306 research outputs found

    Adília Lopes : traducir entre entropía y la subversión

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    El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer una apreciación crítica de la obra poética de Adília Lopes como también de algunas de sus líneas temáticas centrales. Desde las perspectivas de la crítica de ideologías, de la crítica feminista y de la traductología argumentaré que la dicotomía entropía-"desentropiar" representa el trasfondo filosófico de su obra. Además, analizaré su peculiar tratamiento para/traductivo o transcreativo de algunos de sus antecedentes literarios, especialmente a partir del poemario Florbela Espanca espanca

    König Herodes, die Juden Kleinasiens und Rom

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    Die Krise der Römischen Republik war nicht minder eine ‚Reichskrise‘ als eine ‚Verfassungskrise‘, wie etwa Ciceros Analyse der Verwaltungsprobleme in der Provinz Asia zeigt. Der erste Princeps Augustus experimentierte deshalb mit neuen Verwaltungsformen. Die Flexibilität auf diesem Gebiet kommt während der Herrschat des Klientelkönigs Herodes zum Ausdruck, der auch offensiv daran ging, sich als jüdischer Herrscher im Imperium Romanum unverzichtbar zu machen. Sein ‚Wissen‘ über die jüdische Religion ermöglichte es ihm, über die Grenzen seines Reiches hinaus Einfluss zu gewinnen. Eine Analyse des Agrippa- Besuches in Jerusalem und der sich daran anschließenden Reise des Herodes und Agrippas in Kleinasien zeigt, welche neuen Möglichkeiten von Verwaltung unter dem neuen Princeps ausprobiert wurden, um Verwaltung zu professionalisieren.Cicero’s analysis of the Roman administrative problems in Asia Minor reveals that the crisis of the late Roman Republic was an imperial crisis no less than a constitutional one. To correct these difficulties Augustus, its first princeps, therefore experimented with new administrative structures. The flexibility in this field is clearly seen during the reign of the client king Herod. This Jewish king and Roman citizen tried to make himself indispensable as a Roman administrator by his ‘knowledge’ of the Jewish religion, which enabled him to gain influence outside his own realm. A close reading of Flavius Josephus on Agrippa’s visit to Jerusalem and the subsequent journey made by Herod and Agrippa through Asia Minor shows what new administrative possibilities were being tried out under the new princeps in order to professionalize Roman administration

    Translation as Aesthetic Resistance: Paratranslating Walter Benjamin

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    This essay is a brief study of translation as a practice of aesthetic resistance seen from a historical and philosophical perspective. Translation is perceived as the process of transition and negotiation within the ‘third space' between various different hybrid cultural contexts and their discursive constraints, and referred to as ‘paratranslation'. It summarises the first attempts to think of translation as an almost ‘holistic' paradigm and the aesthetics of intervention from Romantic philosophy onwards. It attempts to show how Walter Benjamin's master narrative, the utopia of ‘pure language', encourages continuous resistance to the totalitarianism of the idea of the ‘original', to aesthetics (within the sense of the perception of the real) and to dominant discourses. It subsequently defines the idea of ‘progress', which considers translation as aesthetic resistance, as a process of construction in constant deconstruction. It concludes by exemplifying the notion of translation as a paradigm of intervention in modernity with a brief analysis of the transcreation performed by Erin Mouré on Fernando Pessoa/Alberto Caeiro's poetic cycle, O Guardador de Rebanhos (The Keeper of Sheep)

    Abhängige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum

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    Das Imperium Romanum war kein ‚Staat‘ im modernen Sinne, sondern ein diffuses Gebilde mit unterschiedlichen Substrukturen. Dazu zählten auch die amici et socii: Könige, Fürsten, Städte, nationes, gentes, die mit Rom engere oder weitere Bindungen eingingen. Diese ‚Klientelstaaten‘ werden aus römischer wie regionaler Perspektive anhand von Fallbeispielen, aber auch anhand von inhaltlichen Aspekten in den Blick genommen. Es geht dabei nicht um eine abschließende Beantwortung moderner Fragestellungen, sondern um die Förderung eines Dialoges unterschiedlicher Ansätze und Blickwinkel zum Thema ‚Klientelkönigtum‘. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Beiträge, die die generelle Tragfähigkeit des Klientel-Konzepts, Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen dem Osten und Westen des Imperiums und ihre Auswirkungen auf die lokalen Reiche und Gemeinden diskutieren und damit die Entwicklungen ebenso wie die Bandbreite des Instruments der abhängigen Herrschat und ihrer modernen Deutung deutlich machen.The Imperium Romanum was not a ‘state’ in the modern sense of the term, being a diffuse formation with varying substructures. This also included the amici et socii: kings, princes, cities, nationes, gentes, who entered into links with Rome of different degrees of closeness. These ‘client states’ are examined both from the Roman and the regional perspective on the basis of case studies from all parts of the Empire, but also by covering different kinds of content. What is important here is to encourage a dialog involving differing approaches and angles on the subject of ‘client kings,’ not a definitive answer to modern questions. The current volume collects contributions which discuss the general viability of the concept of clienthood, differences and similarities between the East and West of the Empire and their repercussions for the local empires and communities, thereby clarifying the developments in and scope of the instrument of dependent rule and its modern interpretation

    “Escrever é traduzir” — José Saramago e a tradução

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    Saramago deixou-nos a convicção de que “todos somos tradutores” e que “escrever é traduzir”. Este artigo pretende mostrar que muitos aspectos da vida e da obra de Saramago podem ser abordados numa perspectiva tradutológica, uma vez que existe ainda uma lacuna de literatura crítica sobre o assunto. O pensamento de Saramago sobre a tradução será ex­plicado primeiro em termos gerais, através de uma breve comparação com Walter Benjamin, e depois especificamente em termos de tradução cultural, através do que ele entendia como iberismo e transibericidade. Os numerosos textos e entrevistas em que Saramago reflecte sobre as re­lações intra e extra-ibéricas permitem-nos analisá-lo hoje como tradu­tor cultural. Defendeu a necessidade de uma solidariedade intra-ibérica capaz de preservar identidades diferenciadas e chamou a atenção para a necessidade de uma tradução político-cultural transiberista. Defenderei que Saramago traduziu os etnocentrismos luso e espanhol em três ideias­-chave. Em primeiro lugar, o carácter multicultural da Península Ibérica, que é um facto historicamente incontestável. Em segundo lugar, que as culturas ibéricas, sem as uniformizar, partilhariam uma base comum que as diferencia, por sua vez, da Europa. E, em terceiro lugar, a ideia de tran­sibericidade como “tarefa de traduzir, respeitando o lugar de onde [vie­mos] e o lugar para onde [vamos]”, como diálogo com a doxa alternativa das culturas pós-coloniais

    Real-time analysis of intracellular glucose and calcium in pancreatic beta cells by fluorescence microscopy

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    AbstractGlucose is the physiological stimulus for insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells. The uptake and phosphorylation of glucose initiate and control downstream pathways, resulting in insulin secretion. However, the temporal coordination of these events in beta cells is not fully understood. The recent development of the FLII12Pglu-700μ-δ6 glucose nanosensor facilitates real-time analysis of intracellular glucose within a broad concentration range. Using this fluorescence-based technique, we show the shift in intracellular glucose concentration upon external supply and removal in primary mouse beta cells with high resolution. Glucose influx, efflux, and metabolism rates were calculated from the time-dependent plots. Comparison of insulin-producing cells with different expression levels of glucose transporters and phosphorylating enzymes showed that a high glucose influx rate correlated with GLUT2 expression, but was largely also sustainable by high GLUT1 expression. In contrast, in cells not expressing the glucose sensor enzyme glucokinase glucose metabolism was slow. We found no evidence of oscillations of the intracellular glucose concentration in beta cells. Concomitant real-time analysis of glucose and calcium dynamics using FLII12Pglu-700μ-δ6 and fura-2-acetoxymethyl-ester determined a glucose threshold of 4mM for the [Ca2+]i increase in beta cells. Indeed, a glucose concentration of 7mM had to be reached to evoke large amplitude [Ca2+]i oscillations. The KATP channel closing agent glibenclamide was not able to induce large amplitude [Ca2+]i oscillations in the absence of glucose. Our findings suggest that glucose has to reach a threshold to evoke the [Ca2+]i increase and subsequently initiate [Ca2+]i oscillations in a KATP channel independent manner


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    "Los persas de esta historia": lo poético-político en José Saramago

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    La principal razón de la “saramagia”, término acuñado en México en 1998, se debe a la visita que Saramago hizo a Chiapas después de la masacre de Acteal, y a la recepción calurosa que recibió por parte de tantos agentes culturales y sociales en sus múltiples visitas al país. En el ensayo “Chiapas, nombre de dolor y esperanza” (1998), en defensa de los pueblos indígenas, Saramago recurrió a la metáfora de los “persas”, en alusión las Lettres Persanes (1721) de Montesquieu, para incidir sobre la importancia de aprender a entender al Otro desde su lugar y perspectiva. Este artículo argumenta que existe una condición poético-política en la vida y obra de José Saramago. A partir de breves análisis de aspectos seleccionados del libro de poemas El año de 1993 (1975) y de las novelas Memorial del convento (1982), El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis (1984) y El viaje del elefante (2008), se concluye que el episodio de Chiapas ilustra una superposición de vida y obra desde una conciencia crítica y éticamente responsable. Lo poético-político en Saramago podría ser interpretado como un empeño simultáneamente liberador y libertario, para enfrentar, entre otros aspectos, el neocolonialismo económico-político y el capitalismo patriarcal. Se constata, con ciertas reservas, una proximidad con elementos artivistas y performativos, al igual que con el pensamiento de la decolonialidad. Esto también permitiría comparar a la obra y el activismo saramaguiano, incluyendo también a su pensamiento transiberista, con formas artísticas que procuran performar políticamente un conocimiento crítico