4 research outputs found

    Demographic variation in space and time : implications for conservation targeting

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    The dynamics of wild populations are governed by demographic rates which vary spatially and/or temporally in response to environmental conditions. Conservation actions for widespread but declining populations could potentially exploit this variation to target locations (or years) in which rates are low, but only if consistent spatial or temporal variation in demographic rates occurs. Using long-term demographic data for wild birds across Europe, we show that productivity tends to vary between sites (consistently across years), while survival rates tend to vary between years (consistently across sites), and that spatial synchrony is more common in survival than productivity. Identifying the conditions associated with low demographic rates could therefore facilitate spatially targeted actions to improve productivity or (less feasibly) forecasting and temporally targeting actions to boost survival. Decomposing spatio-temporal variation in demography can thus be a powerful tool for informing conservation policy and for revealing appropriate scales for actions to influence demographic rates.Peer reviewe

    Covariation in population trends and demography reveals targets for conservation action

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    Wildlife conservation policies directed at common and widespread, but declining, species are difficult to design and implement effectively, as multiple environmental changes are likely to contribute to population declines. Conservation actions ultimately aim to influence demographic rates, but targeting actions towards feasible improvements in these is challenging in widespread species with ranges that encompass a wide range of environmental conditions. Across Europe, sharp declines in the abundance of migratory landbirds have driven international calls for action, but actions that could feasibly contribute to population recovery have yet to be identified. Targeted actions to improve conditions on poor-quality sites could be an effective approach, but only if local conditions consistently influence local demography and hence population trends. Using long-term measures of abundance and demography of breeding birds at survey sites across Europe, we show that co-occurring species with differing migration behaviours have similar directions of local population trends and magnitudes of productivity, but not survival rates. Targeted actions to boost local productivity within Europe, alongside large-scale (non-targeted) environmental protection across non-breeding ranges, could therefore help address the urgent need to halt migrant landbird declines. Such demographic routes to recovery are likely to be increasingly needed to address global wildlife declines.Peer reviewe

    Recerca i tecnologia en enginyeria gràfica i disseny a la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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    Els temps canvien cada vegada més ràpidament, i a la universitat això encara es nota més. L’històric departament d‘Expressió Gràfica a l’Enginyeria (EGE) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, garant d’una docència de Grau, Màster i Doctorat de qualitat i adaptada a les necessitats de la societat, emprèn l’any 2020 amb una proposta de canvi de nom per adaptar-se al nous coneixements que estan esdevenint la seva matèria principal, al voltant de l’enginyeria gràfica i el disseny. Les àrees de recerca del centenar de professors que formen el departament són àmplies i variades, i sempre en col·laboració en diversos grups tant de la pròpia UPC com d’altres universitats. Una recerca avançada, de caràcter pluridisciplinari, on s'apliquen creativitat i innovació com a eines de coneixement, implicats en un territori ampli, i situats als diferents campus de la UPC. En els capítols d’aquest llibre podeu veure una petita mostra d’aquesta recerca tecnològica en camps ben variats.Postprint (published version

    Self-assembly of thermo and light responsive amphiphilic linear dendritic block copolymers

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    The synthesis and structural characterization of a new dual responsive linear-dendritic block copolymer (LDBC) is presented. The LDBC is constituted by a thermoresponsive linear block from polymethacrylate of oligo- and diethylene glycol, and a light responsive den- dron block of bis-MPA decorated at the periphery with 4-isobutyloxyazobenzene and alkyl chains in a 50:50 M ratio. Blocks are coupled together by copper(I) catalyzed alkyne–azide cycloaddition (CuAAC). The ability of the LDBC to form vesicle self-assemblies in water is described, as well as the effect of light and temperature on the vesicles morphology, on the basis of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and UV–vis spectroscopy studies. The effect of UV light and temperature on the vesicles struc- ture by SAXS and WAXS conducted on real time is also presented. Finally, the potential use of the vesicles to load and stimuli controlled release of small fluorescent molecules is probed