65 research outputs found

    Les plantes mĂ©dicinales dans la forĂȘt de l'Achach (Plateau Central, Maroc)

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    Les plantes mĂ©dicinales dans la forĂȘt de l'Achach (Plateau Central, Maroc . La prĂ©sente Ă©tude est une contribution Ă  la connaissance des plantes mĂ©dicinales de la forĂȘt de l'Achach (Plateau central. Maroc). L'Ă©tude de la flore mĂ©dicinale a permis de dĂ©celer que parmi les 269 espĂšces rĂ©coltĂ©es dans la forĂȘt de l'Achach, 126 espĂšces appartenant Ă  56 familles (soit 91,8% du total des familles rĂ©gionales) et 105 genres (soit 58 % du total des genres rĂ©gionaux) sont rĂ©putĂ©es mĂ©dicinales, soit 46,84 % de la flore rĂ©gionale totale. Cette Ă©tude pourrait avoir une grande valeur bibliographique pour des Ă©tudes ultĂ©rieures concernant d'autres rĂ©gions marocaines et pourra contribuer Ă  l'Ă©tude approfondie d'une flore mĂ©dicinale marocaine mal connue

    Viticulture in the tropical regions of India

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    By an intelligent appreciation of the vine's physiology grapes are being grown successfully in the tropical regions of India, where the vine stays evergreen throughout the year. The vines are pruned twice a year, once in April for vegetative growth and again in October for the fruiting cycle. The canes which bear the fruit al·e less than one year old. But, since the growth is continuous and rapid, the canes are equivalent in development differentiation to one-year-old canes of the warm temperate and sub-tropical grape growing regions.The ever present over-abundant crop potential of the vine has been exploited by separating out the period of maturity of fruit and maturity of the wood for the next crop. The yields are very high as the depressive effects of high crops are eliminated by 1back or foundation' pruning in April and by heavy doses of fertilizers and manures at the time of pruning.The growers have been able to harvest grapes almost the year round of the 'Bangalore Blue' (V. labrusca type) by staggering the pruning. In the V. vinifera types, the grape season is also extended, within limits, by adjusting the pruning time.Because of shorter period in which the vines come into bearing, ready germination of seeds and the year round availability of flowers, this area is ideal for breeding and genetic studies.As has been shown by the successful grape cultivation in the tropical regions of India, it seems probable that some grapes will do equally well in other tropical regions of the world where the climatological conditions are similar

    Les plantes médicitzales dans la forét de l'Achach (Plateau Central, Maroc).

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    RÉSUMÉ. Les plantes mĂ©dicitzales dans la forĂ©t de l'Achach (Plateau Central, Maroc . La presente Ă©tude est une contribution ĂĄ la connaissance des plantes medicinales de la forĂ©t de l'Achach (Plateau central. Maroc). L'Ă©tude de la flore mĂ©dicinale a permis de dĂ©celer que parmi les 269 espĂ©ces rĂ©coltĂ©es dans la foret de l'Achach, 126 espĂ©ces appartenant ĂĄ 56 families (soit 91,8% du total des familles regionales) et 105 genres (soit 58% du total des genres rĂ©gionaux) sont rĂ©putĂ©es medicinales, suit 46,84 % de la flore rĂ©gionale totale. Cene etude pourrait avoir une grande valeur bibliographique pour des Ă©tudes ultĂ©rieures concernant d'autres rĂ©gions marocaines et pourra contribuer ĂĄ l'elude approfondie d'une flore mĂ©dicinale marocaine mal connue.Mots eles. Plantes medicinales, for'Ă©t de l'Achach, Plateau Central, Maroc.RESUMEN. Plantas medicinales del bosque del Achach (Plateau Central, Marruecos). El presente estudio es una contribuciĂłn al conocimiento de las plantas medicinales del bosque de l'Achach (Plateau Central, Marruecos). El estudio de la flora medicinal ha puesto de manifiesto que, de entre las 269 especies recolectadas en el bosque del Achach, 126 especies pertenecen a 56 familias (es decir, el 91,8% del total de las familias regionales) y 105 gĂ©neros (o sea, el 58% del total de gĂ©neros regionales) son catalogadas como medicinales, es decir, el 46,84% de la flora regional total. Este estudio podrĂ­a tener un gran valor bibliogrĂĄfico para estudios posteriores concerniente a otras regiones marroquĂ­es y podrĂ­a contribuir al estudio profundo de una flora medicinal marroquĂ­ mal conocida.Palabras clave. Plantas medicinales, bosque del Achach, Plateau Central, Marruecos

    Contribution Ă  la connaissance de la flore vasculaire de la fĂŽret de l'achach, plateau central (Maroc)

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    RÉSUMÉ. L’analyse de la diversitĂ© floristique de la forĂȘt de l’Achach a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’existence de 269 taxons appartenant Ă  61 familles et 181 genres. 7 espĂšces sont endĂ©miques du territoire Maroc-AlgĂ©rie, six espĂšces endĂ©miques du territoire Maroc-PĂ©ninsule ibĂ©rique et deux espĂšces endĂ©miques du territoire Maroc- AlgĂ©rie- Tunisie. Trois espĂšces sont menacĂ©es, trois espĂšces rares et deux espĂšces soupçonnĂ©es rares.Mots clĂ©s: ForĂȘt de l’Achach (Plateau central), Maroc, flore.RESUMEN. El anĂĄlisis de la diversidad florĂ­stica del bosque de l’ Achach revela la presencia de 269 taxa pertenecientes a 61 familias y 181 gĂ©neros. 7 especies son endĂ©micas de Marruecos-Algeria, seis de Marruecos-PenĂ­nsula IbĂ©rica y dos de Marruecos-Algeria-Tunez. Tres especies se encuentran amenazadas, tres son raras y dos dudosamente raras.Palabras clave. Bosque de l’Achach, Marruecos, flora

    Les plantes médicitzales dans la forét de l'Achach (Plateau Central, Maroc).

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    RÉSUMÉ. Les plantes mĂ©dicitzales dans la forĂ©t de l'Achach (Plateau Central, Maroc . La presente Ă©tude est une contribution ĂĄ la connaissance des plantes medicinales de la forĂ©t de l'Achach (Plateau central. Maroc). L'Ă©tude de la flore mĂ©dicinale a permis de dĂ©celer que parmi les 269 espĂ©ces rĂ©coltĂ©es dans la foret de l'Achach, 126 espĂ©ces appartenant ĂĄ 56 families (soit 91,8% du total des familles regionales) et 105 genres (soit 58% du total des genres rĂ©gionaux) sont rĂ©putĂ©es medicinales, suit 46,84 % de la flore rĂ©gionale totale. Cene etude pourrait avoir une grande valeur bibliographique pour des Ă©tudes ultĂ©rieures concernant d'autres rĂ©gions marocaines et pourra contribuer ĂĄ l'elude approfondie d'une flore mĂ©dicinale marocaine mal connue.Mots eles. Plantes medicinales, for'Ă©t de l'Achach, Plateau Central, Maroc.RESUMEN. Plantas medicinales del bosque del Achach (Plateau Central, Marruecos). El presente estudio es una contribuciĂłn al conocimiento de las plantas medicinales del bosque de l'Achach (Plateau Central, Marruecos). El estudio de la flora medicinal ha puesto de manifiesto que, de entre las 269 especies recolectadas en el bosque del Achach, 126 especies pertenecen a 56 familias (es decir, el 91,8% del total de las familias regionales) y 105 gĂ©neros (o sea, el 58% del total de gĂ©neros regionales) son catalogadas como medicinales, es decir, el 46,84% de la flora regional total. Este estudio podrĂ­a tener un gran valor bibliogrĂĄfico para estudios posteriores concerniente a otras regiones marroquĂ­es y podrĂ­a contribuir al estudio profundo de una flora medicinal marroquĂ­ mal conocida.Palabras clave. Plantas medicinales, bosque del Achach, Plateau Central, Marruecos

    Software performance estimation strategies in a system-level design tool

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    High-level cost and performance estimation, coupled with a fast hardware/software co-simulation framework, is a key enabler to a fast embedded system design cycle. Unfortunately, the problem of deriving such estimates without a detailed implementation available is difficult.In this paper we describe two approaches to solve software cost and performance estimation problem, and how they are used in an embedded system design environment. A source-based approach uses compilation onto a virtual instruction set, and allows one to quickly obtain estimates without the need for a compiler for the target processor. An object-based approach translates the assembler generated by the target compiler to “assembler-level,” functionally equivalent t C. In both cases the code is annotated with timing and other execution related information (e.g., estimated memory accesses) and is used as a precise, yet fast, software simulation model. We contrast the precision and speed of these two techniques comparing them with those obtainable by a state-of-the-art cycle-based processor model

    Land use planning: An optimizing model

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    An optimizing model for comprehensive land use planning (OPTPLAN) is described. Multiple objectives and constraints on desired growth patterns are considered simultaneously in arriving at optimal acreages of ten land use types in several regions within a county or city. Objectives are (i) minimization of conflict between different land uses, (ii) minimization of travel distance of new trips to the existing transportation network, (iii) generation of a fiscally sound plan, and (iv) minimization of environmental impact. Constraints are on each type of land use based on population and employment projections, projected mix of residential dwelling units, local commercial and institutional land needed per thousand persons, location and extent of new industries, open space requirements per thousand population, and natural resource considerations. Application of the model to Du Page County, Illinois is shown.

    Urban planning to minimize environmental impact

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    An optimizing land-use planning model (OPTPLAN) is used to minimize environmental impact. The development of the natural-resource objective function and natural-resource constraints is described. Application of the model to DuPage County, Illinois is shown. The model's output is transferred to maps and compared with a land-use plan obtained through conventional natural-resource methodology.
