82 research outputs found
Acromial type in Brazilian young adults: a radiological study
Introduction: Acromion curved and hooked play a key role in shoulder impingement syndrome. Little is known about the acromial type in Brazilian population. Aim: To describe the acromial type profile in Brazilian young adults; to evaluate its correlation to gender and handedness and the occurrence of symmetry between genders. Methodology: Forty acromions of 20 Brazilian adults, both genders, between 21-25 years old were studied. The acromion type was classified by Bigliani/Epstein method by supraspinatus outlet view radiographs. Results: As there was no gender difference in the occurrence of acromial type, we considered male and female groups together. Thus, of the 20 right acromions, we found 5 (25%) type I, 8 (40%) type II and 7 (35%) type III. Of the 20 left acromions, we found 4 (20%) type I, 11 (55%) type II and 5 (25%) type III. The only left-handed volunteer (100%) presented for the right and left shoulder acromial type III. Of the 19 right-handed volunteers, 5 (26.3%) presented right acromion type I, 8 (42.1%) type II, and 6 (31.6%) type III; for the left acromion, 4 (21.1%) presented type I, 11 (57.9%) type II, and 4 (21.1%) type III. Acromial symmetry occurred in female (60%) and male (70%) groups. Conclusion: Type II acromion was the most predominant for right and left shoulder in Brazilian young adults. There was no correlation between acromial type and gender. It was not possible to analyze the correlation between acromial type and handedness. Acromial type tends to be symmetric in our sample
Association of organized physical activity and levels of cardiorespiratory fitness with indicators of mental health in children
To verify the associations between organized physical activity out of school (PA) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) with indicators of mental health in children. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 226 students (47% girls) of public school in the south of Brazil aged between 6 to 11 years-old (8.36 ± 1.46). The cardiorespiratory fitness was measured by running and walking-test in six minutes, following the procedures of the “Brazil Sports Project”. PA was evaluated through a question and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire assessed mental health indicators. Generalized linear regressions were used with a confidence interval of 95%. Results: Total difficulties (β = 2.691; 95%CI, 0.181 to 5.200) and emotional symptoms (β = 1.528; 95%CI, 0.609 to 2.448) were inversely associated with PA. Total difficulties (β = -0.013; 95%CI, -0.022 to -0.003), hyperactivity/attention deficit (β = -0.002; 95%CI, -0.010 to -0.002), and peer relationship problems (β = -0.002; 95%CI, -0.003 to -0.001) were associated with CRF in boys. Conclusion: A total of difficulties and emotional problems presented an inverse association with PA. Further, CRF was inversely associated with total difficulties, hyperactivity-inattention, and peer relationship problems
Biochemical Characterization of an In-House Coccidioides Antigen: Perspectives for the Immunodiagnosis of Coccidioidomycosis
The objective of this study was to evaluate the reactivity of an in-house antigen, extracted from a strain of C. posadasii isolated in northeastern Brazil, by radial immunodiffusion and Western blotting, as well as to establish its biochemical characterization. the protein antigen was initially extracted with the use of solid ammonium sulfate and characterized by 1-D electrophoresis. Subsequently, it was tested by means of double radial immunodiffusion and Western blotting. A positive reaction was observed against the antigen by both immunodiagnostic techniques tested on sera from patients suffering from coccidioidomycosis. Besides this, two immunoreactive protein bands were observed and were revealed to be a beta-glucosidase and a glutamine synthetase after sequencing of the respective N-terminal regions. Our in-house Coccidioides antigen can be promising as a quick and low-cost diagnostic tool without the risk of direct manipulation of the microorganism.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education PersonnelUniv Fed Ceara, Specialized Med Mycol Ctr, Sch Med, BR-60430270 Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniv Estadual Ceara, Postgrad Program Vet Sci, Sch Vet Med, BR-60740000 Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniv Fed Ceara, Dept Biochem & Mol Biol, BR-60455760 Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Immunol & Parasitol, BR-04021001 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Immunol & Parasitol, BR-04021001 São Paulo, BrazilCNPq: 302574/2009-3CNPq: 306637/2010-3Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel: CAPES/PNPD2103/2009Web of Scienc
Confiabilidade interavaliador do método de Bigliani para classificação do tipo acromial
Introdução: em 1875, Hamilton identificou o formato do acrômio como uma etiologia de dor no ombro. Neer, em 1972, descreveua síndrome do impacto no ombro como uma relação de causa e efeito entre a morfologia do acrômio e o impacto subacromial. Em1986, Bigliani et al. apresentaram um esquema de classificação do acrômio de acordo com o formato de sua superfície inferior:plano (tipo I), curvo (tipo II) e gancho (tipo III). Em 1993, Epstein et al. proporam que o acrômio tipo II apresentaria um declive emseu terço médio e o tipo III no seu terço anterior. Objetivo: avaliar a reprodutibilidade/confiabilidade interavaliador do método de Bigliani et al. (1986) refinado por Espstein et al. (1993) para a classificação do tipo acromial. Metodologia: casuística composta por 20 voluntários brasileiros, de ambos os gêneros, entre 21-25 anos. A incidência radiográfica utilizada para visualizar o formato do acrômio foi perfil de escápula. O tipo acromial foi classificado por três avaliadores. A reprodutibilidade e confiabilidade foram avaliadas pelo teste McNemar e pelo índice Kappa. Resultados: teste de McNemar com p > 0,05; índice Kappa entre 0,61 e 0,8; e probabilidade de significância p de Kappa < 0,05 confirmam a muito boa reprodutibilidade e confiabilidade do método para classificação do tipo acromial entre os três avaliadores. Conclusão: o método de Bigliani et al. (1986) refinado por Epstein et al. (1993) para classificaçãodo tipo acromial mostrou concordância entre todos os avaliadores confirmando a muito boa reprodutibilidade e confiabilidade entre os avaliadores do estudo
Propriedades de concretos produzidos com fresa de asfalto em substituição ao agregado miúdo
O constante aumento de manutenção de rodovias asfaltadas resulta em alta geração de resíduos. A preocupação com o meio ambiente e a redução de recursos naturais disponíveis têm levado à busca por materiais mais sustentáveis. Já se tem estudos e aplicações que analisam a viabilidade e os benefícios da utilização do resíduo de fresagem de asfalto no próprio pavimento, como reforço do subleito, sub-base e base da via. Há também estudos que verificam a substituição de agregado natural por agregado de fresagem na composição do concreto. Desta forma, o presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a influência da utilização de agregados graúdos reciclados com diferentes teores de substituição do agregado graúdo na produção de concretos. Será avaliado o comportamento do material no estado fresco, quanto a sua trabalhabilidade, e no estado endurecido, avaliando a resistência à compressão, módulo de elasticidade e absorção de água por imersão e capilaridade. O estudo tem como resultados esperados a produção de concretos reciclados com fresagem asfáltica que atendam aos requisitos de resistência mecânica apresentados pela NBR 12655:2015 e que apresentem absorção de água em níveis similares ao do concreto de referência
Avaliação de Propriedades Físicas e Mecânicas de Concretos Produzidos com a Utilização de Diferentes Impermeabilizantes
The objective of this work was to study the effect of hydrophobic and crystallizing agents applied to concrete, by carrying out axial compression resistance tests (NBR 16.889/2020), water absorption by immersion (NBR 9778/2009) and water absorption by capillarity (NBR 9779/2012). The results suggest the interference of the waterproofing additive in the mechanical properties of the concrete, causing a 37% drop in the resistance of concretes produced with water repellent additive and 28% for concretes with the addition of crystallizers. With regard to watertightness, the results indicate little effectiveness of waterproofing additives, in which a 7.83% reduction in absorption was obtained with the use of crystallizing additives and even a 1.44% increase in absorption with the use of water repellent additives.O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito de hidrofugantes e cristalizantes aplicados ao concreto, através da realização dos ensaios de resistência à compressão axial (NBR 16.889, 2020), absorção de água por imersão (NBR 9778, 2009) e absorção de água por capilaridade (NBR 9779, 2012). Os resultados sugerem a interferência do aditivo impermeabilizante nas propriedades mecânicas do concreto, causando queda de 37% da resistência de concretos produzidos com aditivo hidrofugante e 28% para concretos com adição de cristalizantes. No que diz respeito à estanqueidade, os resultados indicam pouca eficácia dos aditivos impermeabilizantes, em que se obteve 7,83% da redução da absorção com o uso de aditivos cristalizantes e, até mesmo, aumento de 1,44% da absorção com o uso de aditivos hidrofugantes
Over Restriction of Dietary Protein Allowance:The Importance of Ongoing Reassessment of Natural Protein Tolerance in Phenylketonuria
Phenylalanine (Phe) tolerance is highly variable in phenylketonuria (PKU) and rarely described in patients aged 12 years. Patients 12 years of age with PKU were systematically challenged with additional natural protein (NP) if blood Phe levels remained below 480 mu mol/L (i.e., upper target blood Phe level for patients aged 12 years using Portuguese PKU guidelines). In PKU patients, NP tolerance was calculated at baseline and a median of 6 months after systematic challenge with NP whilst patients were maintaining a blood Phe 480 mol/L. Anthropometry was assessed at both times. Routine blood Phe levels were collected. We studied 40 well-controlled PKU patients (10 hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA), 23 mild and 7 classic PKU), on a low-Phe diet with a mean age of 17 years (12-29 years). Median daily NP intake significantly increased between assessments (35 vs. 40 g/day, p = 0.01). Twenty-six patients (65%) were able to increase their median NP intake by a median 12 g/day (2-42 g)/day and still maintain blood Phe within target range. Out of the previous 26 patients, 20 (77%) (8 HPA, 11 mild and 1 classical PKU) increased NP from animal sources (e.g., dairy products, fish and meat) and 6 patients (23%) (3 mild and 3 classical PKU) from plant foods (bread, pasta, potatoes). Median protein equivalent intake from Phe-free/low-Phe protein substitute decreased (0.82 vs. 0.75 g/kg, p = 0.01), while median blood Phe levels remained unchanged (279 vs. 288 mol/L, p = 0.06). Almost two-thirds of patients with PKU tolerated additional NP when challenged and still maintained blood Phe within the national target range. This suggests that some patients with PKU treated by a low-Phe diet only may over restrict their NP intake. In order to minimise the burden of treatment and optimise NP intake, it is important to challenge with additional NP at periodic intervals
Association of Malaria Infection During Pregnancy With Head Circumference of Newborns in the Brazilian Amazon.
Importance: Malaria during pregnancy is associated with adverse events for the fetus and newborn, but the association of malaria during pregnancy with the head circumference of the newborn is unclear. Objective: To investigate the association of malaria during pregnancy with fetal head growth. Design, Setting, and Participants: Two cohort studies were conducted at the general maternity hospital of Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre, Brazil) in the Amazonian region. One cohort study prospectively enrolled noninfected and malaria-infected pregnant women who were followed up until delivery, between January 2013 and April 2015. The other cohort study was assembled retrospectively using clinical and malaria data from all deliveries that occurred between January 2012 and December 2013. Data analyses were conducted from January to August 2017 and revised in November 2018. Clinical data from pregnant women and anthropometric measures of their newborns were evaluated. A total of 600 pregnant women were enrolled through volunteer sampling (prospective cohort study), and 4697 pregnant women were selected by population-based sampling (retrospective cohort study). After application of exclusion criteria, data from 251 (prospective cohort study) and 232 (retrospective cohort study) malaria-infected and 158 (prospective cohort study) and 3650 (retrospective cohort study) noninfected women were evaluated. Exposure: Malaria during pregnancy. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary end point was the incidence of altered head circumference in newborns delivered from malaria-infected mothers compared with that from noninfected mothers. Secondary end points included measures of placental pathology relative to newborn head circumference. Results: In total, 4291 maternal-child pairs were analyzed. Among 409 newborns in the prospective cohort study, the mothers of 251 newborns had malaria during pregnancy, infected with Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, or both. Among 3882 newborns in the retrospective cohort study, 232 were born from mothers that had malaria during pregnancy. The prevalence of newborns with a small head (19 [30.7%] in the prospective cohort study and 30 [36.6%] in the retrospective cohort study) and the prevalence of microcephaly among newborns (5 [8.1%] in the prospective cohort study and 6 [7.3%] in the retrospective cohort study) were higher among newborns from women infected with P falciparum during pregnancy. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that P falciparum infection during pregnancy represented a significant risk factor for the occurrence of small head circumference in newborns (prospective cohort study: odds ratio, 3.15; 95% CI, 1.52-6.53; P = .002; retrospective cohort study: odds ratio, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.21-3.04; P = .006). Placental pathologic findings corroborated this association, with more syncytial nuclear aggregates and inflammatory infiltrates occurring in placentas of newborns born with decreased head circumference. Conclusions and Relevance: This study indicates that falciparum malaria during pregnancy is associated with decreased head circumference in newborns, which is in turn associated with evidence of placental malaria
Estudos da comissão especial de direito médico da OAB Tocantins: reflexões e perspectivas
- Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 347.56:614.25(81) E82c- Felippe Abu-Jamra Corrêa é o coordenador da obra
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