184 research outputs found

    Distributional costs of the housing-price bust

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    In considering whether asset-price bubbles should be offset through policy, an important issue is who pays the price when the bubble bursts. A bust that reduces the wealth of well-off households only may have small welfare costs, but costs may be sizable if broad swaths of households are affected. This paper uses micro data from the American Community Survey to examine how the recent housing bust affected households' employment, homeownership, home values, and housing costs. To separate dynamics of the housing bust from those of the aggregate downturn, we differentiate between metropolitan areas that did and did not experience bubbles. We find that, for most measures, deteriorations in well-being were more severe in bubble metros than elsewhere, and for several measures, differential effects on less-educated households were also more severe. This underscores the importance of keeping housing markets from overheating, as burdens of adjustment fall differentially on people not well prepared to bear them.JEL classification: R21, D31, D12, E32

    Design and Analysis of Robust H-infinity Controller

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    This paper presents a simplified step by step procedure for the design of H? controller for a given system.  H? control synthesis is found to guarantee robustness and good performance.  It provides high disturbance rejection, guaranteeing high stability for any operating conditions. H infinity controller can be designed using various techniques, but H infinity loop shaping finds wide acceptance since the performance requisites can be incorporated in the design stage as performance weights.  Here this technique has been utilized to address some simple problems. Simulation results are given in the end to verify the validity of technique. Keywords: H-infinity, loop shaping, weight selection, robust control, sensitivit


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    The Indonesian needs to improve at least in the sector of the ability to communicate in business using English. Secretary, included as one component of the administrative ranks in the business world. English for basic operational level is one of the supporting competencies in almost all of the Standards, including in the SKKNI of company service sector for office administration and secretary.  This research seek “How is the current syllabus of English for profession for secretary administration program at IPI Leppindo designed?, How does the current syllabus reflect the needs of student, needs of stakeholders and the standards of SKKNI?, and What component are needed to develop syllabus in order to satisfy the needs of students, the needs of stakeholders and the standards of SKKI?”. It was a qualitative evaluation research. The data was obtained by interview, questionnaire, documentation, and observation. The minimum content of the syllabi stated in Paragraph 3 Article 12 of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 49 Year 2014 about National Standard of Higher Education has not been fulfilled. Furthermore, the study program has not adopted the Degree of the Minister of Labor and Transmigration Number Kep. 195/MEN/IV/2007 about The Establishment of Indonesian National Labor Competency Standards of Company Service Sector for office. The present situation analysis, strategy, and deficiency analysis were not paid attention by the institution. The results of means analysis is not matched with what has been stantdardized in the SKKNI of office administration sector for secretary administration (2007)

    Pandemic Portrayed: Learning Style in Online Learning

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    Learning style is one of the most important factors in determining how students learn and has a significant effect on student learning strategies, which in turn affects their learning outcomes. It refers to the methods by which students collect, store, and extract material. Since pandemic came to all over the world, all od aspect in teaching and learning process is changing. It is included to students’s learning style. Some issues were discovered during online learning, especially in English learning for students at the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi. By these issues, it seems that there is a doubt of how they really learn from online learning. The aim of this study is to report data on the types of students' learning styles used in their English online learning. Data were analyzed using The VARK Questionnaire by Neil Fleming. This research uses the qualitative descriptive method. The population of this research was 1st semester of Management Department students in the academic year 2020. There were three classes; R.B1, R.A7 and R.B3. The result shows that the majority of students in this research used kinesthetic learning style. Then audio learning is the next place, then followed by reading and writing learning style. And the last is visual learning style


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    Abstrak Secara umum tujuan dari program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan pengolahan air limbah pembuatan nata de coco kepada PKK RT 49 Kelurahan Kenali Besar Kecamatan Alam Barajo Kota Jambi yang dapat memberikan tambahan pendapatan. Adapun tujuan khusus adalah: (1) Memberikan pengetahuan kepada pedagang kelapa parut dan mitranya tentang pengolahan nata de coco, (2) Memberikan pengetahuan kepada ibu-ibu PKK RT 49 tentang pengolahan nata de coco menjadi berbagai macam rasa, (3) Berbagi pengetahuan dengan ibu-ibu PKK RT 49 tentang cara membuat kemasan lebih menarik, Terakhir (4) Meningkatkan pengelolaan dan memperluas jaringan pemasaran. Metode yang digunakan adalah: (1) Sosialisasi pengetahuan tentang nata de coco, (2) Penyuluhan dan pelatihan pengolahan air limbah kelapa menjadi nata de coco kepada ibu-ibu PKK RT 49 Desa Kelali Besar Kecamatan Alam Barajo (3) Peningkatan Mutu Sumber Daya Manusia, dan (4) Pelatihan Promosi Produk Usaha Kecil Menengah melalui Internet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat peserta terhadap kegiatan tersebut sangat besar. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan antusiasnya para peserta untuk mengikuti dan memperhatikan setiap materi yang disampaikan, serta keinginan mereka untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang proses nata de coco. Berdasarkan kumpulan informasi yang dikumpulkan oleh tim, salah satu kunci keberhasilan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah keinginan mereka untuk mendapatkan penghasilan lebih, terutama karena melimpahnya bahan baku pembuatan nata de coco di lingkungan mereka. Kata kunci : Air limbah kelapa, Nata de Coco, Pelatihan pemanfaatan limbah  Abstract In general, the aim of the community service program is to provide training in waste water treatment for making nata de coco to the PKK RT 49 Kelurahan Kenali Besar, Alam Barajo District, Jambi City, which can provide additional income. The specific objectives are: (1) Providing knowledge to shredded coconut traders and their partners about processing nata de coco, (2) Providing knowledge to PKK RT 49 women about processing nata de coco into various kinds of flavors, (3) Sharing knowledge with mothers -ibu PKK RT 49 on how to make packaging more attractive, Finally (4) Improve their management and expand their marketing network.The methods used were: (1) Dissemination of knowledge on nata de coco, (2) Counseling and training on processing coconut waste water into nata de coco to PKK women RT 49 Kelali Besar Village, Alam Barajo District (3) Improving the Quality of Human Resources, and (4) Training on Product Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises through the Internet. The results showed that the participants' interest in the activity was very large. This was shown by the enthusiasm of the participants to follow and pay attention to each material presented, as well as their desire to know more about the nata de coco process. Based on the aggregate information collected by the team, one of the keys to the successful implementation of this activity is their desire to earn more income, especially because of the abundance of raw materials for making nata de coco in their environment. Keywords : Wastewater coconut, Nata de Coco, Waste utilization trainin

    Competitive algorithms for generalized k-server in uniform metrics

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    Workshop Inklusi Kesadaran Pajak Pada Guru SD/MI Di Kota Jambi

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    ABSTRAK  Inklusi kesadaran pajak dalam pendidikan sangat diperlukan dengan dilatarbelakangi yang pertama, tingkat kepatuhan wajib pajak yang masih rendah, yang kedua, potensi pajak masih banyak belum tergali, dan ketiga perlunya  memberikan pengertian tentang sadar pajak kepada tenaga pendidik SD/MI melalui pemberian materi kesadaran pajak dalam proses pendidikan (kurikulum, pembelajaran, perbukuan dan kesiswaan.. Mitra merupakan guru-guru SD/MI di lingkungan kota Jambi yang perlu diberikan pengetahuan inklusi kesadaran pajak karena capaian pembelajaran pajak diawali sedari dini dimulai dari tingkat sekolah dasar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai kesadaran pajak dalam sistem pendidikan nasional agar dapat diajarkan oleh para guru secara terstruktur, sistematis, dan berkesinambungan, melalui kurikulum, pembelajaran, perbukuan, dan kesiswaan, serta kegiatan ini pun bertujuan untuk membangun generasi penerus bangsa yang berkualitas dan berkarakter; menunjukkan nilai-nilai kesadaran pajak sebagai bagian dari bela negara dan cinta tanah air. Metode Pelaksanaan ini berlangsung selama 2 (dua) bulan di Kota Jambi, dengan para peserta adalah para guru SD/MI, mengambil tempat di SMAN 5 Jambi, dengan metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah ceramah dan diskusi serta praktek mengajar mata pelajaran dengan mengintegrasikan materi kesadaran pajak pada konsep pembelajaran terpadu. Hasil yang didapat dari diskusi dan tanya jawab ini berujung pada kesepakatan bahwa menanamkan kesadaran tentang pajak patut diberikan melalui kurikulum pendidikan wajib dan projek belajar tentang sadar pajak oleh para siswa Sekolah Dasar. Dampak dari pengabdian ini para guru SD/MI menyadari pentingnya urgensi pajak bagi masa depan dan hidup berbangsa, bermasyarakat, dan bernegara dan satu konsep dalam menanamkan kesadaran pajak pada siswa di sekolah asal mereka melalui pendidikan di sekolah dengan konsep pembelajaran yang menarik. Kata Kunci: Inklusi Kesadaran Pajak, Kesadaran Pajak, Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Guru SD/MI ABSTRACT The inclusion of tax awareness in education is very much needed with the background of the first, the low level of taxpayers, the second, the potential for many taxes has not been explored, and the third is the need to instill tax awareness in SD / MI teachers through the integration of tax awareness materials in the education process curriculum, learning, book keeping and student / student affairs). Partners are SD / MI teachers in the city of Jambi who need to be given knowledge of tax awareness inclusion because tax learning achievements start from an early age starting from the elementary school level. This activity aims to integrate the values of tax awareness in the national education system so that teachers can build it in a structured, systematic and sustainable manner, through curriculum, learning, book keeping, and student affairs, and this activity also aims to build quality and the quality of future generations of the nation. in character; shows the values of tax awareness as part of defending the country and loving the country. The implementation method lasts for 2 (two) months in Jambi City, with participants being SD / MI teachers, taking place at SMAN 5 Jambi, with the method of implementing activities is lectures and discussions and teaching practice of subjects by integrating tax awareness material into the learning concept integrated. The results obtained from this discussion and question and answer led to an agreement that instilling awareness about taxes should be provided through the compulsory education curriculum and learning projects about tax  by elementary school students. The impact of this dedication of SD / MI teachers realizes the importance of taxes for the survival of the nation, society and state and agrees to instill tax awareness in students in their home schools through education in schools with interesting learning concepts. Keywords: Inclusion of Tax Awareness, Tax Awareness, National Education System, SD / MI Teacher

    Islamic State Senior High School: The Effect of Using Talking Stick Method on Student’s Speaking Performance

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    This study discussed about using Talking Stick Method on students’ speaking skill at MAN 3 Kota Jambi. The goals of the research are to find out the effect of Talking Stick Method on Students’ Speaking Performance after being taught by using Talking Stick Method and to find out significant different between students’ who are taught by using Talking Stick Method and those who are not. This research used quasi experimental method with quantitative approach. Sample of the research were 60 students which experimental class was 30 students and control class 30 students. The data collection is used pre-test and post-test. Data analysis is used speaking test. The result of this research shows that applying Talking Stick Method affected on students’ speaking performance. It can be seen at paired sample t- test and independent sample t-test. The result of the average students’ speaking score from the same group who taught by using Talking Stick Method got score 0.000 which can be seen from criteria of hypothesis if the score lower than 0.05 it means Ha is accepted. And the result of independent sample t- test shows that the mean of different was 13. 26667 and the  significant 2-tailed ? 0.05 (0.000 ? 0.05). It can be seen there are difference effect of students’ speaking skill between experimental and control class. To sum up, it can be concluded that there was any difference significant effect of students’ speaking skill between students’ who were taught by using Talking Stick Method and students who were taught by using conventional Method at MAN 3 Kota Jambi.

    Entomological assessment of lymphatic filariasis transmission in "hotspot" and control districts after several rounds of mass drug administration in Ghana

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    Background Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a major health problem, which mostly affects individuals in tropical and subtropical regions despite global efforts to control and interrupt its transmission in endemic countries. An estimated 120 million are infected, with about 40 million disfigured and incapacitated worldwide. The main strategy for the control of LF by the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) is through mass chemotherapy. In West Africa, specifically in Ghana, mass drug administration (MDA) commenced in the year 2000 with endemic districts receiving at least eight rounds of treatment. In principle, transmission of infections should have been interrupted in all areas after this long period of treatment with reported therapeutic coverage of more than 65%. However, recent information gathered from the Ghana Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme Unit has revealed ongoing transmission in some districts despite their involvement in at least eight rounds of MDA. The main aim of the GPELF is to eliminate this disease by year 2020. However, the current elimination status in Ghana poses a serious challenge in meeting this goal. It is therefore important to investigate driving factors that could possibly be responsible for the observed ongoing LF transmission in endemic districts in Ghana having undergone several rounds of MDA. This will provide information that will add on to existing evidence for appropriate intervention or approach specific to each district. Aim and objectives The main aim of this study was to explicitly look at entomological and sociological factors which might possibly be contributing to persistent LF transmission in “hotspot” districts, together with the development and validation of a community-based vector collection system. The specific objectives were (i) to establish a system for collecting large numbers of mosquito samples for xenomonitoring, through the development of a community-based vector collection system; (ii) to determine the mosquito species composition in the various study districts; (iii) to determine the role of different species of mosquitoes in the transmission of lymphatic filariasis in the “hotspot” and control districts; (iv) to determine the role and variations in the cibarial armature of different mosquito species in the study communities; and (v) to undertake a questionnaire survey to determine compliance to MDA and possession and use of bednets and other vector control measures in the study districts. Methods This study was conducted in Ahanta West and Kassena Nankana West districts located in the Western and Upper East regions of Ghana, respectively. Both study areas were identified as “hotspot” districts in the country by the Ghana Neglected Tropical Disease Unit of the Ghana Health Service. This was due to high prevalence of LF in sentinel and cross check communities. Additionally, two control districts, Mpohor and Bongo, were also selected due to their zero microfilariae (mf) prevalence. A 13-month (July 2015 - July 2016) collection of mosquitoes was concurrently conducted in all study districts. This involved the training of community vector collectors (CVCs) in the various mosquito collection methods, which included human landing catches, pyrethrum spray catches and window exit traps. Supervisors were further trained on how to package samples for shipment to the Noguchi research team. Sampled mosquitoes from the respective districts were later subjected to molecular analysis for the detection of Wuchereria bancrofti infections as well as determine the sibling species of the Anopheles gambiae complex. Mosquito dissections were also done to estimate various entomological transmission indices. Variations in cibarial armatures of various mosquito species were investigated by clearing of mosquito heads with chloral hydrate to make cibarial teeth visible for counting. Questionnaires were administered in the various districts to obtain information on MDA compliance and vector control activities. Data were also obtained from the Ghana Neglected Tropical Disease Unit on the number of rounds and MDA coverage in the respective districts. Results A total number of 31,064 mosquitoes were collected from all the districts using human landing collections, pyrethrum spray catches and windows exit traps. Mosquitoes sampled were Aedes, Anopheles coustani, An. gambiae, An. pharoensis, Culex and Mansonia species. Molecular identification of An. gambiae complex showed An. gambiae s.s. in all districts. An. arabiensis and An. melas sibling species were identified from Kassena Nankana West/Bongo and Ahanta West districts, respectively. Furthermore, there was no difference in the shape and mean number of cibarial teeth of mosquitoes collected from hotspot and control districts in the Western and Upper East regions. In general, MDA coverage was ≥65% for all districts. However, MDA coverage in the Upper East region was <65% for Kassena Nankana West in 2003 and 2004/2005 in Bongo district. Validation of mosquitoes sampled by CVCs showed no significant difference in the numbers sampled by CVCs and the research team in the dry (P = 0.258) and rainy (P = 0.309) season in southern Ghana. However, there was significant difference in the numbers sampled by research team and CVCs during the rainy (P = 0.005) and dry (P = 0.033) season in northern Ghana. Assessment of the cost-effectiveness of sampling mosquitoes for xenomonitoring activities using CVCs and research team was done. Results indicated that the cost of sampling mosquitoes was lower using CVCs compared to research team (USD 15.17 vs 53.74 USD). The highest recurrent and capital cost was personnel (USD 21,370.04) and transportation (USD 2,900.14) costs, respectively. Furthermore, the assessment of W. bancrofti infection in mosquitoes as post-MDA surveillance tool using xenomonitoring was done. Results showed the sampling method human landing collections (27,739: 89.3%) recording the highest number of mosquitoes, followed by pyrethrum spray collections (2,687: 8.7%) and windows exit traps (638: 2.1%). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) showed the high presence of An. coluzzii species in almost all districts. Dissections reported the presence of W. bancrofti in An. melas from Ahanta West district. Also, the annual transmission potential (ATP) for An. melas from the Ahanta West district was 7.4. Conclusion/recommendations Persistent LF transmission in “hotspot” areas in this study presents information that shows the importance of local understanding of factors affecting elimination of LF. However, the study shows that it is feasible to use CVCs to sample large numbers of mosquitoes with minimal supervision. It is also cost-effective to use CVCs to collect mosquitoes for xenomonitoring compared to a dedicated research team. The inclusion of CVCs in xenomonitoring activities promotes active community participation and ownership of vector control activities. Additionally, W. bancrofti infections are found and sustained in Ahanta West district in An. melas that uses the phenomenon of limitation for lymphatic filariasis transmission. This study also showed the possibility of using xenomonitoring as a post-MDA surveillance tool. We recommend that LF interventions should consider spatial heterogeneities and best approach to use in all endemic foci. Moreover, xenomonitoring should be considered in the decision-making processes to stop or continue MDA by stakeholders and programme managers. Also, mosquito traps and sampling methods should be safe, practical and convenient for CVCs to use with less supervision and the inclusion of vector control activities by programme managers and stakeholders in planning intervention programmes
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