45 research outputs found

    The Political Economy of Financial Regulation Policies Following the Global Crisis

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    This paper analyses the efficiency of financial regulation reforms that are being supported in a variety of theoretical approaches after the 2007/2008 global crisis. The main challenges that prevent the efficiency of the reforms are; (i) maintaining the Basel approach that is argued to have led to the financial crisis, (ii) its limited content, (iii) its lack of global and national financial infrastructure (iv) not being designed in a framework that comprises the macropolicies. Due to the reasons mentioned above, this paper argues that the regulation policy can neither fulfil its stability role nor its distributive role and that in this way, it restructures forthcoming crisis, not the financial sector. In order to prevent crises, a critical approach is required on the mode of regulation of the economy and a reorganisation of capitalism is necessary on a larger scale. Keywords: Government Policy and Regulation, Financial Crises, Crisis Management. JEL Classification: G18, G01, H1

    Analyzing the Effects of Fiscal Policy On Income Distribution: A Comparison Between Developed and Developing Countries

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    The study examines the effect of fiscal policy on income distribution in developed and developing countries. The study analyzes the explanatory power of tax and transfers on income inequality in 17 developing and 30 developed countries in between 1990 and 2014 by using linear panel data estimation techniques. According to the findings, tax revenues decrease income inequalities in developing countries while social benefits decrease income inequality in developed countries. Also, the economic growth has negative impact on income distribution in developing countries whereas the economic growth and inflation have positive impact on income distribution in developed countries. Keywords: Fiscal policy, Income distribution, Tax and expenditure policy.  JEL Classifications: D63, D31, H20.

    İntihar olgularının cinsiyete göre özellikleri

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    Bu çalışma, 08-11 Aralık 2008 tarihleri arasında İstanbul[Türkiye]’da düzenlenen 1. International Eurasian Congress of Forensic Sciences’da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.Aim: We studied the patterns of suicide in forensic autopsies performed in Bursa province of Turkey to determine gender differences, incidence of suicide, subgroups of the population most vulnerable to,such deaths, and suicide methods used. Materials and methods: Nine hundred fifty-five death cases due to suicide underwent forensic autopsy between 1996 and 2005 in Bursa were included into the study. All of the cases were analyzed in terms of age, gender, and method of suicide, time of year, and alcohol use. Results were subjected to discriminant analyses using SPSS 11.0. Results: There were 955 cases, with 682 males (12-95 years; mean, 41.2 years) and 273 females (10101 years; mean, 33.1 years). For both genders, the most common method was hanging, accounted for 51.6% of the cases. Firearm injuries were more frequent in males than in females while insecticide poisoning, falling from height, and drug poisoning were more commonly used methods in females compared to males (P < 0.001), following hanging. Conclusion: In our study there was a significant difference between men and women in terms of suicide age and suicide method. More research studies are needed on gender differences in suicidal behavior to develop prevention strategies.Çalışmamızda Türkiye’de Bursa İli’nde otopsisi yapılan intihar olgularının insidansını, cinsiyet farklılıklarını, hangi grupların intihara daha yatkın olduklarını, ve kullanılan intihar yöntemlerini ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Yöntem ve gereç: Bursa İli’nde 1996-2005 yılları arasında adli otopsisi yapılan 955 intihar olgusu çalışmaya dahil edildi. İntihar olguları yaş, cinsiyet, intihar metodu, mevsim ve alkol kullanımı yönünden değerlendirildi. Veriler SPSS 11 paket programı kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: 955 olgunun 682’si erkek, 273’ü kadındı. Erkeklerde yaş ortalaması 41.2 (min:12-max:95), kadınlarda yaş ortalaması 33.1 ( min:10-max:101) idi. Her iki cins için en fazla kullanılan intihar yöntemi (% 51,6) ası idi. Her iki cinste en sık kullanılan yöntem olan asının ardından, ateşli silah yaralanması erkeklerde daha sık kullanılan bir yöntem iken, insektisit zehirlenmesi, yüksekten düşme ve ilaç zehirlenmesi kadınlarda daha sık kullanılan intihar yöntemleri idi (P < 0,001) Sonuç: Çalışmamızda intihar yöntemi ve intihar yaşı açısından cinsiyetler arasında anlamlı bir fark bulundu. İntiharın önlenmesine yönelik stratejiler geliştirilmesi açısından intiharlarda cinsiyet farklılıklarını ele alan daha çok araştırma yapılması gerekliliği olduğu sonucuna varıldı

    Perspectives on care and communication involving incurably ill Turkish and Moroccan patients, relatives and professionals: a systematic literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our aim was to obtain a clearer picture of the relevant care experiences and care perceptions of incurably ill Turkish and Moroccan patients, their relatives and professional care providers, as well as of communication and decision-making patterns at the end of life. The ultimate objective is to improve palliative care for Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands, by taking account of socio-cultural factors in the guidelines for palliative care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic literature review was undertaken. The data sources were seventeen national and international literature databases, four Dutch journals dedicated to palliative care and 37 websites of relevant national and international organizations. All the references found were checked to see whether they met the structured inclusion criteria. Inclusion was limited to publications dealing with primary empirical research on the relationship between socio-cultural factors and the health or care situation of Turkish or Moroccan patients with an oncological or incurable disease. The selection was made by first reading the titles and abstracts and subsequently the full texts. The process of deciding which studies to include was carried out by two reviewers independently. A generic appraisal instrument was applied to assess the methodological quality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-seven studies were found that reported findings for the countries of origin (mainly Turkey) and the immigrant host countries (mainly the Netherlands). The central themes were experiences and perceptions of family care, professional care, end-of-life care and communication. Family care is considered a duty, even when such care becomes a severe burden for the main female family caregiver in particular. Professional hospital care is preferred by many of the patients and relatives because they are looking for a cure and security. End-of-life care is strongly influenced by the continuing hope for recovery. Relatives are often quite influential in end-of-life decisions, such as the decision to withdraw or withhold treatments. The diagnosis, prognosis and end-of-life decisions are seldom discussed with the patient, and communication about pain and mental problems is often limited. Language barriers and the dominance of the family may exacerbate communication problems.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This review confirms the view that family members of patients with a Turkish or Moroccan background have a central role in care, communication and decision making at the end of life. This, in combination with their continuing hope for the patient’s recovery may inhibit open communication between patients, relatives and professionals as partners in palliative care. This implies that organizations and professionals involved in palliative care should take patients’ socio-cultural characteristics into account and incorporate cultural sensitivity into care standards and care practices<it>.</it></p

    Recent Development in Public Finance Since the 2008-2009 Global Crisis

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    Mali kriz bağlamında tobin vergisi ve Türkiye'de uygulanabilir bir versiyonu

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    Tobin Vergisinin uygulanmasına yönelik küresel düzeyde bir fikir birliği olmaması nedeniyle biz, söz konusu verginin daha çok Paul Bernd Spahn tarafından geliştirilen ve ulusal düzeyde uygulanabilme şansı yüksek görünen bir versiyonu üzerinde duracak ve ve 2000-2001 krizinde Türkiye'de böyle bir vergi uygulansaydı sonucun ne olabileceğini tahmin etmeye çalışacağız

    How Effective is the Tobin Tax in Coping with Financial Volatility?

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    The last two decades have witnessed increasingly frequent and severe financial crises that many related to short-term speculation. Consequently, James Tobin’s proposition of a small tax on cross-border currency transactions to reduce such speculation has featured prominently in the discussions on the future of the international financial system. Opponents claim that such a tax can easily be circumvented and would not be effective. This paper scrutinizes these claims in the light of recent refinements made in the literature to make an assessment for the Tobin tax’s effectiveness in coping with financial volatility. Evaluation of the paper suggests that such a tax, indeed, would not only be effective in reducing financial volatility but also technically feasible and relatively easy to apply.Globalization, Short-Term Capital Movements, Tobin Tax.

    Bir Grup Hekimin 5237 Sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu ile İlgili Değerlendirmeleri Anket Çalışması

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    Haziran 2005 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu (TCK) toplumun her alanında olduğu gibi hekimlik uygulamalarmda da bir takım yeni düzenlemeler getirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı pratisyen hekimler ve çeşitli uzmanlık alanlarından bir grup hekimin 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanu-nu’nun hekimleri ilgilendiren maddeleri ile ilgili bilgi düzeylerinin ve tartışmalı kimi maddelerle ilgili görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Uzman ve pratisyen hekimlerden oluşan 429 hekime 17.05.2005-20.11.2005 tarihleri arasında Türk Ceza Kanunu’nda yer alan değişiklerle ilgili 13 soruluk bir anket uygulanmış olup elde edilen veriler SPSS 11.0 programında değerlendirilmiştir. Anketi yanıtlayan 429 hekimin %25,9’u 26-30 yaş aralığında, % 24,5’i 31-35 yaş aralığında, %22,6’sı 36-40 yaş aralığında idi. Hekimlerin 111’i (%25,9) 1-5 yıllık hekimdi. Hekimlerin %76,9’u uzman, %19,3’ü pratisyen hekimdi. “5237 sayılı TCK ile ilgili herhangi bir eğitim aldınız mı?” sorusuna hekimlerin %80,9’u hayır yanıtmı verdi. Bildirim yükümlüğü ile ilgili soruya, hastalarının adli bir olaya karıştığından şüphelendikleri durumda adli makamlara bildirim yapıp yapmayacakları sorusuna hekimlerin %69’u bildirimde bulunacakları yanıtını verdi. Yapılan anket sonucunda hekimlerin 5237 sayılı TCK konusunda yeterince bilgi sahibi olmadıkları anlaşılmıştır. Öncelikli olarak hekimler yeni TCK ve cezai sorumlulukları konusunda bilgilendirilmeli, hekimlik uygulamalarmda ciddi sıkıntılar yaratacak maddeler tartışılmalıdır. Bildirim ile ilgili maddenin uygulamada ne denli sıkıntıya yol açacağı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Anahtar kelimeler: Türk Ceza Kanunu, yasal sorumluluklar, hekimle