistent with the other studies performed in the same subspecies and represent the first survey of gastrointestinal parasites performed with this level of detail in this population of Przewalski’s horses. Statistically, this study revealed that animals infected by Parascaris spp. tend to be positive in association with cyathostomins type C. In the same way, animals infected by T.serratus tend to be positive for Poteriostomum spp., possibly due to the propensity of juveniles for these two parasites revealed in this study. Furthermore, males have more S. vulgaris infections than females and animals infected by S. vulgaris tend to have lower levels of EPG. These results reveal the importance of parasite monitoring in wild ex situ populations, especially those that can be part of a reintroduction program, to better-knowing their pathogenic potential, possible parasite associations, predisposition factors and consequences for the subspecies conservation.RESUMO - Parasitas gastrointestinais em cavalos de Przewalski (Equus ferus przewalskii), na reserva de cavalo selvagem do Pentezug, Parque Nacional de Hortobágy, Hungria - Equus ferus przewaslkii é classificada como uma subespécie de E. ferus. Presentemente, encontra-se em perigo, segundo a União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza (IUCN), apesar de já ter assumido o estatuto de Extinta na Natureza. Por este motivo, a conservação ex situ tem tido um papel crucial na conservação desta subespécie. A reserva de cavalo selvagem do Pentezug, inserida no parque nacional de Hortobágy, na Hungria, tem uma das maiores populações ex situ de cavalo de Przewalski, com os principais propósitos de conservar a paisagem característica da região e aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre a subespécie, fazendo parte do seu programa de reintrodução. Atualmente, esta população é composta por cerca de 280 cavalos de Przewalski, que partilham a pastagem com uma população de bovinos domésticos (Bos primigenius taurus), selecionada de forma a apresentar um fenótipo semelhante ao auroque (Bos primigenius). Foram colhidas 79 amostras fecais e os métodos coprológicos (McMaster, flutuação de Willis, sedimentação natural, Baermann e coprocultura) e a respetiva identificação microscópica foram executados para todas as amostras. Os resultados demonstraram um nível de parasitismo médio de 1286,7 ovos por grama (OPG), o que representa um valor elevado. Todas as amostras foram positivas para ovos do tipo estrongilídeo (100% de prevalência) (79/79), com uma dominância dos ciatosmíneos, comparando com estrongílideos e tricostrongilídeos, e revelaram uma diversidade de 15 espécies ou morfotipos de L3 dentro da ordem Strongylida. Adicionalmente, 27,8% (22/79) foram positivas para Parascaris sp., 2,5% (2/79) dos animais continham Oxyuris equi nas fezes expelidas e numa amostra foi detetado um ovo de trematode (1/79). As L3 de ciatostomíneos de tipo A revelaram uma prevalência de 100%. Na subfamília Strongilinae, Strongylus vulgaris foi o mais prevalente (40.5%), seguido de Triodontophorus serratus (12,7%). Estes resultados são consistentes com outros estudos efetuados na espécie e representam o 1º estudo parasitológico na população de Pentezug, realizado com este nível de detalhe. Estatisticamente, este estudo revelou que animais positivos a Parascaris spp. tendem a ser positivos para ciatostomíneos do tipo C. O mesmo acontece entre T. serratus e Poteriostomum spp., possivelmente devido à predisposição dos juvenis para estes dois parasitas revelada neste estudo. Do mesmo modo, os machos têm mais infeções por S. vulgaris do que as fêmeas e os animais positivos para este parasita tendem a ter níveis mais baixos de OPG. Estes resultados demonstram a importância da monitorização parasitológica em populações ex situ, especialmente as que fazem parte de um programa de reintrodução, com o objetivo de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o poder patogénico dos agentes, possíveis coinfeções, fatores de risco e consequências para a conservação da subespécie.N/

    Development of bio-batteries based on electrospun membranes

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-MCTES) under the grant SFRH/BD/69306/201

    Metadata for the energy performance certificates of buildings in smart cities

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    SusCity is a MIT Portugal project that falls within the scope of smart cities. One of its tasks aims to research and develop metadata artefacts to be used in the scope of a Linked Open Data platform. In this article, we report the process and results associated with the development of the following metadata artefacts: an application profile, a metadata schema and four controlled vocabularies. The application field is the energy certification of buildings. For the development of the application profile, we inspired ourselves in the Me4MAP method although we did not use it thoroughly. The creation of the metadata schema and controlled vocabularies involved the use of Wikidata, so all new terms (RDFS classes and properties and SKOS concepts) are related to Wikidata terms. The results include the application profile, the metadata schema and the controlled vocabularies. The application profile has 13 properties, four of which are new. The controlled vocabulary on measures for energy performance has 22 new terms spread over four levels. The remaining controlled vocabularies just hold a few terms each. All the artefacts are open to the community for use and reuse.(FCT/MITP-TB/CS/0026/2013)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Significative Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 3CL- Protease by Camellia sinensis Galloylated theaflavins: Processing conditions to maximize TF-3,3 -DG content

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    ABSTRACT: Since the last decade of the 19th century, the Camellia sinensis tea plant is commercially produced in one unique place in Europe, the volcanic São Miguel Island of the Azores Archipelago (Portugal) [1,2]. The molecular constituents of C. sinensis, in particular the galloylated theaflavins, mainly theaflavin-3,3’-di-O-gallate (TF-3,3’-DG), have been reported to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro), a crucial enzyme required for the cleavage of its polyproteins (1a and 1ab) to produce vital individual functional proteins for viral cell replication [3]. According to Ohgitani [4] the virus treated with galloylated theaflavins, particularly TF-3,3’-DG, at 100 µM showed less than 1/10.000 infectivity compared to untreated virus. The TF-3,3’-DG content increased 50.91% with increased fermentation time from 1 to 3 hrs at room temperature (RT) and increased 41.26% at 35 °C of fermentation temperature. Furthermore, TF-3,3’-DG increased 29.40% with increasing temperature from RT to 70 °C in short extraction time (1:30 hrs) and oppositely decreased 18.44% with increasing temperature from RT to 70 °C in long extraction time (16:00 hrs). Taking all of the in vitro reported studies by several research teams and the in vivo results comparing the COVID-19 infections (mortality per million of population) in high tea consumption (4.28%) as compared with low tea consumption countries [5], the aim of this study was to investigate the steps of tea manufacturing conditions which lead to maximum TF-3,3’-DG content and, given its potential impact as an inhibitor of the 3CLpro enzyme, to create a novel antiviral Azorean black tea.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio