54 research outputs found

    National Health Innovation System: relations between scientific fields and economic sectors

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    Health Science and Technology is currently the subject matter of government and university actions. Such actions should converge to the establishment of a National Health Innovation System, which still calls for acknowledgment from the economic sector counterpart. A study was carried out with the purpose of describing the relations between scientific fields and economic sectosr as a means of learning more about this System. Records from the Brazilian Directory of Research Groups (version 4.1) were examined and selected when Health was a keyword either to field of knowledge or economic sector. Data were compiled into multiresponse variables and analyzed in contingency tables using residual, correspondence, and cluster analyses. It was found that the Brazilian National Health Innovation System constitutes a sectorial system where competitiveness is more socially than economically-oriented, making this System favorably in tandem with the National Unified Health System as well as responsive to public policies focused on social welfare.Ciência e tecnologia em saúde constitui-se atualmente objeto de diferentes iniciativas governamentais e acadêmicas. Sua consolidação reclama a identificação de um Sistema Nacional de Inovação em Saúde cuja caracterização depende ainda de um reconhecimento dos setores de atividade econômica envolvidos. Nesse sentido, realizou-se estudo com objetivo de caracterizar as relações entre áreas do conhecimento cientifico e setores de atividade econômica como forma de oferecer um retrato desse Sistema. Foram analisados os registros da versão 4.1 do Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa no Brasil, tendo sido selecionados todos os grupos que registrassem saúde quer como área do conhecimento ou como setor de atividade. As informações sobre área e setor foram transformadas em variáveis de resposta múltipla e analisadas numa tabela de contingência mediante análise de resíduos, análise de correspondência e análise de cluster. A análise dos dados obtidos mostrou que o Sistema Nacional de Inovação em Saúde caracteriza-se como um sistema setorial onde a competitividade tem conteúdo social maior do que econômico, o que sugere receptividade para políticas públicas assim orientadas, bem como uma desejável identidade com valores com o Sistema Único de Saúde

    Household pesticide exposure: an online survey and shelf research in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Abstract: This study aimed to estimate household pesticide exposure in adult individuals in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and to verify the accessibility of these products in local and online businesses. The data were collected by an online questionnaire (1,015 responses) and a shelf survey in physical and online stores. Among the responses analyzed, 87.5% used pesticides in the previous year, most of which against mosquitoes (64.7%). The most common application method was aerosol spray (38.1%), and the most frequent places of use were bedrooms (29.7%) and living rooms (22.1%). About 30% of respondents reported invasion of pests, and the most common pests were ants (79.1%) and cockroaches (40.4%). Service area (71.6%) and kitchen (17.5%) were the most common storage locations. Approximately 91% of those who lived with children aged under 18 used pesticides. The use of chemical group of pyrethroids prevailed (81.6%), and 90.8% of the reportedly used products are class II [55.7% (highly toxic)] or class III [35.1% (medium toxic)]. The most significant amount of purchased products was in the pest category, followed by mosquitoes. More variety of products were available in online stores than in physical stores. The high exposure of the population to pesticides at household is a public health issue and confirms the need for studies that better assess the risks and consequences of chronic and low-dose exposure to these substances. It is essential to inform the population about the uncertainties and potential risks of indiscriminate use so that they can choose whether to use pesticides in their households

    Padrões alimentares de adultos brasileiros em 2008–2009 e 2017–2018

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    OBJECTIVES To identify dietary patterns among Brazilian adults based on the National Dietary Surveys (INA – Inquéritos Nacionais de Alimentação) in 2008–2009 and 2017–2018, and to verify in the second period the adherence to the patterns according to sociodemographic factors and Brazilian regions. METHODS We analyzed the first of two days of adults’ food consumption (19–59 years) in INA data from 2008–2009 (n = 21,630) and 2017–2018 (n = 28,901). Dietary patterns were derived by exploratory factor analysis from 19 food groups, considering the complexity of the sample design. We evaluated the factor scores according to sex, age group, region, per capita income, and education for the INA data in 2017–2018. RESULTS We identified three patterns in the two surveys: (1) “traditional”, characterized by rice, beans, and meat; (2) “breads and butter/margarine”, characterized by breads, oils, and fats (including margarine/butter) and, coffee and teas in 2008–2009; and (3) “western”, characterized by sodas, pizzas, snacks, flour, pasta, and sweets in 2017–2018. The “traditional” pattern had greater adherence among men, residents of the Midwest region and individuals with incomplete primary education. “Bread and butter/margarine” pattern had greater adherence among males, individuals aged between 40 and 59 years, from the Southeast region, and with income between 1 and 2 minimum wages per capita. Male individuals, aged between 19 and 39 years, from the South region, with per capita income greater than two minimum wages, and education level equal to or greater than primary education showed greater adherence to the “western” pattern. CONCLUSION The dietary patterns identified in 2008–2009 and 2017–2018 were similar, and we observed the maintenance of the “traditional” pattern, which includes rice, beans, and meat. Adherence to the dietary patterns varies according to sex, age group, region, per capita income, and education level.OBJETIVOS Identificar padrões alimentares entre adultos brasileiros a partir dos Inquéritos Nacionais de Alimentação (INA) 2008–2009 e 2017–2018, verificando, nesse último período, a aderência aos padrões de acordo com fatores sociodemográficos e regiões brasileiras. MÉTODOS Foram analisados dados do primeiro de dois dias de consumo alimentar de adultos (19–59 anos de idade) entrevistados nos INA 2008–2009 (n = 21.630) e 2017–2018 (n = 28.901). Os padrões alimentares foram derivados por análise fatorial exploratória a partir de 19 grupos de alimentos, considerando a complexidade do desenho amostral. Para o INA 2017–2018, os escores fatoriais foram avaliados de acordo com sexo, faixa etária, região, renda per capita e escolaridade. RESULTADOS Foram identificados três padrões nos dois inquéritos: (1) “tradicional”, caracterizado por arroz, feijão e carnes; (2) “pães e manteiga/margarina”, caracterizado por pães, óleos e gorduras (incluindo margarina/manteiga) e, em 2008–2009, café e chás; e (3) “ocidental”, caracterizado por refrigerantes e pizzas e salgados, além de farinhas e massas e doces em 2017–2018. O padrão “tradicional” teve maior aderência entre homens, moradores da região Centro-Oeste e indivíduos com ensino fundamental incompleto. Para o padrão “pães e manteiga/margarina”, observou-se maior aderência entre o sexo masculino, indivíduos com idade entre 40 e 59 anos, da região Sudeste e com renda entre 1 e 2 salários-mínimos per capita. Indivíduos do sexo masculino, com idades entre 19 e 39 anos, da região Sul, com renda per capita maior que dois salários-mínimos e escolaridade igual ou maior que o ensino fundamental foram os que apresentaram maior adesão ao padrão “ocidental”. CONCLUSÃO Os padrões alimentares identificados em 2008–2009 e 2017–2018 foram similares, com manutenção do padrão “tradicional”, que inclui arroz, feijão e carnes. A adesão aos padrões varia de acordo com sexo, faixa etária, região, renda per capita e escolaridade

    Attitudes of nursing staff related to the nursing process

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    Os objetivos do estudo foram descrever a disposição sobre o Processo de Enfermagem (PE) e a percepção de poder clínico dos profissionais de enfermagem; analisar associações entre atitudes relacionadas ao PE e variáveis selecionadas. Participaram 1.605 auxiliares de enfermagem e enfermeiros (86,9% mulheres, idade média 44,12 anos; DP=9,55). O escore médio no instrumento Posições sobre o Processo de Enfermagem (PPE) foi 112,37 (DP=22,28) e no Power as Knowing Participation in Change Tool - versão brasileira (PKPCT) foi 281,12 (DP= 38,72). Os escores nos instrumentos foram mais altos para enfermeiros quando comparados aos auxiliares. Houve correlação positiva moderada entre escores do PPE e PKPCT. Para os auxiliares houve associação entre os escores no PPE, sexo e pós-graduação; e entre percepção de poder e sexo. Para os enfermeiros houve associação entre PKPCT e cargo de chefia. Mais estudos devem ser desenvolvidos com vistas a identificar variáveis potencialmente associadas ao uso do Processo de Enfermagem na prática clínica.Los objetivos del estudio fueron describir la disposición sobre el Proceso de Enfermería (PE) y la potencia clínica percibida del personal de enfermeira, y analizar las asociaciones entre las actitudes hacia el PE y variables seleccionadas. Participaron del studio 1605 auxiliares de enfermería y enfermeros (86,9% mujeres, edad media 44.12 años, DP = 9,55). La puntuación en el instrumento de la disposición sobre el Proceso de Enfermería (DPE) fue 112,37 (DP = 22,28) y en el Power as Knowing Participation in Change Tool-version Brasileña (PKPCT) fue 281,12 (DP = 38,72). Las puntuaciones en los instrumentos fueron más altas para los enfermeros en comparación con los auxiliares de enfermería. Hubo correlación positiva moderada entre las puntuaciones del DPE y PKPCT. Para los auxiliares de enfermería se encontró asociaciones entre las puntuaciones en el DPE y sexo, y postgrado, y entre el poder percibido y sexo. Para los enfermeros se encontró asociación entre PKPCT y cargo de gestión. Más estudios se desarrolló con el fin de identificar las variables potencialmente asociadas con el uso de proceso de enfermería en la práctica clínica.The aims of the study were to describe nurses' positions on nursing process and their perception of power; and to analyse associations between positions on nursing process, power perception and selected variables. One thousand six hundred and five nurses (86.9% female, mean age=44.12 years, SD=9.55) participated in the study. Mean score on the Positions on Nursing Process (PNP) tool was 112.37 (SD=22.28); and on the Power as Knowing Participation in Change Tool - Brazilian Version (PKPCT) was 281.12 (SD=38.72). Baccalaureate nurses had statistically higher scores on PNP and PKPCT than auxiliary nurses. There was positive and moderate correlation between PNP and PKPCT scores. Auxiliary nurses' scores on PNP were associated with sex and post-graduation; auxiliary nurses' scores on PKPCT were associated with sex. For baccalaureate nurses there was association between PKPCT and administrative position. More studies should be developed in order to identify variables potentially associated with the use of nursing process in clinical practice

    Cobertura do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (SISVAN), estado nutricional de idosos e sua relação com desigualdades sociais no Brasil, 2008-2019: estudo ecológico de série temporal

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    Objective: To analyze the temporal trend in the coverage of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN) and the nutritional status of the elderly, correlating them with indicators of social inequality. Methods: Ecological study using SISVAN records of the population aged ≥60 years. Correlation analyzes were performed between indicators of social inequality and the rate of increase in nutritional status and analyzes of absolute and relative inequalities to obtain the angular inequality index and the concentration index. Results: 11,587,933 records were identified. National coverage evolved from 0.1% in 2008 to 2.9% in 2019, with a statistically significant upward trend. A moderate inverse correlation was found with the annual increase rate of overweight for HDI and per capita GDP. Conclusion: There was a trend of growth in SISVAN coverage. The increase in overweight was associated with social inequality.Objetivo: Analizar la tendencia temporal de cobertura del Sistema de Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional (SISVAN), y estado nutricional de adultos mayores, correlacionándolos con indicadores de desigualdad social. Métodos: Estudio ecológico mediante registros SISVAN de la población ≥60 años. Se realizaron análisis de correlación entre indicadores de desigualdad social y la tasa de incremento del estado nutricional y análisis de desigualdades absolutas y relativas para obtener el índice de desigualdad angular y el índice de concentración. Resultados: Se identificaron 11.587.933 registros. La cobertura nacional evolucionó del 0,1% en 2008 al 2,9% en 2019, con una tendencia ascendente estadísticamente significativa. Se encontró una correlación inversa moderada con la tasa de incremento anual de sobrepeso para IDH y PIB per cápita. Conclusión: Hubo una tendencia de crecimiento en la cobertura del SISVAN. El aumento del sobrepeso se asoció con la desigualdad social.Objetivo: analisar a tendência temporal da cobertura do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (SISVAN) e do estado nutricional de idosos, e sua correlação com indicadores de desigualdade social no Brasil, no período 2008-2019. Métodos: estudo ecológico, sobre registros do SISVAN relativos à população na idade de 60 anos ou mais; analisaram-se a tendência temporal da cobertura e a correlação entre indicadores de desigualdade social e taxa de incremento do estado nutricional; os índices angular e de concentração foram utilizados para medir desigualdades absolutas e relativas. Resultados: foram identificados 11.587.933 registros de idosos; a cobertura nacional evoluiu de 0,1% (2008) para 2,9% (2019), com tendência de aumento estatisticamente significativa; foi encontrada correlação inversa moderada com taxa de incremento anual de sobrepeso, para índice de desenvolvimento humano e produto interno bruto per capita. Conclusão: houve tendência de crescimento da cobertura do SISVAN; o aumento de sobrepeso esteve associado à desigualdade social

    Reducing socio-economic inequalities in all-cause mortality: a counterfactual mediation approach.

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    Socio-economic inequalities in mortality are well established, yet the contribution of intermediate risk factors that may underlie these relationships remains unclear. We evaluated the role of multiple modifiable intermediate risk factors underlying socio-economic-associated mortality and quantified the potential impact of reducing early all-cause mortality by hypothetically altering socio-economic risk factors. Data were from seven cohort studies participating in the LIFEPATH Consortium (total n = 179 090). Using both socio-economic position (SEP) (based on occupation) and education, we estimated the natural direct effect on all-cause mortality and the natural indirect effect via the joint mediating role of smoking, alcohol intake, dietary patterns, physical activity, body mass index, hypertension, diabetes and coronary artery disease. Hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated, using counterfactual natural effect models under different hypothetical actions of either lower or higher SEP or education. Lower SEP and education were associated with an increase in all-cause mortality within an average follow-up time of 17.5 years. Mortality was reduced via modelled hypothetical actions of increasing SEP or education. Through higher education, the HR was 0.85 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84, 0.86] for women and 0.71 (95% CI 0.70, 0.74) for men, compared with lower education. In addition, 34% and 38% of the effect was jointly mediated for women and men, respectively. The benefits from altering SEP were slightly more modest. These observational findings support policies to reduce mortality both through improving socio-economic circumstances and increasing education, and by altering intermediaries, such as lifestyle behaviours and morbidities

    Design of a school randomized trial for nudging students towards healthy diet and physical activity to prevent obesity:PAAPAS Nudge study protocol

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    Submitted by Janaína Nascimento ([email protected]) on 2019-06-26T13:41:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ve_Cunha_Diana_etal_INI_2017.pdf: 188285 bytes, checksum: 9c5af1590f81759ea357050b01c74cce (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Janaína Nascimento ([email protected]) on 2019-06-26T14:10:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ve_Cunha_Diana_etal_INI_2017.pdf: 188285 bytes, checksum: 9c5af1590f81759ea357050b01c74cce (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2019-06-26T14:10:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ve_Cunha_Diana_etal_INI_2017.pdf: 188285 bytes, checksum: 9c5af1590f81759ea357050b01c74cce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017State University of Rio de Janeiro. Social Medicine Institute. Department of Epidemiology. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.State University of Rio de Janeiro. Social Medicine Institute. Department of Epidemiology. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.State University of Rio de Janeiro. Social Medicine Institute. Department of Epidemiology. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil / Brazilian Navy. Naval Academy. Department of Physical Education and Sports. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca. Departamento de Epidemiologia e Métodos Quantitativos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Nacional de Infectologia Evandro Chagas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.State University of Rio de Janeiro. Social Medicine Institute. Department of Epidemiology. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.Fluminense Federal University. Institute of Collective Health. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Niterói, RJ, Brazil.State University of Rio de Janeiro. Social Medicine Institute. Department of Epidemiology. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.Fluminense Federal University. Institute of Collective Health. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Niterói, RJ, Brazil.State University of Rio de Janeiro. Nutrition Institute. Department of Social Nutrition. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.State University of Rio de Janeiro. Nutrition Institute. Department of Social Nutrition. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.University of Copenhagen. Department of Food Science. Copenhagen, Denmark.Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Department of Social and Applied Nutrition. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.State University of Rio de Janeiro. Social Medicine Institute. Department of Epidemiology. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of nudge activities at school on the students’ body mass index (BMI). Design: School-based factorial randomized community trial. Setting: Eighteen public schools in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Participants and intervention: The 18 schools will be randomized into 4 group arms: group 1—control (without any activity); group 2—will receive educational activities in the classroom; group 3—will receive changes in the school environment (nudge strategies); group 4—will receive educational activities and changes in the school environment. Activities will occur during the 2018 school-year. Main outcomemeasure(s): The primary (BMI) and secondary (body fat percentage) outcomes will be assessed at baseline and after the study using a portable electronic scale with a segmental body composition monitor. The height will be measured by a portable stadiometer. Analysis: Statistical analyses for each outcome will be conducted through linear mixed models that took into account the missing data and cluster effect of the schools. Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index, CONSORT = Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials, PAAPPAS = Portuguese abbreviation of parents, students, community health agents and teachers for healthy eating, Rec24-h = 24-hour recall, SLM = Smarter Lunchrooms Movement