119 research outputs found

    Origin of the Great Nemunas Loops, South Lithuania

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    The Nemunas River, one of the largest rivers of the Baltic region, is characterised by a generally straight valley. In the middle part of its course the Great Nemunas Loops are distinct features that occupy an area of 320 km2 near the Birštonas Resort. The Nemunas valley here is 1.5‑5 km wide and 45‑80 m deep. The loops are cut into a glaciolacustrine plain confined between glacial and deltaic relief complexes and formed during the two last phases of glaciation. The origin of the entrenched loops, as large as 6‑10 km, can not be explained in conventional terms of river meandering. The activity of underlying tectonic structures is the major factor, the Great Nemunas Loops being confined to the Birštonas tectonic depression. Despite their small magnitudes the neotectonic structures within the depression significantly influenced the glacial and meltwater sedimentation (hence, the topography) that controlled the geometry of the Nemunas valley. The initial sinuosity of the valley was only a little enhanced by later lateral erosion. Fault activity is indicated by numerous mineral water springs and straight channel segments. Only a few sites of similar mineral water discharge are documented in Lithuania, suggesting the specific structural setting of the Great Nemunas Loops. Inspection of drill cores revealed the inheritance of the Nemunas valley from underlying paleovalleys of Eemian and Holsteinian Interglacials, implying persistence of the controlling factors.Le fleuve Nemunas, un des plus grands fleuves de la région baltique, est caractérisé par une vallée généralement rectiligne. À la mi-course du Nemunas, les Grandes Boucles occupent un territoire de 320 km2 dans la zone de villégiature de Birštonas. Ces méandres, d’une largeur de 6 à 10 km, entaillent une plaine glaciolacustre confinée entre des complexes glaciaires et deltaïques formés au cours des deux dernières phases de déglaciation. À cet endroit, la vallée du Nemunas a une largeur de 1,5 à 5,0 km et une profondeur de 45 à 80 m. L’origine de ces boucles profondes ne peut être imputée aux processus habituels de formation de méandres. L’activité des structures tectoniques sous-jacentes est le principal facteur à l’origine de leur formation. Les Grandes Boucles du Nemunas sont confinées à la dépression tectonique de Birštonas, sur laquelle se sont formées des structures néotectoniques de moindre ampleur. Ces dernières ont néanmoins eu une influence significative sur la sédimentation glaciaire et celle associée aux eaux de fonte (et sur la topographie) qui a influencé la géométrie de la vallée du Nemunas. La sinuosité initiale de la vallée n’a été que peu accentuée par l’érosion latérale ultérieure. L’activité des zones de faille est décelée par la présence de nombreuses sources d’eau minérale et le redressement de certains segments du fleuve. Seuls quelques sites ayant des sources minérales similaires sont connus en Lituanie, ce qui met en relief la singularité structurale des Grandes Boucles du Nemunas. L’examen des carottes de forage révèle la filiation entre la vallée actuelle du Nemunas et les paléovallées interglaciaires de l’Eemien et du Holsteinien sur lesquelles elle repose

    Effectiveness of a modern landfill liner system in controlling groundwater quality of an open hydrogeological system, SE Lithuania

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    The work analyzes data of environmental geological mapping, groundwater monitoring of the region municipal waste landfill. This study examines the effectiveness of a modern landfill liner system in minimizing migration of pollutants in the groundwater of an open hydrogeological system. The results showed that dissolution of carbonates and dilution were the major processes controlling groundwater quality. In the landfill’s direct impact zone, groundwater was only weakly polluted with biogenic components. Increase in concentrations of these chemical components in this zone was related with the groundwater and surface runoff water flowing from adjacent areas. We can state that the modern landfill liner system we analysed is efficient and has no adverse effects on groundwater quality under hydrogeological conditions favourable for the spread of pollutants. However, in case of an accident, pollutants might pose a great threat on the safety of groundwater. Therefore, even modern landfill liner systems are not recommended to be constructed in open hydrogeological systems

    Examining the Convergent Validity of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure Using a Sample of Incarcerated and on Probation Lithuanian Juveniles

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    The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM) is based on the triarchic psychopathy model proposed by Patrick, Fowles, and Krueger in 2009. This paper assesses the convergent validity of TriPM using a number of measures for a sample of adolescents who are either incarcerated or on probation. These included the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability: Adolescent Version (START: AV); the Subtypes of Antisocial Behavior Questionnaire (STAB); the Criminal Sentiments Scale-Modified (CSS-M); and the Measure of Criminal Social Identity (MCSI). The results showed significant di erences between groups that are incarcerated and those on probation, with the incarcerated sample of juveniles exhibiting higher ratings in terms of Disinhibition and lower ratings for Boldness. The TriPM measures examined also show expected positive correlations with concurrent measures related to criminal behavior in both of the aforementioned samples of juveniles. A di erent pattern of correlations was observed between Boldness and STAB scales, with a large positive correlation found in the incarcerated sample, while no significant correlations were detected in the probation sample. The results support the usefulness of TriPM in assessing the psychopathy in samples of the juvenile o enders chosen for our research purposes

    Išeminių audinių perfuzijos pokyčiai atkuriant kraujotaką tiesiogiai pagal angiosomą ir netiesiogiai

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    Background. Blood flow restore in critical limb ischemia according to angiosomes is becoming very popular. This method allows to restore blood flow precisely to the artery supplying the ischemic zone, based on the angiosome concept. However, angiosome revascularization is not a gold standard because of the lack of evidence supporting this approach. The aim of this study was to compare tissue oxygenation changes in ischemic zone during endovascular revascularization procedure either following angiosome concept or performing indirect revascularization. Methods. A prospective observational study was performed. Patients with critical limb ischemia and tissue loss due to chronic total occlusion of below the knee arteries were included. Endovascular revascularization was performed in all cases. Tissue oxygen saturation was observed intraoperatively using near-infrared spectroscopy. Tissue oxygenation changes near the ischemic wound were compared between direct and indirect revascularization groups. Results. This clinical trial included 30 patients with critical limb ischemia (Rutherford 5) and occluded below the knee arteries intended to treat. In 15 patients the procedure was performed according to angiosome, while the other half underwent indirect revascularization. Tissue oxygenation near the wound was monitored during the intervention. Greater oxygen saturation increase was observed in the group with direct revascularization (29% and 23% accordingly), however the difference between groups was not statistically significant (t-test for independent group, p = 0,544). Conclusions. The increase in tissue oxygen saturation differed very slightly in direct and indirect revascularization groups and the difference was statistically insignificant. Įvadas. Vis populiarėja galūnės kraujotakos atkūrimas pagal angiosomas, esant kritinei galūnės išemijai, t. y. revaskuliarizuojama būtent ta kraujagyslė, kuri maitina pažeistą plotą. Tačiau revaskuliarizacija atsižvelgiant į angiosomas nėra laikoma kritinės galūnių išemijos gydymo standartu, nes mokslinėje literatūroje trūksta įrodymų, pagrindžiančių šio gydymo metodo pranašumus. Pristatomo tyrimo tikslas – palyginti audinių oksigenacijos pokyčius išeminėje zonoje, endovaskuliniu būdu atkūrus kraujotaką tiesiogiai pagal angiosomą ir netiesiogiai. Metodai. Tai perspektyvusis stebimasis tyrimas. Į tyrimą įtraukti pacientai, kuriems diagnozuota kritinė galūnės išemija, esant gangrenai dėl užakusių blauzdos arterijų. Pacientams taikyta endovaskulinė revaskuliarizacija. Procedūros metu oksigenacijos pokyčiai stebėti naudojant artimųjų infraraudonųjų spindulių spektroskopiją. Gauti rezultatai lyginti pacientų, kuriems taikyta tiesioginė ir netiesioginė revaskuliarizacija, grupėse. Rezultatai. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 30 pacientų, sergančių kritine galūnių išemija (5 Rutherfordo kategorija). Visiems pacientams nustatyta blauzdos arterijų okliuzija, kai reikia atkurti kraujotaką. Tyrimo metu 15 pacientų (50 %) kraujotaka buvo atkurta pagal angiosomą, tokiai pat daliai pacientų (50 %) – ne pagal angiosomą. Visiems tiriamiesiems procedūros metu matuoti oksigenacijos pokyčiai išeminėje zonoje. Didesnis oksigenacijos pokytis pastebėtas pacientų, kuriems atlikta revaskuliarizacija pagal angiosomą, grupėje (atitinkamai 29 proc. ir 23 proc.), bet statistiškai reikšmingo oksigenacijos skirtumo tarp grupių nenustatyta (nepriklausomos grupės t testas, p = 0,544). Išvados. Klinikinio tyrimo metu audinių oksigenacijos pokytis atkuriant kraujotaką pagal angiosomą mažai skyrėsi nuo audinių oksigenacijos pokyčio atkuriant kraujotaką ne pagal angiosomą. Skirtumas nebuvo statistiškai reikšmingas

    Low rates of restenosis in primary lateral carotid artery endarterectomy

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    Carotid artery endarterectomy (CAE) is a treatment of choice for symptomatic and asymptomatic high-grade carotid stenosis, showing great results in reducing stroke morbidity. The optimal technique of the arterial closure is, however, still under discussion, with both patch angioplasty and primary closure having numerous advantages and pitfalls. The definite evidence is still lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of the modified primary closure technique during CEA. Incidence of restenosis more than 8 months after the surgery was measured. A retrospective observational study to evaluate modified primary internal carotid artery closure was conducted in Republican Vilnius University Hospital from January 1st, 2014 to December 31st, 2018. The patients were enrolled in the trial during their routine follow-up by their surgeon.  During the visit, after an informed consent was signed, a qualified investigator performed carotid duplex ultrasound scan, documenting the restenosis rates. Patients also filled in the comorbidity assessment questionnaire, which included their smoking habits, history of hypertension and their adherence to antihypertensive medication as well as cholesterol levels and statin therapy, additional related comorbidities. Out of 342 patients that underwent CAE with primary closure in the Republican Vilnius university hospital from 2014 to 2018, 42 patients were identified as deceased, therefore a follow-up was impossible. Out of planned 150 (50%) consequently selected patients, 125 gave an informed consent to be enrolled into the study. Out of those 6 pre-occlusions were established during the review of the patient medical data and therefore were excluded from the study. In general, we analyzed the data of 119 patients and 125 CAE with a modified primary suture closure. The mean follow-up time was 35.78 months (SE 0.992; SD 11,046). At the time of a follow up, 3 (2,4%) carotid artery occlusions were identified and promptly evaluated. Restenosis rates varied: 5,6% of patients had low grade (<50%), 5,6% had moderate grade (50-69%) and 1,6% had high grade (70-99%) stenosis. The modified lateral CAE with primary closure technique, used in our hospital’s contemporary practice has shown to be a promising alternative to the classical primary suture, due to reduced restenosis rates. More prospective and randomized studies are needed to evaluate this technique in comparison to other CAE closure techniques

    Valence state of iron and molybdenum cations under conditions of anionic deficiency in Sr2FeMoO6–δ

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    The activation energy of oxygen diffusion in strontium ferromolybdate Sr2FeMoO6–δ was determined by the Merzhanov technique based on the temperature dependences of the oxygen desorption dynamics. It was found that the activation energy has a minimal value of 76.7 kJ/mol at δ = 0.005 and maximum value of 156.3 kJ/mol at δ = 0.06. It was suggested that, with an increase in the oxygen vacancies concentration, an interaction occurs between them and the nearest cations with the subsequent formation of associates of various types that are less mobile than the single anion vacancies. According to the Mössbauer spectroscopy data, it was established that the appearance of oxygen vacancies and their ordering contribute to the isomer shift, and some of the iron ions occupy the tetrahedral (or close to it) positions in the lattice. This indicates the formation of associates of oxygen vacancies. The results of XPS studies have shown that the increase in the concentration of oxygen vacancies results in a decrease of the Mo6+ and Fe2+ concentration. At the same time, the number of Mo5+ and Fe3+ cations increases due to the redistribution of the electron density, and molybdenum cations in a different valence state (Mo4+) appear.publishe

    Intranet for making the life of library staff easier: the case of Lithuanian academic libraries

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    The successful information flow and communication are the key tasks for a library of any type. Academic libraries operate in the information intensive environment, where timely and efficient communication between library staff impacts the quality of information services, ensures creative decisions and effective teamwork. However, to manage internal information flows an efficient information sharing infrastructure is crucial. For these purposes intranet, a technology which is widely applied for managing information sharing in business and also employed in libraries, can be used. Intranet offers a variety of tools that enable timely and convenient creation, sharing, communication and management of the internal information in academic libraries. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of Intranet as an infrastructure for managing internal communication and information sharing in the Lithuanian academic libraries. For this purpose a theoretical grounding of intranet application for information sharing and communication in academic libraries was developed. It allowed creating the framework for evaluation of Intranet potential in the Lithuanian academic libraries. Interviews with managers of the Lithuanian academic libraries were carried out to determine a strategic approach to Intranet application and development. The survey of the personnel of academic libraries, applying this tool, was performed to explore the nature of utilisation of this technology. The findings revealed that the library managers recognised the importance of Intranet functions. However, Intranet systems of the academic libraries were mostly oriented to one-way informing practices. Similarly, the staff of the surveyed academic libraries acknowledged the value of Intranet for their work but employed it mostly for efficient discovery and work with organisational documents. Finally, conclusions about the necessity of expansion of Intranet application in academic libraries and considering strategic, human and technical success factors while developing the system, were made. This paper is based on the findings of the Julija Zemcova’s bachelor thesis “The role of Intranet in managing internal information sharing in the Lithuanian academic libraries” (2009)

    Examining the Convergent Validity of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure Using a Sample of Incarcerated and on Probation Lithuanian Juveniles

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    The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM) is based on the triarchic psychopathy model proposed by Patrick, Fowles, and Krueger in 2009. This paper assesses the convergent validity of TriPM using a number of measures for a sample of adolescents who are either incarcerated or on probation. These included the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability: Adolescent Version (START: AV); the Subtypes of Antisocial Behavior Questionnaire (STAB); the Criminal Sentiments Scale-Modified (CSS-M); and the Measure of Criminal Social Identity (MCSI). The results showed significant di erences between groups that are incarcerated and those on probation, with the incarcerated sample of juveniles exhibiting higher ratings in terms of Disinhibition and lower ratings for Boldness. The TriPM measures examined also show expected positive correlations with concurrent measures related to criminal behavior in both of the aforementioned samples of juveniles. A di erent pattern of correlations was observed between Boldness and STAB scales, with a large positive correlation found in the incarcerated sample, while no significant correlations were detected in the probation sample. The results support the usefulness of TriPM in assessing the psychopathy in samples of the juvenile o enders chosen for our research purposes