30 research outputs found

    Case report: Self-expanding transcatheter valve implantation (Acurate Neo 2) in a very small native aortic annulus

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    Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a treatment of choice in patients with symptomatic severe aortic valve stenosis (AS) and intermediate-to-high surgical risk. The presence of a small aortic annulus (SAA) has been associated with a higher incidence of prosthesis–patient mismatch (PPM) when surgical aortic valve replacement (sAVR) is performed. TAVR might be a treatment option offering better hemodynamics with a lower incidence of PPM. When a severe AS with a SAA is treated, TAVR-related risk as the coronary obstruction and the annulus rupture, must be also prevented. We present a case of a TAVR in a very small aortic annulus; to our knowledge, this is the smallest native aortic annulus treated percutaneously in a tricuspid stenotic aortic valve with a Self-Expanding Transcatheter Heart Valve (THV) Acurate Neo 2

    Cultural adaptation, translation and validation of the Spanish version Debriefing Experience Scale

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    Clinical simulation as a teaching methodology allows the student to train and learn technical abilities and/or non-technical abilities. One of the key elements of this teaching methodology is the debriefing, which consists of a conversation between several people, in which the participants go over a real or simulated event in order to analyze their actions and reflect on the role that thought processes, psychomotor skills and emotional states can play in maintaining, or improving their performance in the future. The Debriefing Experience Scale allows the experience of students in debriefing to be measured. The objective of this study is to translate the Debriefing Experience Scale (DES) into Spanish and analyze its reliability and validity to measure the experience of nursing students during the debriefing. The study was developed in two phases: One: the adaption of the instrument to Spanish, two: a transversal study carried out in a sample of 290 nursing students. The psychometric properties were analyzed in terms of reliability and construct validity using confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA). Cronbach's alpha was adequate for all the scales and for each one of the dimensions. The confirmatory factorial analysis showed that the 4-dimensional model is acceptable for both scales (experience and opinion). The Spanish version Debriefing Experience Scale questionnaire is useful, valid and reliable for use to measure the debriefing experience of university students in a simulation activity

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the 'Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale' (SCLS)

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    The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) recommends the use of new educational methodologies and the evaluation of student satisfaction. Different instruments have been developed in Spain to evaluate different aspects such as clinical decisions and teamwork, however no instruments have been found that specifically evaluate student self-confidence and satisfaction during clinical simulation. The aim was to translate the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale (SCLS) questionnaire into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity and understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students with respect to learning in clinical simulations. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adaptation of the questionnaire into Spanish. (2) Cross-sectional study in a sample of 489 nursing students. The reliability and exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses were performed. To analyse the relationship of the scale scores with the sociodemographic variables, the Fisher Student T-test or the ANOVA was used. The scale demonstrated high internal consistency reliability for the total scale and each of its dimensions. Cronbach's alpha was 0.88 (0.83 to 0.81) for each of the dimensions. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that both the one-dimensional and two-dimensional models were acceptable. The results showed average scores above 4 for both dimensions. The SCLS-Spanish translation demonstrated evidence of its validity and reliability for use to understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students in clinical simulation. Clinical simulations help students to increase their levels of confidence and satisfaction, enabling them to face real scenarios in clinical practice

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the "Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale" (SCLS)

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    The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) recommends the use of new educational methodologies and the evaluation of student satisfaction. Different instruments have been developed in Spain to evaluate different aspects such as clinical decisions and teamwork, however no instruments have been found that specifically evaluate student self-confidence and satisfaction during clinical simulation. The aim was to translate the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale (SCLS) questionnaire into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity and understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students with respect to learning in clinical simulations. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adaptation of the questionnaire into Spanish. (2) Cross-sectional study in a sample of 489 nursing students. The reliability and exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses were performed. To analyse the relationship of the scale scores with the socio-demographic variables, the Fisher Student T-test or the ANOVA was used. The scale demonstrated high internal consistency reliability for the total scale and each of its dimensions. Cronbach's alpha was 0.88 (0.83 to 0.81) for each of the dimensions. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that both the one-dimensional and two-dimensional models were acceptable. The results showed average scores above 4 for both dimensions. The SCLS-Spanish translation demonstrated evidence of its validity and reliability for use to understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students in clinical simulation. Clinical simulations help students to increase their levels of confidence and satisfaction, enabling them to face real scenarios in clinical practice

    Results of the first European Source Apportionment intercomparison for Receptor and Chemical Transport Models

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    In this study, the performance of the source apportionment model applications were evaluated by comparing the model results provided by 44 participants adopting a methodology based on performance indicators: z-scores and RMSEu, with pre-established acceptability criteria. Involving models based on completely different and independent input data, such as receptor models (RMs) and chemical transport models (CTMs), provided a unique opportunity to cross-validate them. In addition, comparing the modelled source chemical profiles, with those measured directly at the source contributed to corroborate the chemical profile of the tested model results. The most used RM was EPA- PMF5. RMs showed very good performance for the overall dataset (91% of z-scores accepted) and more difficulties are observed with SCE time series (72% of RMSEu accepted). Industry resulted the most problematic source for RMs due to the high variability among participants. Also the results obtained with CTMs were quite comparable to their ensemble reference using all models for the overall average (>92% of successful z-scores) while the comparability of the time series is more problematic (between 58% and 77% of the candidates’ RMSEu are accepted). In the CTM models a gap was observed between the sum of source contributions and the gravimetric PM10 mass likely due to PM underestimation in the base case. Interestingly, when only the tagged species CTM results were used in the reference, the differences between the two CTM approaches (brute force and tagged species) were evident. In this case the percentage of candidates passing the z-score and RMSEu tests were only 50% and 86%, respectively. CTMs showed good comparability with RMs for the overall dataset (83% of the z-scores accepted), more differences were observed when dealing with the time series of the single source categories. In this case the share of successful RMSEu was in the range 25% - 34%.JRC.C.5-Air and Climat

    Asociación entre Artritis Reumatoidea y otras enfermedades autoinmunes

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    Objetivos: determinar la frecuencia de enfermedades autoinmunes (EAI) en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoidea (AR) y comparar la frecuencia de EAI entre pacientes con AR y sin AR ni otra EAI reumatológica. Material y Métodos: estudio multicéntrico, observacional, analítico, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes consecutivos con AR (ACR/EULAR 2010) y como grupo control pacientes con diagnóstico inicial de Osteoartritis primaria (OA).

    Women in police services in the EU: facts and figures 2012

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    The Institute for Public Security of Catalonia (ISPC), the only state-funded education and research centre for police in Catalonia-Spain, developed in 2012 a comparative study on Gender diversity in police services in the European Union. The study is an update of the research Facts & Figures 2008 that was carried out by the European Network of Policewomen (ENP), a non-profit organization that works in partnership with colleagues from police and/or law enforcement organizations in its member countries to facilitate positive changes in the position of women in police services. To gather the 2012 data, the ISPC invited EU Member States’ police services to cooperate in the study answering a 10- ITEM questionnaire. The questionnaire was the same tool used in 2008 by the ENP. In February 2012, the ISPC sent the questionnaires through Cepol National Contact Points’ network. In order to include as many police services as possible in the study, the ENP also supported us to gather some of the data. Altogether we received questionnaires from 29 police services corresponding to 17 UE countries. Besides, we used data from open sources about England and Wales police services and the French National Police. In this document you can find: first, the tool we used to collect the data; second, the answers we gathered presented per country; finally, some comparative tables and graphics developed by the ISPC. Countries: Austria, Belgium Cyprus, Denmark, England, Wales, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Swden